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ESOTERICshade ago

This is what is open to be viewed free. If you watch all these I will pay the subscription fee so that you have full access and I will give you the password. At 19 years old, as smart as you are crensch, I am willing to go above and beyond. I'm an old fucker. We need smart people like you that, but we need you to UNDERSTAND the Hegilain Dialectic and the art of duality.

The Jews are playing us against each other in grand fashion. Once a person understands the game it suddenly becomes real easy. HEGELIAN DIALECTIC is the duality. Its a mirror image of itself. It looks exactly the same but its exactly backwards. Have you ever taken a mirror, held up a Bible to it, and turned it upside down and tried to read it? I have. It hurts the brain but I spent hours doing it.

Crensch ago

For anyone else reading this, suspicious link is suspicious.

And look at that disgusting brown-nosing/fawning over me.

ESOTERICshade ago

For anyone else reading this, suspicious link is suspicious.

And look at that disgusting brown-nosing/fawning over me.

Now you just look dumb because I just turned your shit stirring thread into a learning experience for everybody that reads this. You're gonna look pretty stupid when people learn tons of stuff from that link. My name is not



for nothing. I teach "that which is hidden" to all that want to know. If you are too stubborn to learn, that ain't my fault. People struggle to learn "esoterics" all day long, which only means "the hidden meanings" behind what is on the surface.

That is what we ALL DO every day is struggle to understand what is REALLY going on. You are only 19 years old. Buckle your seat belt and learn something instead of running your mouth nonstop.

We need smart young people to learn this shit and pass this knowledge on to the next generation. You have the aptitude, but you need the attitude, and so far, you ain't developed the attitude. Get in the game and learn. You could be a valuable asset to the team but you HAVE TO learn how decisions are made, who is making them, and what "esoterically" (hidden meaning) these words we speak really mean.

I"m willng to teach. Are you willing to learn?

Crensch ago

I teach "that which is hidden" to all that want to know.

Mr. Miyagi LARP is really in style lately.

ESOTERICshade ago

Mr. Miyagi LARP is really in style lately.

Spoken like an egotistical maniac that didn't watch the videos I offered.

Ok. Since critical thinkiing is not your style, and taking time before you speak, and absorbing information before you speak is not your style. Lets just support Voat. We can start there.

I will send @puttitioout a money order for one thousand dollars and have it there in less than a week. Ready? Match me. Lets go. We need @puttitiout to verify delivery though. Only he can judge the race. I bet I can get my money order to putt faster than you.

I offered you information first, and it is more valuable than the paltry thousand dollars I can send. But since you are intellectually stunted and can't be bothered to absorb information before you speak we can have a fund voat race. You ready negro?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#3205) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

think- ago

I will send @puttitiout a money order for one thousand dollars and have it there in less than a week.

You seem to be desperate if you have to resort to trying to bribe people. I feel sorry for you.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

Crensch ago

Spoken like an egotistical maniac that didn't watch the videos I offered.

So the egotistical one here isn't the guy that thinks the other obligated to watch his videos?

Ok. Since critical thinkiing is not your style, and taking time before you speak, and absorbing information before you speak is not your style. Lets just support Voat. We can start there.

You can start by choking on a big black cock.

I will send @puttitiout a money order for one thousand dollars and have it there in less than a week.

No, you won't, because he hasn't given us a place to send it.

Ready? Match me. Lets go.

Which makes the rest of this very obvious bluster and dishonestly. You wanting to play games again like the one you'd lose from before.

We need @puttitiout to verify delivery though. Only he can judge the race. I bet I can get my money order to putt faster than you.

So you want to determine who is right here by how quickly a money order can get somewhere?

Want to know how I know that YOU know you've lost, utterly, with words? @Trigglypuff @ExpertShitposter @gabara @kevdude @MadWorld

I offered you information first, and it is more valuable than the paltry thousand dollars I can send.

You posted a suspicious link while changing tactics to sucking my dick instead of your previous one of denigrating me.

But since you are intellectually stunted and can't be bothered to absorb information before you speak we can have a fund voat race.

Intellectually stunted, but you just said this about me:

We need smart people like you that, but we need you to UNDERSTAND the Hegilain Dialectic and the art of duality.

So you're a liar?

You ready negro?

Niggers. They're niggers. The fact that you won't say that word is hilarious.

think- ago

Pinging @MadWorld for you (6th user pinged).

@MadWorld: please see parent. Thanks.

Crensch ago

Thank you for the assist!

Apologies, @MadWorld.

think- ago

Welcome, @Crensch.

MadWorld ago

Thanks for the ping!

think- ago

Welcome, @MadWorld.

rarepeeks ago

Niggers. They're niggers. The fact that you won't say that word is hilarious

Ok, its "nigger." Happy? 19 years old are what they are. You have promise, because you have intellect, what you do with that intellect will be up to you. So far, mmmmm....i'm not impressed. Watch those videos. This is a STEEP learnin curve.

I wish I had the internet when I was 19 years old like you do. If I had your intellect, at 19 years old, and the ability to access the internet, I could have been a genius. When I was in college we didn't even have cell phones. NO CELL PHONES WHEN I WAS IN COLLEGE.

That is how old I am. Make the most of what you have. Watch the videos I gave you. They will change your perspective and make you the BIG DOG BRAIN you think you already are.

Good luck young buck :)

Vindicator ago

Watch the videos I gave you.

Woopsie. Looks like Esoteric got flustered and forgot which alt he was using. Rarepeeks = ESOTERICshade confirmed. LMAO. Screen capped, archived, added to my Esoteric dossier.

think- ago

Screen capped, archived, added to my Esoteric dossier.


EricKaliberhall ago

Ok, its "nigger." Happy? 19 years old are what they are. You have promise, because you have intellect, what you do with that intellect will be up to you. So far, mmmmm....i'm not impressed. Watch those videos. This is a STEEP learnin curve.

Look at this stupid motherfucker... Replaying with his alt @rarepeeks.

@Vindicator @think- @Crensch

Crensch ago

Wonder how long it'll take him to realize his mistake. He doesn't use this username terribly often, it seems - that or he deletes his comments after the shitstorm dies down.

think- ago

I hope you did a screenshot. Proof that 'rarepeeks' is his alt.

Crensch ago

Jews always make big mistakes when flustered.

Great catch, bud.

Vindicator ago

Jews always make big mistakes when flustered.

This is the inevitable pitfall of chronic dishonest conduct. Sooner or later, the weasel steps in a trap of his own making and has to gnaw his own leg off to escape.

EricKaliberhall ago

You shook the tree, I just picked up the fruit. Excellent work @Crensch.

Crensch ago

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

This reminds me of the velociraptor pack jungle hunting scene in Jurassic Park. :-) @EricKaliberhall

EricKaliberhall ago

[–] rarepeeks 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago Niggers. They're niggers. The fact that you won't say that word is hilarious Ok, its "nigger." Happy? 19 years old are what they are. You have promise, because you have intellect, what you do with that intellect will be up to you. So far, mmmmm....i'm not impressed. Watch those videos. This is a STEEP learnin curve.

I wish I had the internet when I was 19 years old like you do. If I had your intellect, at 19 years old, and the ability to access the internet, I could have been a genius. When I was in college we didn't even have cell phones. NO CELL PHONES WHEN I WAS IN COLLEGE.

That is how old I am. Make the most of what you have. Watch the videos I gave you. They will change your perspective and make you the BIG DOG BRAIN you think you already are.

Good luck young buck :)

MadWorld ago

And I have many screencaps, when he deletes the comment.

XD Nicely done!!! Save those archives/screencaps, they may come in handy someday...

I also keep his comments versioned, just in case he nukes his account. You can send me a list of users to preserve, if you want to. I might also start archiving some subverses, just to preserve the comments of those submissions in their entirety.

think- ago

I also keep his comments versioned, just in case he nukes his account. You can send me a list of users to preserve, if you want to. I might also start archiving some subverses, just to preserve the comments of those submissions in their entirety.

That would be terrific, @MadWorld, thank you!! :-)

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @Crensch

Vindicator ago

I might also start archiving some subverses, just to preserve the comments of those submissions in their entirety.

Yes, please, MadWorld. Do this for v/pizzagate.

MadWorld ago

Ok it is already set to preserve comments, 364 submissions and 12.6k comments so far. I don't have anything setup to reassemble each submission yet. But the comments should be preserved without issue.


Vindicator ago

MadWorld, are the comments searchable in your archive?

MadWorld ago

It is not indexed, but I can try. Do you have anything specific, such as username and keywords?

I noticed I had a tab open with a handful of snapshots on imgoat, and thought it might have to do with @think-'s deleted comments. I hope it was a bug; if not, that would be disturbing...

Edit: comment in question

Vindicator ago

Do you have anything specific, such as username and keywords?

Yes, but not ready to send just yet. Still investigating.

Here are a couple of additional likely ES alts: RidleyChozo, cutelobster

MadWorld ago

Thanks, I have added those two to the list. Currently, I am also able to search user's comment history on those already archived. It can take a set of usernames, a set of keywords, and an optional date range. I can also search the submission comments, but the range is currently very limited.

think- ago

Impressive. Thank you so much! :-)