Vindicator ago

No, he should keep talking, so I can keep downvoting his bullshit.

rarepeeks ago

Dude. Everyone was accusing you of using alts. I thought it was circumstantial at best. So basically we can assume everyone in this thread supporting you is you.

Situation is way overblown. They are using it as an excuse to discredit anybody that speaks against their opinion. Insecurity and huge ego does that to people.

Vindicator ago

@think- @MadWorld @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall I just found another very interesting example of Esoteric admitting to this.

If you look in Esoteric’s profile, you’ll see his a mod of v/SundayTest sub, which appears to be a sub created by @cantsleepawink during the @VieBleu rule change proposal fiasco to try to get Pizzagate set at 100 CCP minimum, the same move we just saw with the Reddit Q mods btw.

Here he is, admitting he is user @smurfy69: and upvoting himself: No big deal, right? This is just a little test area where he was trying to confirm what kev told him about 100 CCP to downvote setting. Except…

Look at the upvote and downvote score on the smurfy69 account:

Submissions: This user has upvoted 27 and downvoted 24 submissions.

Comments: This user has upvoted 422 and downvoted 127 comments.

There are only 33 comments made by smurfy69. Yet he upvoted 422 comments in his brief Voat career.

And now we know why EsotericShade has 12.5K CCP upvotes. It would only take a few sock puppets like this to accomplish that.

Incidentally, you'll also notice BOTH Esoteric and his smurfy69 sock commenting in this concern troll thread by @ArtificialDuality -- both claiming to have suffered torture from directed energy weapons. I shit you not. Exactly the kind of LARPy concern troll bullshit Jem777 was posting before I banned her -- and she's also helping push it in this thread. You'll also find twistedmac11 joining in there.

Vindicator ago

The pattern I've seen repeatedly is six or seven upvotes for ES and his alts, and about the same number or a multiple of it for those he is opposing. The numbers double and sometimes triple over time. (Note the votes on ES, rarepeeks, ipointouttrolls, DeathtoMasonsASAP, twistedmac11). This usually happens in Q threads. See:

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not sure why @crensch is so down on me. I defended @srayzie against the Redditt onslaught of accusations and we all know I don't like the Q thing, but @srayzie is solid as they come. I have contributed a lot to v/pizzagate. I helped you run Falcon out of pizzagate sub and I agree he was a VSD alt. I don't like mod manipulation and I believe in free speech. I have offered many times to support this server with cash.

I'm a pretty good Goat.

jangles ago

Avoid the hate and search for verifiable truths. Use integrity, defend your honor against these hell demon mods their logic is flawed, and it is obvious.

jangles ago

Thanks for being here goat! Keep up being good and be as transparent as possible.

Crensch ago

I defended @srayzie against the Redditt onslaught of accusations and we all know I don't like the Q thing, but @srayzie is solid as they come.

'The fuck does this have to do with anything? @think- nailed you to the fucking wall on this, too.

I have contributed a lot to v/pizzagate.

A lot of horseshit.

I helped you run Falcon out of pizzagate sub and I agree he was a VSD alt.

Oh, I know, with your alt army. Don't worry, proof of that is coming.

I don't like mod manipulation and I believe in free speech.

I don't like vote manipulation, and you don't believe in any such thing whatsoever. You believe in speech that agrees with you.

I have offered many times to support this server with cash.

Nobody cares.

I'm a pretty good Goat.

No, you're not. You're finished, and with you any possible resurgence of your narrative on PG - ever.

think- ago

I defended @srayzie against the Redditt onslaught of accusations and we all know I don't like the Q thing, but @srayzie is solid as they come.

The only reason you did that was for plausible deniability in case we would catch you. That is: now.

So don't even try to use this lame argument, Esoteric.

I have contributed a lot to v/pizzagate. I helped you run Falcon out of pizzagate sub and I agree he was a VSD alt.

Falcon was a VSD alt? Proof

Nobody is interested in bribes. Everybody is interested in legit, decent users. You ain't one of them, Esoteric.

I'm a pretty good Goat.

No, you aren't. Fuck off before I start vomiting on Crensch's thread. I'm a lady and would really hate doing it. Did I already say FUCK OFF?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

think- ago

I defended @srayzie against the Redditt onslaught of accusations and we all know I don't like the Q thing, but @srayzie is solid as they come.

The only reason you did that was for plausible deniability in case we would catch you. That is: now.

So don't even try to use this lame argument, Esoteric.

I have contributed a lot to v/pizzagate. I helped you run Falcon out of pizzagate sub and I agree he was a VSD alt.

Falcon was a VSD alt? Proof

Nobody is interested in bribes. Everybody is interested in legit, decent users. You ain't one of them, Esoteric.

I'm a pretty good Goat.

No, you aren't. Fuck off before I start vomiting on Crensch's thread. I'm a lady and would really hate doing it. Did I already say FUCK OFF?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

Another scenario is that you were running

I'm always running. Thats ok because at my age, if I stop moving, I will probably cease up with all the body injuries I have. Right now I am laying on the couch using one of three laptops, taking Ibuprofen, and not wanting to plant this Rye Grass, but it has to be planted. Then I will run back down to the houseboat and install a new heater in it. I'm a little hungover today though, not really into it, but I can't just sit here all day. I gotta do something....:)

ESOTERICshade ago

My internet shit at the houseboat is complicated. I have to use a Yagi antenna mounted on a sixty foot pole and shoot it four miles to a router at my office which is about six miles from my house. I have a desktop at my house, a desktop at the office, a laptop in the motor home, and also a phone. My passwords are cryptic and look similar to this >>> X1z6j0rV6e5

I'm too old to remember that shit and I have a lot of passwords. I created rarepeeks a while back at the houseboat because I couldn't remember the password to ESOTERICshade. I always have to copy and paste passwords because ain't no way I can remember them.

I need to write the ESOTERICshade password down on a piece of paper and tape it to the wall in the houseboat because if I forget the laptop, and it happens, I can't log in as ESOTERICshade because I can't remember the password.

I also supply wifi to 11 rent houses I own. My life is password hell. I shall strive to do better.

drstrangegov ago

I sunk your houseboat. Sorry.

ESOTERICshade ago

I sunk your houseboat. Sorry.

Something got sunk but it wasn't me. My goal was to keep v/pizzagate alive by keeping it and Qanon in two different subs. Mixing them together, as @vindicator wanted to do, would have utterly destroyed the credibility of pizzagate. Somebody had to fight that battle and save pizzagate, so I did it. I hated every minute of it and it ruined pizzagate for me. But, at the end of the day pizzagate is still alive and the Q world has it's own world. I feel VERY good about it all.

jangles ago

This appears to be honest. Thanks for attempting to do right.

think- ago

@Crensch @PuttItOut @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall:

The dog ate @EsotericShade's note, this is why he has to use different alts, and use all of them to brigade.

@EsotericShade is admitting the alt above is him, but blames it on his age - he was 'forced' to use the alt, since he wasn't able to remember the complicated password for his EsotericShade screenname.

Therefore he had to remember another password as complicated as that for the @EsotericShade handle. LMAO

You know Esoteric, even if you used the alt because of muh old age, how come that you upvoat and downvoat brigade with that alt? And that's not your only alt you are brigading with.

a desktop at the office

Impressive. I thought you retired years ago.

I shall strive to do better.

Nobody is interested in what you are planning to do. You fucked up. Completely, and we have proof.

If you have left a rest of dignity, you better delete your account. And while you're at it, the alt accounts as well, and never come back.

Game over.

Vindicator ago

Esoteric's excuse for running alts sounds EXACTLY like EYJP's recent excuses for all of her alts, don't you think? The only difference is, EYJP admits to it, while ES tries to keep them secret until he fucks up. Perhaps EYJP is doing it to help generate a cover story for ES et al to normalize the idea of running alts because "Muh passwords hard".


think- ago

Yep, those damn passwords. User has law degree but claims she can't remember her passwords.

User is able to write endless textwalls but claims he can't remember his passwords.

Must be a kind of a very specific, selective Alzheimer's thing. One that only Pizzagaters.get. /sarc

@EricKaliberhall @Crensch @ben_matlock

EricKaliberhall ago

sounds EXACTLY like EYJP's recent excuses for all of her alts, don't you think?

I was thinking the exact same thing. Their roles are; EYJP is the victim and ES is the savior. They give each other some credibility in their nasty act.

think- ago

@PieceSeeker @kevdude @MadWorld @Camulos: please see parent.

think- ago

@Shizy @MolochHunter: Please come over and look at @Esoteric's shitshow.

Shizy ago

Oh my flipping hell!!! This is highly entertaining!

Vindicator ago

Dude, you really think your excuses are going to do anything but convince anyone of good will on Voat that you are a weasel?

I've been documenting and calling out your dishonest tactics, vote brigading, censorship of fellow researchersand other unvoatsmanlike conduct for MONTHS. You sneak around gaslighting people, hoping Voat's labyrinthine structure and people's innate laziness about digging into stuff will shroud your agenda. Well, your ticket has been punched. You've destroyed your own reputation.

think- ago

Two days ago, I checked old comment threads. I came to the conclusion that user 'rarepeeks' is 100% one of the alts @EsotericShade uses for upvoat and downvoat brigading.

Would be grateful if you could check, @PuttItOut.

@PieceSeeker: Pinging you also since we found an upvoat brigade on v/pizzagate. FYI.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is what is open to be viewed free. If you watch all these I will pay the subscription fee so that you have full access and I will give you the password. At 19 years old, as smart as you are crensch, I am willing to go above and beyond. I'm an old fucker. We need smart people like you that, but we need you to UNDERSTAND the Hegilain Dialectic and the art of duality.

The Jews are playing us against each other in grand fashion. Once a person understands the game it suddenly becomes real easy. HEGELIAN DIALECTIC is the duality. Its a mirror image of itself. It looks exactly the same but its exactly backwards. Have you ever taken a mirror, held up a Bible to it, and turned it upside down and tried to read it? I have. It hurts the brain but I spent hours doing it.

Crensch ago

For anyone else reading this, suspicious link is suspicious.

And look at that disgusting brown-nosing/fawning over me.

ESOTERICshade ago

For anyone else reading this, suspicious link is suspicious.

And look at that disgusting brown-nosing/fawning over me.

Now you just look dumb because I just turned your shit stirring thread into a learning experience for everybody that reads this. You're gonna look pretty stupid when people learn tons of stuff from that link. My name is not



for nothing. I teach "that which is hidden" to all that want to know. If you are too stubborn to learn, that ain't my fault. People struggle to learn "esoterics" all day long, which only means "the hidden meanings" behind what is on the surface.

That is what we ALL DO every day is struggle to understand what is REALLY going on. You are only 19 years old. Buckle your seat belt and learn something instead of running your mouth nonstop.

We need smart young people to learn this shit and pass this knowledge on to the next generation. You have the aptitude, but you need the attitude, and so far, you ain't developed the attitude. Get in the game and learn. You could be a valuable asset to the team but you HAVE TO learn how decisions are made, who is making them, and what "esoterically" (hidden meaning) these words we speak really mean.

I"m willng to teach. Are you willing to learn?

think- ago

Now you just look dumb because I just turned your shit stirring thread into a learning experience for everybody that reads this

Everybody that reads this gets the impression that you've been running out of arguments, and try to deflect from it.

So back to the starting point: How many alts do you use for brigading, Esoteric?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

Crensch ago

I teach "that which is hidden" to all that want to know.

Mr. Miyagi LARP is really in style lately.

Vindicator ago

LOL...the rich, rich irony of @ESOTERICshade trying to be QAnon, while attacking anyone interested in researching Q and child trafficking...

Voat never ceases to amaze me.

ESOTERICshade ago

Mr. Miyagi LARP is really in style lately.

Spoken like an egotistical maniac that didn't watch the videos I offered.

Ok. Since critical thinkiing is not your style, and taking time before you speak, and absorbing information before you speak is not your style. Lets just support Voat. We can start there.

I will send @puttitioout a money order for one thousand dollars and have it there in less than a week. Ready? Match me. Lets go. We need @puttitiout to verify delivery though. Only he can judge the race. I bet I can get my money order to putt faster than you.

I offered you information first, and it is more valuable than the paltry thousand dollars I can send. But since you are intellectually stunted and can't be bothered to absorb information before you speak we can have a fund voat race. You ready negro?

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate submission by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#3205) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

think- ago

I will send @puttitiout a money order for one thousand dollars and have it there in less than a week.

You seem to be desperate if you have to resort to trying to bribe people. I feel sorry for you.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

Crensch ago

Spoken like an egotistical maniac that didn't watch the videos I offered.

So the egotistical one here isn't the guy that thinks the other obligated to watch his videos?

Ok. Since critical thinkiing is not your style, and taking time before you speak, and absorbing information before you speak is not your style. Lets just support Voat. We can start there.

You can start by choking on a big black cock.

I will send @puttitiout a money order for one thousand dollars and have it there in less than a week.

No, you won't, because he hasn't given us a place to send it.

Ready? Match me. Lets go.

Which makes the rest of this very obvious bluster and dishonestly. You wanting to play games again like the one you'd lose from before.

We need @puttitiout to verify delivery though. Only he can judge the race. I bet I can get my money order to putt faster than you.

So you want to determine who is right here by how quickly a money order can get somewhere?

Want to know how I know that YOU know you've lost, utterly, with words? @Trigglypuff @ExpertShitposter @gabara @kevdude @MadWorld

I offered you information first, and it is more valuable than the paltry thousand dollars I can send.

You posted a suspicious link while changing tactics to sucking my dick instead of your previous one of denigrating me.

But since you are intellectually stunted and can't be bothered to absorb information before you speak we can have a fund voat race.

Intellectually stunted, but you just said this about me:

We need smart people like you that, but we need you to UNDERSTAND the Hegilain Dialectic and the art of duality.

So you're a liar?

You ready negro?

Niggers. They're niggers. The fact that you won't say that word is hilarious.

think- ago

Pinging @MadWorld for you (6th user pinged).

@MadWorld: please see parent. Thanks.

Crensch ago

Thank you for the assist!

Apologies, @MadWorld.

think- ago

Welcome, @Crensch.

MadWorld ago

Thanks for the ping!

think- ago

Welcome, @MadWorld.

rarepeeks ago

Niggers. They're niggers. The fact that you won't say that word is hilarious

Ok, its "nigger." Happy? 19 years old are what they are. You have promise, because you have intellect, what you do with that intellect will be up to you. So far, mmmmm....i'm not impressed. Watch those videos. This is a STEEP learnin curve.

I wish I had the internet when I was 19 years old like you do. If I had your intellect, at 19 years old, and the ability to access the internet, I could have been a genius. When I was in college we didn't even have cell phones. NO CELL PHONES WHEN I WAS IN COLLEGE.

That is how old I am. Make the most of what you have. Watch the videos I gave you. They will change your perspective and make you the BIG DOG BRAIN you think you already are.

Good luck young buck :)

Vindicator ago

Watch the videos I gave you.

Woopsie. Looks like Esoteric got flustered and forgot which alt he was using. Rarepeeks = ESOTERICshade confirmed. LMAO. Screen capped, archived, added to my Esoteric dossier.

think- ago

Screen capped, archived, added to my Esoteric dossier.


EricKaliberhall ago

Ok, its "nigger." Happy? 19 years old are what they are. You have promise, because you have intellect, what you do with that intellect will be up to you. So far, mmmmm....i'm not impressed. Watch those videos. This is a STEEP learnin curve.

Look at this stupid motherfucker... Replaying with his alt @rarepeeks.

@Vindicator @think- @Crensch

Crensch ago

Wonder how long it'll take him to realize his mistake. He doesn't use this username terribly often, it seems - that or he deletes his comments after the shitstorm dies down.

think- ago

I hope you did a screenshot. Proof that 'rarepeeks' is his alt.

Crensch ago

Jews always make big mistakes when flustered.

Great catch, bud.

Vindicator ago

Jews always make big mistakes when flustered.

This is the inevitable pitfall of chronic dishonest conduct. Sooner or later, the weasel steps in a trap of his own making and has to gnaw his own leg off to escape.

EricKaliberhall ago

You shook the tree, I just picked up the fruit. Excellent work @Crensch.

Crensch ago

Thank you.

Vindicator ago

This reminds me of the velociraptor pack jungle hunting scene in Jurassic Park. :-) @EricKaliberhall

EricKaliberhall ago

[–] rarepeeks 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago Niggers. They're niggers. The fact that you won't say that word is hilarious Ok, its "nigger." Happy? 19 years old are what they are. You have promise, because you have intellect, what you do with that intellect will be up to you. So far, mmmmm....i'm not impressed. Watch those videos. This is a STEEP learnin curve.

I wish I had the internet when I was 19 years old like you do. If I had your intellect, at 19 years old, and the ability to access the internet, I could have been a genius. When I was in college we didn't even have cell phones. NO CELL PHONES WHEN I WAS IN COLLEGE.

That is how old I am. Make the most of what you have. Watch the videos I gave you. They will change your perspective and make you the BIG DOG BRAIN you think you already are.

Good luck young buck :)

MadWorld ago

And I have many screencaps, when he deletes the comment.

XD Nicely done!!! Save those archives/screencaps, they may come in handy someday...

I also keep his comments versioned, just in case he nukes his account. You can send me a list of users to preserve, if you want to. I might also start archiving some subverses, just to preserve the comments of those submissions in their entirety.

think- ago

I also keep his comments versioned, just in case he nukes his account. You can send me a list of users to preserve, if you want to. I might also start archiving some subverses, just to preserve the comments of those submissions in their entirety.

That would be terrific, @MadWorld, thank you!! :-)

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @Crensch

Vindicator ago

I might also start archiving some subverses, just to preserve the comments of those submissions in their entirety.

Yes, please, MadWorld. Do this for v/pizzagate.

MadWorld ago

Ok it is already set to preserve comments, 364 submissions and 12.6k comments so far. I don't have anything setup to reassemble each submission yet. But the comments should be preserved without issue.


Vindicator ago

MadWorld, are the comments searchable in your archive?

MadWorld ago

It is not indexed, but I can try. Do you have anything specific, such as username and keywords?

I noticed I had a tab open with a handful of snapshots on imgoat, and thought it might have to do with @think-'s deleted comments. I hope it was a bug; if not, that would be disturbing...

Edit: comment in question

Vindicator ago

Do you have anything specific, such as username and keywords?

Yes, but not ready to send just yet. Still investigating.

Here are a couple of additional likely ES alts: RidleyChozo, cutelobster

MadWorld ago

Thanks, I have added those two to the list. Currently, I am also able to search user's comment history on those already archived. It can take a set of usernames, a set of keywords, and an optional date range. I can also search the submission comments, but the range is currently very limited.

think- ago

Impressive. Thank you so much! :-)

ESOTERICshade ago

Please stop dragging me into this shit.

Sorry bro. You are just the smartest and most pragmatic person that comes to mind at the moment. I tried to throw it at ya because I know you care about Voat. My bad negro. I shall strive to do better :)

I didn't start this thread. I'm getting ready to eat some fish. I don't know why @crensch saw fit to try to start a shit storm but it won't even form a cloud base, much less become a storm.

v/pizzagate is actually dong pretty good under @vindicator leadership. He does a pretty good job. We spar about the efficacy of Q once in a while but I consider that healthy. @vindicator is actually a pretty good dude. @think- is an awesome mod.

I think we could probably put the brain of @EricKaliberHall in a thimble but I am just one man's opinion. I have a feeling @vindicator just put the brakes on his bad behavior though, because suddenly, he stopped his abusive craziness and the bullshit ceased.

Pretty sure @vindicator put a stop to it, and to his credit. Vindicator is a good guy even if I dont see everything the way he does.

think- ago

Sorry bro. You are just the smartest and most pragmatic person that comes to mind at the moment. I tried to throw it at ya because I know you care about Voat. My bad negro. I shall strive to do better :)

Do @kevdude a favour, and don't waste his time anymore. As you've seen, trying to flatter him hasn't worked.

I don't know why @crensch saw fit to try to start a shit storm

Because that's his job as board owner when someone is caught upvoat and downvoat brigading. In this case: YOU.

I think we could probably put the brain of @EricKaliberHall in a thimble but I am just one man's opinion.

Don't give me ideas what I'd like to do with YOUR brain, Esoteric

Vindicator is a good guy even if I dont see everything the way he does.

All of a sudden? Forgot your comments where you said he should step down as a mod?

I'm generous today, @EsotericShade. I have a pro-tip for you. :-)

@Vindicator won't be impressed when you slime yourself up his butt.

ESOTERICshade ago

I like @kevdude. He always did me right. So you can kindly fuck off with your white knight bullshit. My respect for you falls by the minute.

think- ago

So you can kindly fuck off with your white knight bullshit. My respect for you falls by the minute.

That's great. I will take it as a badge of honour, @EsotericShade. :-)

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Vindicator ago

I'm impressed at how badly he has fucked up in the past 24 hours. He's running around groveling like a hit dog. He does that with the Esoteric account when his bullying and lies are called out. I think he thinks it gives him credibility with softhearted pizzagate readers, and as a smokescreen for his constant efforts to prevent people from talking about certain subjects.

Crensch ago

How do you live with yourself having written such cringeworthy bullshit?

I don't know why @crensch saw fit to try to start a shit storm but it won't even form a cloud base, much less become a storm.

You've already lost your composure a few times, Jew, but Jews always pretend nothing happened when they lose.

ESOTERICshade ago

Its a weekend. Maybe @crensch is drunk, I dunno. crensch don't have to be drunk to start shit tho. Its just what censch does. Go outside in the sunshine crensch, get some Sun and fresh air. It will do you good.

Crensch, I firmly believe that you have Voat's best interest at heart. You are a true Goat. I don't doubt that, but, sometimes too much is too much big dog.....ease up.

Everything will be ok. We all want a free speech platform. That is why we are all here. I am willing to cut @puttitiout a thousand dollar check TODAY to keep this place running. Can you do the same? Think i'm joking? We can set it up so that @puttitout can verify delivery. I can have it to Switzerland in a week.

Can you?

think- ago

Its a weekend. Maybe @crensch is drunk, I dunno.

@Crensch isn't drunk, he is right. It's really obvious what you're doing, Esoteric.

Also, he is right that 'rarepeeks' is one of your alts.

I am willing to cut @puttitiout a thousand dollar check TODAY to keep this place running.

Not impressed. Nobody is interested in getting your money.

get some Sun and fresh air. It will do you good.

@Crensch is just fine. I'd suggest you go fishing on your boat instead.

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @ben_matlock

heygeorge ago

I’m a one man upvote brigade.

ESOTERICshade ago

I’m a one man upvote brigade.

naaaa. I got your back. Have an upvote George :) I just added one to your tally. Now me and you are two man up vote brigagde. But don't get used to it because I am more of a one night stand sort of dude. This will be our first and last date. Don't call me and beg to see me in the middle of the night wanting an up vote. Ya dig?

heygeorge ago

You downvote a bit much for my tastes. But that’s not as uncommon as I’d like.

Come shitpost with us at v/SoapboxBanhammer!

ESOTERICshade ago

Come shitpost with us at v/SoapboxBanhammer!

I heard witches and devils hang out in that swamp. Is it true?

heygeorge ago

Diversity in shitposting is our strength

ESOTERICshade ago

All I did was upvote somebodys comments that I felt like was being unfairly down voted by a mod. If you want to call that an upvote brigade be my guest. I have nothing else to say about it. I added a vote to a person's comments because somebody was following them around downvoting all their comments. Thats all I have to say.

think- ago

All I did was upvote somebodys comments

Ok, so you systermatically upvoated the comments of this user.

Begs the question: With how many of your alts?

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

Crensch ago

I added a vote to a person's comments because somebody was following them around downvoting all their comments.

No proof of this. Proof of your brigade, and of users like you agreeing and doing the same. Enjoy the show.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he's doing it on my posts. You're butthurt that I screenshot your stupid comments and archive them. Why don't you just ban me then? Oh that's right you enjoy harassing pizzagate researchers while making no actual contribution other than commenting on the posts of people you do not like and calling them shills.

think- ago

Why don't you just ban me then?

You know perfectly well that we don't ban users here for their comments, @EffYouJohnPodesta, as long as you don't spam the same comments over and over again, try to sell mobile phones or other crap, or post cp.

So stop playing the victim card.

You are free to leave any time though.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

"Stop playing the victim card" OK, no problem, I try to be polite, but when accused of lying about being sent snuff films, I will defend myself, and when accused of lying about being raped I'll defend myself, and when called terrible names and told I'm on a shill I'll defend myself. If you wanna call that a victim card that is up to you.

think- ago

"Stop playing the victim card" OK, no problem, I try to be polite, but when accused of lying about being sent snuff films, I will defend myself, and when accused of lying about being raped I'll defend myself, and when called terrible names and told I'm on a shill I'll defend myself. If you wanna call that a victim card that is up to you.

As usual twisting what I said. I was referring to 'Why don't you just ban me then?'. As you very well know.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

In conclusion, think is a mind reader, and the mods are all saints.

Crensch ago

he's doing it on my posts.

Which you've not proven.

You're butthurt that I screenshot your stupid comments and archive them.

Never happened, but keep lying, Rabbi.

Why don't you just ban me then?

Because that's literally the only reason you're here, is to get a mod to step out of line so you can whine to the rest of Voat.

Oh that's right you enjoy harassing pizzagate researchers while making no actual contribution other than commenting on the posts of people you do not like and calling them shills.

This entire subverse wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me. Also, M_F would still be modding if it wasn't for me.

You have done less for PG than I have.

If I left, you'd leave both ES and Cc1914 and anyone else who comments positively alone.

How did you come to such a fantastically stupid conclusion?

Why don't you explain what it is about me that you don't like.

The way you act like a shill, and anyone associated with ES is suspect, since he's a known subversive and shitstirrer of this subverse since the very beginning.

EDIT: someone waiting 2-3 weeks and pretending that they don't remember the child snuff film post where he harassed me, on and on, or the one where he claimed I'm on a list for execution, before trying to claim I'm lying about the same topic on a post Honeybee made a few days ago.

Why the fuck would I remember you? You're insignificant. I also don't believe I was ever shown any evidence of such a thing, so you're probably trying to gaslight, too, Jew.

Seems rather dishonest.

Seems like you're more than a little stupid.

OH, finally SOME support for your claim, but I don't know @gamepwn, and as far as I'm concerned, he could be you.

Link me to where this shit happened. Here. On Voat. Shill.

gamepwn ago

Don't drag me into this. I am not apart of this. Second no I am not her. I have been here almost two years fighting this. I lead a YouTube page of 8k people and had millions of viewers in the past on YouTube for years before Pizzagate.

I helped her out and can confirm the child snuff video is real. I saw it. Richard Dickenson was threatening her and telling her the shills are coming. Besides that don't drag me into this I am not apart of it.

Crensch ago

Consider yourself not dragged in.

think- ago

Thanks. He is legit.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you look at my comment you'll see it in the screenshots. I have to go put my children to bed. So, I'll have to address your concerns that you don't remember later on some time.

Crensch ago

If you look at my comment you'll see it in the screenshots.

Imgur link. Why the FUCK, if you're concerned about your opsec, to you allow that website access to your computer? I thought you were joking. All of this stalking and harrassment talk and you just drop trou for a bunch of pedo leftists running an imagehost spinoff of Reddit?

I have to go put my children to bed.

Also, why the fuck are you talking about your kids here? Just say you have to go like any healthy goddamn adult. PROTECT YOURSELF IF YOU ARE INDEED A WOMAN WITH KIDS AND A FAMILY WHILE INVESTIGATING DANGEROUS PEOPLE.

So, I'll have to address your concerns that you don't remember later on some time.

I won't hold my breath.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh that's right you enjoy harassing pizzagate researchers while making no actual contribution other than commenting on the posts of people you do not like and calling them shills.

I bet that hurt. @crensch never outed the first pedo but has harassed many that do. The v/pizzagate sub would be in better hands if it were in the hands of someone that actually gave a shit. @crensch gutted me like a fish because I wanted to out the Jesuit/Jewsuits pedos because crensch didn't have clue who they were.

inb4 "prove it jew shill".............i'm ready, whenever you are...............

think- ago

@crensch never outed the first pedo

You know perfectly well that without @kevdude and @Crensch, this sub wouldn't even exist even more.

You also know that @Crensch endorsed the demodding of MF, and me getting modded instead.

He is an O. There is a reason he keeps a distance, and only steps in when he has in order to protect the sub. Which unfortunately he has to do now, Esoteric, since you are clearly upvoat brigading, using all your alts.

He has always supported the Pizzagate research, and has always had my back as a mod.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Crensch ago

I bet that hurt.

Kek. Oh yeah, that hurt SO bad. Let me phone a proctologist for you since you seem so deeply butthurt over all of this that you think such a weak dig would hurt me.

@crensch never outed the first pedo but has harassed many that do.

Neither did you, and given that I was instrumental in keeping this subverse alive, I don't think this is a smart line of argumentation for you.

The v/pizzagate sub would be in better hands if it were in the hands of someone that actually gave a shit.

It wouldn't exist if it weren't for me. Keep at it though, faggot. I'm sure you'll make things better somehow.

@crensch gutted me like a fish because I wanted to out the Jesuit/Jewsuits pedos because crensch didn't have clue who they were.

I know who they are, and I know what they do; your submissions were shit, just like everything else about you, and they didn't follow the rules. You deserved every ounce of thrashing you got.

inb4..... "prove it jew shill".............i'm ready, whenever you are...............first i'm gonna let you run your mouth, like you want to do, then i'll drop the hammer on your ignorance.

You're really quite stupid.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm willing to put my submissions to v/pizzagate up against yours anytime you are ready. Ready?

Crensch ago

I'm willing to put my submissions to v/pizzagate up against yours anytime you are ready. Ready?

"I'm willing to making an unfair game to show you how right I am. Ready?"

Kek. You're losing with words, so you need to go after my submissions.

How about this, faggot. Let's go back in time and not have me step in and defend this place, and let's see how many PG posts there are. How about that game? Wanna play?

ESOTERICshade ago

For the love of God stop saying "kek" because it makes you sound like you are only about 19 years old. Outgrow that shit. Watch the videos I gave you. After you are through watching them your world view will be forever changed. I realize its not as fast paced as the 4Chan college you were educated by. This information requires mathematical skills. Actually, you have to be a "polymath" to undersand this shit. I think you are up to the task. I really do. Stop saying "kek" for petes sake. Holy shit...

Crensch ago

For the love of God stop saying "kek" because it makes you sound like you are only about 19 years old.

It drives Jews and leftists absolutely nuts. Which are you? Nevermind, I know, because Jews like you get extremely flustered and make big mistakes when you get emotional.

Also, again, telling an adult what to do. A human would feel shame over such a thing.

Outgrow that shit.

More telling me what to do. Do you get tired of pretending to be Pizzagate grampa, faggot, or does the nigger dick in your ass recharge you for the next round of being a completely insufferable cunt?

Watch the videos I gave you. After you are through watching them your world view will be forever changed.

I don't trust Jews and shady links they give me.

I realize its not as fast paced as the 4Chan college you were educated by.

I'm an autodidact, and 4chan was a better educational facility than any college for everything not specific to a STEM, trade, or law career. The fact that I caused you to make so many mistakes already is evidence enough that maybe you just aren't as smart as you think you are; a human would recognize this and stop with the age and education insults. Every insult thrown at me about my cognitive abilities just makes you look that much worse, because you got wrecked in the past 13ish? hours.

This information requires mathematical skills.

And? I picked up the formulas for curvature of the Earth for the sole purpose of proving Flat Earthers wrong. Maybe you should worry about your own qualifications for continuing to respond to me?

Actually, you have to be a "polymath" to undersand this shit.

You can't even keep this dialogue going without making mistakes, but somehow I'm supposed to believe you're capable of making headway in many esoteric facets of different fields? Having it as your username doesn't make it true, faggot.

I think you are up to the task. I really do.

"You can do it, Champ" patronizing faggot.

Stop saying "kek" for petes sake. Holy shit...

Why? Because it triggers you?


ESOTERICshade ago

"I'm willing to making an unfair game to show you how right I am. Ready?" Kek. You're losing with words, so you need to go after my submissions.

How about this, faggot. Let's go back in time and not have me step in and defend this place, and let's see how >many PG posts there are. How about that game? Wanna play?

Don't move the goal posts. You have the ban hammer. You can ban me, for my thoughts, anytime you get ready.

All I said was, "i'm willing to put up my submissions to pizzagagate in comparison to yours. Lets SEE who has contributed content. What the quality of the content is."

I'm ready. Are you? If the answr is "no" then just say "i don't contribute submissions to pizzagate" and we can forget it. We both know that you don't understand pizzagate worth a shit to begin with and that you just squat on the ownership of it. Considering that, I still suggest that you give ownershipt of the sub to @kevdude because actually DOES understand pizzagate and he is vastly more capable than you are to run it. Just a suggestion.

think- ago

Considering that, I still suggest that you give ownership of the sub to @kevdude because he actually DOES understand pizzagate and he is vastly more capable than you are to run it. Just a suggestion.

Nobody gives a shit anymore what you think.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

Crensch ago

Don't move the goal posts.

I didn't move shit. You wanted to play the game of "how many submissions", and you presented it. My rule just went a bit further, but is completely reasonable.

You have the ban hammer. You can ban me, for my thoughts, anytime you get ready.

This is just evidence that you are only here for the sole purpose of causing division with the mods. @EffYouJohnPodesta

All I said was, "i'm willing to put up my submissions to pizzagagate in comparison to yours. Lets SEE who has contributed content. What the quality of the content is."

And all I basically responded with was that my contribution allowed for that content to exist here. Still want to play?

I'm ready. Are you? If the answer is "no" then just say "i don't contribute submissions to pizzagate" and we can forget it.

Only of you say "I have done nothing to keep PG here, and without @Crensch, there would be no PG subverse on this website." Fair's fair.

We both know that you don't understand pizzagate worth a shit to begin with and that you just squat on the ownership of it.

We both know that you don't actually do any research, you just regurgitate things that seem legitimate, (but that don't threaten those that pay your shekels,) so your username seems legitimate.

Considering that, I still suggest that you give ownership of the sub to @kevdude because he actually DOES understand pizzagate and he is vastly more capable than you are to run it. Just a suggestion.

Considering that, I still suggest you delete your account, since Jews like you are overemotional and low IQ; otherwise you will continue to make mistakes like your upvote brigade comments and duck shit fetish comments. Just a suggestion.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, I just got called a Rabbi. That sucks because I don't particularly agree with Zionism at all. And I've posted multiple times how much I hate the oral suction circumcision and for people to watch Marching To Zion by Steven Anderson. I don't enjoy jew bashing at all. But I'm the farthest thing from a Rabbi. I became a born again Christian when I was 5 years old. God is amazing and I'm not going to stoop to jew bashing to prove it.

Crensch ago

Yeah, I just got called a Rabbi.

Because you're acting like a kike.

That sucks because I don't particularly agree with Zionism at all.

Jews claim that all the time.

And I've posted multiple times how much I hate the oral suction circumcision and for people to watch Marching To Zion by Steven Anderson.

Good for you. Stop acting like a Jew, you'll stop getting accused of being one.

I don't enjoy jew bashing at all.

Because you're a Jew.

But I'm the farthest thing from a Rabbi.

"I'm a non-practicing Jew." Right?

I became a born again Christian when I was 5 years old. God is amazing and I'm not going to stoop to jew bashing to prove it.

You're either a crypto pretending to be Christian, or you're still sucking Jew dick.

The sickest pedophile fucks on the planet are an entire race of hooked-nosed genetic failures but you don't participate in Jew bashing. Right. Where the fuck do you think you are?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

No, I'm not Jewish. I don't like bashing entire groups of people. I hate circumcision and genital mutilation and I hate how the Talmud refers to Jesus.

Crensch ago

The Talmud specifically sanctions the rape of little children. I could find the passages if you like.

The bottom line is, it is entirely likely that every Jewish child you've ever met has been raped many times over - by other Jews, family members, Rabbis, etc.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I do not know that many Jewish people in real life. The only couple that I do know - one was very weird in high school and did a lot of weird stuff that in retrospect seems like she was a victim of trauma. She had her hair almost shaved and used to do a lot of acid and talked about hallucinations she would have.

I just know that when I watched Marching to Zion and they showed the portions of the Talmud that specifically refer to Jesus and call him a bastard and mock Mary saying she was a whore who conceived via a Roman soldier (can't remember the name) that I became incredibly offended. The passage about claiming Jesus should be swimming in a river of excrement in Hell reminded me of some of the Satanic comments I've read on some of my pages in the past. They're no friend to real Christians and the politicians posting the Satanic star of Remphan and pretending it's good for Israel and claiming Israel is our friend and doing everything for Israel super piss me off. They cannot truly all be that ignorant.

Crensch ago

The passage about claiming Jesus should be swimming in a river of excrement in Hell reminded me of some of the Satanic comments I've read on some of my pages in the past.

Jews have a shit fetish, too.

They're no friend to real Christians and the politicians posting the Satanic star of Remphan and pretending it's good for Israel and claiming Israel is our friend and doing everything for Israel super piss me off.

Oh, good. Then you're on your way to being fully redpilled on Jews.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yes I suppose so.