SearchVoatBot ago

This submission was linked from this v/ProtectVoat comment by @Crensch.

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sodePllAlliK ago

I reported the video, but of course it wasn't removed because it didn't violate fascistbook's community standards.

xenu710 ago

is there any kind of actual link to the video now?

IWorshipQAnon ago

I don't know. This is Amy /Eff. Ask @gamepwn, he might know. I did not watch it.

AlanAB ago

When we go dark to LIGHT and the redaction's end, that'll include things like these videos.... so much snuff has been recorded alongside the perverse truckloads of pizza material, when our POTUS does the DECLAS that stuff will be made public (censored I'm sure) but available and many of us are going to learn that people in our lives who died didn't die the way we thought they did.... I also suspect we will learn what exactly what happens to all the kidnapped children and that too is probably video taped and classified with State Secrets.

mooteensy ago

AlanAnon! Thinking of you and praying for you, as always. Keep up the great fight! Patriots win.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Good for you for posting this and fuck the scumbag Trump and Q promoting mods.

EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @gamepwn I do like you and your work... Now however you are whining like a little bitch.

The mods told me it was not pizzagate related and deleted it.

I deleted it because you did not edit your submission so it was up to standard, you had 24hr to do so. It is the rules this community wants and expects the moderators to enforce.

Did you ever wonder why @EffYouJohnPodesta asked you to do research and ultimately a submission? @EffYouJohnPodesta had done several submissions that where flaird and was/is in dispute with the whole mod team... Why you might ask; @EffYouJohnPodesta uses alts to fuck with regular users on v/pizzagate. @EffYouJohnPodesta submits submissions that are never up to standard, when asked to edit everything is made about "her", it's always about "her". @EffYouJohnPodesta lies about the mod team constantly, that they are targeting "her" with downvote bots and all kinds of crazy shit...

Conclusion is, @EffYouJohnPodesta is either a shill... Or someone with mental issues (that always got to make every fucking thing about her)... Either case, I don't trust anything coming from "her" and neither should you... Don't take my word for it, research the 'Removed Submission' down to your right.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I didn't ask him to make a post. I asked him to help me figure out if it was Worldcorpo related. Stop harassing me on my son's birthday and leave me alone Eric. I've stopped making posts due to your instigating a fake Black PR campaign about me and threatening to ban me. You and the other mods can get away with saying things like cunt and for me to die. It's insane, you're all extremely demented assholes.

EricKaliberhall ago

I didn't ask him to make a post. I asked him to help me figure out if it was Worldcorpo related.

Research... I stated research. Stop with your fucking weasel-words.

Stop harassing me on my son's birthday and leave me alone Eric. I've stopped making posts due to your instigating a fake Black PR campaign about me and threatening to ban me.

Me me me me, my my my... Stop harassing the mod team you self centered whore.

You and the other mods can get away with saying things like cunt and for me to die. It's insane, you're all extremely demented assholes.

So the mod team is telling you to die now... Lying cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you were a real person I would file a lawsuit against you for harassment and defamation. But you're just an internet TROLL.

Crensch ago

I hope they send you the bill for wasting their time, cunt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

keep dreaming

Crensch ago

Not dreaming at all. What, exactly, do you think is going to happen to the people paying you? you will be on the same list. I guess if you think it's bad enough to be execution, maybe you shouldn't be doing what you're doing?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

reporting this comment as well, have a nice day

Crensch ago

It must suck to have that looming over your head. Maybe if you stop now, you can cop a plea deal? Or are you one of those that's in this not only for the pay but also because you participate in some of the illegal activities that won't get any Mercy in the military tribunals?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Are you having fun with this Crensch? The only thing I have looming over my head is the threat of harassment, stalking and intimidation from people like fake operatives going under anonymous Facebook accounts sending child snuff films... I would never work for any military agency, I'm anti-war. I would not want to work for the government either. Go back to your Little Debbies snack cakes that your mommy brought you. Good luck with your future, you're going to need a lot of work on your personality.

Crensch ago

Sounds like you need a safe space, snowflake. Try Reddit.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That could be.

Vindicator ago

NOTED: EYJP trying to spin @Crensch stating shills are going to jail and that she is too dumb to survive long term as a direct threat, claiming she has reported it to "the authorities."

Jem777 pulled exactly the same thing.

I've archived the comment.

@gamepwn: FYI

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he did not say the word jail, he said "kill," "hunt you down" and "life expectancy"

think- ago

This is a fake news story which has been spread since autumn 2017.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The person that appears at the top of his page, someone named Katie, is a new post he made. That is not me. I am thinking he is either stalking her too or picked a random person to post so people would assume Katie is me. @gamepwn wow

smokratez ago

The mods told me it was not pizzagate related and deleted it.

Are you guys still being bullied by your mods? Why not make a new sub?

LadyMisfortune ago

I hope the Q team cleared the path. I joined a year ago and it was CHOCK FULL of shills here, made me quit posting...

smokratez ago

It was. I couldn't get involved because it was a whole team. I don't know how it's like now.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Where?, Voat is controlled like Reddit. There will always be scumbags like these mods doing dirty work for a dollar.

think- ago

Project much? :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

No, just calling the mods pedo protecting scumbags. D

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I did. It's at pizzagate1A. I want to be on here though because I don't think people will go to the new site and I am here to help others not for myself. I don't like being stalked and harassed because of it but I probably was stupid to investigate this stuff in the first place.

toutedesuite ago

Very glad you posted this here. I had no idea. Never would have seen/known about this. Will not view such horrific material, am already traumatised by soooo much, do not need to have visual evidence burned into my brain. But I appreciate credible , understated and rational descriptions so I can understand the magnitude we are confronting.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thank you. I also haven't looked at it. The cover photo and the PM he sent me was too much for me.

SecondAmendment ago

I hope you've reported to police, fbi, and even your local media. I also hope you are able to protect yourself. Please don't confirm or deny or share any details of your self defense system.

But, in general, I suggest video cameras, dogs, automatic lighting, lawful shotguns, handguns, etc.

Stay safe.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Thank you. Yeah I know better than to tell anyone the details of what security stuff I have in place.

Piscina ago

For what it's worth, I appreciate your posts. I've never thought you were a shill. You contribute a lot, and that's of course why you've been targeted. Hang in there! This place needs people like you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thank you!!

3141592653 ago

I for one am sick that our mod is here calling a woman a whore and a cunt. Not ok.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah, def. agree

smokratez ago

Dang. Good luck. Stay safe.

Samson134 ago

I watched the vid and it is disturbing, but i got the impression that it may not have been pizzagate related but instead isis related as they do all these beheading vids and the boy looked to be syrian or from somewhere li,e syria.

nosilence1 ago

The boy looked clearly western and so did his clothes, didnt seem ISIS related AT ALL.

QuestionEverything ago

Mods have been decent imo. 24 hour grace periods, clear statements: just make sure you have PG criteria on the post. Clearer rules needed? Because i see no outright mod abuse.

3141592653 ago

I see verbal abuse when mod is calling this woman a whore and a cunt

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

That's because there is a double standard where some people are concerned and they are able to accuse me of being a deep state disinformation shill and call me a liar because I responded to someone's comment whom they do not like and they think is a deep state disinformation shill. I was recently told I deserve to die by one of the mods. Then one of the mods took my words and completely twisted them and started pinging everyone. They do not want me on here anymore and I've been given a formal ban warning. They flair a lot of my posts and then complain that they had to flair it while I have tried my best to be a good member and follow the rules, they think I am intentionally not following the rules. The main reason they seem to hate me now is because I said Q is a psy op, and because I didn't like that they were disparaging Jenny Moore the week she died.

Otto- ago

For what it's worth, Eff, I have to agree that the treatment I've seen directed at you lately is surprising and discouraging. I also agree with the base rules upheld by the mods, of course, but the double standard is obvious. I don't know what you need to hear, but thank you, hang in there, and I very much appreciate you coming forward. All this stuff is hard to put away at home, and not take personally. I wish you the best.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thanks so much!!

QuestionEverything ago

  1. love your username
  2. I don't think mods are rly vendetta against you. You being here and posting is good confirmation..
  3. I appreciate your posts. Thank you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't intend to respond to any more of Vindicator's comments, he has convinced himself I'm a Jem777 related account and a disinformation shill. All you have to do is read through his comments below in this thread to see where he accuses me of being a disinformation actor. Fuck that! These were real threats sent to me and his accusation that because I thought it might be my ex husband means I am making it up is totally ridiculous. Yes they do have a vendetta against me and it started a month ago when I responded to EsotericShade and then escalated after Jenny Moore died. I guess I need to make separate thread showing what was said to me.

Anyway I don't care what they think, but I am just letting you know because I'm not talking directly to them again. Vindicator asked me to stop PMing him so I did, then he goes around making numerous false statements about me everywhere all over my posts.


you seem to speak with heart .. many mods seem to speak with deception in their heart....keep on being real.truth.humble and you'll be in peace. Evil will have been binded from your being once you go down that path day in day out. We are human we will trip and fall but always have faith in good and you'll be alright No FEAR

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I'm sure it's just that their jobs suck. I was going back through looking at all the entries for "shill" on PG forums and it seems like that is all that they ever deal with, either actual shills, people arguing about who's a shill, or people calling them shills. They'll get over it and I'll still be around if I can. I don't think I could deal with having to do that job every day, weeding out anonymous shills on the internet. Sounds annoying AF.

ilovejuices ago

ISIS is CIA so, same people.

gamepwn ago

He doesn't look middle eastern, usually those beheading videos look alot different. This kid looks white and is wearing a western shirt.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I haven't watched it but one of my friends told me there was another video on his FB page of an asian looking kid getting beat up. He had a copy of my blog on his FB with a pizzagate related article I wrote and it said "You Know What to Do, shills"

Piscina ago

That is terrible. I won't go looking for that snuff movie, but I believe you. And I have no doubt that this kind of material is used to silence people like effyoujohnpodesta. I too was sent some images that I have never been able to forget. I took them to the police and sent them to the FBI. I will not even describe what was happening in those photos but one of them was of a little girl (about 9 or 10), limp and drugged, after she had been badly sexually abused. The other image I won't even describe. There are some truly sick things happening out there.

FedUp1971 ago

The sad thing, even if it is an older video, the reality is it is still happening. I cannot wait for these sick f#cks get what they deserve.

nosilence1 ago

I too watched the video and it haunts me until this day. Someone mentioned in the original thread that supposedly the video was old but no one has been able to give any context or background story on it. Does anyone know what's the story of the video? And no it is NOT Isis related, the kid was clearly western.

3141592653 ago

I too have one particular image burned into my mind forever. I will spare everyone the horrifying details

Vindicator ago

The mods told me it was not pizzagate related and deleted it.

@gamepwn, that is a mischaracterization. Mods did not "tell" you it was "not pizzagate related". They asked you to edit explaining how this was related to child abuse by the global elite, which you did not do:

We've had many discussions about the submission rules, and no one has lobbied to remove the "elite" stipulation from the Definition of Pizzagate. You are welcome to make a case for that rule change in v/pizzagatemods at any time and I will sticky it so people can vote. Until then, mods are obligated to remove threads that don't make a plausible case for some connection to the globalist Cabal. The current ruleset does not allow posts about every child rape or murder. It never has.

@think- @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Fuck you, you promote unsubstantiated bullshit and you promote your own threads even. Nobody want you here, you are constantly working against this sub. Just leave, nobody appreciates you, you are not one of us. Seriously, why are you here, we did not chose you, don't want you and didn't ask for your rules.

Vindicator ago

I'm ready for a vote any time, Death. :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Your death would be satisfactory to all, especially those with the misfortune to know you. How are the kids? D

gamepwn ago

Vindicator we have had several sra survivors that have had no proofs or links or anything make it through fine and make posts here. They write comments on her blog telling her they are coming for her and threatening her life. They send these snuff videos and pictures to Her, her mother, and her friends. I know for a fact that all the websites that show deaths don't show Child Murders. Accidents yes maybe even a video of a shootout of a child getting hit but never a full on murder and especially not a beheading. The fact that Facebook has not deleted it yet and there are hundreds of comments saying they are reporting it on YouTube shows pizzagate. That Richard guy stalked her throughout the internet and I confirmed when I saw that video. I think it was a death threat towards her.

NotHereForPizza ago

It's leaking.

Careful now, eh? @Vindicator

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thank you for making this post gamepwn. Whoever did this to me is probably CIA because FB won't remove his profile and he was able to both add me and make me accept it without me pushing any buttons. It came after some serious stuff had gone down against me. Stuff I have documented & published on but not all of it is provable. I tweeted about some of it last night. I stumbled onto some weird stuff and it was what probably brought this person to my blog. It's on my Twitter as of last night but I honestly don't know if I want the attention on it or not, it feels very dangerous.


Sorry to hear that your being Targeted. I know for a fact about FB having a backdoor entry to CIA spooks or hackers to use as they please. FB just turns the other way when it's something the Cabal needs. When Pizzagate story first came out in Nov 2016 I was posting on various websites 24/7 Besides the usual bans and shilling I remember two " FB friends" being added to my account with me never requesting or accepting them. They weren't even trying to be suttle about it...the profiles were of a pic of an indian/arab man? and his profile had pics of children and the other was a man in a black robe calling himself a Warlockwith all kinds of Satanic imagery. I couldnt delete them and after a couple weeks they dissapeared....probabaly was just checkin my bits and pieces.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah that has happened to me. I used to have way more friends like almost 2000, and decided one day to remove most of them because I found out my ex was on a secret account looking at everything I posted for years. I found several of those who were people I never remembered adding. It was bizarre. I keep trying to get my number down to like 100 but can't seem to go below 150 without feeling guilty or wanting to stay friends with people. I no longer post as many pictures of my kids and almost never post videos. There was a guy I went to law school with who told me it's dangerous to do that and to stop posting so many pictures of my kids. Turns out he went to one of those CIA feeder schools so I guess he knew what he was talking about. Any time I see an old friend who posts no pictures of themselves on LinkedIn or FB I assume they've decided to join the dark side.

Vindicator ago

The fact that Facebook has not deleted it yet since that video was posted on the 17th and there are hundreds of comments saying they are reporting it on YouTube shows pizzagate.

This is a fair point that could connect this to the why didn't you add it to your post?

I think it was a death threat towards her.

EYJP herself posted months ago, after she first posted about this and said to disregard the posts about threats because they were fake and coming from her ex-husband and his Scientologist pals. Why the sudden pushing of this 9 month old story now?

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Stop promoting imaginary Q unsubstantiated crap, and promoting Trump when he is one of them and pushing their agendas. Zero arrest. Get out of this sub and don't come back.

Vindicator ago

LOL. You wish.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

As I said in his older post the reason this came up now is that I wrote to Gamepwn while investigating whether or not that photo had been on the Worldcorpo stuff he was looking at. I PMed him and didn't make a new thread. I had stumbled onto a comment by Gothamgirl that said that the discord she went into for Worldcorpo had a man in a shower stall being murdered and this Richard Dickeson cover photo is a man who died in a bathroom next to a shower stall, so I thought it might have come from there. I did not want to go searching for something on Worldcorpo's website and he said he had done tons of research into it so he was the one I messaged.

I didn't say that I had proof Joel made this Richard Dickeson account, I wrote that steemit blog because I thought it was highly likely to be him. I've gone through a stage where I thought it was all Greg Chism. Someone reported me to CPS because of the threats I received from the stalkers and when CPS talked to me she referred me to domestic violence assistance / shelters for services to get help for my ex husband's stalking. The intake worker said it was probably Joel and not anyone random. So I've gone back and forth.

Joel works for a company that I just found out has some govt. contracts in nearly every DOD / Defense and cryptography related area. For all I know it is actually him but if it isn't him, it's not good. How am I supposed to know who this is? All I can see is that they were mad about my articles on my website about Toy Freaks. But this has been coming at me from many angles for a long time, that I suppose is the game that they play.

gamepwn ago

I never saw that post of her husband, reading on it now. She told me that this was recent, that Richard was threatening her and her friends and her mom, and sending these threats and videos and pictures. Things like this from Richard.

I follow up on this guy and see that child snuff video on his channel.

I was confused because I have seen many people on here who have made posts on being SRA survivors and others who have said they have been threatened and felt like she was being targeted by whoever this is. Not being anti mod but I felt horrible as she told me she was scared and they wouldn't let her tell her story and she was being threatened constantly and seeing that video I personally called NCMEC.

Vindicator ago

Your concern is to your credit gamepwn.

From my vantage point, this looks like a replay of Jem777. EYJP was only making one submission a month for many months up until Webb announced the Jem news. Then all of a sudden, she is making several posts a day -- a great many of which ignore the submission rules and waste mod time. When called on it, she gets belligerant and starts playing the victim card (also like Jem777), and suddenly makes a dozen alts. She makes all kinds of shitty claims about the mods (like Jem777 again). I think maybe she is part of whatever psyop Webb and Jem were involved in -- why else would she be tweeting Webb complaining about Crensch?

I was confused because I have seen many people on here who have made posts on being SRA survivors and others who have said they have been threatened

We always require they find a way to meet the submission rules, though.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@Vindicator, thanks for once again targeting me trying to link me to Jenny Moore and Jem777. The real reason I didn't post for many months was because last November I was told to STFU in no uncertain terms. I was very traumatized and took a break. This was the advice and desire of my entire family and the domestic violence counselor, not to look at this stuff for a while. I only recently came back to Voat to start posting a lot again after I got banned from Facebook for 30 days and once I made a couple of posts on here I was instantaneously accused of being a shill around the time I responded to ES who is someone I talked with a great deal int he past, then after that it was downhill from there.

I do not know what to think about George Webb. I am unemployed (a stay at home mom) and I have a law degree, I am not an attorney. I do not know these people, I used to work but then lost my job at the law firm I was working for for over 2 years. My work history is on my LinkedIn. In real life the only person I've met who have ever posted on here is Evelyn Pringle. She was also attacked on the same day as me by the mods accusing us all of being shills. I haven't talked to her much lately but she is one of my best friends. If you are going to continue disparaging us I am just going to probably leave the site and take a break. Today is my kiddo's birthday and I won't be on here to defend myself again much today so I ask that you stop trying to disparage me at least for a day. You asked me to stop PMing you and then engaged in endless comments about me on the board.

There is definitely a double standard going on against me, and it's completely undeserved.

Sorry you feel the way you do. If you are really a Christian like it seems that you are then you should understand why I am also here. We must not allow evil people to prey on our children.

NotHereForPizza ago

We always require they find a way to meet the submission rules though.


Now you're just trying to make me laugh.

gamepwn ago

Hmm, I'll look through them. You know I'm not anti mod, I like the mods here and always am positive with them. If I am wrong and this is that I will admit so. This is more doing a double take on this whole thing. I hope this isn't a repeat of Jem777 I just know I saw that horrific vid and got angry with the whole thing, and she sent me all of these things that he sent her all horrific, but I'm not one to shut down anyone unless I see the whole picture. I'm looking at it from both ways, but if this is true I don't feel right about just shutting it out.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@gamepwn I will send you a pm. I have to leave but I will be back.