EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I just went back through my FB history to figure out if I was remembering correctly about how this profile got to me and I was right. The only problem is that FB doesn't make old friend requests you received available in any way, when you download your data. It shows that I searched for the email address that commented on my blog on December 6 and then searched for the name Richard Nesbit to look at all the Richard Nesbit profiles that popped up. Then it shows on December 7 where it says I was connected to Richard Dickeson on messenger for the first time, the time stamp of when I unfriended him, and I have a screenshot and a FB download of his message to me which was sent on December 8 after I unfriended him.

I've had similar weirdness happen in the past such as a number that I blocked that called me right after I made my first ToyFreaks post on Voat somehow sending me a message after I blocked it but the message was a blank bubble.

I don't know if I will stay on Facebook forever but it definitely isn't run well. I think that they give you literally everything possible on your data download except for friend requests you received and whether you accepted them or not just for this exact purpose. Whenever they have some stalker whose message they want to remove, it will say this message is currently unavailable.

Everyone else, you can see all the messages but if they've blocked you it won't have their name clickable, and if they deactivated it will just say Facebook user.

I guess FB doesn't like me now. @gamepwn

EricKaliberhall ago

Hey @gamepwn,

The 24hr grace period is up and no sufficient explanation has been given on how this is connected to elite pedophilia (please see Rule 1). So your submission will be deleted. Thank you.

And keep up the great job!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

@gamepwn I sent you a message but I just noticed the flair. If they end up taking this down, please send me a copy of the screenshot of their reason why.

Here is something that might help:

If I am remembering accurately, I think I have at least some idea why this person sent it to me. "Richard Nesbit" was the person who commented on my blog that was seriously harassing me over Toy Freaks articles, including an article I wrote that had mirrored some of Toy Freaks' titles verbatim on some videos on YouTube that pertained to Pakistan and something called Operation Rafulsadad. http://www.readwipedandblew.com/2017/10/22/suspicious-pakistani-accounts-code-word-92-toys-links-back-toyfreaks/

I reported those accounts that I found on YouTube to the FBI Counterterrorism Division, and within a few weeks this Richard Nesbit character was harassing me on the blog saying he hopes Greg Chism sues me etc.

http://www.readwipedandblew.com/2017/07/27/toyfreaks-investigation-child-abuse-law-enforcement/ https://imgur.com/a/LsG7r4S

When I looked up his email address on Facebook it brought up a few Richard Nesbit but it seemed like it was probably a fake email so I gave up. I think that it was within 24 hours that Richard Dickeson added me and sent me that. Coincidental but maybe not. I went back just now to look up that email and IP address and sent it to Gamepwn. When I do an IP trace on the IP address it comes back as Littleton CO. So either someone was trying to freak me out using an IP address spoofer from there or not, but isn't that where some major CIA stuff is located?


GlendonHawke ago

This is the kind of shit you report to ICE it’s a form of Terrorism

Shizy ago

Has she reported this to police?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


Shizy ago

I guess I could have just asked you directly! That's good to hear. Stay safe! That's some crazy scary stuff to deal with!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


nosilence1 ago

Can someone please explain what's the backstory on this horrific video?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't know. I stumbled on something the other day that made me wonder if it was on the worldcorpo site. @Gothamgirl mentioned that there was a discord she went into where they were discussing a man being tortured in a shower and killed so I decided to look into it some more but I'm too scared to look into it myself so I asked gamepwn for help. I don't know how he was able to trace the photo back to Voat's gore sub, maybe a reverse image search?

The Richard Dickeson account just randomly messaged me last November, about a month after I was harassed in a discord. I think it's possible that he found my Toy Freaks articles and decided to harass me. Someone on my article wrote the name Richard Nesbit and left an email address. I had had different email addresses leaving harassing comments on my blogs for many months, always calling me a paranoid schizophrenic and saying to get mental help every time I talked about Pizzagate. I did copy and paste the email address into Facebook and it brought up some random Richard Nesbit accounts, but I don't remember if it has a Richard Dickeson also. It's obviously a fake name and some kind of a CIA employee because his account always stays up regardless of who reports his content and they say it doesn't violate community standards.

think- ago

Hi @gamepwn, I will give you the 24 hour 'Grace' flair, so that you'll have some time to add an explanation how this is connected to elite pedophilia (please see Rule 1).


@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

SearchVoat ago

Bleep bloop, someone mentioned this comment!

'The child snuff film I saw on FB has gained attention' was posted in v/pizzagate and includes this reply from @Vindicator:

The mods told me it was not pizzagate related and deleted it.

@gamepwn, that is a mischaracterization. Mods did not "tell" you it was "not pizzagate related". They asked you to edit explaining how this was related to child abuse by the global elite, which you did not do:


We've had many discussions about the submission rules, and no one has lobbied to remove the "elite" stipulation from the Definition of Pizzagate. You are welcome to make a case for that rule change in v/pizzagatemods at any time and I will sticky it so people can vote. Until then, mods are obligated to remove threads that don't make a plausible case for some connection to the globalist Cabal. The current ruleset does not allow posts about every child rape or murder. It never has.

@think- @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

This notification (#397) was posted automatically by the SearchVoat.co Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress this notification by appending a query(?) to your Voat permalink. You can suppress pings from these notifications on request.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

please see my latest comment, oh, and thanks for always tagging the two mods who hate me, I appreciate it

OhReally73 ago

New here so cut me some slack....I keep my FB basically locked down. I have only a small number of friends and family I converse with so I KNOW who is on my FB at ALL times. I noticed one day I was checking out a creepy history story (I can't remember the name of the site) linked in FB, I clicked and suddenly I get a message saying this random dude was now my friend well I shut that shit down fast and blocked him...still I'm wondering how the fuck did he get through. So I go back to the creepy history story, same story...and it happened again! I checked my settings and it said I was OPEN basically no security anyone could see me and and be friends. So I set my security back up, went to the history story again and bam fucking site undid my security. IDK how it happens but needless to say I backed off FB...shit is way too creepy for me. Sorry if this was long!! also I'd like to add maybe a play on Richard Dickeson's name....Dick Dick Son? These people are really sick

darkknight111 ago

I say we start being RUTHLESS towards anyone who does anything that can even be intrepreted as a threat against one of us. Even if its not actually a threat.

We find out who this guy is, find out EVERYTHING about them, then proceed to make his life a living hell. Make him afraid of sleeping les someone comes after him.

That is the proper way to handle threats against pizzagaters.

Soon_To_Be_Suicided ago

4chan used to do this to people for fun. Ever since I first came to Voat, there have been people vehemently against this idea, but I've always thought to myself that we would see ACTUAL results if people took more action against these sick fucks. Hit them in any way you can, and hit them hard.

missyshimmy ago

That woman really needs to go to the authorities. So sad that someone is fucking with her and sending her this horrific shit. I truly hope it works out well for her. That poor woman. Please urge her to go to the authorities.

Samson134 ago

This is why i have nothing to do with fb

Lansing-Michigan ago

Not true.......have had 2 people show up on my FB account who I never friended. Their names were similar to real FB friends. They are paid trolls more than likely.

Lansing-Michigan ago

A journalist I trust says that when you can't get rid of someone, they are CIA. Have had 2 people show up on FB who I never friended. ....names similar to real FB friends.. Posting gross things to turn people off.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah sometimes I go through my friends list trying to get rid of most of the people unless I know them IRL and there are usually certain people who Facebook tells me can't be removed at this time.

Dktrogers6250 ago

Reminds me of that Goodfellows scene.. “ nobody ever tells you they’re going to kill you, they come at you with smiles”

Ya, generally, I’m not so concerned about these kinds of folks..

wooqy ago

What "going after" is may depend on the target. If there are small kids involved gaslighting just about destroys anyone. If the target is a single parent it's extra tough. If the target is single w/o kids, they wouldn't even bother in the first place.

rymetymeuk ago

I would have thought the FB link was a joke until I saw the date FB was created and the date the CIA stopped the Life Log program (If that's what it was called), insane! I quit FB a loooong time ago, now need to quit Google too!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

have not heard of Life Log.

rymetymeuk ago


this is what Q posted. Life Log was created by Darpa, and it ceased to exist on 2/4/04. same day as Facebook was created. makes sense to me, get people to give you their info, genius really. evil genius, and as Mark Z said "stupid fucks". yes, maybe we were, but not anymore.

rymetymeuk ago

that guy says he is investigating pedofiles, is that accurate?!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I was the one investigating stuff, they were sending me stuff including this Richard Dickeson page. I was trying to figure out if it was the same photo from the Worldcorpo thing that Gothamgirl had seen in a discord chat. Gamepwn found it on Voat. I don't know how it was that easily traceable but when I saw the profile it was so hard to look at I never really took the time to do a reverse image search. I reported it to the FBI / cops and FB and Facebook says it doesn't go against community standards. WTF? I've been banned for a total of 70 of 72 days for making anti-circumcision and anti-tranny comments on facebook and for "hate speech against men" because I made a somewhat radical feminist comment while trying to gaslight an a-hole one day.

mrfetus ago

It'll also hint at who's profile it was originally.

notagame ago

Seriously, if this is true, WTH are you posting it here? Why aren't you talking to the FBI?

Oh, yeah, somebody's doing this so let's post on Voat!

This is ridiculous.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I've already reported it. You think the FBI gives a crap? Report it to the FBI, they do nothing

Call them, and they say thank you and hang up or they say to go to the local police. Go to the local police and they take your report then tell you because it's cybercrime to go to the FBI. A circle of nothing.

gamepwn ago

I am willing to research and help people. What I am not willing to do is compromise my future. Sorry asshole. I don't trust reporting to any government agency, and in the past I have reported things anonymously to NCMEC.

gamepwn ago

I am willing to research and help people. What I am not willing to do is compromise my future while only being in my 20's. Sorry asshole. I don't trust reporting to any government agency, and in the past I have reported things anonymously to NCMEC.

gamepwn ago

I am willing to research and help people. What I am not willing to do is compromise my future while only being in my 20's. Sorry asshole. I don't trust reporting to any government agency, and in he past I have reported things anonymously to NCMEC.

Piscina ago

She needs to go to the police and the FBI, and report him to Facebook (not that FB will do much. FB is more likely to protect the troll).

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Because I realize that someone may trace this back to being me he was harassing I'm going to go ahead and say it. I was the one that he was targeting. Last November a bunch of a-holes posing as Elsagate researchers harassed me threatening me and my children with the Pelzer SC Finders Mill, and when I reported it to the cops, the FBI and my kids' school to be on the lookout for them while walking home, I was contacted by the school resource officer who acted like he had no idea what I was talking about but listened to my story. Like literally two days after that someone reported it to CPS and I was investigated for "allowing pedophiles to groom my kids" which never happened but I don't know if that was the school or my ex.

I think my ex may be behind it but the FBI doesn't give a crap. The CPS lady referred me to get domestic violence assistance because of my ex and then closed my case as ruled out. I found out recently my ex has a step brother who's basically an FBI informant for MS 13 or some border gang & I read something yesterday that sounded like the photo of the dead person in that cover photo, because Gothamgirl said that a worldcorpo discord chat she was in was discussing a man being killed in a shower stall.

I can't even get into all the details of everything that was said but I was harassed in a discord that may have had something to do with this specific threat as well, so I was just talking to gamepwn about it because he was the one who investigated a lot of worldcorpo stuff in the past and I didn't want to try and look at those photos all over again.

My point in bringing this up 8 months later was only to try and figure out if it's connected to the worldcorpo incident or not. Personally I suspect it could be Greg Chism, my ex, or a Scientologist. Or perhaps none of those and it's just a random pedophile or security contractor trying to scare the crap out of me. After all of that, people pretty much left me alone so I suppose they were conducting their little psy op either temporarily or preliminarily.

Whatever the case may be, I would like the person or people who did it caught, or for others to be on the lookout for fakes who are posing as researchers and luring people into discord chats, FB friend requests, etc. in order to get them in a position where they can then be sent anonymous threats. It's one of the less fun things that's happened to me in 13 years of activism.

Soon_To_Be_Suicided ago

Buy a gun.

bulrush ago

I knew a Greg Chism from northern Michigan. That's an odd name to come up. He was a real delinquent.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

LOL ok thanks for the info? Same one as Toy Freaks guy?

MichaelClayton ago

Schools are in on it they were playing dumb with you. Look out for transgender looking staff members, I know it sounds crazy but it’s true. Don’t let cps in, no matter how much they bully you. Just film them and say no thank you everything is fine the claims are untrue.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

that is good advice

carmencita ago

Could DM be involved in this?

ESOTERICshade ago

Who is DM?

carmencita ago

Doyle Mills.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Oh I got you now. Yes, it's highly possible. But, since my latest info says Scientology is an intelligence org, he most likely would be doing so under the color of law and I would not find out the truth ever. However based on some stuff that happens I think it's possible. There was a series of chats where they wanted me to think it was Greg Chism but anything is possible.

carmencita ago

There are Chisms in Missouri and I think that is where he might have gone when he moved from Ill. Was he in Granite City? That name sticks in my head for some reason. My bet is that he is with family, for they could also be strange, like him.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes, he moves back and forth between the same general metro area as where Lisa Irwin's parents live in the Kansas City area of MO and Granite City IL which was where he had moved when some other researcher on here looked up his LLC. Did you know he Trademarked the phrase Bad Baby and Bad Daddy? There are a lot of suburbs around there and the last article I saw said the cops "couldn't figure out" which jurisdiction had the responsibility for handling the case if they wanted to charge him and that he was living in a new town now.

carmencita ago

I am not surprised. LE is probably compromised there. Florrisant, St. Louis and other surrounding areas are loaded with sex abusers. I could tell you stuff that would make your head spin. I and @Wolftrail7272

3141592653 ago

I remember this. Im pretty sure she was saying then that it was the YouTube Toy Freaks guy who was harassing her

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

FB is a CIA op including surveillance and a bunch of stuff we probably aren't aware of at all, they can do stuff that they want to. I read about how they were experimenting on users by feeding them depressing or happy news feeds on their profiles, then observing their behavior and how it changes them.

The other possibility might be that the person's computer or phone was being accessed by someone who planted malware or viruses on it. Happens all the time. Have you ever had tech support done? Any hacker can easily access another person's computer (especially someone who doesn't use a lot of security features) without their knowledge if they try hard enough and know a few things.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

"People who genuinely and sincerely want to come after someone likely won't notify the person first"... Unless they are warning them. Where do u get your cut and dry batch of assumptions?

Podge512 ago

You'll recall that Facebook held a poll among its users a short while ago asking them if they would mind if Facebook facilitated the acquisition and distribution of child pornography (which they do anyway), so don't expect them to do anything about this shitbag. I think it would be best for the lady in question to report both the account and Facebook to the police for the child murder video, but don't broadcast it, of course, lest Facebook suddenly discover that child murder is against their "community guidelines" and start deleting the evidence.

TheDirtyOne78 ago

Archive! Archive! Archive!

mrfetus ago

Report it to the police, not FB. White lives are at stake.

ronnyCPI ago

When are you fucking shills going to realize that almost everyone on here knows who you are. You think it's not obvious? I assure you it is. I'm talking to mrfetus, deathtomasonsASAP, effyoujohnpodesta, ShaneE blah-blah-blah. I could name everyone of you if I wanted to take the time. But I don't. This sub is now about 75 percent shills so I'll leave you to your little make-believe pretend world of significance, you losers. What a fucking waste of time this sub is now.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yes, people know who I am because I post my link to my steemit blog, twitter, and websites using my real name, and I've posted my real photos, and my real CV to my twitter, websites, LinkedIn, and various other social media posts since at least 2008. Congrats genius for finding me! I've had to change my account several times after someone attacked my computer and I am on my 3rd or 4th main account on Voat and I still have more submissions than you. Ask anyone who thinks I'm a shill to identify actual reasons, I'd love to see the reasons. They will inevitably consist of mental retardation.

mrfetus ago

What exactly am I a shill for? White excellence? Gas for kikes? Nooses for niggers?

Please, I must know.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

you've newly been added to this shill list that they have going, consisting of mostly paranoia, for me, it's mixed in with a little sympathy for a dead woman whom they've labeled a shill.

mrfetus ago

Thanks for letting me know.

mrfetus ago

Lawl. Damn kids.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The police? Maybe the FBI too? You guys are something else. It's like you retain nothing, learn nothing. Sheeple.

pby1000 ago

People have short memories.

ShaneE11183386 ago

Exactly. They are all compromised

adaya ago

Holy gross goodness!!! Sorry 😐

Has anyone seen the flower pics thing? Two or three humans, then scrolls & scrolls of same flower. I did google image search of users name and 100s of kid pics popped up. (Thank Christ they were wearing clothes.) I’m pretty sure I accepted rando friend, kinda public work account.

I have a hard time on fbook staying completely compartmentalized. I went from “hey check out this show” to, “if you’re suggesting violence @ the Anonymous protest, clearly you’re working for the CIA.”— Then weird stuff started happening, like I posted several single asterisks for comments. Lol, took me 10 minutes to delete all.

When I started to get more surly about Pizzagate on Twitter is when I got the flower pics “friend” on Twitter & Fbook. Creeped me out. I deleted friend and stayed off for months, pretty much letting social media die.

All of these comments are a mental distraction from you easily finding snuff on Fbook. Can’t even use words about it...so sorry you saw that.

Lansing-Michigan ago

I post things from pizzagate all the time, links from voat.pizzagate. (give credit) not had a problem except for the two trolls I already mentioned...Seemed like pros to me.

adaya ago

Thanks for posting regularly on your personal page! if that's what you mean. I'm not that brave yet, I work in AN ECHO CHAMBER. We can talk about anything, as long as it involves hating Trump...you know, super open minded... So, I have a work account / public account that I f' up sometimes & no holds barred Twitter.

When I say "surly on Twitter," I mean like asking the Secret Service about Laura Silsby. It's not me posting links to my "friends" I have to come to VOAT for that feeling. I mean on Twitter, I'm completely using someone's platform / notoriety to red pill. lol, believe I'm trolling them. Therefore easy to assume weird stuff is retaliatory.

Kahlypso79 ago

All the same flowers? They're encrypted pictures of CP. Same problem came up with the 'image host' search in google pictures a while back. Ended up linking to CP pictures, especially if you search in Google Belgium. (lots of European Politicians in Belgium....)

adaya ago

Yes, totally. Glad other people know too.

iamthepizzanow ago

Old video is old, along with all the other death content. He's a gore troll. Just spams reposts. Fucked up that he targeted someone from here but goes to show how careful you gave to be.

nosilence1 ago

Whats the story on the video?

heygeorge ago

I will venture a guess that the acceptance of friend request part is not as dubious as it seems on the surface.

iamthepizzanow ago

My thoughts as well.

derram ago

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

documentingreality - https://archive.is/RbJF0