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ESOTERICshade ago

All I did was upvote somebodys comments that I felt like was being unfairly down voted by a mod. If you want to call that an upvote brigade be my guest. I have nothing else to say about it. I added a vote to a person's comments because somebody was following them around downvoting all their comments. Thats all I have to say.

Crensch ago

I added a vote to a person's comments because somebody was following them around downvoting all their comments.

No proof of this. Proof of your brigade, and of users like you agreeing and doing the same. Enjoy the show.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

he's doing it on my posts. You're butthurt that I screenshot your stupid comments and archive them. Why don't you just ban me then? Oh that's right you enjoy harassing pizzagate researchers while making no actual contribution other than commenting on the posts of people you do not like and calling them shills.

Crensch ago

he's doing it on my posts.

Which you've not proven.

You're butthurt that I screenshot your stupid comments and archive them.

Never happened, but keep lying, Rabbi.

Why don't you just ban me then?

Because that's literally the only reason you're here, is to get a mod to step out of line so you can whine to the rest of Voat.

Oh that's right you enjoy harassing pizzagate researchers while making no actual contribution other than commenting on the posts of people you do not like and calling them shills.

This entire subverse wouldn't exist if it wasn't for me. Also, M_F would still be modding if it wasn't for me.

You have done less for PG than I have.

If I left, you'd leave both ES and Cc1914 and anyone else who comments positively alone.

How did you come to such a fantastically stupid conclusion?

Why don't you explain what it is about me that you don't like.

The way you act like a shill, and anyone associated with ES is suspect, since he's a known subversive and shitstirrer of this subverse since the very beginning.

EDIT: someone waiting 2-3 weeks and pretending that they don't remember the child snuff film post where he harassed me, on and on, or the one where he claimed I'm on a list for execution, before trying to claim I'm lying about the same topic on a post Honeybee made a few days ago.

Why the fuck would I remember you? You're insignificant. I also don't believe I was ever shown any evidence of such a thing, so you're probably trying to gaslight, too, Jew.

Seems rather dishonest.

Seems like you're more than a little stupid.

OH, finally SOME support for your claim, but I don't know @gamepwn, and as far as I'm concerned, he could be you.

Link me to where this shit happened. Here. On Voat. Shill.

gamepwn ago

Don't drag me into this. I am not apart of this. Second no I am not her. I have been here almost two years fighting this. I lead a YouTube page of 8k people and had millions of viewers in the past on YouTube for years before Pizzagate.

I helped her out and can confirm the child snuff video is real. I saw it. Richard Dickenson was threatening her and telling her the shills are coming. Besides that don't drag me into this I am not apart of it.

Crensch ago

Consider yourself not dragged in.

think- ago

Thanks. He is legit.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you look at my comment you'll see it in the screenshots. I have to go put my children to bed. So, I'll have to address your concerns that you don't remember later on some time.

Crensch ago

If you look at my comment you'll see it in the screenshots.

Imgur link. Why the FUCK, if you're concerned about your opsec, to you allow that website access to your computer? I thought you were joking. All of this stalking and harrassment talk and you just drop trou for a bunch of pedo leftists running an imagehost spinoff of Reddit?

I have to go put my children to bed.

Also, why the fuck are you talking about your kids here? Just say you have to go like any healthy goddamn adult. PROTECT YOURSELF IF YOU ARE INDEED A WOMAN WITH KIDS AND A FAMILY WHILE INVESTIGATING DANGEROUS PEOPLE.

So, I'll have to address your concerns that you don't remember later on some time.

I won't hold my breath.