TrustTheTruth ago

Why did you drop the ball on all of the research by Wisconsin_is_Corrupt?

What was your true motive?

Do you really believe that Sarah was, or was associated with, RIPJEM as the Mods were accusing?

What did the mods do when Wisconsin_is_Corrupt was targeted, attacked and threatened?

What really happened to Jenny Moore?

Who banned Jenny Moore? Who did Jenny Moore return to Voat to meet with? What happened?

What is The Truth they cannot allow The World to know?

What did Wisconsin_is_Corrupt tell Everyone since The Beginning?

Why did Q send everyone to Voat to flood the platform?

What is The Deal that Trump made?

What is America's Bellwether?

Do you want to Know The Real Truth?

gamepwn ago

1.) I believe alot of what WIC says is true because I looked into much of it. For example WIC's comment the Pilgrims society.

""Over the years it has boasted an elite membership of politicians, diplomats, businessmen, and writers who have included Henry Kissinger, Margaret Thatcher, Caspar Weinberger, Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Henry Luce, Lord Carrington, Alexander Haig, Paul Volcker, Thomas Kean, George Shultz, and Walter Cronkite among many others. Members of the immediate Royal Family, United States secretaries of state and United States ambassadors to the Court of St. James's are customarily admitted to membership in the Society."

Why so many elite members in one society? Same as Knights of Pythias. If you are WIC then why did you change names when you had all that research or just know them? I have read up on sustainable development and Agenda 21/Agenda 2030. Forbes article on it kind of disturbed me. It almost made me feel like that apocalyptic fiction page I run is not too far off.

2.) Just your average college student trying to expose all of this evil disgusting shit. I still care about Humanity even if I admit to feeling so jaded. Everyone tells me I'm too young to feel this way yet I know this world is so fucking evil and sadistically evil. I can't help but watch a movie these days and think to myself are you raping a child? It's what kind of jaded me the first time when I still ran the gamepwn channel. Fiction started feeling distant and reality started to become way too strange. I am the type of student in both my college and back in my High School years to question my History teachers. To ask why did this occur or the reason for that? I could never just accept what I was told and look into everything. I ask why are all of these presidents free masons? Skull and Bones? Why did we really invade places like Iraq and Vietnam? Golf of Tonkin? Gold of Tonkin was caused on purpose to cause a war. Now a little over a year and half ago I find out most celebrities and politicians are pedophiles .The evidence keeps stacking on itself showing our world is so fucked up. How do I know that the main actor on my favorite show is not a pedophile? Whenever I turn on the TV and see a commercial or movie or broadcast how do I know if they are raping children? It sickens me. No matter how many times I was told to trust the system by my parents, teachers, professors, friends,coworkers, conservatives,Liberals, newscasters or politicians I find myself questions every time I hear something. That's my motivation. The hope we still have a future worth fighting for.

3.) That I am torn on. Sarah threatened my life. RIPJEM and WIC and you say you know the truth. I am all ears because I want to know that myself. What is the truth? Racine? Agenda 21/2030? Sustainable development/A.I.? What is the truth because I have researched all three of you on your comments.

4.) I don't remember WIC being threatened/targeted. People were saying WIC needed to explain better. It's like the details fit but not the explanation. Very cryptic.

4.) I don't know on that. I've heard both for and against her. There's so much to all of that, and it nearly split these forums in half. I know I did see her conversations in the past with WIC, how they would collaborate. I believe she meant well. Maybe she was right, maybe she was wrong, people she hung with like George Webb are sneaky bastards. May she R.I.P.

5.) Vindicator right? Yet Vindicator has done so much for this movement. I think of he/she like a friend along with think and people like srayzie and shizy have also been with us thorough and through. I think they are good people and for the most part after Millennium_Falcon and our other mods they are doing a hell of a job. Vindicator was there back in those days and even agreed when that things needed to change. I do know that Vindicator and Jem777 exchanged a few words. Who did Jenny return to Voat to meet with and what did happen?

  1. I would hope you tell me.

  2. He told everyone that everything is a lie and they are all corrupt. Every single one of them. That Racine was they key to figuring out Pizzagate and stopping what is to come.

  3. I am torn on Q. I follow Q and hope to god that the storm is coming. You said to hope for Military Tribunals is a joke. I really hope that is not the case. I hope their are good people out there still left and white hats fighting this.

  4. I don't know what is the deal?

  5. America's bellwether?

  6. I have wanted to know that my whole life.

TrustTheTruth ago

1) WIC always Shared The Truth.

2) Most of what you have learned about History is a Lie. We know The Truth from Direct Experience.

3) RIPJEM always Shared The Truth.

4) Jenny did not know everything and took a risk with George Sweigart that ultimately ended up costing her everything, but Jenny knew The Truth. That is why she returned to Voat.

5) ALL MODS HERE AND AT GREATAWAKENING ARE CORRUPT OR COMPROMISED, with @honeybee as the lone possible outlier.

6) Sustainability is The Great Deception to forge Eternal Enslavement with The Mark of the Beast.


8) Q is a False Prophet to divide, conquer, and Hide The Real Truth. There is NO POSSIBLE REMEDY through the corrupt system. The Truth is The Only Way.

9) Trump endorsed The Mark of the Beast.

10) The Bellwether is the indicator for the Nation.

11) The Truth is Here.

4wheels ago

There is.. was a contractor that died in a plane crash that built high end homes for these fucks. word is that there are tunnels to some of the houses.

allonthesameteam ago

I learned of the Franklin coverup years ago and have been getting educated on this shite off and on since. Pre Pgate was like an echo chamber. Since the emails etc things are coming into the light. There is so much to discover, expose and attack in this realm. With Pedo arrests and Vic rescues on the rise I am hopeful. This is the most needful scenario of our times. If we are not protecting kids WTF are we doing here?

dundundunnnnn ago

Missing girl found after four years in Australia: The father claimed Layla was being groomed as part of a sanctioned paedophile ring involving police, the Freemasons and various lawyers.

WTFChuck ago

Thank you for the introduction. I first found voat because of the pizzagate sub. I know what you mean about it blackening your world. It's tough stuff, for sure. Interesting that you've had a hobby of collecting "apocalyptic" stories. I can relate. Here's one you've maybe not run across: The Last Man (by Mary Shelley, of Frankenstein fame). Good luck in your YT pursuits. You might want to try alternatives at the same time though. If you start posting also on RealVideo you'll be getting in early to establish a following in what may become more fertile ground that YT.

TRFBYTrC0mmies ago

Welcome. I’ll check your stuff out. Pizza/pedogate is the sickest shit I’ve ever encountered, but as sick and satanic as it is, people need to know. Only then will we have a chance to end those sick fks.

gamepwn ago

Before Pizzagate I always thought I thought I knew the world. I knew about 9/11 being an inside job. I knew about the Vietnam My Lei massacre. I knew about the CIA trafficking drugs to inner cities, JFK being assassinated etc. Pizza/pedogate really is one of the sickest things I had ever learned about. Just horrific and satanic and completely evil. We really got to stop this nightmare and save these poor children.

sicntrd ago

My belief if we can't get something out there about this and their Luciferian ways in a way that is undeniable, that we will never wake up most of the normies. If we cannot protect our children we cannot call ourselves a civil society. When Q says we might never know it all, I cannot imagine any worse than I already know.

greatdaycoming ago

Welcome and thank you for introducing yourself. I haven't yet checked it out but it sounds like good work.