realityisinsanity ago

IP ban her

Vindicator ago

She had three rulebreakers, so I banned her. Thanks for the summary thread gp.

maurice ago

The name SarahMoore is very interesting.

Who ever is using that name on here must know Sarah Moore was a SRA victim and also she died in 2016.

Vindicator ago

Interesting. This particular shill used to go by "Sarah Podesta". I think "Sarah Moore" is a ref to Jenny Moore.

spacepopecoast2coast ago

read/contribute relevant information to pizzagate, then move along...

if this sub has survived this long, I'm sure it can weather the storm

darkknight111 ago

F.S attack?

SatanIncarnate ago

You sound paranoid. Maybe take a break from the internet for a while.

gamepwn ago

Member for 9 minutes. You and your alts can fuck off Sarah.

gamepwn ago

Member for 9 minutes. You and your alts can fuck off Sarah

LostandFound ago

Interesting that Jem777 and the alt mej777 the handles for that dead journalist are mentioned specifically as bot controllers in the last link - 3 weeks ago.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Can she upvoat herself with her multiple accounts? Surely there's a mod option to remove, mute, &/or block such a person?? 🤔

Diggernicks ago

It's dangerous to go alone.

Take this

Shizy ago

Now that's just wasteful. You can use a fraction of that material and still be protected!

gamepwn ago

Keep showing us who the disinformation trolls are so we can keep adding you to a long list of people to ignore.

RIPJem ago


Why do you think Jenny Moore was Murdered? What are the topics that "Sarah" spoke of?

Who did Jenny Moore meet with?

Jenny Moore was not the only one who was attacked, slandered, threatened, doxxed, tortured and murdered.

Why is George Sweigart so Untrustworthy? What does he believe? What is his goal? What is his motive? What are his means?

Why did Jenny finally figure that out when it was too late?

What would those involved at the highest levels be most afraid of?


If you really believe in Jesus Christ, your opportunity for forgiveness is running thin. What some of you have said and done cannot be forgotten nor forgiven. Why did Srayzie Betray Jenny? Who else was Betrayed?

What would those involved do to SILENCE THE TRUTH?

Where else have you seen The Truth?

Shizy ago

Guess @RIPJem missed the post yesterday with the screenshots showing "Sarah" was harassing JEM on twitter. But let's just keep pretending RIPJem isn't a sketchy ass troll.

RIPJem ago

You either don't understand what is going on, or you are Corrupt and Evil.

What is the purpose of attacking and slandering Jenny Moore who was Murdered for knowing The Truth?

What is the purpose of downvoting and attacking those who knew Jenny directly?

Why can't you answer any of the questions posed?

Do you know who Omar Awan works for?

Who is Abid Awan?

Who owns the patent to the Zika virus?

Do you know where the Podestas were made?

Do you know anything about the Knights of Pythias?

What is the Sphinx Head?

What is Agenda 21?

What is the Earth Summit?

What is Strangite?

Who is Greta van Susteran?

How is Tom DeLonge connected?

What was Linkin Park doing in Haiti?

Who is the star of True Blood and who is she connected to?

Who is Evan McMullin and who does he work for?

Who is Robert Byrd and who did he mentor?

Who is Jack Lew's protégé?

Who is the Karl Rove's protégé?

What are the most precious conflict minerals and why?

What is the most valuable resource in the world?


You are swinging blind. Why are you so DESPERATE to silence and hide The Truth?

Shizy ago

SNNNOOOORREEE! Damn you're boring for a shill!

DerivaUK ago

Here’s one for you @RIPJem. The difference between a shit shillstorm and a shill shitstorm? Discuss with your alts and get back to me

RIPJem ago

When they cannot effectively answer any relevant questions or debate The Truth, their only option is to downvote, lie, make false assumptions and accusations, call for backup, and continually resort to name calling, it should be crystal clear to everyone what The Truth is.

We have exposed them for what they did to Jenny Moore and others before her.

This is not a game. You know The Truth.

They have attempted to reorganize and use tactics like downvoting, ignoring, sliding, bad humor, and name calling since outright banning is too obvious and ineffective.

We are here to Share The Truth and Warn everyone before it is too late. Jenny Moore is not the only one who was slandered, threatened, doxxed, attacked and murdered for The Truth. Others suffered extreme torture that few can even comprehend. This is all Very Real.

Why are they all in such panic and so desperately afraid of The Truth?

We know why.

Shizy ago

🤣😂🤣😂Thats utterly hysterical coming for. The troll who REFUSES to answer any questions 😂😂🤣


maggiethatcher ago

@RIPJem why not answer some of these questions? I (and I guess many on this board) have no idea who is right or wrong here, but just asking a list of questions Q-style is not necessarily helping your case. You are clearly under a co-ordinated attack which raises my suspicion that this is not an organic downvoat.

Shizy ago

We have been dealing with this RIpJem troll for over a week now. He cut and pastes the same cryptic thing, and never answers questions or provides and additional information. His downvoats are likely from people who are sick of the same old nonsense he keeps spamming the boards with. They're deserved!

gamepwn ago

Why? We ASKED her to be reasonable. To actually TELL us. For YOU to actually tell us and not this drone copyscript bullshit. You just admitted you are connected to her and showing the whole forum you are disinformation.


She - or anybody else - don't have to tell you anything "gamepwn" you are not a court of law.

gamepwn ago

When you make multiple alts attacking people, when you spam the fourms with multiple bs threads, when you pretend to be a whisteblower but are really trolling and when you stalk a MOD you damn straight better tell why. Sarah stalked Srayzie and made avalanched the forums today.

RIPJem ago


We are not connected in any way to "Sarah". We were wrongly accused of being Sarah by Srayzie who has proven to be Corrupt and Evil as she and her Army downvote, slander, attack and threaten anyone who defends Jenny Moore and The Truth.

This entire Board is Disinformation. This entire Board is Corrupt. This entire Board is Attacking and Slandering a member of its own community after that person was threatened, doxxed, attacked and murdered in real life.

Did you know Jenny personally gampwn? Do you know George Sweigart? Do you know why Jenny returned to Voat? Do you know what happened? If you don't, then you should stop spreading Lies and Hate, and you should stop working against The Truth.

If you are a Good Person who believes in Jesus Christ, you should go back and RE-READ EVERYTHING.

The Truth is Simple.

The Truth is Honest.

The Truth is Unmistakable.

eucalyptus_spearmint ago

srayzie is evil? Wuuuut... She's awesome.

gamepwn ago

You know what's funny? I was one of the first to make posts about both Jem777 and Wisconsin is Corrupt. I went through everything they had.

People YOU claim to be standing up for. You just defended Sarah. "What are the topics that "Sarah" spoke of?"

YOU are trying to discredit them by pretending to stand with them. YOU are fucking up their research and trying to distract from it. You are corrupt and disinformation and no one is falling for your bullshit.

RIPJem ago

You didn't go through anything.

You barely scratched the surface.

We responded to your posts.

We are not defending Sarah. We do not know Sarah. We are defending Jenny Moore. We knew Jenny.

What side are you on? The Truth?


ScannerDarkly ago

Lol 3 posts is ruining the board? Overreact much ? Lol behind the bot army? Maybe you should lay off the mj for a bit

Shizy ago

I'm assuming you haven't been paying much attention around here.

gamepwn ago

Three posts in a matter of five minutes. Multiple fake upvotes. Fuck you she is trying to bury the forums and you are trying to help her.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Just ignore her & her multiples. Eventually, she'll get bored & slither back where she came from.

Shizy ago

You're very right about an attack going on. It makes me wonder why? And why now? Hmmmmm

gamepwn ago

I'm not sure. She is going to try to destroy these forums. We need our mods here NOW and asap.

Vindicator ago

I'm here gamepwn. Just deleted a thread. I cannot delete Comments. I can ban alts for breaking submission rules only. Please ping users to downvote to counteract the bot storm. I have a suspicion that replying to these bots causes them to reply back, resulting in the post climbing the "Hot" listing, so do not reply or comment on the thread. Just DM people and downvoat. Negative CCP will neutralize them.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Thank you for the clarification.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

These forums are controlled, so they don't need to be destroyed. She can make them worse to outsiders I suppose.

MolochHunter ago

I cant personally control the Mods here = the forums are controlled


think- ago