carmencita ago

In the Mej WIC thread it included this

The program will feature speaker Smart, as well as a question-and-answer session with local authorities on human trafficking and child abduction, a performance by the local band Well-Known Strangers and a book signing. Smart’s book, “Elizabeth Smart, My Story,” will also be available at the event.

Well-Known Strangers was the group that was suppose to perform for the Thorn Group Event before it was cancelled. What I remember is that the WIC group was being successful in spreading their message and it had to be called off. I remember seeing the link for the event but can't find it now. It's a little fuzzy after one whole year.

SearchVoatBot ago

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fogdryer ago

They certainly have posted here. Research Under a different name

Lansing-Michigan ago

I live in a red zone in upper state Maine. It is excellent for growing crops . Has a LOT of pristine clear water. Rockefella has taken an interest in ME. Bought land and donated it for Acadia Natioinal park...put in a lot of roads....In the last few years, there was a lot of effort to make thousands of acres in northern ME a national park. Our legislature said no. Obomba still sent men to Bangor to "listen" about renewing the idea. If this had gone through, our houses could have been bought out cheaply and the natural resources stolen.Apple has bought land close by in an isolated area. Nobody knows for sure why we are targeted, but as my neighbor says, "we are armed and miserable.'Maye the water...maybe the beauty..but presently, we have many many trees dying here. Kind of like California.....Very little in the news about it.

Pizzalawyer ago

I am new to this Agenda 21 concept. But I dont get the dead zones or those red zones being off limit to human activity by reason of being radiated or poisoned.

I have spent decades hiking and camping in the USA and I dont even need labels to identify the red zones. I can instantly recognize the national parks/forests, the grand mountain ranges, the great riverine systems, lands knowns for great aquifers underneath them and so on. These must be protected from human development for sustainability reasons.

For almost 100 years a large portion of the Adirondacks have been off limits to humans. Note the large red circle in upstate New York. I have backpacked there and happened upon a tall and formidable security fence that made it very clear that there was to be no trespassing in this part of the park. I couldnt understand this being inside a public park open to recreation. I later learned that the fenced off area was the source of drinking water for the metropolitan NYC area. Unless coming thru delapidated local pipes, New Yorkers get to enjoy a high quality drinking water

What with population growth, dramatic changes in climate and perpetual war, we humans will have to rely on these protected areas. The military has declared the diminution of potable water as becoming one of the greatest sources of conflict in the future. China is already experiencing serious freash water sources and is pumping pristine waters out of Florida's aquifers as fast as Nestles will sell it to them. Water will become a resource as precious as oil and gold.

Having said all this, I cant explain preservation of desert lad from a water perspectie but all the other lare red areas make sense to me.

fogdryer ago

There is no water shortage or global warming. It is a farce to scare us into allowing them to control us

Pizzalawyer ago

isnt earth 2/3s or 3/4s water, 90% being salt water? The issue is not amount of water, its the amount of potable fresh water for human consumption and crops. Well water and aquifers in USA were contaminated for decades with Stronium 90 following our land based nuclear testing even as far away as the eastern half of USA due to nuclear dust drifting eastward. Yes it is a problem.

Sackajahweeda ago

Didnt he say that they were knee deep in the mark of the beast system and that aside from the 666 lucius trust building in NYC that they were a close second in that whole thing? That is scary stuff...I am far from a holy roller but that is one number I have been told to steer clear from my whole life and DO!!

DerivaUK ago

Thank you for this work.

13Buddha ago

Awesome. Thanks@gamepwn. Looking forward to the read. I miss him Wisconsin and Jem.

fogdryer ago

Don’t forget Koch brothers are in deep with Wisconsin

They want that ore.

Gothamgirl ago

Nephelim -Mounds shaped like pyramids exist three miles (5 km) east of Rock Lake in Aztalan State Park on the Crawfish River in the town of Aztalan, Wisconsin

Aztalan well this video explains it.


fogdryer ago

And what does anartica have in common with rock lake Nazi scientists were in both areas

Gothamgirl ago

Thanks for sharing that.

Shizy ago

That's excellent that you are taking a second look at this! WIC said a lot that seemed to make sense, but also said some stuff that was really easy to dismiss as nonsense. If he laid out his case like you just laid it out I think more people would have been able to recognize that yes this is a serious problem and we need to address it.

I know Alex Jones is not well liked here, and I admit that he is likely disinformation or a charlatain of some kind, but I did already know all about agenda 21 and sustainable development, etc by listening to his show.

fogdryer ago

I followed up on Racine Funny , got no support

Shizy ago

Oh no! I'm sorry. I must have missed it or not made the connection.

gamepwn ago

I'm trying to! I know he did, I just wish he explained better. So many people are good at research but no summaries and explanations. It's the same with evidence. We could have all the evidence in the world but if it's not collected together and summarized the average person see's it as mish mash.

Shizy ago

You're so right. It's good what you're doing.

gamepwn ago

Thank you :) I appreciate that alot Shizy. You as well ^^ Keep up the good work ok? You mean alot to these forums.

Shizy ago

Thank you, that's so sweet of you to say!

Syndicalism ago

Thank you for taking the time to post this. It reminded me of things I had forgotten about. Im going to revisit this stuff and wont make the mistake of deleting it again.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

For those who want to look closer, here is a larger version of the map, which clearly shows the Racine area in one of the green "normal use" zones.

gamepwn ago

I researched this all day to make this post and shit is it kinda giving me anxiety. Remember I told everyone I have video software skills from my apocalypse survival themed YouTube page? I'm actually asking myself if I have been on the right path the whole time with my hobby and if some real shit is coming in the future.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

I'm sorry, I know the feeling, it's overwhelming and disgusting. I actually think we're too late and there are too many wheels already in motion, and have been for decades. We're in the last gasp of outright freedom, but they've brainwashed the majority to believe that violence and socialism are right, and family, religion, peace, the law, etc. are bad. I lose sleep most nights over it. Remember to take a break and be with people you love. Unplug, you know? It does suck.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Awesome. I'm trying to remember something about the Trans-Canada highway (and human trafficking highway) leading from Lake Superior all the way to Calgary, then into the mountains just west of there, around Revelstoke. There was talk that the US connection was through the US National Park System, one connecting it to Lake Michigan. Smack where Racine is. Trying to find it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Agenda 21 is the blueprint for global enslavement. They also have an Agenda 2030 if I remember correctly.

gamepwn ago

I think you're right. Jesus. If we don't stop this we might actually have an apocalypse coming in the near future, and communities run by a pedophile NWO. Shit...

gamepwn ago

Due to word limit more here:

"Racine is linked with the Knights of Pythias and run by Johnsons, Racine Dominicans, Freemasons, Rotarians, RAMAC, rhe mafia, and a long line of corrupt politicians.

Since we exposed the corrupt and pedo politicians in Racine they have resigned, retired, changed positions or moved away at a staggering rate.

Verify it however you wish. The last 2 mayors, the last 2 city administrators, plus city attorneys, city council members, the police chief, county executives, the district attorney, and many more. The RICO cases involved all of these people and many more."

"Key connections are Hillary Clinton and the model for community policing, SC Johnson appointed by Bill Clinton to the Council on Sustainable Development, Earth Summit Rio, Zika Patent and Labs, Rotary & Gates Foundation, Art in Embassies, Pilgrims Society, Council on Foreign Relations, Knights of Pythias, Club of Rome, Majority 12 (3 from Wisconsin), Timothy Dolan & Racine Dominicans, the mafia, and Council of 13."

"Our posts on Reddit pizzagate were part of the reason why it was shut down. That is also why we do not post submissions here in order to keep voat alive for as long as possible. We do not trust Reddit and we do not trust you either, Rose.

We don't take this lightly. You betrayed our trust and are now joining in the hit job on us. Congratulations I hope you feel proud of yourself for working for the criminal corrupt Elite planning to enslave the world.

Is it because we didn't respond to all of your nonsense emails? Or were you trying to infiltrate and become our friend from the beginning only to join in on the year-long planned attack against us?

You should be ashamed of yourself Rose but we're positive that you aren't."

John Podesta had an interview here. On a "Sustainability" conference.