dreamdigital ago

Jem777 is one person, it's a woman in witness protection and she was killed on Monday. Get your shit right.

RIPJem ago

@dreamdigital is correct.

This is all part of a vast, Corrupt and Evil Agenda to Hide and Silence The Truth.

Agenda 21 is only part of the real Agenda. Global enslavement is real.

Jenny Moore was murdered for knowing and believing in The Truth.

She is not the only one.


This is not the only one.

There is only one thing they are afraid of - The Truth.

They will stop at nothing to hide The Truth. They have Unlimited Resources.

Anyone who knows The Truth is in Extreme Danger. This is all Very Real.

The Truth is Unmistakable.


Camulos ago

As I've said I don't believe it for a damn second.

argosciv ago

Allegedly, Jem777 Has Been Found Dead in Her Washington Hotel Room (double-posted(original) to v/pizzagate by https://voat.co/user/Dressage2, within 48 hours of this thread being unstickied from that subverse).

SterlingJB ago

Death2masons guy has been a pretty consistent poster since the beginning of voat pg (not just since vegas) and his style and general message, whether paid shill or no, is completely different than the bunny/simonroth/paddock/lucifer accounts which I don't believe to be bots either. Lots of autists using many different accounts, whether paid agents are not, use voat, and esp voat pg, as a playground.

Camulos ago

Thank you, I suspected as much myself as I have him tagged as "possible spammer". He's not the only one either, it's probable that he was put on the list due to constant defending of bot spam and showing up in many of the posts to defend them during the last attack. I'll update the list.

SterlingJB ago

Could be wrong too. As far as I know I could be the only actual person on this site talking to a very convincing simulation of chat bots, but I also think a lot of chatbot armies, which do exist especially anywhere near mediamatters type shit, are mistaken for autists running their own psyop/social experiments on boards. Some of those probs are paid ops, but I get the feeling some just really enjoy it.

DarkMath ago

I guess @Are_we_sure was wrong after all. The Deep State WAS paying people to come here and "resist". I hope you saved some of the Resist money AreWeSure.

Are We Sure eating crow take one.

Are We Sure eating crow take two.

How d'ya like them apples AreWeSure?

think- ago


Vindicator ago

This stuff deserves it's own thread. The timing of that bill in relation to Pizzagate is interesting. We should look into all who sponsored it.

argosciv ago


J7M7 turning into anti-mod

Remember ruku misspelling s's name.


argosciv ago

Ah! I figured out how to do it properly! /smirk

'dragon killer' is definitely involved with this.

cc: @Vindicator @ben_matlock @Camulos

argosciv ago


J7M7 turning into anti-mod

Remember ruku misspelling s's name.

urbanmoving ago

horseshit list

TrueAmerican ago

Good i am not on this list

kazza64 ago

they're not nice

SkippyMcSkipperson ago

How many of you scanned the list wondering if your name was mistakenly put on their? Haha

timoshenko ago

Niggas I ain't gonna take it!

You put me on that mothafuckin list or I am gone call Al Sharpton!!

Gothamgirl ago

I think they're part of cicada3301 or a puzzle.

Doglegwarrior ago

Are you saying i might have been arguing with a fucking bot at some point on here???

Camulos ago

I can almost guarantee it - happens to the best of us lol

Though there are real people behind these bots that seem to pick and choose which bot account to log into in order to have real conversations.

timoshenko ago


Why do you keep leaving me off the list!!

I may be a nigger but I deserve recognition for my shilling and botting too~!!!

Holonomic ago

Good job OP. No idea how you people find this shit out and how you know what is and is not a bot, but if you're know how to get this done and keep [d]reddit faggots/etc off here then it's terrific!

timoshenko ago

Why have I been left off this list?

It's because I'm black, isn't it?

You fucking racists won't even give a nigga credit for being a good bot.

LexOrandiLexCredendi ago

Keep an eye out for Pittsburgh.

"Training excersizes" are scheduled for Saturday and Drudge linked to an article about military choppers doing maneuvers over the city.

jackofdiamonds ago

I don't get it. What's the point of even doing this? I could see it sort of making sense if they were pushing hard an ideological agenda. But setting all this up just to write a bunch of incoherent garble? Are they trying to get CCP on the accounts by sounding friendly and not offending anyone?

think- ago

Well, DeathToMasons and his alts have been telling people on v/pizzagate that the subverse is dead, or sucks, and that the investigation will never lead to any arrests....classical troll rants posted in the hope that people will give up and go home, instead of researching pedophile crimes.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

fl3x ago

Is there a ClintonGate sub? I'm more interested in seeing that cunts head roll than any of the other shit, personally.

fl3x ago

Well I'm speculating/extrapolating a bit from what I've heard from FBI whistle-blowers but I'm guessing pizzagate is just the tip of the iceberg. "Getting" everyone involved in it is not going to "mission accomplish" the big picture. The big picture is the corrupt system that Trump was put in to kick out. I just see big a domino falling knocking down a big long pile of other minor kingpins in this massive criminal corporate US enterprise; the Domino to target I'm saying is Hillary. Time would be better spent focused there. Edit: my time. do as you will. ...I do wish more people would be as passionate about holding Trump to his HillaryForPrison promise as they were PizzaGate.

think- ago

There is one, but unfortunately I forgot the name...

RickFlairWOOOOOO ago

to drive off new eyes by making an image that we are loopy and obviously nothing we say here could be right.

ClairesDeLuney ago

Wow, many thanks, Camulos! I don't always have time to be here on a regular basis; the information you've provided on these scumbots is invaluable for people like me.
Much Love & MAGA!!

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the documentation, @Camulos. I've stickied this thread in v/pizzagate. Let the downvotes multiply!

Koalemos_Grottesco ago

Damn, I didn't make the cut

ScreaminMime ago

Me either, not jumbling the right panties.

alecfurski ago

I hope this isn't a pretext to push the Russian Bot narrative.

Is it going to "be discovered" that these are all Russian bots?

BlackSheepBrouhaha ago

Chatbot forum sliding makes more sense than the mass unbridled schizophrenia it appeared to be on cursory glance.

Thank you for your vigilance.

HillBoulder ago

Very creepy stuff wow

jervybingly ago

I always thought derram was a Voat-authorized bot. Somebody could have told us.

barraccuda ago

Op, you are a true nigger faggot. Keep up the good work. The power of autism is beyond simple meme farmers such as myself.

ChessKnight ago

I so know how to defeat this problem. I have to get off my ass and make a site.

Also, glad I'm not on the list (first thing I looked for)!

sugamari ago

dew eat!

elbrum ago

Thanks for the public service mate.

I feel a strange sense of pride that people go to this much work to try and derail/disrupt us. You guys are alright.

areyouhep ago

I know, just include a recaptcha for every comment like voat already does for posts. Shit, why not just include a captcha for every request! That way google can inject code into ALL OF THE REQUESTS. MUWAHAHAHA.

Sorry, but what you guys are trying to do is clearly against physics. It's like trying to build an oxygen based life-form from the deepest point in the oceans and the best you guys can come up with is a pipe that every living organism between you and the skies doesn't want to exist as your means of accessing non-toxic oxygen. Out of time and out of place. I'll enjoy the shitshow, but don't pretend I'm misrepresenting my involvement.

Not_A_Sheeple ago

I am suspicious of , Hey voat , get your guns here.. lets all get guns... guns guns guns..... most commenters and posters .... seem to have under 20 posts .. no matter how long they have had the account.

Hand_of_Node ago

Would it be possible to create some kind of script to add to AVE to highlight them? Or maybe something stand alone? Possibly a bot that would follow them around and call them out? As in, a comment saying: "the above user is a chatbot" or whatever.

Camulos ago

I've been successfully highlighting them in AVE manually for myself so far using the tag function.

LurkMoarFaggot ago

What are they trying to hide/misinform this time?

Camulos ago

You know, I'm not quite sure yet. It seems to me that this might even be a bit of a test getting the old "spam group" back together maybe. They seem to be concentrating on the Hollywood Pedo stuff in the new mostly but they've posted other junk too. Perhaps scp/ccp farming for an agenda they've yet to push? Hopefully we can weed em out before then.

beece ago

Wow, massive amount of research. Thanks for the heads up.

Camulos ago

Right on man, thank you

Speakfree ago

Thank you for putting in research. We can't do it all ourselves so I appreciate you allowing us to leverage your work.

mememeyou ago

Look @ those names...... Thank you @Camulos

Criticalthinker615 ago

I'm noticing patterns in those names: mostly see eye aye & gew references,

timoshenko ago

Bitch add me to the mothafucking List!!

If I change my name to timoshenkeye will you put me on it?

Camulos ago

Thanks for helping :)

Camulos ago

You're welcome, I can't stand these guys and thought they disappeared many months ago but oh well. /v/new is just slammed with their crap, it's a shame.

Vindicator ago

I would bet $1000 it has EVERYTHING to do with this: https://8ch.net/qresearch/res/2407607.html#2407847

Haven't seen forum sliding shitposts like that since last October...when Q first started posting, LOL.

DarkMath ago

Yep. The latest ones were to counteract QAnon but they've been doing this for a long time. Good news is we now know how @Are_we_sure got paid. How could you defend child rapists for money AreWeSure? These people WERE RAPING CHILDREN. What the hell is wrong with you? No seriously, what happened to your brain. There must be a reason. Are you another Marie Harf or something, so dumb you couldn't think your way out of a paper bag? So dumb you couldn't figure out you are working for Child Rapists?


think- ago

Btw, @KnightsofHubris is an @Are_We_Sure alt.

think- ago

So dumb you couldn't figure out you are working for Child Rapists?

Why dumb? He basically admitted he's into kinky gay sex, and I doubt it's (only) adults he feels attracted to. He perfectly knows what he's doing.

DarkMath ago

How do you know @Are_we_sure is a man?

think- ago

He talked about the gay underground scene and kinky codes there. Which made me assume he was a man.

Maybe he is a 'they' though? LOL.

But you're right, AWS could of course be female.

Any specific reason for mentioning this? Did you have the impression AWS is a woman?

darkknight111 ago

When did he talk about gay underground?

I know he's said something about being a jew too.

Donkeyhote plus his many alts is definetely a muslim due to how he's on record defending rape, justifying mohamad doing a 9 year old with "1st period = old enough for sex", and general violent personality.

think- ago

When did he talk about gay underground?

Sorry, don't remember the thread.

The general discussion in that thread was about handkerchiefs in different colours used by gays to signal what kind of kinky sex they prefer.

AWS said that we didn't know stuff, gays would use another kind of code system for that kind of signalling (didn't elaborate though).

I said to him that he obviously knew the gay underground scene well, and he didn't reply.

think- ago

Donkeyhote plus his many alts is definetely a muslim


DarkMath ago

@Are_we_sure is a Category 5 concern troll. They prolly took a course in all manner of sexuality. Of course AreWeSure there is nothing wrong with the gay underground scene and the kinky codes there. The problem is you using that as a way to defend legitimately evil sexual behavior like trafficking children whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiich is exactly what the NXIVM cult was indicted for. Your hero Hillary Clinton went into the charity business with NXIVM in 2007 which as you so often said in defending the Clinton Foundation means literally that. Hillary's Clinton Global Initiative sent money to NXIVM in the expectation they were using it to help those in need. Well we now know that money went into trafficking children for use in sexual blackmail operations a.k.a Brownstone Ops.

And your ignorance of THAT means you're either a complete fucking idiot or you have no soul. I'm going with the former which is kind of a backhanded complement all things considered.


HuginnOgMuninn ago

Link is dead, 8ch.net is dead in fact. Thought it was the isp but even my vpn won't show it

Vindicator ago

Hmm. Still works for me. Here's a screenshot of the post.

ShinyVoater ago

Speakfree ago

I used to try to keep a close eye on /v/new but have been slacking. You're helping to keep the hairs out of my vision. God speed.

Diggernicks ago

Get a hobby besides e stalking op.

Camulos ago

For a guy that seems to enjoy shitposting here like the best of us you sure seem to be a raging cunt about calling out spam groups.

VoutGuy ago

Are they globists or flatists?

alecfurski ago

It will "be discovered" that these are Russian bots. We're supposed to get with the program and hate Russia.

Carlosone ago

Lol. Some of us real people believe this rock is flat.

One-Way_Bus ago

Either way, both have earned a good gassing and into the oven.

Mumbleberry ago

Skin flautists