Vindicator ago

@Dressage2, not sure why you posted this thread twice, but I have to remove duplicates under Voat's spam rules. I will remove the second one with fewer upvotes.

Dressage2 ago

I have been having trouble posting. I thought it had not gone through. Sorry. I posted some links for my post. I hope that is all you needed.

new4now ago

As much as I respect the Mods, there was a grave error made in October that must be amended. We are at a great loss because of it. (pizzagatemods)

Cc1914 ago

When mods ban someone , is it voted on by all the mods ? Or does one mod just decide on his own who he wants to ban ? I’m just curious if you happen to know ?

Shizy ago

If I remember correctly, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, Milenial Falcon was the mod who banned her. When he was de-modded I remember her name being thrown around as being wrongfully banned by him.

Cc1914 ago

Yes I remember I pleaded for her return and was never satisfied with the answer I got from vindicater .. here’s a thread where she’s says vindicater banned her

Shizy ago

Oh so it wasn't Milenial Falcon. Did you notice the comment just below Mej from dom keyhote aka auralsects? It made me sick to read what he said to her. She didn't deserve that. No one deserves the nasty filth from that pile of garbage.

Cc1914 ago

Yes I read and he’s so heartless ! Him or AWS are probably the ones downvoating our comments about Jem. I’m really at a loss for words.

Vindicator ago

Correct. I was the one one who banned her, after trying repeatedly to get her to honor the submission rules, or stick to v/pizzagatewhatever. She thought they shouldn't apply to her; she didn't give me much choice. 😕

new4now ago

I think she was banned from Pizzagate because she didn't follow the rules

this was before Q posts were allowed on it

I had my share of posts deleted for not following rules

Elite, child abuse and or coverup

all claims needed a link for post

you would have to look up her posts

Cc1914 ago

Thanks I had my share too but what I meant was , does a mod have to get permission from all the other mods before he bans someone ?

Vindicator ago

No Cc1914. Any mod can ban a user. Our policy is to give two warnings and try to help the person understand how to post their content within the submission rules. After the third post that ignores the rules, we ban. Users can immediately make a new alt, and if they respect the rules, that's fine with us. We are not at liberty to allow only certain users to ignore the rules. We typically let each other know if a user is approaching a ban.

new4now ago

not sure, sry

Cc1914 ago

Thank you

Cc1914 ago

Omg I can’t read this . Is it true is the title true ???!!

darkknight111 ago

Unfortunately yes. Given the death threats he sent, Are We Sure is the most likely person who did it.

Note that he has been silent throughout all this.

thisistotallynotme ago

Okay, some questions:

1) How would @Are_we_sure have gotten her IP address?
2) How would @Are_we_sure have found her name?
3) How could @Are_we_sure have gotten any of Jen777's personal info without Voat itself being compromised, or complicit in her murder?
4) Why are you not pinging @Are_we_sure on every post you mention his name?
5) How would @Are_we_sure know you were finger-pointing at him if you're not pinging him?

Please answer these questions. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.

darkknight111 ago

I suspect him because of previous implied death threats he sent her last year. The other members of this verse know exactly what I'm talking about. The ones involving an image of a decapited Jeffery Dahmer victim.

He's been awfully silent throughout all this, which is very suspiscious given how active he is on this and v/greatawakening.

My claims are behaviour based.

Cc1914 ago

Ohh my!! WTH? I don’t remember that ? This is mind blowing!

Dressage2 ago

Yes. Pray. Keep fighting. They want you to get scared and give up. Never give up. Our children, all over the world, are worth fighting for.

Cc1914 ago

😔 I’m going to read now .. in shock and so sad because she was banned from here and we all tried to get her back .. thanks for the reply . We will never forget all her effort in this fight and no we will never give up exposing this evil ! Prayers for the family

Honeybee_ ago

Wow, no words. Saying a prayer for her, this is insanely suspect and I am really upset about this, can we get some actual confirmation, hotel name, what she was doing recently?

Dressage2 ago

George Webb had said he would keep updated info in videos. I will keep an eye out on 8chan as well.


Was she named after a guitar?

Dressage2 ago

Don’t know. She was Jen or Jenny. I never knew or asked what her last name was.

thisistotallynotme ago

Heart Attacks Can Be Deadly.

RIP, beloved Patriot. Her Name Was Jem777.

darkknight111 ago Have the threads.

Are We Sure is suspect #1 in my eyes given his past death threats against her last year.

Anyone know a hacker who can identify him, cause its time for some payback.

Camera_Eye ago

Put it out on the Chans...cast a wide net for resources.

Dressage2 ago

I remember that!!!!

Gothamgirl ago

She was so kind to me, just heartbreaking to hear this.

carmencita ago

I am so broken up. I can't believe it. Yes, she was a wonderful person and always so helpful. Prayers for her and family.

Cc1914 ago

This is just horrible .. 😔

Gothamgirl ago

Amen :(

carmencita ago

She was one of us. And always will be. +

Tanngrisnir ago

This is horirible news! Jem777 was one of my favorite posters. So sorry to hear this.