PoeticJunction ago


gamepwn ago

I remember always seeing Jem777 posts. Banning her really was a messed up mistake

TrishaUK ago

I got banned about 6 months ago for sharing with others that the mods had banned @Jem777 (they thought I was stirring up trouble-but I was only making people aware that this great researcher had been banned and wanted support to ask for her un-banning). I got banned a few months ago a few times, so this is the reason I rarely make submissions any more. I will add as comments on other peoples submissions because I do not want to be banned for violating any rule. Very sad to hear @Jem777 and hope the mods will reconsider and allow her back on, ESPECIALLY NOW, we are moving closer to all these sickos being exposed/arrested. We owe @Jem777 a debt of gratitude for her knowledgeable research, boldness and all round kindness to people here on voat, especially when we joined and knew nothing really she was a great encourager to me. 😭 Please bring her back. 😞

carmencita ago

When I first joined here and jumped on I was wet behind the ears not knowing much except what I learned on reddit. I learned so much from the researchers on here. @Wolftrail7272 @Pfishingteam and @jangles @Dessage2 and @Jem777. Unfortunately one of them has been banned. I can't tell you how many questions I have asked Jem and I always received an answer. What a shame we have had to do with out her for so long. Please bring back one of the best researchers and teachers that we have, @Jem777 Please

The_Savant ago

^^ I can guarantee there are many more with a similar story to this. It always takes a while to read the matrix and find the emerging patterns. In the meantime, there are users like Jem with both the experience and wisdom to show you the ropes and show you details you would never otherwise have spotted.

FYI Carmen, you were another one of those to me. Thank you for being straightforward and genuine all this time.

carmencita ago

Oh my, now you made me cry. Thank you from The Bottom of My Heart <3

Blacksmith21 ago

I echo the same sentiments. Jem777 was one of the best researchers in the community. Bring her back or provide us with an explanation (not bullshit) as to Jem777's ban.

new4now ago

Jem777 opened my eyes on a lot of things

I had no idea on a lot of stuff going down

She opened my eyes on a lot of things

Her background posts where a big help also as to how PG came about

She's one of the Good Guys

I agree we need more researchers like her

Wish you would reconsider

The_Savant ago

Jem was easy to go to for advise. I would get her opinion on some things when I had just started posting in a decent routine.

Didn't Commoner get unbanned recently? Similarly, I think Jem deserves a second chance.

new4now ago

I can't believe she was banned, yet there are those that use foul language, bullies people, and don't add anything to the group

Jen gave useful info even if the Mod didnt see as such. SMH

I'vehad things deleted and when you see some other stuff that breaks the same rule which got your post deleted ...stay up, it makes you wonder and you get frustrated

Gothamgirl ago

Yes I agree, Jem777 is one of the best researchers we have and I hope differences can be settled so he/she could come back.

Believe it or not my friends are beginning to finally look into this stuff. It took almost 14 months but every minute of hardship and losses, was worth it.

The_Savant ago

My own friends were convinced by Colbert that it was just trolls talking about CPP's basement. I'll leave it a while before I try a second time.

You're not wrong about Jem. I think it isn't worth banning over a misunderstanding about the rules. Still up to the mods, but I hope they see reason - Jem has gone further than most of us would dare.

argosciv ago

Preface: I'm only responding here, as I was invited. I would have otherwise left this alone because I am admittedly quite confused as to @Jem777's situation... (herein: J = Jem777)

I remember when J came to v/pizzagatewhatever saying she'd been banned from v/pizzagate, I was quite surprised to hear the news and even hurried over to check the banned users, for verification. I was surprised because even I had noticed a history of lengthy and seemingly well fleshed out and indeed useful submissions - she certainly had the support of many users I trust or have trusted and even I had pinged J to at least a few of my RoC entries. Unfortunately, I felt it best that I not rock the boat, hence not having much to say on the matter and subsequently ceasing to ping J in RoC.

I've kept an eye out for J's posts, though, including those under @Mej777 - I recall upvoating many of them.

I know that this was discussed at the time and it was very controversial and everyone made their appeals but the decision stood.

I think I missed that one...

On the 26th of October, Vindicator made the decision to ban Jem777 from the PizzaGate subverse due to disrespecting the rules of the subverse over and over. Specifically, it was rule 1 that was broken too many times in the eyes of the mods, and that warranted a ban.

I'm a lazy sod, but, can someone point me to the offending thread? (not important, just curious)

She advised me not to instantly say that Amazon was full of pedophiles because people wouldn't accept it, and therefore to drip information slowly so as the appear more rational. I ignored it because people here already know about PG, but that was her way of posting.

Sage advice in most cases, though, things are changing all the time - sometimes bombshells work, other times not so much...

Jem then made a post on Stephen Paddock the same day and decided to give her information in small breadcrumbs, since it was a very large post. She planned on updating it regularly with sources, but at the beginning, her post stood without any links. It was deleted and she was banned before she could update it at all.

This is where things probably started to come undone a bit. The Vegas shooting and Stephen Paddock 'episode' was fucked up... it took a lot of us off guard. I remember the night of the event and being here casually researching right as the situation began to unfold; I dropped everything and began feverishly spitting out updates, sidenotes and fleeting research into a special RoC entry... the whole thing left a lot of us pissed off and/or confused and having to dig in a hurry, with blatant shillery eating away at our rationality - I mean for fuck's sake... teleporting shooters... fuck me what a shit show...

The mods especially would have been frustrated with trying to discern fake from genuine...

Not that it's my place to question the mods' decision, but, perhaps emotions and confusion got the better of everyone at the time, which left a mark on J's name which is very hard to recover from?

This was a huge mistake. Jem has always been one of our best researchers, and is a federal witness and a whistleblower. Jem is one of the biggest risk-takers and an asset to our investigation. There are many things that she has shared with me that I can't tell you, but something that is objectively true is that she puts herself out there and, should she need a platform to leave her legacy were she in great danger (which I hate to be vague, but this is very likely), we should be the outlet to listen to her and give her a platform to speak on. She possesses the experience and knowledge to make this investigation speed up tenfold.

I don't really have much to say to this part other than to agree that J has provided some excellent work from what I remember. I've had my doubts at times and I think we've had disagreements on some topics, but, I can't doubt the effort.

Mods, unban Jem777. If anything, we need more users like her, not fewer.

Best I stay neutral on this bit; we do need researchers who put in the effort, that's for sure... not my place to comment further though.

Blacksmith21 ago

LV was 100% PG related. I think we have a pretty good consensus on the origins and mechanics of LV. Motive is still murkier. Something is effing rotten there though, and it ties right back to PG central.

Depending on who the operators of Voat are - who is pulling the strings - determines the outcome. I get the need for OPSEC at the time of the event and silencing someone who was providing solid intel. But, times are different now. The entire country knows LV as bullshit.

I've seen nothing ( and I watched it transpire, as well as was invited to the appeal 0) which would be grounds for a ban.

argosciv ago

LV was 100% PG related. I think we have a pretty good consensus on the origins and mechanics of LV. Motive is still murkier. Something is effing rotten there though, and it ties right back to PG central.

Agreed wholeheartedly.

Depending on who the operators of Voat are - who is pulling the strings - determines the outcome. I get the need for OPSEC at the time of the event and silencing someone who was providing solid intel. But, times are different now. The entire country knows LV as bullshit.

I wouldn't necessarily call it bullshit, more just a shit show - but, that's a discussion for another time and place lol.

I've seen nothing ( and I watched it transpire, as well as was invited to the appeal 0) which would be grounds for a ban.

I'm about to go back over the threads in question, to refresh my memory.

The_Savant ago

Here it is. In this post (that you were pinged in), Jem explains what she was going to do with that post.

I hope Jem is female because at this point I've said "she" too many times to take back lol.

argosciv ago


Oh fucking lol, now I remember!

I dunno if J's still got a bug up their arse about me, but, at no point was I intending to attack J at all - why I was targetted with such aggression by some users is obvious to at least myself.

Indeed, I did respond in kind with a degree of hostility towards anyone who's been doubting me. In telling others to ignore Paddock, it was perhaps a poor choice of words, as I was moreso trying to remind people to curb their emotion & that there's more to the story than just the shooter. Lo and behold, it turns out there was a fucktonne more to it.

The emotion I seemingly expressed there was meant to be mostly ironic and also meant to indicate that, at the time, I was busy with my own research - when I'm balls-deep in 50+ tabs of research, I hate being bothered by shills/in-fighting, hence being a bit frustrated and reacting the way I did.

I'll gladly own every word I said in that thread, even if mistakes were made... it was a shitty period for all of us and perhaps even further evidence to my theory that emotion and confusion got the best of more than a few of us...

@Vindicator (just pinging you in case this is burried a few layers deep)

@Jem777 I remember our disagreement now, as was the case then even with my misunderstanding you, I offer no malice and still trust your work - I don't know if you've kept up with mine at all, but, you're entitled to your opinion of me as always, also.

The_Savant ago

Haha! That was the first time I'd seen your name and remember thinking you were a right prick!

Oh well, experience clears these doubts and you haven't tried to make an enemy of yourself in the same way since.

argosciv ago

Haha! That was the first time I'd seen your name and remember thinking you were a right prick!

Hahaha, I have to quote Eminem - The Way I Am:

~I can be a prick, if you tempt me my tank is on empty

No patience is in me and if you offend me I'm lifting you ten feet

In the air, I don't care who was there~

~And I am, whatever you say I am

If I wasn't, then why would I say I am?

I do everything I can to keep a level head here, because I know that my research won't always be met with an open mind - that I will cop pushback on certain topics... sometimes ya gotta push back against the pushback, though :P

Oh well, experience clears these doubts and you haven't tried to make an enemy of yourself in the same way since.

Well that's the thing, nothing about me has changed since then... a lot of people just didn't expect me to fly off the handle like that, which begged the question, why did I do it? Because I knew I already had made an enemy of myself and ultimately will continue to do so, as my research has gotten into much more sensitive topics and flies in the face of a lot of deeply in-grained beliefs held here by many users.

I sound like a prick sometimes, because, well, I don't give a fuck about speaking my mind on some topics which are hard to follow. I also swear a lot, being an Aussie, which probably makes it hard to read my state of mind lol.

argosciv ago

thanks, my memory is for shit sometimes, I'll have a look through both out of curiosity :)

argosciv ago

tip: only the first 5 pings will go out; pinging @ASolo and @Vindicator for you :)

The_Savant ago

Pfff. Who made this website lol. Thanks for letting me know, I don't often ping people in general.

argosciv ago

it's to prevent spam lol, imagine if the shills rigged up a bot to parse the most active users of a subverse, then constantly ran around pinging 20+ people per post... /me shudders

I'll write up an actual response shortly and post it as a reply to the submission.

The_Savant ago

Makes sense, but still inconvenient to me right now haha. Your opinion is welcomed, but before you post it you need to know that Jem is a direct target of the opposition. I can't say more or she could be at risk.