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new4now ago

As much as I respect the Mods, there was a grave error made in October that must be amended. We are at a great loss because of it. (pizzagatemods)

Cc1914 ago

When mods ban someone , is it voted on by all the mods ? Or does one mod just decide on his own who he wants to ban ? I’m just curious if you happen to know ?

Shizy ago

If I remember correctly, and someone please correct me if I'm wrong, Milenial Falcon was the mod who banned her. When he was de-modded I remember her name being thrown around as being wrongfully banned by him.

Cc1914 ago

Yes I remember I pleaded for her return and was never satisfied with the answer I got from vindicater .. here’s a thread where she’s says vindicater banned her

Shizy ago

Oh so it wasn't Milenial Falcon. Did you notice the comment just below Mej from dom keyhote aka auralsects? It made me sick to read what he said to her. She didn't deserve that. No one deserves the nasty filth from that pile of garbage.

Cc1914 ago

Yes I read and he’s so heartless ! Him or AWS are probably the ones downvoating our comments about Jem. I’m really at a loss for words.

Vindicator ago

Correct. I was the one one who banned her, after trying repeatedly to get her to honor the submission rules, or stick to v/pizzagatewhatever. She thought they shouldn't apply to her; she didn't give me much choice. 😕