21yearsofdigging ago

Just made a video about her death. I am just beyond sad when I watch her videos and hear her voice. She walked through the fear but it wasn't like she know what she was up against. I think I had a few exchanges with her on here and others that I trust here really liked and admired her. Now I know why, or I better understand who she was. I had no idea she had been a police officer.

Camera_Eye ago

Capital Heights has always been known as a sort of no-go zone. No use heading over there unless your stopping in a Home Depot or something in the middle of the day. In fact, most of PG County is undesirable. Bowie is not so bad, but lots of opportunity crime at the malls; you got to go to Harm City (Bal) for some real gang-banding. In PG every six months or so, a major story breaks on .Gov corruption.

That's a crummy place (CH Raddison) to stage yourself. Cost? In my other posts I speculated that if she settled a PI case (personal injury workman's comp) for a high figure b\c of the major back surgery like that is going to cost close to six (6) fig. Take that x pain x lost wages and your looking at a substantial WC case. So...she leaves CA b\c (as friend and former Fed) her life was in danger and is able to ...what...perform her own private investigations (leveraging her background) on her dime. Shit, cash doesn't last long. 100K doesn't last long...

I was re-reading the Dutroux Affair (see here: https://isgp-studies.com/belgian-x-dossiers-of-the-dutroux-affair) and the patterns seem to all replicate the same structure EVERY SINGLE TIME. Generational abuse (targeted for f-Up'd baseline psychology)...kids from broken homes (BoysTown, CPS ect) , recruitment into the network, blackmail, torture and folded into the the superclass elite networks, mind-control (spycraft) then plied to create MPD\DID, elaborate structure such as complicit banking and shadow systems (see Dope, Inc.), compromised and participatory institutions (judges, police, high-ranking officials). At EVERY turn the victim is throttled & discredited (more pain on top of an already unbelievable tragedy to most folks ), combine those head-winds with a complicit MSM and massive dis-info systems set up like the False Memory Foundation (a sham that has enlisted top Uni Psychiatrists...the same jackasses running MK that received funding\grants from who? The Company? ....(imagine if that story ever hit MSM. The same highly-regarded academic PsyDoc that ran the entire dept, well-published for sure and well-known internationally, wholly complicit human trafficking and experiments to be discarded like trash. .Gov dis-info structure and the Uni gladly took the money...#WEKNEW) Reading the Dutroux Affair this template is spelled out.

Anyway, I believe until there's a bunch of good guys with enough resources and know-how, the tactical and operational means to provide a real underground railroad system and safe houses, redundant asymmetrical cells and finally a death by a thousand cuts, will be the only way to bring down the %1 percent that participate that are assuredly pathological is going to be difficult. But, the Dutroux Affair is a good learning template. The %1 isn't so special. The good will eventually crush them into the ground. The elites conducting any business whatsoever with what this group and many others are discussing, don't belong on Earth...as Trump said: Fast Trials...Death Penalty.

All this bla bla...but I hope JM had amassed enough damning evidence that a viral fire will start and what few good guys within an agency that have the Presidents back will begin the clean-up. It's no wonder Trump has the Deep State, MSM and the establishment against him...he's just like the victim fighting head-winds. What Trump doesn't have against him are a shit-ton of American people and patriot military.

21yearsofdigging ago

Excellent post, chalk full of info. Love that you drew comparisons to the Dutroux Affair. No time to celebrate however as I feel time is running out, especially considering 5 G and what that may do to harness free thinking

Camera_Eye ago

T Paine had (if its not already brought into the threads) post today on his Twitter account and up on TruePundit. A captured audio via free-conference call with Farmer J? and JM. Conversation leads off with the same "playbook" (lets just refer to it now as the PEDO PLAYBOOK so that a redundant theme\meme is reinforced to all of the ANONs) about intergenerational "targets" as being the PRIMARY supplier and pipeline of victims, outside the otherwise ratlines into third world shitholes such as Haiti et al exploited by NGOs, Human Trafficking "SAVIOURS" that have flipped the script and so on. JM speaks of the same incompetence & failures of .Gov agencies that since 9/11 WOKE time we've all known about. Incompetence comms, corrupt "blackmailed" high-ranking officials providing cover and misdirection. She doesn't get into (during this 35 min convo) anymore detail about this latest and most damning of all time CLINTON victim is protected (for good reason) but more importantly...how a kill switch will activate redundant systems to get this info out. THAT is going to be the biggest of all challenges b\c every damn system in place is against it. The whole house of cards FALL.

Dressage2 ago

Great you are making a video. I tried to get her reinstated. She was allowed back one time. Then I was banned and allowed to come back and then she was banned again! They would not answer inquiry why she was banned. Jem was so disappointed. I told her they are compromised in that mod pod. Too many great researchers were having their work deleted. She was my hero. So brave, such a bad ass. I will miss her.

Z14 ago

We should discuss whether Vindicator should retain Mod status: https://voat.co/v/pizzagatemods/2674041

Vindicator ago

Thank you for adding the links, D2. I am removing the flair.

InnocentAngels ago

This is terrible and so sad. I also remember her posts. If there is someone here that would be able to post her obituary when available, I would really like to see it. RIP JEM

Dressage2 ago

I hope that will suffice, @Vindicator

Camera_Eye ago

How old was she? Her latest vids don’t demonstrate ailments but a scared as hell person... unless you can FOIA examiners report your just grabbing at straws ... why don’t u ANONs fire up Judicial Watch to run this to ground... get some horsepower behind it. If she was in PG (I can ask my Captain budy in PG and former Bal swat) where she got steered to. The women deserves it.

Vindicator ago

Hope what will suffice, D2?

Dressage2 ago

I was speaking of my links for my post. It must have was not deleted.

KosherHiveKicker ago

The Hotel most likely has security cameras in the lobby, elevator, and hallways.

The hit team might be visible on them if they haven't been "Wiped with a cloth, or something."

Camera_Eye ago

Just like Las Vegas right; the most sophisticated commercial entity to have their own SOC center. Where are the vids? How many people died? Is it in the news? Was it a mirage? Why has MSM forgotten? The whole event as told is irrational.

Nana66 ago

I wondered why I never saw any posts or got comments from her anymore.

dreamdigital ago

@Vindicator you are not made to look very good on this thread. I know you're just following the rules you all have set in place, but seriously man, this lady had stuff. Should have worked with her.

Gem777 Banned and slandered

DerivaUK ago

Jem777 was an awesome contributor to the cause. God Bless.

Piscina ago

I am so fucking pissed that this thread has a '24 hour grace'!!! Wtf is wrong with Vindicator?.?.

Dressage2 ago

I don’t know. It is related to pedophiles and SRA. That is what Pizzagate is. About.

Piscina ago

I remember her. She was here from the beginning. Police are saying it did not look like suicide. RIP Jem777.

Pizzalawyer ago

jem777, her last Task Force video was made outside the courthouse where the Manafort trial was taking place. She claimed that Manafort's illgotten gains from. Ukraine activities were related to child trafficking. This video might have been second to last, with the airport video #5 re: her research, PTSD being the very last.

Until there is an autopsy, there is only speculation as to the cause of her death. Rumors re suicided, massive seizure, etc. should all be taken with a grain of salt. And how can we count on a reliable autopsy out of DC?

If AreWeSure really threatened her, then I apologize for defending him at times. Why would Vindicator ban her?

This is not a game. This is an awful development. During my activist days in the 70s, two of my colleagues in two different states were murdered. Some folks at my employment began wearing bulletproof vests. I had small children and thats when I got out and left the state. I will pray for her.

Camera_Eye ago

It happened in MD, the body most likely will go to Univ of MD (Bal campus) medical examiners Office...

Are_we__sure ago

If AreWeSure really threatened her, then I apologize for defending him at times. Why would Vindicator ban her?

He did not. DM me if you want details.

awake4646 ago

Many blessings for peace for all who lost a dear friend. The world lost a true warrior. Jem was a true Gem. Let's make sure her efforts continue to unravel the web we are all working to bring down.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

haunt these fucks! RIP

PrideOfOshtekk ago


looking4truth ago

RIP . can we talk about the fact that this sub is banning contributers?

PrideOfOshtekk ago

We can, and we should.

WeirdTimes ago

This is terrible. In germany a guy got killed a month ago. He was researching pizzagate too. He told his mother he found some terrible proofs pizzagate related and that he thinks he's in trouble. A few hours laters he was found dead. The police told his mother it was suicide. He jumped from the last floor in his hotel. His laptop was taken from the police. Now his mother is investigating.


Another thing is, he got immediately observed by the hotel security even he entered the hotel and wanted to check in. So they knew he will check in there. You can see the video here: https://youtu.be/SYq0asyNsik

Onetime1 ago

Max Spiers. Another brave warrior whose murder must not be forgotten as we all intensify our efforts.

Oh_Well_ian ago

you put a tag on this @Vindicator ?

you gotta be fucking kidding me

this is why this sub is a fucking joke

Vindicator ago

Sorry man. You know I have to. Certainly wasn't eager to do it.

Tanngrisnir ago

If a proper link is added will the grace be removed? The topic is certainly pertaining to Pizzagate and is important information for the community.

Piscina ago

You are so quick to call me a disinfo shill but you're the one looking as crooked as a dog's hind leg.

Piscina ago

There is absolutely no reason to tag this thread. This is important info on pizzagate research and researchers and it meets all the criteria. Shame on you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

bro.. this is why I never come here anymore..

You guys don't get it.. You think were all here to put together some rock solid, evidentiary based court case. PG could have been about spreading awareness to the SYSTEM controlling all of it. This understanding does not come in documents and property records. It requires lots of thinking outside the box and speculative inquiry that opens new doors.

Vindicator ago

It also requires lots of thinking outside the box and speculative inquiry that opens new doors.


Why is it that you aren't willing to put the speculative stuff in the speculative sub and the source-backed research in the research sub? I really don't understand this at all.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

quit while you're not ahead

srayzie ago

She was way too young for it to be a sudden natural death in my opinion. She was also in the witness protection program. George Webb is a high profile target and she was with him daily. The autopsy may come back normal. But we all know how that goes...

I’m not the craziest about George Webb anymore. But his emotions were real. I have compassion for him. He is hurting. They were good friends. I stayed in touch with Jem on Twitter. They had a lot of fun together.

@Jangles I just told @Dressage2 that Jem told me that she only fully trusted 3 people here. You 2 were on that list. ❤️

jangles ago

This is a bit daunting. I am speechless.

Onetime1 ago

Max Spiers, Danny Casolaro, Andrew Breitbart, Gary Cadori - and his 9 year old son - and now the brave Jen Moore, one of our own, have all been murdered by these POS.

We need to press on with renewed determination so that these brave warriors have not sacrificed in vain.

Dressage2 ago

Thank you. She said that we were on some list of people to watch. I honestly think they try to take off important things on here. Very sad when kids are dying. I trust you, Srayzie.

srayzie ago

Thank you.

3141592653 ago

Im at a loss for words....

srayzie ago

@Dressage2... Jem777 told me that there were only 3 people here that she fully trusted and you were one of them. I hope that gives you some comfort.

I made this comment in another post. I’ll repost here...

Omg! That is so sad 😢

I’ve known this whole time that she was Task Force and with George Webb. But I didn’t voice it publicly because she didn’t want everyone to know. She was really active here until she left and joined him.

She was @Jem777 and @mej777

She used to say that she was gang stalked and that she was leaving, and being put in the Witness Protection Program. She left California and joined George Webb and stayed with him until now.

Since she was in the witness protection program, she wouldn’t show her face on video. She always said they were going to come after her. She said her fiancé was murdered 7 years ago. 🙁

Here is her Twitter...

Vindicator ago

@Dressage2, can you please add supporting links? Thank you. Giving this the 24 Hour Grace flair.

Plan1988 ago

Is there going to be an autopsy?

Dressage2 ago

I don’t know.

Indigo- ago

RIP Jem xx

Z14 ago

Who banned Jem777 and what was the official reason from Voat? Thanks. Edit: Looking further into this it seems that the ban on @Jem777 was exercised by @Vindicator.

Two questions:

1.Does @Vindicator still hold ability to ban users?

2.Can we see a list of all bans/mod actions the user @Vindicator has performed?

Shizy ago

Fuck the piece of shit who downvoated everyone here talking about a woman who has died! You're trash!

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

this board is loaded with shills from CIA, controlled opposition, hegelian dialectic, assigned roles.

bibigirl_ ago

Rip Jem777♡

carmencita ago

George pretty much eulogizes Jem (Jenny) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmj5U9X0ubg

Shizy ago


Ops ping probably didn't go through to you

Shizy ago

Thank you for providing this info to us. I'm really sorry to hear this.

unclassified ago

Wow, that's too sad. I remember her. She was brave.

SeeHear ago

Bless her soul. I still remember her being banned and not understanding why. Now, I read that other people I thought were great researchers are potentially compromised. I am grateful for all the hard work put in by many researchers...I’ve said it a million times since pizzagate broke, but I’m gonna take a break and focus on something else- or nothing at all for a well. Everyone be safe

Mammy ago

Rest in Peace, Jem777. WWG1WGA

Joe10jo ago

I remember Jem. ❤️

Criticalthinker615 ago

Wisc is corrupt was a regular at glp for years. I can't post there anymore but maybe someone should ask around and see if anyone has heard from him over there. I remember his avatar from years before PG. Odd how something has kept many of us in the same crowd through the years ..

Nana66 ago

I haven't heard from them in a long time either....Their account always made me feel like they weren't just a regular person here. You could not find the account unless they were active and you clicked their name in a post or comment, then their page wouldn't show the history of any of the stuff they posted.

kazza64 ago

alrighty then last night i checked my instagram and there was a disgusting human skull being eaten by a flesh eating disease at the top of my feed and a picture of ethan and hila klein underneath it i posted a pic from 4chan on their twitter after they were banned for interviewing alex jones they are lucifierian child raping pedos and a lot of people would have seen that pic. next minute i have a notification that my apple phone has been hacked from the netherlands. then last night i opened my instagram on my phone to that. i dont follow them so that was planted. if thats jut a taste of the tip of the iceberg when you start to uncover these pedos then its just too terrifying to imagine how people like jem777 were being stalked and harrassed we all put ourselves at risk when we dig for dirt on these people but if you're like me its not voluntary its a compulsion to expose pedophilia at all levels all over the world. you know there were rumours that george was mossad but that was probably a smear campaign during pizzagate. i cant imagine what kind of threats fiona barnett has been receiving since she returned to the arena it breaks my heart that we are all targets for the massive pedo ring that has its grip on the world

PedoStomperReturns ago

I personally believe that all PG researchers should own a gun.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

weirdest thing that happened to me about a year or so ago, was I was lazily using my phone and I posted a link (about a (((country))) organ trafficking) then I got a phone call from a weird number i answered it my phone went dead, battery completely gone and so was my credit, weirdly the number was shown and was from somewhere in Turkey. I heard it happened to someone else, but the link between us seemed to be criticism of Israel rather than pedogate directly.

kazza64 ago

i have a usb ready now to reload windows on my laptop because somebody is going through it on a regular basis

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

get Tails for serious browsing and its like it never happened, its a live environment. And maybe switch to Linux Mint as a main os, WaterFox as a browser and startpage as a search engine. and both Tails and Linux Mint can be booted from a usb too if you absolutely have to have windows but if thats the case id have that looked at, lol. If your hesitant of learning a brand new OS then i would advise creating a bootable Linux Mint usb with persistence (your disk space will be limited) but youll get to try it out, and its like having a laptop you can take with you to another laptop. Its easier than it sounds. safe and secure and stable.

kazza64 ago

jesus :/ this is why i want to study I.T. i cant be a conspiracy theorist when i dont know what the hell i'm doing its so darn frustrating

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

this should help pass it on. :)

kazza64 ago


spacepopecoast2coast ago

holy fuck dude... haven't been very keen on logging into account/posting here lately - thought maybe I was just being paranoid, but who fucking knows what's really going on

13Buddha ago

OMG. I remember her. She was very involved and had much knowledge. I had no idea she was banned. Whatever for??? RIP, Jem777.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

bc she was posting serious shit the mods wanted banned

Nadeshda ago

I remember her posts...

Poohwhisperer ago


MolochHunter ago

Vale Jem777

i remember her contributions

HennyPenny ago

LEH50 3 hours ago He didn't find her - he couldn't even be bothered to go over there. I bugged him for 2 days to check on her - he called the hotel, and they went into her room. George has done nothing!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Bo1it0_kss

Don't know the particulars but that comment above was posted on her Bitchute site "3 hrs ago". It seems like doing this kind of work requires a buddy system that checks in more frequently than every 2 days.I feel so sorry for her, she was an impassioned warrior.

Dressage2 ago

A true patriot. She died doing what she was passionate about and she was a warrior!

notagame ago

I do remember reading her post and wondered what happened to her.

So sorry to hear this. She was really, really good from what I remember. And even if she wasn't, no one deserves this.

Syndicalism ago

I am now digging back into her past to see what I missed. There is a lot. Here is an hour-long interview with her describing who she was and what she did. I had no idea she was so involved.

Norseman ago

Why was she banned?

Vindicator ago

I banned her because she kept submitting threads that didn't meet our evidence requirements. I tried to work with her but she didn't think the submission rules should apply to her. She didn't give me much choice. I did not ban her alt Mej.

thisistotallynotme ago

I bet you'll sleep like a baby again tonight, too.

Piscina ago

You're a bit of an arsehole Vindicator. You delete threads that are very relevant.

Kiwi_Slave ago

World class arsehole Vindicator. Why I never post new material here anymore - waste of time

Pizzalawyer ago

I dont recall any of her Pizzagate submissions poor or otherwise. Nor do I like to speak ill of the dead, especially if she were murdered. But I did read and listen to some of her TaskForce material. She did feel.entitled to be believed because of her background in law enforcement. And she does claim she has documents to back her statements but she never reveals her hand. And her knowledge of certain activities cuts such a broad swath when its not possible to be everywhere over the globe witnessing such activities. Nor does she provide any documentation of her assault by 4 men, not even a redacted police record or redacted medical record. So she is a mystery and thus a challenge to mods.

Camera_Eye ago

Penatrated Alefantis computer has no context if it’s the same story about a backdoor gateway that was easily debunked by code slingers. If I’m wrong , sorry.

fluhthreeex ago

If you had hard evidence of systemic corruption and were under constant threat to your person and your life, would you go handing out that evidence on the internet? Where would you even begin to disclose it?

Edit: If she had what she claimed to have, which if murdered for having it or doing what she's doing it leads one to conclude she did, I don't quite think you're seeing things from her perspective. What safety net is there for people to bring forward things like that?

Camera_Eye ago

You’d take everything OFF LINE and first figure out the capabilities of research \investigatve tactical force and replicate a scattered redundant cell structures. Look these are supposedly the same dumb asses that a bunch of rag heads commander planes into the WTC, unless of course, said pathological humans behind the scenes are just evil. Emergence is the antidote of chaos and also the end of chaos and human misary. They can’t control evo and life force trajectory.

carmencita ago

What many people don't know or realize is that her boyfriend was murdered as well. He was also a Whistle blower. She lost someone near and dear to her. Her strength came from her loss and her love of her country and Our Children. Thank you for speaking for her. Now that we are all aware of her death and what she has experienced, how many would disclose personal information. I agree.

Oh_Well_ian ago

well... obviously it looks like she had enough information to get her killed

Now how do you feel?

srayzie ago

I can’t believe you went there.

@Vindicator did nothing wrong. People have stooped so low to be taking an opportunity like this to give him the guilt trip. Should he never ban someone for violating rules because someday, they could die? What if that happened to one of the people you went off on. Be above this Ian.

Vindicator ago

My feelings aren't really relevant, here, are they? It's terrible a pg investigator has died. If she was murdered, it needs to be investigated.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol 'IF' yeah... it's DC, dude. Have you not learned after all this time how things work there? Did you watch the video with Webb and how suspicious he looked there? He dropped the dime that lead to the discovery of her body in an obvious plausible deniability maneuver, too. I can trust that you won't be doing much investigating, but get the flair up there !!!

I was harassed by MF at the same time Jem777 was, and banned on 2 separate occasions for RULEZZZZZZ..

Rules specifically designed to keep this investigation penned in, by deleting speculative submissions and preventing an understanding of the wider forces at play.

The sub has turned into a 'get the kid diddlers' joke. Just exactly what is intended by mods from the beginning.

Vindicator ago

I was harassed by MF at the same time Jem777 was, and banned on 2 separate occasions for RULEZZZZZZ..

And who unbanned you, Ian? Who tried to help you post within the submission rules? Care to mention that?

Rules specifically designed to keep this investigation penned in, by deleting speculative submissions and preventing an understanding of the wider forces at play.

The sub has turned into a 'get the kid diddlers' joke. Just exactly what is intended by mods from the beginning.

That is just so much shit, Ian, and you know it. We have an entire anything-goes subverse set up for those who don't or can't meet the main sub's submission requirements. The submission rules + speculative sub system is what the majority of users have wanted from the beginning of this sub, and @Crensch and @kevdude have repeatedly given folks the opportunity to change that and chose not to. Jem chose not to respect that repeatedly and instead of changing her ways when banned, complained to other users and tried to organize a campaign to get her unbanned, all the while making excuses about why she should be held to different evidentiary standards than everyone else. It was shitty behavior then, and this crap from you is shitty behavior now. You tearing apart this sub and attacking me to vent your toxic spleen is not going to help bust any pedos.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Stop the pearl clutching, my comment is not 'tearing this subverse apart'. I thought your flair was in poor taste given the circumstances.

And c'mon, MF was a cancer and everybody knows it. He made many people frustrated and was absolutely censoring people for arbitrary reasons and had a hidden agenda. In hind site, it's reasonable to assume it was more about WHAT she was posting that was concerning him.

This is the only sub on voat with these multiple restrictions. Whether or not they have improved the quality of the subverse is absolutely up for consideration and subject to opinion.

mergen ago

voat is a honey pot. PG admins are corrupt.

KosherHiveKicker ago

Jem777 Repeated disregard for subverse rules Vindicator 10 months ago

Flour ago

Which rules? Specifics, please

KosherHiveKicker ago

Vindicator attempts to explain here:

I banned her because she kept submitting threads that didn't meet our evidence requirements. I tried to work with her but she didn't think the submission rules should apply to her. She didn't give me much choice. I did not ban her alt Mej.

"Evidence Requirements"?

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

it was b.s.

RIPJem ago

We know this to be True.

There is much more to this story.

Camera_Eye ago

A screen shot of George Webb's text says..."Task Force went down swinging. Not a suicide." Marianne Barnard also has a Tweet and screen shot of a DM that Task Force (Jenny Moore). I thought I read that she was law enforcement moved into witness protection. So..this happened in Washington DC..what today? No news

Dressage2 ago

Yes today. Geo has a YT he did had just found out prior to YT.

hang_em_high ago

Can someone elaborate more on why she was banned from here? Who banned her?

Dressage2 ago

Long time ago and I think it was always Millennium Falcon.


George Webb is a Mossad assassin imo. I think he kills investigators.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Out of all the people he's named as conspirators, not a single one of them is a Zionist, said no one ever.

Apparently he stated he was in Mossad early on, then later, he explained that he had said that to get Mossad like people to talk to him. We have no idea who George really is, but he obviously knows a lot about everything and everything he says seems to come true. I have noticed he has certain methods that go way above the average reader and I think he's actually trying to help... I don't believe most of the people who wanna complain about his "Mossad activities" because those people always turn out to be CIA paid operatives and shills. You can tell by their actions.

Oh_Well_ian ago

He is acting in that video, badly.

Who is that guy with them, because to me, they both look guilty as fuck.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

no they do not

Oh_Well_ian ago

yes they do

I guess I can spot a liar much better than you.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

oh well, good for you I guess thanks for mandescending

Oh_Well_ian ago

that is the most retarded made up word I have ever heard..


EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I need your reassurance so much

Oh_Well_ian ago

Your flippant sarcasm and smug attitude will stalk you, your entire life.

You won't realize your foolishness until it's far too late to matter or recover.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Said the kettle

iamthepizzanow ago

When I first clicked a link there was no description or name of it, so I had no expectations coming into this video, when that other dude finally got there I felt the same way and was like wtf are they talking about this in that way? And wasn't sure if they weren't being real. Weird.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Webb puts on the glasses because 'I'm embarrassed' and then quickly takes them off after wiping a tear that is not there. He placed the phone call for the motel manager to check on her? Plausible deniability set up. He immediately is writing her obituary and claiming they were all fighting for the same thing. That is a veiled threat to all others. SHADY!

I never trusted Webb and called him out on YouTube several times, way back around day 40. His answers were weak and evasive.

thisistotallynotme ago

The weird part was that he was on to Peter Strzok/Lisa Page a good month and a half before Q made their first post on cuck/pol/.

LostandFound ago

If you missed it, he got way drunk on a live stream and admitted he was mossad and it was not a joke.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Here is the last video she made https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VIBRkyNSg0

Syndicalism ago

Sad, sad news. Her partner, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt did a lot to educate me on the criminal hub of Racine. I tried to reach out recently to corroborate some research and never heard back. I'm very concerned for all involved. Thanks for the update, despite the nature. My thoughts are with Jem777 tonight. May you rejoin the cosmos from which we've come.

Camera_Eye ago

Obviously you can't do solo research ops and cite Dept of State, Beltway contractors and folks in high places without a system in place; like cells, redundancy, security and serious encryption tech.

MolochHunter ago

That guy was really frustrating

any topic of conversation "it all goes back to Racine" , but never would fess up actual details by which to investigate.

RIPJem ago

MolochHunter is a LIAR.


kneo24 ago

Well, you're right about one thing. You shouldn't trust MolochHunter. He speaks out both sides of his mouth.

Shizy ago

But trust you who has been here 6 hours 😂! Ok!!!!

carmencita ago

Ha Ha Ha!!! Good for you! yeah and all the down voats too. Shills sent here asap.

Shizy ago

It's been very shillly in here today for some reason....

carmencita ago

We are up to our Arses in Shilligators.

Syndicalism ago

W_I_C all but spelled it out. Sometimes cryptic, I know. Key terms that person used were sustainability, community policing and secret societies and their connections to corporations like Johnson & Johnson. W_I_C lead me on a Q-esque trail of info that had me looking into fraternity chapters and children's organizations and businesses like daycare and healthcare. What I ended up reading was sometimes a dead end, but often clicked into clarity. A lot of these functions are based around the Root River. Red Cross, United Way, Historical Societies, fraternities of middle-eastern influence and Nazi old guard. Its all there and its pretty undeniable that the concentration of questionable organizations exists in such an exploitable region. (Think Greats Lakes, shipping routes, local population heritage and small scale testing of agenda 21 tactics.

I'd like to go back and revisit some of those conversations we had, but I foolishly deleted my old account where most of it happened and I didn't save the text. I got spooked. But I used to go by @zoomattic.

MolochHunter ago

lol well I'm glad you got something outta him. I BEGGED him to spill the beans in sheer exasperation. Got practically nuthin

Did you ever do a post, W_I_C's Greatest Hits compilation? u shoulda

twistedmac11 ago

I'm very sorry to hear this if true. Can you post the link to the 8chan thread?

twistedmac11 ago

The link you provided just takes me to the top of the Q research board.

Dressage2 ago

You have to scroll down the thread to the post of her death. I can’t save just that post always gives me whole thread. I might just not know how to post individual post.

ESOTERICshade ago

Do you have a link to the 8chan thread?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

did you watch this? last video she made, all about what she was working on Pizzagate-wise https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VIBRkyNSg0

ESOTERICshade ago

thanx :)

Blacksmith21 ago


Wow...I remember her from the early days. This isn't a game.

srayzie ago

darkknight111 ago


Found all her threads.

Are We Sure sent death threats to her last year. Looks like that fucker went and carried them out. Anyone in contact with a hacker? Cause its time to retaliate.

Are_we__sure ago

You lie and lie and lie. I never threatened anyone. And this was looked into.


Yeah, that doesn't meet Voat's definition of a death threat. The sitewide anti-censorship policy forbids mods to remove comments as threats unless they would be considered illegal speech in a court of law. Basically, unless the speaker makes a direct, personal threat along with info showing they know exactly who a person is in real life and where they can be located, Voat considers it figurative speech.

Jem/Mej, if you consider that threatening, I don't think you have the constitution for a full, unlimited speech environment.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

It wasn't considered a death threat, but now she is dead. Murdered. @vindicator has some soul searching to do and Voat better damn well be assisting with investigators to reveal the identity(ies) of are_we_sure. This isn't a fucking game.

Are_we__sure ago

It wasn't considered a death threat,

Because it wasn't. And it was not directed at her

but now she is dead. Murdered.

So you are claiming she is murdered now? How do you know that?

if someone wants to start an AMA thread on this, I'll show the original post and the truth.

darkknight111 ago

Found dead in her hotel room. Brain hemorage with no sign of external brain injuries. Meaning poisoning.

Go on, prove your innocence. Explain where you were every single hour of yesterday. You are suspect #1 given those images you sent her. Plus you were silent all day when this came out.

Mrs_Ogynist01 ago

Seriously, this needs to go to trustworthy authorities. Don't engage them (I'm convinced are_we_sure is more than one person).

Are_we__sure ago

Make a new thread with a non inflammatory title and I will post there and show the original thread.

Sometimesineedhelp ago

Why not post it here? I don't understand why you'd be willing to post it elsewhere, but not link to it here in the comments? (Fwiw I'm not leaning in any direction at this point, just curious for more info)

darkknight111 ago

You want to prove your innocence?

Explain EXACTLY where you were at every single hour for the past 36 hours. With physical evidence to prove it.

You dodged the question, so I'm asking you again. Prove your innocence in Jem's death.

surgeson ago

Death threats? Doesn't really sound like his style. Any evidence for this?

Are_we__sure ago

It is not my style and there was not threat. If anyone wants to see the thread or discussion where the mods tell her it was not a threat, you can DM me, it's still up on VOAT, but I won't post it publicly.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah the mods told me she was disinformation, turns out mods are disinformation

Pizzalawyer ago

I dont think it wise to retaliate. There is alot of viciousness here and all over the Internet that is not a bonafide threat, just ugly manners and poor upbringing. No one should be doxed. Truth Will Out, I honestly believe that. We might have a Seth Rich situation here and we will just have to wait.

whitechristiangirl ago

Yes, bot. Now go back to sleep, that's a good boy.

PedoStomperReturns ago

If they are starting to whack people on a pizzagate forum, you know that we're starting to get to these bastards.

benjitsu ago

That is GD irresponsible. Going after some internet troll as a knee jerk reaction isn't the right way, but I don't know what is

Plan1988 ago

Thank You.

She was a Fighter. I always respected her.

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

carmencita ago

Wasn't she on Twitter too? I may be wrong, but I thought she was. If someone knows please post.

Shizy ago

Srayzie provided a link to JEMs twitter


carmencita ago

Thank You! Funny thing, my husband and I were just discussing the bathroom bill yesterday. What a HUGE miscarriage of justice. I think a couple of states have abolished it. We should push the other states to join in. Would be great if we could get half of them to turn it around. It's probably a Badge of Honor for BO.

gamepwn ago

Dear god :( Poor Jem777.... I remember her and stood up for her when she was banned. Did you see what her last comment on here was?

"I have actual documents. When my life is no longer threatened I will produce them. They are in safe places." Jem777 had something. She was banned her and now killed.

Meimou ago

Why was she banned?

KosherHiveKicker ago

Who specifically was behind Jem777 's ban here on Voat?

Piscina ago

George Webb is trying to find the documents and papers she had hidden

fogdryer ago

Now think Webb is a “limited hangout” Jen made some discoveries

What if ????

fogdryer ago

He will She had multiple copies

Criticalthinker615 ago

He was a regular at glp for years. I can't post there anymore but maybe someone should ask around and see if anyone has heard from him over there. I remember his avatar from years before PG. Odd how something has kept many of us in the same crowd through the years ..

Dressage2 ago

She had told me she had Dead Man Switches in place. I had not spoken to her in a long time, but she was passionate about her work in DC. She was a gutsy, bad ass. I remember when she was jumped outside her place by four people. They beat her up and they stole her car keys. They started taking her car and she ran back to her car pulled opened the driver’s door pulling the guy out punching him in the face. At that point I thought she was a guy. She was pissed. The cops found her car later that week, if I remember.

sunajAeon ago

Dead Man Switches?

Dressage2 ago

Don’t know anything more she said if she died things would be released to the right people to let info out to the public about the Cabal.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

so if anything happens info is released.

Dressage2 ago

Probably Racine, WI

carmencita ago

Thank You. I have pinged others. Thanks for filling me in. I feel so shocked and broken up over this. RIP @Jem777 Read her comments.