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21yearsofdigging ago

Just made a video about her death. I am just beyond sad when I watch her videos and hear her voice. She walked through the fear but it wasn't like she know what she was up against. I think I had a few exchanges with her on here and others that I trust here really liked and admired her. Now I know why, or I better understand who she was. I had no idea she had been a police officer.

Camera_Eye ago

Capital Heights has always been known as a sort of no-go zone. No use heading over there unless your stopping in a Home Depot or something in the middle of the day. In fact, most of PG County is undesirable. Bowie is not so bad, but lots of opportunity crime at the malls; you got to go to Harm City (Bal) for some real gang-banding. In PG every six months or so, a major story breaks on .Gov corruption.

That's a crummy place (CH Raddison) to stage yourself. Cost? In my other posts I speculated that if she settled a PI case (personal injury workman's comp) for a high figure b\c of the major back surgery like that is going to cost close to six (6) fig. Take that x pain x lost wages and your looking at a substantial WC case. So...she leaves CA b\c (as friend and former Fed) her life was in danger and is able to ...what...perform her own private investigations (leveraging her background) on her dime. Shit, cash doesn't last long. 100K doesn't last long...

I was re-reading the Dutroux Affair (see here: and the patterns seem to all replicate the same structure EVERY SINGLE TIME. Generational abuse (targeted for f-Up'd baseline psychology) from broken homes (BoysTown, CPS ect) , recruitment into the network, blackmail, torture and folded into the the superclass elite networks, mind-control (spycraft) then plied to create MPD\DID, elaborate structure such as complicit banking and shadow systems (see Dope, Inc.), compromised and participatory institutions (judges, police, high-ranking officials). At EVERY turn the victim is throttled & discredited (more pain on top of an already unbelievable tragedy to most folks ), combine those head-winds with a complicit MSM and massive dis-info systems set up like the False Memory Foundation (a sham that has enlisted top Uni Psychiatrists...the same jackasses running MK that received funding\grants from who? The Company? ....(imagine if that story ever hit MSM. The same highly-regarded academic PsyDoc that ran the entire dept, well-published for sure and well-known internationally, wholly complicit human trafficking and experiments to be discarded like trash. .Gov dis-info structure and the Uni gladly took the money...#WEKNEW) Reading the Dutroux Affair this template is spelled out.

Anyway, I believe until there's a bunch of good guys with enough resources and know-how, the tactical and operational means to provide a real underground railroad system and safe houses, redundant asymmetrical cells and finally a death by a thousand cuts, will be the only way to bring down the %1 percent that participate that are assuredly pathological is going to be difficult. But, the Dutroux Affair is a good learning template. The %1 isn't so special. The good will eventually crush them into the ground. The elites conducting any business whatsoever with what this group and many others are discussing, don't belong on Trump said: Fast Trials...Death Penalty.

All this bla bla...but I hope JM had amassed enough damning evidence that a viral fire will start and what few good guys within an agency that have the Presidents back will begin the clean-up. It's no wonder Trump has the Deep State, MSM and the establishment against him...he's just like the victim fighting head-winds. What Trump doesn't have against him are a shit-ton of American people and patriot military.

21yearsofdigging ago

Excellent post, chalk full of info. Love that you drew comparisons to the Dutroux Affair. No time to celebrate however as I feel time is running out, especially considering 5 G and what that may do to harness free thinking

Camera_Eye ago

T Paine had (if its not already brought into the threads) post today on his Twitter account and up on TruePundit. A captured audio via free-conference call with Farmer J? and JM. Conversation leads off with the same "playbook" (lets just refer to it now as the PEDO PLAYBOOK so that a redundant theme\meme is reinforced to all of the ANONs) about intergenerational "targets" as being the PRIMARY supplier and pipeline of victims, outside the otherwise ratlines into third world shitholes such as Haiti et al exploited by NGOs, Human Trafficking "SAVIOURS" that have flipped the script and so on. JM speaks of the same incompetence & failures of .Gov agencies that since 9/11 WOKE time we've all known about. Incompetence comms, corrupt "blackmailed" high-ranking officials providing cover and misdirection. She doesn't get into (during this 35 min convo) anymore detail about this latest and most damning of all time CLINTON victim is protected (for good reason) but more a kill switch will activate redundant systems to get this info out. THAT is going to be the biggest of all challenges b\c every damn system in place is against it. The whole house of cards FALL.