EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Thank you for compiling this.

dreamdigital ago

Craig Sawyer is talking about this Craig Swayer Tweet

Plan1988 ago

I think Craig Sawyer is a fraud.

Get his TIN and show me copies of the Form 990s filed.

Doea any CharityDog Organization review his non-profit corp?

Can anyone reference these things?

srayzie ago

I don’t want to disrespect the dead. I’m very sad. But, I stayed in touch with Jem. She gave a lot of disinfo. I kept my promise and wasn’t public about her going with George Webb. Not many people knew.

But, her and George Webb went to Comet Ping Pong. She had changed her mind about James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong. She started defending him. At first I caught her in a lie. I saved our conversations on Twitter’s private messages.

There are a lot of other things. She wasn’t a saint. She also exaggerated a lot. I just don’t want anyone having the idea that all these posts and comments she made are true or as blown up she may have made it sound. She was the type of person that needed to feel important.

That being said, nobody deserves to die. She did go put her life at risk going with George Webb. I think she was a good person. But be careful believing everything you see here.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don’t want to disrespect the dead. I’m very sad. But, I stayed in touch with Jem. She gave a lot of disinfo. I kept my promise and wasn’t public about her going with George Webb. Not many people knew.

But, her and George Webb went to Comet Ping Pong. She had changed her mind about James Alefantis and Comet Ping Pong. She started defending him. At first I caught her in a lie. I saved our conversations on Twitter’s private messages.

There are a lot of other things. She wasn’t a saint. She also exaggerated a lot. I just don’t want anyone having the idea that all these posts and comments she made are true or as blown up she may have made it sound. She was the type of person that needed to feel important.

That being said, nobody deserves to die. She did go put her life at risk going with George Webb. I think she was a good person. But be careful believing everything you see here.

I can confirm what srayzie just said. There is more here than meets the eye. All is not what it seems.

Plan1988 ago

Thank you for your comment here.

Factfinder2 ago

Will you share the Twitter private messages?

srayzie ago

I’m debating on whether or not it’s bad for me to do that because she’s gone. I don’t want to tarnish her name. I just want to make people aware.

Maybe share privately with who wants to know. Or maybe people don’t think it’s wrong to share . This is tough.

Factfinder2 ago

Getting right down to it, we're actually only told that she's dead. I take nothing at face value any more and certainly hope it's a case of her faking her death to get out from under the targeting. Or maybe she was being led down a bad path. I never really knew what to think of her because of her associations with GW, who I never thought was legit, and WIC, who never answered my specific questions directly.

You didn't share the tweets before she died, so I'm guessing her reported death isn't the whole reason you're hesitant. Potential backlash from the Voat community might have made you think twice, and I can certainly understand that. The best you can do is follow your gut.

My feeling is that on a research board the goal should be to honestly shine a light on all sides in the pursuit of truth and to share it with as many people as possible so it can't be singled out and smothered by anti-truth forces.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You. Great post I think.

Plan1988 ago

Could be.

Authentic Autopsy Report?

Factfinder2 ago

The only reports of her death that I've seen are from George Webb and the original True Pundit article, and both were working with her. Have you seen any official reports of her death or statement from her family?

Plan1988 ago

Yes. Yesterday on Twitter. Her supposed sister.

I read it and squimish inside➡felt it was fake.

Factfinder2 ago

I'd like to read that--where did you see it?

Plan1988 ago

There is a commebt on voat. I will try to find it and ping you

Factfinder2 ago

Is this the one you were talking about? The reference here to the "M.E." is a little unusual for a family comment, I'd say.


Plan1988 ago

They don't want anyone snooping around?

Who in a witness protection program:

Would attempt to serve (anf tape it) Awan with a summons?

Attend Manafort''s trial

Run around video taping like she did. OK. she did not show

jer face. But everyone around her daw her.

Amd what about voice recognition technology?

She said she got beat up by three men recently.

She associated herself with George Webb

She said she got her back broken when she refused to be a dirty cop.


Factfinder2 ago

Yes, we're clearly not getting a complete or straight story. Will be interesting to see whether Thomas Paine does in fact release what she is said to have uncovered.

Plan1988 ago

Yes it is. And yes.

srayzie ago

It was a mixture of backlash from the Voat community and feeling that I should keep my word.

I’ll gather things and even conversations from here. Then we can go from there and see what I should share. Maybe I can DM with you.

I thought that maybe she could have faked her death. But I think George’s emotions were real. I’d feel REALLY bad if she’s alive and I share.

gamepwn ago

You do whatever you want Srayzie, just know many of us have your back. I know I do. Only the ignorant will give you backlash.

Plan1988 ago

Off the top of my head @srayzie don't do it.

Take alot of prayer and time with your decision

because it could put you in close danger you don't need.

Plan1988 ago

Will do. Thanks👍

srayzie ago

You’re welcome. Thank you for caring.

srayzie ago

Thank you. I appreciate that. I’ve been going thru them. It’s some crazy blown up stories mixed with half truths, exaggeratand and changed to make it appear that somehow she comes to the rescue and does some heroic move..

ASolo ago

You know what, fuck it, this is what this place is for, if you SEE something, SAY something, everything you have could be valuable to furthering the investigation not only into her death but pizzagate as well.

It's a conspiracy, post it, analyze it and let's move forward. If there's a controversy wrapped up in a conundrum about Jem777 death then we should all know about it.

Factfinder2 ago

All good points. You'll know when or if to reveal. I don't need a DM--will be satisfied with whatever you decide in the end about publicly sharing or not.

Rawrination ago

This is horrible. It is also yet again a reason to POST EVERYTHING YOU HAVE.

Do not wait.

Spread that shit.

They are going to kill you anyway so if you have documents and evidence do NOT sit on it.

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

^This, make it public in an open forum, dark to light,

looking4truth ago

this sub is shit. why the fuck are you banning people ,mods? pizzagate got kiked.

new4now ago

By any chance was she staying at the Dupont Circle Hotel?

where George was sitting, with tables and umbrellas, looked like pic I saw from there

srayzie ago

Great post...

I made this comment on another post. I’ll repost here...

Omg! That is so sad 😢

I’ve known this whole time that she was Task Force and with George Webb. But I didn’t voice it publicly because she didn’t want everyone to know. She was really active here until she left and joined him.

She was @Jem777 and @mej777

She used to say that she was gang stalked and that she was leaving, and being put in the Witness Protection Program. She left California and joined George Webb and stayed with him until now.

Since she was in the witness protection program, she wouldn’t show her face on video. She always said they were going to come after her. She said her fiancé was murdered 7 years ago. 🙁

Here is her Twitter...

Vindicator ago

Srayzie, did you ever see proof the real life person was connected to the Voat accounts? How did she prove it to you? Were the messages you got all from the Voat accounts?

I am trying to understand what is going on here. This apparent reverence many people have for Jen Moore (whose work I have never seen) does not fit with my experience with Jem777, and I'm seeing lots of unverified claims and toxic accusations being thrown around. The whole thing looks like a disinfo attack a la Corsi.

Plan1988 ago

What I did was go to voat search and put in *Jenny".

Was usedul for me to say the least.

RIPJem ago

We know JEM and George.

We built Trust in JEM.

JEM and George did not agree on the real Agenda and what is really involved.

George is in front of the story for a reason.

George does not believe in the True Jesus Christ.

His old partners Jason Goodman and Trish were not Trustworthy, and neither is his new partner JK.

This is very real. This is not a game. This is a Holy War - the Final War.

Look back at the Videos before they started their disagreements - there are a few that stand out related to Voat.

The danger is very real to those who know that are not part of the game.

How many more People need to be tortured or murdered before Q and Trump reveal where The Truth is?

JEM knows about the real Agenda.

JEM knows The Truth.

Shizy ago

You've been here a day! Nothing you say is relevant so put your hand down!

RIPJem ago

Do you know Jenny in real life?

Do you know George in real life?

Have you worked with governors, senators, representatives, and other national and global leaders?

Have you worked with enforcement agencies, and blown the whistle on top level corruption, abuse and cover-ups?

Do you know what happens when you do?

Have people close to you who know the Truth been murdered?

Have people close to you who know the Truth been tortured?

Do you know what any of this feels like in real life?

Do you only believe what you can see?

Why would you and others be so quick to slander and attack a murder victim?

Why would you and others be so quick to slander and attack those who know her?

Who does that?


Who is Relevant?

The Truth is Relevant.

Shizy ago

It's hard to take you seriously when you just keep repeating the same thing. If you have info, spill it! This cryptic and repetitive riddler nonsense isn't helping anything!

auralsects ago

lmao I thought you had learned by now not to trust kikes, even if they use a fancy name like "Task Force" or "Power Rangers"

jesus fucking christ xD

Shizy ago

Yeah, no shit huh! Instead we should trust those who are named blowjob

auralsects ago

oral sex doesn't just mean blow jobs, dummy. you just got dicks on the brain dontcha, SLUT

srayzie ago

Jem wasn’t a kike.

srayzie ago

I knew you were a fuckin dick. But can you really steep that low? To be disrespectful about someone who died? Put away your jealousy of George Webb for once. Do you have even an ounce of class? Compassion? She’s only been gone for 1 day.

auralsects ago

obviously I was referring to him. idk shit about jem.

Judgejewdy ago

This all sounds like a giant voat soap opera. By the way, if she got banned why not just make a new alt? or spread her news/research in another forum like conspiracy? Voat is corrupt and has been since it went down way back in, what, Jan 2017? I bet 99% on here are frauds. I don’t talk shit about most anyone on here (except for good ol MF) but I’ve got most of you pegged, especially the most “virtuous” ones. I guess I hold out hope that some ray of truth will get through here unadulterated but props to all you spooks who run this joint, you did a bang up job of cutting our balls off. (slow clap)

wwwwww ago

Sept 16 ... Over night many went on to gab

Shizy ago

@Are_We_Sure is a piece of shit! I'm sure!!!

Dressage2 ago

Thank you for that post. I remember when that all happened. I was thinking it was MF that was banning her, not Vindicator. I couldn’t remember. I tried speaking to him at the time and it did not matter. So sad. I tried to reach out to Wisconsin and he never answered my msg. we had conversations prior regarding names I had found related to Racine. He was appreciative for the research. This is not a game and I think most people know that and are ready to put up their life for justice and saving the kids. Fuck these sick, twisted bastards.

Gothamgirl ago

She was also insinuating that Obama was Hitlers grandson!

new4now ago

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt > new4now | Sent: 9 months ago on 11/8/2017 12:31:44 AM

You are onto something very big

That is quite an understatement. This situation is extremely scary, and the only thing scarier than speaking the Truth is ignoring it and allowing their agenda to become reality. The Truth is the only way.

Hope you feel better soon, and when you do we hope you keep digging. You are getting very close to putting some major pieces together. Google plays a significant role with Amazon, Foxconn, Facebook (see Sheryl Sandberg and others), IBM, Twitter, and a lpng line of investors such as Thiel, Branson, Kutcher, Oseary, Burkle, Cuban and others involved. It is not only about global enslavement but eternal enslavement. They must also control any emerging tech startups to make sure they follow the agenda. reply source delete

Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt > new4now | Sent: 9 months ago on 11/7/2017 5:23:06 PM

You are onto something very big

We only have a minute quick but you are making many, many important connections. These groups are all linked together for the same agenda. Google is not what they seem and they have controlled VC funding in the tech industry to control and stifle any emerging threats and startups. They are all working for the same evil and corrupt leaders - the Committee of 300 and the Council of 13. Their agenda is absolute control at all levels. You are knocking in their door.




Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Video 6: Ukraine, Manafort, Clinton Foundation & Child Trafficking https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qq_xCovtlKs

Kekmet-Peperoni ago

@ 8.20 people and family members getting jobs as payment. Ive been saying this for years, this is how bribes are paid, in plain sight.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Her last videos - very important for all PGers to watch https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VIBRkyNSg0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sADjrVzlsGo

darkknight111 ago

The purported cause of death is massive seizure.

If this was a murder, then likely murder weapons include fentyal and camphor.

Indigo- ago

Wow. RIP In a bit of shock, didn't know her personally but she was one of the best. This shit is real.

gamepwn ago

I think we can also confirm Are_We_Sure is someone much more dangerous then a normal shill. He's with them.

Zorrilla ago

The Colonel