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darkknight111 ago

This entire week has been one false flag plot after plot.

Looks like Shelbyville (scheduled for Today) got shut down.

Oklahoma City is the next target based on that suspicious ad we found last week. Tommorrow til Thursday we need to watch that city closely.

All of it culminates with 11/4.

Jem777 ago

Hey @darkknight111 did you no post about Vindicator banning me from pizzagate.

I was exposing the cooections to weapons transferring, trafficking of cjilren and drugs. I obtained all the record. I made a breadcrumb post about it and out of no where Vindicato attacked me calling my post clickbait, denigrating me, as a sill who is not here to find pedos or children.

Then a couple of new alts joined calling me a pedo and pedo protector. Saying I'm an idiot.

This happened right after AreweSure came at me again. I had noticed Vindicator about the threats he said I don't see them nothing I can do. I explained we had them saved in a location and he basically laughed it off, then the new alts joined him saying how funny it was that they could say what they wanted because I was banned.

He has never reinstated me for three days. I have asked for a response and get nothing. He knows my life has been put in danger and he knows the direct threats made by AreweSure. They are now on pizzagate, spewing hatred.

How is this fair....I worked hard on this investigation at great risk to my own safety and now a mod is silencing me. How is that part of Voat...the free speCh platform?

I am very upset because that was at least an outlet I had. My PTSD is so bad since I was jumped at my home and now threatened with murder... I cant sleep and am afraid someone is going to break in.

How could Vindicator do this? He allows a jerk who threatens death and other vile things to stay but he bans me then smears me and allows a couple alts to call me a pedo...

I have uncovered a lot to this story at my peril. I was just notified I might be relocated for my safety. Because of what I am a witness too.

Can you ask @putitout for me. Thanks, Jem

darkknight111 ago

I DMed him about the threats.