fogdryer ago

Jem pm me

carmencita ago

From One of His Comments:

There is not much available and they are desperately scrubbing whst they can, but it is real and it is tied to Racine, Wisconsin. It was designed as a way for British and Dutch to retain control over the U.S. through international business and diplomatic partnerships with elite business leaders. If they couldn't control the government or the people they would control through banking, business and distribution.

This is connected to other secret societies including Committee of 300, Club of Rome and Council of 13, and with policy groups such as CFR and other global councils, United Nations, business associations, trade agreements, foundations and global initiatives. It is a multilevel network of control under the moving target of sustainability and overlapping public private partnerships.

fogdryer ago

some of those Wisconsin businesses (earlier posts) tell us who does business overseas and with whom.............Battenburg airport is international, have own customs dept. ( lol). They even have a presence in Haiti! anything can be traded/sold this way............

carmencita ago

Yes, they have brainwashed the masses with the sustainability lie and thus can justify ports and airports and allowing others to be in our country where they should not. Also they have charge of port authority as well and get through without checks. What a plan.

fogdryer ago

What a government !!!

carmencita ago

As they say, The best government money can buy. I wonder what people would say, if they knew the truth, if they were told these things. Would it even occur to them that this is wrong? I don't know. People are so out of touch. Idiotic Morons is what we now have. Sheep that do not question.

fogdryer ago

a small city is easy to control and corrupt. Racine is close to chicago, a big city for Malfeasance. Racine has an international airport with " no" customs, and they are on the great lakes. wonderful avenues for mischief. Don't forget many elite globalists live there and have ties to racine...

Blacksmith21 ago

I thought that dude was bullshitting. Looks like he may have been right all along?

fogdryer ago

Oh no not at all

Total legit!

You_Are_Correct ago

Please upvoat. Ty!

Joe10jo ago

Where has “Wisconsin’s Corrupt” been?? Haven’t seen a post by that person in months.

fogdryer ago

He’s been gone longer than that

“He’s busy”. We need him

You_Are_Correct ago

Yes, we do.

You_Are_Correct ago

This looks goofy; sorry, clearly I'm not used to posting. :) 'Yes, we do was in response to fogdryer's comment about needing W_I_C.

You_Are_Correct ago

And yes, I'm looking for 10 upvotes so I can pm.

carmencita ago

Done :)

carmencita ago

I hope he is safe. After that take down he was subjected to I don't blame him for leaving. I hope he comes back to help. He gave me some names to research. You have done the best job researching the information he was always letting us in on. So many times he had to stop short to stay safe.

You_Are_Correct ago


You_Are_Correct ago


You_Are_Correct ago

Here's a total of 3 more comments from me. If you upvoat all of them I think I can pm. Please and ty!

You_Are_Correct ago

Another, because I need 10 total. (See above) Ty!

carmencita ago

Glad to oblige

You_Are_Correct ago

Thank you!

carmencita ago

God I miss WIC. @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt

You_Are_Correct ago
