4_InquiringMinds ago

Limited hangout

ConcernedChristian ago

Here is the truth.

Google is run by alien entities to monitor humanity.

subhajitkhara ago

Three Tips for Using Bale Movers Optimally

If you already have a bale mover or you’re purchasing a bale mover for sale for the first time, chances are you’ve got some heavy duty work ahead of you this season. Here are a few quick tips to get you started on the right track.

  1. Be mindful of moisture. The moisture content of your hay makes a difference in the baling process, as well as the quality and quantity (by preventing loss) of the hay. This is particularly important if you’re working with round hay bales. The key here is that your hay isn’t too dry. If the moisture content is lower than optimal, you will experience more hay loss, both in the movement and storage of your large, round hay bales. Harvesting early, before the hay has become too mature, can result in bales with more moisture.

  2. Be prepared for setbacks. They are going to happen, but they don’t have to result in a day’s worth of lost work. Have replacement bale spears at the ready. When working with bale movers, the last thing you want is a broken bale spear bringing your whole operation to a halt. Sometimes, a bale spear will break. With a little preparation, however, this can be merely an inconvenience rather than a catastrophe.

  3. Keep your bale mover and all associated equipment in good repair. Whether you’re working with a three-point bale mover or some other kind of bale mover, it’s essential that you understand your equipment and keep it well maintained. Well-maintained equipment is not only more efficient equipment, but it’s safer equipment as well. Be sure that all parts and implements are free of debris, well lubricated, and inspected for safety. Keep your bale mover in optimum condition by lifting only the recommended size and type of hay, and not rushing the process.

While you can’t control certain factors like the weather or temperature, which can be somewhat unpredictable this time of year, you can make the most of your equipment, increasing productivity, efficiency, and profitability.

subhajitkhara ago

I can not understand the topic properly...can anyone what actually means?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Oh please Julian has always been cia. The supposed kidnapping was just to keep everyone glued to the latest hype.

YogSoggoth ago

I might seem like the typical anti Ashkenazi, but I am not. The Cohen's are a troubled line due to the fact hat they are expected to tow the line in a very old tradition in a modern world. The name means Priest roughly translated. Try being born one.

new4now ago

I dont care color, religion, name, money, sex.

People who take advantage of those that cant protect themselves, that's way crossing the line

Public servant..death sentence

YogSoggoth ago

Right on Brother! I was just addressing the Hatfield McCoy situation we have on our hands. What next, lynch all the the Smiths and the Johnsons?

new4now ago

Think I have some Johnsons not to far down the line.

I live with both worlds

Hatefields and McCoys will tell ya they dont know why their feuding

Maybe lies handed down

Sound familiar?

Remember as a young girl the riots in the 60's

Don't want to see that again

YogSoggoth ago

One of my best friends was born into the Italian mafia in USA. Yeah, he turned out to be a criminal, and did some time. You are who you hang with, and it is taught in all societies to hang with Fam. Better to be a Goldstien or a Silverman in that tribe.

1True_Morty ago

Google is Arsenal Gear

new4now ago

I'm hoping Trump has him

Shiggz ago

Think normies are realizing google has gotten creepy with data collection.

They still are clueless that data can be used to create personalized propoganda paths 30+ steps ahead to lead them to certain conclusions. Below human detection


pbvrocks ago

Google is a tool used to control the flow of information...it is also a tooled to control the flow of commerce. What if you started a business, perhaps a web business and were planning on advertising using google's adwords. Did you know Google only allows certain type of businesses to advertise? If you have an e-cigarette business you CANNOT advertise it on Google. If you have an herbal business or a supplement business you CANNOT advertise it on Google...NOW..what industries do those 2 things threaten? So advertising controls envoked by Google shield MANY MANY "cabal" type companies...

new4now ago

And then Hillary Clinton arrived. “The secretary is the one who unleashed us,” Ross says. “She’s the godmother of 21st-century statecraft.”

ChristopherCronsell ago

It absolutely is. The connection is simple but difficult to see. Hivites. The Phoenician culture and their practices that consolidate power and control, revise historical narratives, and are based in Iran through the installation of Zoroastrianism. This is the hidden culture behind the global deep state. HRC was a US queen bee of the Hivites. Please research this topic and understand it in depth. I'm a survivor of this culture and know what I'm talking about.

new4now ago

will look it up

for some reason, I like to research

I was one of those kids that had 5 sources when everyone had only one lol

dzdork ago

I get it. Love to research. Wish I had more time to do it!

new4now ago

I work weird hours

don't sleep like I should either lol

new4now ago

Jared Cohen


A. Condoleezza Rice hired him at State Department B. with Rwanda president Paul Kagame C. retained at State Department by Hillary Clinton D. with Colombia president Álvaro Uribe E. with Afghanistan president Hamid Karzai F. judged films with Whoopi Goldberg G. briefing with George W. Bush and Dick Cheney H. with Prince Charles I. with King Abdullah II of Jordan J. with Iraq president Jalal Talabani K. interviewed Mullah Akbar Aghi in Afghan prison

Cohen's ties to Twitter

Jared Cohen, the youngest member of the State Department’s policy planning staff, and Alec Ross,

Ross and Cohen have formed an unlikely and unprecedented team in the State Department. They are the public face of a cause with an important-sounding name: 21st-century statecraft

And then Hillary Clinton arrived. “The secretary is the one who unleashed us,” Ross says. “She’s the godmother of 21st-century statecraft.”

Early this year, Ross and Cohen helped prop open the State Department’s doors by bringing 10 leading figures of the tech and social-media worlds to Washington for a private dinner with Clinton and her senior staff.

Among the guests were Eric Schmidt, the chief executive of Google;

Jack Dorsey, co-founder and chairman of Twitter;

James Eberhard of Mobile Accord; Shervin Pishevar of the mobile-phone-game-development company SGN;

Jason Liebman of Howcast;

Tiffany Shlain, founder of the Webby Awards; and Andrew Rasiej of Personal Democracy Forum, an annual conference on the intersection of politics and technology. Toward the end of the evening, Clinton delighted those assembled by inviting them to use her “as an app.”

A few days later, they did. On Jan. 12, the Haiti earthquake struck, and within two hours, Eberhard, working with the State Department, set up the Text Haiti 90999 program, which raised more than $40 million for the Red Cross in $10 donations.

It was also the day Google announced that Chinese hackers tried to break into the Gmail accounts of dissidents. In response, Google said that it would no longer comply with China’s censorship laws and for a few months redirected Chinese users to its Hong Kong search engine. The dispute rose to a high-level diplomatic conflict, but it also gave added resonance to the 45-minute “Internet freedom” speech Secretary Clinton delivered a little more than a week later, in which she placed “the freedom to connect” squarely within the U.S. human rights and foreign policy agenda.

At Google, and later at YouTube’s headquarters, Ross and Cohen stressed the political power of viral videos and the potential for mobile phones to become widespread public tools for education, banking and election monitoring

As the recent Wikileaks scandal suggests, new technologies may usher in as many diplomatic catastrophes as breakthroughs. (In June, a former U.S. Army intelligence analyst claimed to have given 260,000 diplomatic cables to Wikileaks, a Web site dedicated to publishing confidential material.) When I asked Cohen whether sites like Wikileaks made the kind of diplomacy he advocates harder, he allowed that they posed a challenge: “All of these tools can be utilized by individuals for everything from Wikileaks to other negative purposes” — at least as the State Department sees it — “but that technology isn’t going anywhere. So we can fear we can’t control it and ignore the space, or we can recognize we can’t control it, but we can influence it.”

real dangers when companies are conflated with states. “The risk,” Carlos Pascual, the U.S. ambassador to Mexico, told me in February, “is if and when in a particular country — whether that’s China or Iran or Cuba or North Korea — there’s a perception that Twitter or Facebook is a tool of the U.S. government

It is crucial to how Cohen and Ross see themselves: equal parts barnstormers and brainstormers, creating and sustaining networks of networks. Ross and Cohen share all their contacts and remain in touch constantly, though they’re often on opposite sides of the globe. (“Jared and I divide and conquer,” Ross says.) Their closeness might come as something of a surprise: Cohen was appointed by Condoleezza Rice and still considers her a mentor; Ross was deeply embedded in the Obama campaign. And they pursued very different paths to the State Department.

It is crucial to how Cohen and Ross see themselves: equal parts barnstormers and brainstormers, creating and sustaining networks of networks. Ross and Cohen share all their contacts and remain in touch constantly, though they’re often on opposite sides of the globe. (“Jared and I divide and conquer,” Ross says.) Their closeness might come as something of a surprise: Cohen was appointed by Condoleezza Rice and still considers her a mentor; Ross was deeply embedded in the Obama campaign. And they pursued very different paths to the State Department.

It is crucial to how Cohen and Ross see themselves: equal parts barnstormers and brainstormers, creating and sustaining networks of networks. Ross and Cohen share all their contacts and remain in touch constantly, though they’re often on opposite sides of the globe. (“Jared and I divide and conquer,” Ross says.) Their closeness might come as something of a surprise: Cohen was appointed by Condoleezza Rice and still considers her a mentor; Ross was deeply embedded in the Obama campaign. And they pursued very different paths to the State Department.


( And this is how we start shit on twiter, all over the world)

YogSoggoth ago

Oh Jeeze, now you make me sound like I am defending those people. I was just trying to say that all the people in the related family are not bad people. There are a great many, (mostly orthodox, and still can't trust them completely) who are trying to solve this internally, and need outside support. I was one of the few that pointed out that Israel has no law against slavery. The good guys in the arab and so called jew are pro USA, and they have homes here.

Mej777 ago

Just seeing the name Paul Kagame should send shivers down everyone’s spine....ruthless genocide in Rwanda

new4now ago

remembered hearing of it, took a quick looky see

Anderson Cooper was down there at the time

carmencita ago

Upvoat. You always do great 👍 job:)

new4now ago

not as clean as I like, but can't help it

hope this flu passes fast and that the Goats don't come down with it

carmencita ago

Goats? I am sleeping with a cat now for a favor. He had serious operation. Get well soon 🙂

new4now ago

how do you miss the goat? MAAAAAAAAAAAH lol

sry, Nyquil is a wonderful OTC

aww hope kitty heals fast

I like cats, I like dogs too, but anything smaller or bigger, forget it

straight up city lol

carmencita ago

Yes. I remember it. Someone on Reddit followed it and said the plane was Corporate. Supposedly landed at CIA base in Va.

patriot_biz ago

Isn't it funny how power-hungry the google fagots are? Like we don't trust them to run a shitty search engine, and they want us to trust them to run ops in developing countries. I wouldn't trust those fuckers to do my laundry. Funny how they don't understand why people hate them. I'd trust the Bush family before I'd trust a Google Exec. Met a Google Exec once. Really self-centered. It just oozed off of him. And he was pretty much a dope. Nobody special. Just a self-important software wienie who wanted to branch out into other power games. They're not into "community, openness, free ideas", they're into spying, commercialism and hipsterdom. They ask for much and offer society little.

Shiggz ago

My coworkers that got recruited to google all became insufferable. Indistinguishable from someone who has been brainwashed into joining a cult.

patriot_biz ago

Does there happen to be a story that goes along with this, Squire?

Shiggz ago

Sorry that is the story. Or at least as much as I'd say on these nets_of_inter

thescribeofthecreed0 ago

There was a really great /Pol/ thread yesterday that may have solved the Vegas shooting. The thread titled literally VEGAS SOLVED! VEGAS SOLVED! VEGAS SOLVED! We are going to war with Saudi Arabia if the theory in the thread happened and even if it didn't happen we know the deepstate caused a false flag in Las Vegas so hopefully at least one of them will be abolish and /or should be abolished. And what 3 letter layer burrito keeps getting caught doing evil and stupid things lately like all ways? Answer. the FBI A.K.A The False Flag Bureau Of Instigation United Abomination Deadpartment Oligarchy Of Injustice. Good bye FBI demon goodbye.

4_InquiringMinds ago

US wants war with Iran/not SA. SA and Israel bromance. US and Israel bromance. SA and Israel want Iran war, each for personal reasons and of course US wants one for personal reasons. Of course SA and Israel want our guys and gals to be the cannon fodder and daddy warbucks. Ménage à trois of the bromancers.

new4now ago

My what a tangled web

Deep shadows have permeated everything

I have faith that a well thought out plan is now being executed

DeathTwoMasons ago

So many words. So little meaning.

DeathTwoMasons ago

Google is not what it seems!...Thanks Assange!...Didn't know that years ago!...Sooo....Ho was the Children of god cult experience? How was going out wihth Lady Gaga while supposedly running for your life frim the NWO? So how was MIA singer as a friend? You shure do spend a lot of time with those who are part of the cult. You sure did grow up with those who were part of the CIA pedo cult experiment. You sure have exposed next to nothing. You sure have never been stopped by the global criminal network. Guess they just can't stop you? Gueess their news is forced to report your words? Guess we are supposed to be dumb enough to by this psyop of a lone wolf freedom fighter who escapes the NWO global criminal network? Bullshit.

GumShoe ago

Nice work. Upvoat. Definitely something here...

new4now ago

Gr8, could use some more eyes and researcher on it

I can't believe how this stuff started and where it went

Dressage2 ago

Was just told EBS came on radio in Rush program but then resumed show. Think testing?

alphabravo ago

Great work and post OP. Trying to get my head around it all. Any chance of bullet pointing it for the slow in the back (me)?

DerivaUK ago

And the rest of “us”

alphabravo ago


new4now ago

That tech group Hillary sent to Russia, am sure they used a bogus excuse

Cohen has been all over promoting whatever Strafor wanted

alphabravo ago

So we need to really look into Kohen.

ESOTERICshade ago

So we need to really look into Kohen.

Anything alive or dead with "Cohen/Kohen" attached to it deserves inspection.

Cohen Jewish surname indicating priestly descent, from Hebrew kohen "priest," from base of kihen "he acted as priest," related to Arabic kahana "he divined, prophesied." https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=cohen

DomKeyhote ago

Thats the origin of our expressions "con artist/job" and expressions only become widely lexicalized because of MILLIONS OF ENCOUNTERS PEOPLE HAD WITH JEWISH INDIVIDUALS, not the doings of a small elite.

Language is organic and doesn't lie.

And thus does your imaginary line between Jews and "Luciferian Khazar infiltrators" (LOL) fade even further, as it does with every new Jewish face mentioned here.

ESOTERICshade ago

And thus does your imaginary line between Jews and "Luciferian Khazar infiltrators" (LOL) fade even further, as it does with every new Jewish face mentioned here.

What will it take for you to understand that the "jews" hide under every checker on the checker board? All those checkers have different names. Yes, they all belong to secret societies commonly affiliated with jews but sticking to the term "jew" allows the many others to bask in safety. Attacking one label is a non starter. I understand the value of "jew" as an identifier but it is woefully lacking, and, it is too vulnerable to attack.

This war will be won with the support of the normies. Has to be.

"fuck the normies those dumbasses get what they deserve" IS NOT AN OPTION. That is the speak of "jews" and dumbasses.

They are the army that must be led in the right direction. Because, if this battle ends up having to be fought from the bottom up, and it would probably have to happen that way, then the numbers will be crucial.

Otherwise the normies will help round up the few people that truly understand what is going on. Our society has been designed to be self policing with normies attacking "the crazy people that believe in conspiracies" and that shit must end for there to be success.

Normies will NOT go after the "the jews." Period. This is a war of brands and right now we are losing the branding game.

DomKeyhote ago

Nice try but in checkers all the pieces are of the same size unlike the vastly disproportionate influence of Jews in PG. It is logical to pursue the clear root of a conspiracy over the subordinate groups

I didn't say fuck the normies. You are by lying to them. But it's inevitable, and many here have seen the light and DM me to say so.

ESOTERICshade ago

I didn't say fuck the normies. You are by lying to them.

You are misleading the normies by handing them a battle cry "get the jews" they will not follow. The also cannot win with strategy. You know that too.

But it's inevitable, and many here have seen the light and DM me to say so.

You must be joking. While you lead normies in a direction with a blind alley I will teach them that the "jews" are a bunch of liars and that their whole schtick about being the "poor oy veys who just need their holy land back" is a bunch of shit.

DomKeyhote ago

LOL what website do you think you're on? Millions are waking up to the Jews malign influence even in their own lives. Because the schtick failed among those who matter:the new generation of white males. The rest are worse than useless as far as this goes, another reason for mass immigration. Mexico had the same corrupt ruling party for over a century.

Soon the Christian zionists having been disappointed by Trump will revert to the natural safety of racial solidarity as their numbers fall. By then there will be Fahrenheit 9/11-popular documentaries about the Jews. And PG.

ESOTERICshade ago

You can work the losing racial angle and I'll do my thing.

new4now ago

Yes, and the Foundation

new4now ago

what I got is Cohen ties to Hillary, he went to Russia with group to help start Russian Silicon

Cohen worked Google, Strafor saw possibilities and contacted him

listed are places he went, before shit hit the fan

Schmidt also has background and started a foundation which started New American

Cohen was involved with this

Strafor is using Goggle, probably twitter too, to do things they can't

The Foundation has to have huge money sliding through it

was thinking McCain using ASU as go between with his funding

SA donated a million

why would a university donate money to a Foundation

sorry If I not helping

this flu kickin my ask

I doing the best I can at the moment

DerivaUK ago

Thank you!

alphabravo ago

Excellent tl'dr, thank you. Get well soon! I'm at the end of mine, still sucks but at least I'm free to do this ; ). You're a warrior!

new4now ago

Haha, I sure the hell dont feel like one, I get on a coughing jag and feel super wussy. Lol

new4now ago

Sorry about title, cant change

Should have written

Strafor,Google, and The New American Foundation


alphabravo ago

The title looks fine!

new4now ago

I tried to hit points that explained best

Knew I was gonna run out of room, so shortchanged Foundation, as in people have to click link

new4now ago

This ties Strafor, Goggle, The New American Foundation

Soros son on the board

The donors are from Countries we have found traffic kids

This is the kind of Foundation Q was talking about

alphabravo ago

Maybe add this to the top of your post as a summary?

kamtsa ago


Expected a link to Assange's post and found a long incoherent rambling.

ESOTERICshade ago


Expected a link to Assange's post and found a long incoherent rambling.

Always good to have shills like you attacking something. Lets people know we are over the target and that the information might be important.

new4now ago

Thanks, your thumbs up means a lot

kamtsa ago

If some parts of your post are direct quote of Assange mark them as such (e.g. use the > mark) and provide a link to the source. Co-mingling yours and Assange's words is misleading.

You can still fix it. Use the Edit button.

new4now ago

I had 3 tabs up, title came from one of them, realized other tab laid it out better

I admit I should of had different title

kamtsa ago

If your post is mostly verbatim copy of Assange's text I stay corrected.

Wikileaks is a very credible source.

ESOTERICshade ago

I agree it needs editing but your initial dismissal of it was wildly inaccurate. As well as the author might need to do some editing you might delete your inane comments and check your brain before you shit on good information.

new4now ago

You need to read whats in it

Tyranny-News-Network ago

These are direct quotes from a Wikileaks article written by Assange after an interview with Schmidt.

kamtsa ago

No I don't need. The title is misleading.

Should be 'My thoughts about Google'

alphabravo ago

They're Assanges thoughts and reporting of facts on Google.

kamtsa ago

Where did you get those Assange's thought? Any link to share?

alphabravo ago

Read . The . Post . From Assange's book 'When Google Met Wikileaks'

new4now ago

These aren't MY thoughts