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argosciv ago

Look, I'm gonna say it straight, you can downvoat flog me all you fucking want - I'm over the bullshit, the Dragons are back and we're not giving any quarter...

Fucking ignore the LV shooting and the pansy motherfucking suicidal pussy, who perpetrated it.

It is a waste of energy and will only lead to the same conclusion: worldfuckers are trying to corrupt the world and disarm citizens.

With that said, focus your potential on something practical ffs.

Again, flog me all you want, I'm fucking over this shit.

@Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt @Commoner @Vindicator @carmencita @cantlseepawink

srayzie ago

Argos, you know that I like you, but you drive me crazy sometimes. I think your comment is unfair. I've always been nice to you. But since you pinged me and you are going off on others here for disagreeing with you or being interested in topics that you find unimportant, then I'm going to speak my mind as well.

Fucking ignore the LV shooting and the pansy motherfucking suicidal pussy, who perpetrated it.

It is a waste of energy and will only lead to the same conclusion: worldfuckers are trying to corrupt the world and disarm citizens.

With that said, focus your potential on something practical ffs.

First of all, there is possibly a connection between Pizzagate and the Las Vegas shooting. See this post. Look at my comment. If you disagree then that's fine. If you choose to not look deeper into it, that's fine. People have different views.

I've told you before that this is Voat and people are going to downvote you. Everyone gets downvoted. Everyone is challenged here. Everyone has a right to their opinions. You are not the only one here with good ideas or good leads. The topics you focus on are not the only things that important. There are going to be people that disagree with each other here. Just like you get irritated by posts on subjects you think aren't important and you voice it, some people feel the same about your posts.

So many big things have been happenings lately, that any one of them could be being used to distract from the other. Which one is a matter of opinion.

You have made posts focusing on research that are not exactly related to Pizzagate. Plus you ping people all the time to watch music videos. Even when I told you that music was not my type, and that I felt some were too dark and even demonic. That's not me lecturing you. That's just not my taste. You told me to give it a chance and I did.

So I think it was kind of rude to get all mad and say that on @Jem777 's post because you are implying that what Jem feels is of value is not. It's not just the LV shooting either. You have also went off because some of us were focusing on the California fires, which I believe 100% after doing a lot of research. The fires were NOT normal. There is a lot of evidence that lead some to believe that it was caused by Direct Energy Weapons. There are websites and documents backing this theory up. One has to do with the Santa Rosa location that the fires occured that are piecing things together. Long story, but it seem to be related to Agenda 21. I've also told you that Jem and I both live in California and were really concerned about these strange fires that have been going on. You brushed it off and told me you "skimmed" thru stuff I sent you about it.

When the hurricanes hit and you were saying in the comments section that you didn't believe in weather modification and laughed When people were discussing HAARP. I went and gathered a video and things to read, including real documents, to show you that it was real. After finding all of that for you, you were "too busy" to look thru it. You had your mind made up and were not open to at least looking at the proof I sent you. But you've gone off on me for not being into something you posted because I'm focusing on something else at the moment. It's very one sided.

My point is that all of these things happening lately lead many people to believe that the Illuminati has been in overdrive the last couple of months. There is a lot of symbolism showing connections to things as well. Some things that have happened has opened the door to further their Agenda21 plans that lead to the NWO.

You used to be so nice. That's why I was surprised to see that you even called a woman a cunt the other day because you didn't agree with her view on Alex Jones. TrishaUK is one of the nicest people here.

I have to leave. I don't even have time to proof read. I hope you don't hate me now but I had to say how I felt.

Jem777 ago

@srayzie I edited my post. It has links to the connection of Las Vegas to pizzagate. It also has the Illuminati founder Adam Weishaupt great grandson Issac Weishaupt explaining the Illuminati ritual that occurred. Including explanation of the Sphinx, Pyramid, and Obleisk.

I have the documents linking Paddock to defense contractors weapons trade, his personal plane information tail number, all properties, including documents of property records, who he has been seen with and locations for at least ten years.

That is why Vindicator actually banned me then attempted to discredited me.

These documents have been securely placed for safe keeping. Not on me or with me. They are in the hands of capable people in many locations. One in Washington DC.