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Norseman ago

Why was she banned?

Vindicator ago

I banned her because she kept submitting threads that didn't meet our evidence requirements. I tried to work with her but she didn't think the submission rules should apply to her. She didn't give me much choice. I did not ban her alt Mej.

Oh_Well_ian ago

well... obviously it looks like she had enough information to get her killed

Now how do you feel?

srayzie ago

I can’t believe you went there.

@Vindicator did nothing wrong. People have stooped so low to be taking an opportunity like this to give him the guilt trip. Should he never ban someone for violating rules because someday, they could die? What if that happened to one of the people you went off on. Be above this Ian.

Vindicator ago

My feelings aren't really relevant, here, are they? It's terrible a pg investigator has died. If she was murdered, it needs to be investigated.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol 'IF' yeah... it's DC, dude. Have you not learned after all this time how things work there? Did you watch the video with Webb and how suspicious he looked there? He dropped the dime that lead to the discovery of her body in an obvious plausible deniability maneuver, too. I can trust that you won't be doing much investigating, but get the flair up there !!!

I was harassed by MF at the same time Jem777 was, and banned on 2 separate occasions for RULEZZZZZZ..

Rules specifically designed to keep this investigation penned in, by deleting speculative submissions and preventing an understanding of the wider forces at play.

The sub has turned into a 'get the kid diddlers' joke. Just exactly what is intended by mods from the beginning.

Vindicator ago

I was harassed by MF at the same time Jem777 was, and banned on 2 separate occasions for RULEZZZZZZ..

And who unbanned you, Ian? Who tried to help you post within the submission rules? Care to mention that?

Rules specifically designed to keep this investigation penned in, by deleting speculative submissions and preventing an understanding of the wider forces at play.

The sub has turned into a 'get the kid diddlers' joke. Just exactly what is intended by mods from the beginning.

That is just so much shit, Ian, and you know it. We have an entire anything-goes subverse set up for those who don't or can't meet the main sub's submission requirements. The submission rules + speculative sub system is what the majority of users have wanted from the beginning of this sub, and @Crensch and @kevdude have repeatedly given folks the opportunity to change that and chose not to. Jem chose not to respect that repeatedly and instead of changing her ways when banned, complained to other users and tried to organize a campaign to get her unbanned, all the while making excuses about why she should be held to different evidentiary standards than everyone else. It was shitty behavior then, and this crap from you is shitty behavior now. You tearing apart this sub and attacking me to vent your toxic spleen is not going to help bust any pedos.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Stop the pearl clutching, my comment is not 'tearing this subverse apart'. I thought your flair was in poor taste given the circumstances.

And c'mon, MF was a cancer and everybody knows it. He made many people frustrated and was absolutely censoring people for arbitrary reasons and had a hidden agenda. In hind site, it's reasonable to assume it was more about WHAT she was posting that was concerning him.

This is the only sub on voat with these multiple restrictions. Whether or not they have improved the quality of the subverse is absolutely up for consideration and subject to opinion.