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Vindicator ago

CAUTION: Serious fuckery underway in this thread!

@ESOTERICshade not only tried to get this post removed and cried mod corruption and tried to quote me out of context when we refused to censor it the way he wanted, he also has abused the Comment section by shitting up gamepwn's hard work by spamming his 300+ word laundry list of links over and over again:

Furthermore, the last link is outright Disinformation. It's a Fake Q leak, which when I opened it, gave me this virus warning after a minute or two:

How do we want to handle this? @Crensch @kevdude @think- @Blacksmith21

Spamming his Zionist crap all over this thread also effectively ruins it for sharing outside of Voat, and fits right in with the rest of the disinfo campaign that's been going on all week, as I documented here:

Crensch ago

Called that pedo yid out long ago.

As far as it ruining sharing outside of Voat, do you really think the PG people don't know PG gets attacked and spammed and COINTEL played all over the place?

If he was a low scp/ccp account I'd say don't ban him, but some time and effort was put into that one. Not making a recommendation, just saying I wouldn't recommend against it.

At this point, isn't he a divisive character like M_F, but the only status he has is as a user?

I'm not familiar with the new paradigm yet, so I'll leave it to y'all.


ESOTERICshade ago

Spamming his Zionist crap

I'm against Zionism. Its what we fight against, you know, the globalist assholes that rape kids.

Vindicator ago

Wierdly, you keep bringing it up everywhere and projecting your obsession on everyone else.

ESOTERICshade ago

Wierdly, you keep bringing it up everywhere and projecting your obsession on everyone else.

I'm against the globalist Zionists that bomb innocent children out of their homes, that deep state everybody keeps talking about. The people responsible for what we fight against every day. I don't want a war with you, I just don't like the Rothschilds and I think I have good reasons.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

ESOTERIC is one of the more intelligent and level-headed commenters on here. (He reminds me of one H.S., with whom I once worked on the Vince Foster murder.) I have always enjoyed his input. He's never been abusive. And neither has Vindicator. This is a storm in a teacup. Chill, guys. Moving on...

ESOTERICshade ago

Furthermore, the last link is outright Disinformation. It's a Fake Q leak, which when I opened it, gave me this virus warning after a minute or two:

How do we want to handle this? @Crensch @kevdude @think- @Blacksmith21

Spamming his Zionist crap all over this thread also effectively ruins it for sharing outside of Voat, and fits right in with the rest of the disinfo campaign that's been going on all week, as I documented here:

Its a link there is not virus in that link. That is not true.

Vindicator ago

My device says otherwise, which I shared a screenshot of.

ESOTERICshade ago

My device says otherwise, which I shared a screenshot of.

I have full service Kaspersky Anti Virus with a year paid subscription. It didn't set mine off.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stating an opinion about Trump's affiliation to Rothschild is just not even worth it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Show me which one it is and I will remove it.

Vindicator ago

Oh, I'm sure you will. Which is why I took screenshots of the whole thread. When you start deleting, I will happily post them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh, I'm sure you will. Which is why I took screenshots of the whole thread. When you start deleting, I will happily post them.

Ok I won't delete it if you don't want me to. Have it your way.

ESOTERICshade ago

Furthermore, the last link is outright Disinformation. It's a Fake Q leak, which when I opened it, gave me this virus warning after a minute or two:

How do we want to handle this? @Crensch @kevdude @think @Blacksmith21

I think I may have gotten that from @srayzie but i'm not sure. I didn't get a virus warning on it. I will ask @srayzie if I got it from her because i'm not sure.