GreenDell144 ago

Vindicator is advocating caution. It would be easy to frame up a fake post based on a stupid symbol and stir the conversation into a froth with some alternate profiles’ commenting. Then we have wasted time and the have something they can screen shot and use to label this space as a paranoid “alt right hate platform”

urbanmoving ago

You clearly sound dishonwst, and your "witch hunting" premise are all false these companies have sick satanic imagery stop "virtue shilling"

Vindicator ago

Uh huh. "Dishonwst". Is that what The Kenyan spent $65k to have shipped in to the Whitehouse?

darkknight111 ago

We also have to be on alert for false flags against us due to that Sex Trafficking bill @carmencita mentioned.

All it takes is some jackass like that pedo who keeps flooding our board with hentai CP or another Donkeyhote spraying his usual incindiery commentary.

Which is why we need to be aggressive in a " shoot them before they shoot us". We can do this by going into an aggressive "lock down mode".

Method: Ban all known shills via targeted application of repeated submission violation rules. Since alts of known shills like Are We Sure (the head shill), and Donkeyhote have been banned for this reason, purge ALL the alts of these shills. Another one appears, ban that one too.

We can't let them get the chance to false flag us. OPSEC is vital right now.

Vindicator ago

For the first time since I started modding, actual CP was posted to this board (today). I have alerted Putt.

darkknight111 ago

Then it has begun. My hunch was spot on. Lately a whole shit ton of these hunches have proven right (that Belizean Grove series a ways back came from a hunch).

Was the incident that thread involving the theory about potential pedo code? If so, then I suspect that particular incident may have been monumentally stupid rather than malicious.

Only read the thread body myself (had an instinctive bad feeling regarding the links), but I might actually be able to verify that theory. Granted, this is only a deduction, but I think it might work.

I've heard the term "Ironing Board" used to describe a "flat chested female". Context being an adult female.

If the term "pancake" is being used for similar descriptive reasons as "Ironing Board", then my deduction is that given the "pedo food code", "pancake" is being used in the way the thread believes it to be.

carmencita ago

Amen. Could not have said it better. Thank You.

Blacksmith21 ago

@vindicator - It's probably a good time to note that it won't be long until we come under DDOS or worse attacks. We've largely escaped scrutiny so far, but we may see new TTPs which will involve getting us to link on CP. Or worse, link to malscripting sites which can place scripts that can plant CP on the local user.

OPSEC is the trite phrase here. If you are a serious researcher and not using a Tor + VPN, then you are at risk.

Vindicator ago

Blacksmith, this is a very, very good point. Can you put together a fresh thread walking people through a security review "for dummies"? I know we've had good ones in the past but I don't have time to dig them up right now.

Blacksmith21 ago

After my dinner arrives....

sunajAeon ago

I agree, logo alone is a flag, but not reaching threshold of evidence, many may have adopted it without intending to associate it with pedo

YogSoggoth ago

Some few maybe, but what about Unilever. Do you think the CEO just let his pedo advertisers make up some strange stuff as his logo and then signed off on it, then never bothered to replace it? This whole conversation is actually distracting from what we were doing before, which is trying to destroy these inhumans.

Yuke ago

It's very frustrating because anyone that's been in this thing for a while SHOULD know that the symbols aren't just loose symbols, they represent things; specifically, between adults and children.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

My brand new YouTube account got its first strike today because I uploaded a video about that stupid crisis actress. They said I was bullying and harassing her. But Facebook won't remove "Richard Dickeson" because it doesn't violate the community standards. NSFW:

Eric Braverman is taking over Google / YouTube. Why am I not surprised...

Are_we_sure ago

Eric Braverman does not work for Google. Also the Podesta email that got everyone excited about Eric Braverman is followed by an email explaining why he does not fit the description of the person who leaked to Politico. It's like a direct reply. Braverman was a suspect for like an hour.

Are_we_sure ago

yeah. Not google.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well if Google isn't Google then I guess in your world, it's whatever.

Are_we__sure ago

Google is Google, but The Schmidt Group is not.

Eric Braverman works at the Schmidt Group. He is the President of the Schmidt Group.

The Schmidt Group has two purposes, invest the Schmidt Family money and manage their philanthropy including the Schmidt Family Foundation.

Eric Braverman has no control over Google or YouTube decisions.

Eric Schmidt is no longer CEO of Google's parent company. He stepped down in December. He is still on the board.

Immelda ago

Yea i see these posts and think to myself, sometimes a swirl is just a swirl.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I don't believe they stop with pizza and triangle swirls. I think there are other symbols and codes that they use, and I don't believe it's a "witch hunt" to look deeper into those who are using other symbols/codes that appear suspicious based on other things we already know and/or have proof of. For example, I'm in a spot right now where I don't know what to do because about 2 months ago, I met a guy at a work social. He handed me his business card and it has the FBI pedo triangle as his logo, but slightly altered. I only encounter this guy once a month, so no chance to get to know him better or know who he's buddies with, but last week I saw him at another social and after a few drinks, he says to about 5 of us sitting around that his kid got into trouble for drawing a penis entering a 12 year old vagina. I and everyone were speechless, and I'm thinking, "How odd that he pegs an age to a drawing, and how exactly do you draw one that's 12 years old." So, now I'm in this predicament where I'm sure the dude's a pedo, but what do I do about it? He gave me a creepy vibe before I saw his business card, but what are the cops going to say if I request he be investigated for suspicious activities based on his logo, what his kid did, what he said, and his creepy vibe?

So, back to the thread topic, I believe that it's important to look at companies' logos, examine their activities, then decide if it merits a closer look or write it off as a coincidence.

GreenDell144 ago

You have his name and info. Check out his social media. See if he has any public info. Otherwise, all you can do is wait and see what else he says or does.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

True, and I'll have to check. Probably require a lot of digging, but I'll be sure to come back and report any strange stuff.

YogSoggoth ago

To me that means either you were lucky enough to stumble on a pedo, or they know exactly who you are online or otherwise. It was a couple of months ago that a small truck cut off right in front of me and then slowed down. The first thing I noticed was the round boy lovers triangle within. It was the only sticker prominently displayed on an otherwise clear back window. Big dude driving. I think they paid him money to try to get me into rear ending him, or physical altercation. I would have chased him down if I did not promise to be somewhere on time. I went down the side road to find that truck later and am still looking. Vin deserves a down vote for this.

GreenDell144 ago

Be safe, friend. These are evil, sneaky bastards, though often cowards. As a to this post: Vindicator is advocating caution. It would be easy to frame up a fake post based on a stupid symbol and stir the conversation into a froth with some alternate profiles’ commenting. Then we have wasted time and the have something they can screen shot and use to label this space as a paranoid “alt right hate platform”

Cc1914 ago

Oh wow! I'm so sorry to hear that . I think they know exactly who each one of us is . Back in 2016 I had several wierd things happen . My computer at work got hacked then my home computer . I only use my mobile device since that happened . The state of ca also drained my bank account twice and had to put the money back . This may have just been a random legitimate mistake, but twice?

Shizy ago

Are you legally able to carry a gun in your car? If so you should. I'm always within reach of a firearm.

YogSoggoth ago

Still the Gunshine State.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I doubt he knows who I am online. He owns his own business, which is 80% manual labor, and he doesn't seem like a reader, if you know what I mean. If anything, he'd most likely learn of PG research from YouTube, and I never comment on YouTube vids. I have mentioned PG to people I work with, but I doubt they would've ever said anything to this guy because none of them really seem all that close to him, like he's just an acquaintance they're being friendly with, but I may be wrong. I've got to find his business card...

That's really freaky about that truck! Might've just been a coincidence, but always good to be aware of your surroundings and you did a good job of noticing details. I know there are people who do those kinds of maneuvers on purpose as an insurance scam, but they're usually in cars that can be repaired cheaply such as Toyotas, so maybe there are people who are hired to do this scam to "kill 2 birds with one stone" so to speak and get paid twice. Was it an older truck?

YogSoggoth ago

Correct. Older Toyota. I had bad brakes and had mentioned that many times on the phone. Did you see that conversation where I was describing the Cricket Cellphone store employees as a heart within a heart? That is ATT subgroup. Randall Lynn Stephenson (born April 22, 1960) is an American telecommunications executive. He is the current chairman, chief executive officer and President of AT&T Inc. since May 9, 2007. He simultaneously serves in a voluntary position as President of the Boy Scouts of America. He was instrumental in allowing gay scouts. He has access to any phone he wants big boy.

Cc1914 ago

😮 whoa!!

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I missed your Cricket convo, but that's really interesting about someone positioning themselves in a career where they are surrounded by tools they and their friends need to stay in touch without leaving traces, and being able to have access to a mark's phone calls, records, and texts. Be vigilant! That Stephenson dude sounds like one creepy mofo.

YogSoggoth ago

Do a quick search. Don't believe me.

Vindicator ago

I don't believe it's a "witch hunt" to look deeper into those who are using other symbols/codes that appear suspicious based on other things we already know and/or have proof of.

I never said it was, EC. In fact, any post about a suspicious logo that also included "other things we already know and/or have proof of" would be left up...even possibly flaired as "Potential Lead" or "New Evidence".

It wasn't my intent to label anyone a troll. I was attempting to point out a pattern, and I clearly said this might be an attempt to bury legit leads.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Fair enough, and I see your point. Carry on, Soldier. ;)

Cc1914 ago

I wholeheartedly agree with you on this ! We should be looking at the company as a whole and not just the logo before we start posting random logos . There's Definitely always a creepy vibe that one gets when they spot a real pedo symbol IMO. Like that RV camping logo posted didn't give me that bad vibe at all . As far as your experience goes .. WHOA!! You have a pedo right in your hands ! IMO . This is scary for sure , but you are in a unique position to get some solid evidence on this guy .

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Thanks, and well stated, but I'm truly between a rock and hard place because I know I should get closer to learn more about the guy, but every time I think about it, I want to take a shower.

dundundunnnnn ago

If you're the praying type, I suppose you could ask the big guy upstair for some guidance on this one.

Mylifeforanorange ago

Top idea

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

That's a good idea. Thank you.

Cc1914 ago

I bet , I completely understand and would probably have a hard time not coming right out and saying " what's up with that pedofile logo dude " ? Maybe you could take a picture of it and black out his name and let us dig on him ?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

LOL Yeah. That's an idea. Let me see what I can do.

Mylifeforanorange ago

I confronted a somewhat distant relative about this, his reaction was not proportional to the question. Went on for a solid 30 minutes about conspiracy theories. I know this is part of his lifestyle, seen bits and pieces when viewing renovation pics at a family event. He was drinking heavily when I he showed me the computer. I just wanted to poke a little, I won’t do this again. Reaction was just wild.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Wait, you've lost me. You confronted him about what? The pedo logos, and he went off the deep end? What did he show you on the computer?

Neinlife ago

he was probably fishing with that comment to see who defended the kid

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Good point! I hadn't thought of that. He doesn't really hang out with any particular person/people at the socials, but another thing he said is that he always sleeps on the couch (he's married), but I can't remember why he said this or if he provided a reason.

darkknight111 ago

Context is everything.

For example, swirls are pretty common in polynesean culture, so those swirls are innocent.

Blacksmith21 ago

Context is everything. Agreed.

The_Savant ago

You want disinfo? Look at this weird article/happening:

Report: Russian Group Hacked Germany's Government Network. Hackers penetrate most sensitive German Govt systems for over a year and download terabytes of ‘secret’ data We know from @Wikileaks Vault7 that @CIA has tools to make their cyberattacks look like they came from someone else, Russia or China.

Are_we_sure ago

Disinfo? Do you deny that Russian Intel has some of the best hackers in the World?

YogSoggoth ago

Are you saying that Seth Rich was a Russian Hacker? You really are sick.

ThePuppetShow ago

Do you deny that Russian Intel has some of the best hackers in the World?

No. Are you saying the best hackers in the world have terrible opsec?

Micheal84 ago

"If it looks like the Russians did it, then I can guarantee you it was not the Russians"

-John McAfee-

ProfessionalCynic ago

Speaking for myself, now that I know what to look for as far as symbolism, I have been noticing it more. You see it and wonder, Are they one of "them"?

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

I can't document if its tied to pizzagate or not.

And there's the slippery slope the pedos are banking on. They make their symbols so erroneous and "everyday talk", it's hard to pin them down. Sort of how back in the day we'd say "good time" if we were calling to get some weed.