Vindicator ago

Allright @gaystapo. 24 hours is up. Removing this per Rule 1.

Iam7777777 ago

Rose of rosicrucions. Ancient order of rosicrucions. Hrc worked for 'the rose law firm' in ark. Google images. It ain't, "a flower".

gaystapo ago

The same flower was there in the previous business, marvelous market. That was back in 2011.

GreenDell144 ago

I suspect that whole neighborhood is a pedophile community. The have a website, a political party, and even a code language. Why not a community?

Cc1914 ago

A swirl or not a swirl, didn't we already know that that place was susp ? I also remember reading a voat thread a year ago and it mentions " rose " as one of the symbols they use .. Full thread here :

gaystapo ago

It's the business in between comet and bucks so if we are correct about the goings on in those business's, what are the odds the business in between knows nothing about it.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly !

truthdemon ago

That whole street and underground seems to me to be a logistic hub for cannibalism

truthdemon ago

Has besta pizza changed their symbol back to the pedo triangle?

Yuke ago

Also, breakfast burrito's are things they actually serve.

Yuke ago

The flower in the masonry is still a flower and is not any kind of swirl.

Photo from LRF instagram dated December 23 2017

Vindicator ago

Who is downvoting you, Yuke? Have an upvote for your trouble.

Vindicator ago

Hi there @gaystapo. I'm giving this a 24hr Reprieve flair so you can add a higher resolution image to support the main claim put forward in your headline, that this estabilishment has replaced the architectural flower on their building with something remniscent of a pedo triangle. Please provide a higher resolution image to buttress the primary claim of this submission, so we don't have to remove it for lack of evidence.

To me, this reeks of an effort to spur PG investigators into witch-hunting a business for no good reason.

gaystapo ago

I've tried to find higher resolution photos with it looking like a Spiral. I can only get them from Google street view. I must be wrong and like another commenter said, it is probably weather erosion in combination with low resolution that makes it look like. My bad!

Yuke ago

Exactly, this is bullshit.

unclassified ago

How is it that these places aren't burned up by people?

carmencita ago

The coffee and cinnamon bun swirls listed in the post are pretty obvious and almost saying, I don't care. I don't care if you know or not. A little over kill imo. Idk, maybe it's just because we know and others do not. Except for the pedos.

Gothamgirl ago

I googled to get a better look at the flower pic and it looks like it had damage due to water run off, coming from the roof.

gaystapo ago

Yeah I think you're right. The google street view images aren't the greatest resolution either. My bad!

realityisinsanity ago

Fox = 666 in some numerologic code from what I recall.

realityisinsanity ago

I believe they use that animal to symbolize deviant tricksters. They use different animals like foods for different things.

gaystapo ago

Changing the flower to a Spiral would not have been a simple task. The original flower was quite pretty and detailed. The Spiral is very sloppy. Doesn't make any sense to go through all that effort unless it's to signal to potential clients.

Enigmatic_Continuum ago

Good find!

You just made me aware that it's possible the word 'den' is being used like 'pizza' as verbal symbolism.

I mean, who can forget this

“Pedophile ring” DEN was founded by an abuser, his former victim, and a well-known child actor

So, I started searching... and found this

While working as a network executive, Rabinowitz — who developed shows such as Happy Endings, The Mindy Project and Unbreakable Kimmy Schimdt — started a daily meditation practice to manage the high stress of her career. In late 2015, she left entertainment to pursue her passion, founding The DEN in Los Angeles in February 2016, with a second location set to open in Studio City this spring.

The DEN’s group meditation classes are particularly popular with executives and actors, and while Rabinowitz prefers to keep her clientele anonymous, it’s not unusual to see Amanda Seyfried, Anna Kendrick and Kate Walsh in the studio.

Perhaps Hollywood’s best-kept secret, however, is the private back room that’s a favorite with actors for running lines. She also conducts on-site weekly meditations for the HR department at NBC, as well as private sessions for other corporate and industry clients. "I describe our meditation classes as a group solo activity," Rabinowitz says. "Your eyes are closed, you’re relaxed and comfortable. You have a private moment to yourself," which is a draw for a higher-profile crowd.