Bman123 ago

I hate to be the guy but this doesn't prove or even show anything out of order, I mean if you're going to go on record and say "EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THESE PEOPLE ARE PEDOPHILES" you need evidence. imho this isn't even sketchy. At all. OP you need more than tiny coincidences such as a group of children in pizza shirts, because yanno they're at a pizza restaurant, not in the back of a van or in a basement. This is the sort of thing that people will use to discredit our investigations by saying we've accused several good citizens of being pedos. Please investigate into other areas such as how the establishments raided are linked to pizzagate.

Gbuggers ago

Awesome work but very disturbing. I feel nauseous. Sick fucks we share this world with. I wish the world was flat we could bulldoze them over the edge. Prison is to good for these satan worshipping child rapers.

blackfyre_rebel ago

Going into the Jason Kreher guy. YES, I absolutely agree he has to be a pedo.

An ad with a young child: "Orange you glad this isn't a banana I'm pressing sexily against my cheek?"

archons ago

You can add this girl to the list. Found her from following the friends on one of those accounts. I think people like this are victims of the trafficking and now she turns into one of their finders.

Vanscribe1 ago

Okay now let me be very clear pizzagate is something I believe has touched the surface very well. However after following the posters of some of these comments and taking a look at some of these things there could be a very slight chance these people are joking. The only person who has really alarmed me so far is that jaon fellow. When he says thngs like I get alot for the white ones and mother wasnt even watching the stroller it is all speculative circumstancial evidence just saying. Not saying the implications are not true just saying I dont want this detracting from more damning evidence surrounding pizzagate like the podesta emails.

Its just very surface level type stuff and unless alefantis or podesta are followers or friends with this guy on instagram im not 100% sold on a link. In light of all the heavier evidence we have gotten this is fluff and not really anything I believe could be taken seriously if reported. The dont look for me im already gone could have been a joke as well but nobody commented on that one.

So far the jason account is the only one that seems worth investigating and keeping tabs on so far.

Don-Keyhote ago

quit bickering you fags and find out if Jason Kreher is related to Alefantis friend John Kreher

BackToBlack ago

Add this one to the list:

probus ago

More obvious than this is hardly possible "I get a ton of money for the white ones"

jastonas ago

archive links before sending. This is now a 404

SluggishJ ago

I haven't spent much of my research looking through the instagram finds, but I have made it a point to take a look when new findings come up. I Just question the Manhattan Knights finding as well as this. I do see some weird behavior, but nothing so far that can't be explained by some stupid sub culture hipster druggie shit. Am I looking in the wrong direction? I'm going through OPs list here and I'm still not seeing anything compelling (other than the fact that he's only been a user on here for 2 days)

Dasistnichtgut ago

Since when does this stuff smack as normal? Why do we make excuses for weird, effed up crap when it's staring us in the face. Eyes wide shut all over again. Maybe we should start believing what people show us/say instead of writing it off.

SluggishJ ago

I'm in complete agreement with you. Make no mistake, I'm not writing this off quite yet (if ever) - I have been sifting through this for the better part of today as well as some other leads. This should not be ignored. Perhaps my original comment came off a bit more cynical than I intended. I suppose my mode of thinking at the time was when I was comparing the findings of the jimmy comet instagram with these recent findings, one is very obviously more sinister than the other on the surface. But it could also be that I have not looked into this new lead enough yet to see it as being just as sinister.

I will never write off this investigation, ever. We're on the same side. I just try and insert a healthy dose of skepticism here and there only because I didn't see the same caliber of evidence with this recent IG lead that we've been seeing on an almost daily basis. Appreciate your comment though, it was enough to snap me back into really looking into this with more fervor. I can't give up researching something after a few hours just because evidence isn't immediately recognizable or visible.

Happy hunting

ArthurEdens ago

All the kids look pretty worked over

IPleadThe2nd ago

Why are these douchey "hipsters" all so obsessed with food? And shit food too, not real cuisine like foodies. Either they are just low class junk food losers under those beards and flannel shirts OR they are using pedo code!

LibtardedLiberal ago

Your post is great, exept for making it political. Stop making it political. There are crusty old grey haired conservative Republicans that are pedo freaks too, that are also involved and can be considered part of the elite too.

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

The crusty old repulibcans arent on insta

IPleadThe2nd ago

But it IS political! However you're right, it encompasses both parties. We have bought into the lie of the two parties when in fact they are two sides to the same, corrupt coin! They are all involved at the highest levels because this shit is used for them to control and blackmail each other.

str8face ago

This list of accounts you've yet to archive mostly belong to people who work in advertising in NYC. I was in this industry for a number of years. I know who a few of them are, and most of them are following people I've worked with extremely closely in the past. I don't think most of these people are pedos. Just weird, narcissistic, obnoxiously liberal NYC ad-types.

ConnectALLtheDOTS ago

Johns with two black children who he calls his own, did a quick reverse image search on the shirt and found this band; Here's lyrics to one of their songs;
Photographer of Tshirt image;

Mtnchan ago

I went through quite a few related to that guy from flaming lips and made a short list of usernames. Most were just drug users, specifically LSD, with nothing child related, didn't put those on the list, didn't find any more that seemed pedo, but some were satanic, and there does seem to be a connection there to child abuse. Lists could be helpful to law enforcement investigation

What I have so far, have to start going through their follows: gangstasnaps wombgallery irreversibility nastyneckface1

Gbuggers ago

Damn your awesome! Excellent work. I was feeling very down after watching a video from another post. In it is a child being tortured who is clearly terrified above our level of imagination. I was losing hope your post reminded me that we have to keep going until every last one is taken down no matter how long it takes. Your post gives some new insigt and alot will come from researching this. Im on it.

jastonas ago

are you talking about the worldcorp videos?

huhhh ago

The Instagram rabbit hole is something I haven't even touched in a month or 2 because it never ends. It's weird how they're all hipsters.

blackfyre_rebel ago

I was thinking the same thing. I guess I have it in my mind all the pedos resemble Saville, HRC or Podesta...weird seeing people my age with hipster beards who are joking and bragging about raping babies....shudders

VieBleu ago

For the record, in the most respectable way, for all viewers here -

you suck.

EDIT: Sorry, this was not me. Someone at my house objects to my interest in this research and trolled me.

catchingfire ago

Hey VieBleu, thanks for clarifying the situation. I'm more of a lurker here but I was following this subverse regularly almost from the beginning. There were always many shills here as we all know, but you were always one of those users who seemed reasonable and trustworthy to me, with good points and opinions. So it was very confusing to see you trolling and shilling suddenly LOL My first thought was that your account had been hacked! So it's good to see you're back and everything is fine. God bless you

VieBleu ago

thank you so much for that hello! ::air kisses:: and much appreciated.

IPleadThe2nd ago

Wow! You used to at least say some reasonable stuff, but you're not even trying anymore are you!

VieBleu ago

Sorry that was not me. I indicated in an edit on the comment.

IPleadThe2nd ago

That would explain the schizophrenic posts then! Sorry about that!

VieBleu ago

thanks for that, no worries at all. Yes, I am not vulgar either.

I think the OP wrote very well in presenting this BTW. It is only reasonable, given the climate to chase down this stuff. Innocent until proven guilty, but suspicious and shady does not require a jury and a trial. This stuff is shady and at best totally tasteless. At worst, I have no doubt there is some evidence in it. Sorting out what is what is a dicey task and I'm glad it is being taken on.

VieBleu ago

Ignore this line of comments! not me.

gardenofbacchus ago

You're not even trying anymore in your shilling. Neck yourself you despicable piece of shit.

huhhh ago

The half-assed shilling is insulting.

VieBleu ago

EDIT: removed trolling comment

VieBleu ago

Edited - sorry, not my comment.

micha_ ago

If that was true, then you are a huge step further, since you accepted that you are shit and therefore decided to worship shit...

VieBleu ago

sorry not me. apologies and removed/edited. I left my computer open and was trolled.

micha_ ago

Just curios, which kind of persons do that?

VieBleu ago

Had a houseguest with their kids. However, I've spoken to all parties and now I'm not convinced they were the guilty party. Looking further.

There were a lot of weird events yesterday here, including voat being offline, points getting messed with (not mine, but others have said so) and my moden was knocked out for hours as well. Anyone familiar with my commenting knows that was not my style, with a music video lol. anyway, I have taken on mods in past to keep violence/racism etc to minimum n not sure if someone here didn't mess w my account. Stuff happens i guess.

grlldcheese ago

Yo, Wtf.

Disapproving significant other? It's so odd that it coincided with the updates. That's worrisome.

VieBleu ago

hey -nah, I think it was a houseguest's kids, however when I spoke to them they seemed pretty innocent. Honestly not sure, but I was trolled. Not very well, it didn't sound like me at all. I did complain about a particular mod a bit yesterday, and also my moden inexplicably went out for hours. Voat was down and some people lost points yesterday too which seems odd. ya never know around here.

But what updates? do you mean voat being down?

grlldcheese ago

Yeah. Puttitout explained the points thing and the downtime in the sticky. I lost like 5-10% of mine but whatever.

Voats small. It could be mods exploiting a system weakness but that's pretty impressive. Chances are it's in your personal life. Which is more worrisome.

Were the troll posts pg related? That would let you deduce a lot, i think.

VieBleu ago

I'm inclined to agree with you re personal life. Leave a bored 14 and 16 year old in a room with a computer signed on to a weird website, and you get light vulgarities and a random depeche mode music video! lol doesn't sound like what the salty seasoned vets at voat would do at all really. it was just a few comments on this thread about how the OP was dumb etc the kids prob thought people here would think the video was devil worshipping or something. I'm not used to having kids around. When I say they "don't approve" I mean in the general ::rolling eyes:: way most people think about that weird pizzagate thing from last year. Then they act super innocent when grild ; ) so to speak, and say they heard it was actually real and turn it into a discussion about staying safe. kids are smart.

grlldcheese ago

Lol. Sounds ok. Vie red alert downgraded.

They were probably horrified that you were on here. This is pretty much a 4chan tier troll den. The shocking truth is that a whole bunch of here and pol is 30-60 yr old smart people who like offensive humor and got banned from reddit at some point.

VieBleu ago

thanx for having my back.

grlldcheese ago


VieBleu ago

this is so funny - "But guys, come check out my performance art piece next week at the YMCA. I will be challenging the establishment and tearing down your notion of privacy and freedom when i wear a bottomless greenman suit and projectile shit the illuminati all-seeing-eye on the gymnasium wall"
And this follow up was priceless - if you could projectile splatter shit even a basic shape against a wall that would be pretty amazing.

Made me laff, and would definitely be better than MA.