Everyone who is Red Pilled and has been researching controversial topics is aware the YouTube has intimated a massive censorship, removing of videos that contradict the "official story" about events such as the Las Vegas shootings and the Florida Park shootings.
This is also affecting other videos too. It seems the YouTube censorship employees have free reign to issue "strikes" against other videos that violate their opinions.
Here's how it has affected one set of Pizzagate information:
Jake Morphonios is a trained private investigator who has been publishing mostly research on deep state issues, and he had lots of videos up on the false flag shooting topics. This of course painted a big censorship target on his back, and the YouTube Thought Police struck.
He has also been publishing a series of videos on ritualism in elite pedpophilia. Here are the links to the four he's done so far (some fantastic information in there:)
Unfortunately, the first one is gone. YouTube forced him to remove all his videos from before a certain date. Who knows how long the other ones will last. If you find the information valuable you should save all the ones you can still get to your harddrive. Info on how to do that is available in this thread, if you'd like more information:
FWIW, Jake Morphoniaos is reacting by moving over to the uncensorable Steemit platform:
but who knows how long it will take to get his content reposted again?
Save those videos from the Thought Police, people!
ESOTERICshade ago
ESOTERICshade ago
For what its worth. Youtube's excuse for deleting channels. It was a mistake :)
pizzaequalspedo ago
This will come back to haunt these social media companies. Mark my words
lamplight ago
Looks like our friends at SPLC are at it again. YouTube Censorship (http://dailycaller.com/2018/02/27/google-youtube-southern-poverty-law-center-censorship/))
GeorgeT ago
Mass exodus happening from Themtube (as James Corbet called it) over to Dtube, Steamit and Bitchute (my choice) All there. Pretty much how reddit purge initiated exodus over to Voat. We already won, not just my opinion, and these child torturing satanists are freaking out. They know what awaits them and they want people's guns! That Hogg guy was the dumbest move they could possibly have made and it backfired badly! Videos on Bitchute cannot be taken down - truth cannot be suppressed. PG is about to be exposed. It reminds me of that MC Lars song - Download This Song, but in a different context. These clowns think it's the 90's!!! Welcome to 2018, multiple platforms, free market rules! They are bunch of inbred idiots on a power-trip. That's what Kuru does to some!!!
wtf_is_happening ago
Themtube! Lol
GeorgeT ago
James Corbett coined the term - awesome truther.
derram ago
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=E3AskYJhgs0 :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=9NKvUvIaWIs :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=dGYfWIYLyzY :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=qTVnPZdCWZw :
https://www.hooktube.com/watch?v=P-00iuzFbLo :
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