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darkknight111 ago

We also have to be on alert for false flags against us due to that Sex Trafficking bill @carmencita mentioned.

All it takes is some jackass like that pedo who keeps flooding our board with hentai CP or another Donkeyhote spraying his usual incindiery commentary.

Which is why we need to be aggressive in a " shoot them before they shoot us". We can do this by going into an aggressive "lock down mode".

Method: Ban all known shills via targeted application of repeated submission violation rules. Since alts of known shills like Are We Sure (the head shill), and Donkeyhote have been banned for this reason, purge ALL the alts of these shills. Another one appears, ban that one too.

We can't let them get the chance to false flag us. OPSEC is vital right now.

Vindicator ago

For the first time since I started modding, actual CP was posted to this board (today). I have alerted Putt.

darkknight111 ago

Then it has begun. My hunch was spot on. Lately a whole shit ton of these hunches have proven right (that Belizean Grove series a ways back came from a hunch).

Was the incident that thread involving the theory about potential pedo code? If so, then I suspect that particular incident may have been monumentally stupid rather than malicious.

Only read the thread body myself (had an instinctive bad feeling regarding the links), but I might actually be able to verify that theory. Granted, this is only a deduction, but I think it might work.

I've heard the term "Ironing Board" used to describe a "flat chested female". Context being an adult female.

If the term "pancake" is being used for similar descriptive reasons as "Ironing Board", then my deduction is that given the "pedo food code", "pancake" is being used in the way the thread believes it to be.