think- ago

@SeeHear: Deleting per Rule 1 now, since the post hasn't been edited as requested.

TrishaUK ago

No their badges just have leaves on them. Sheriff badges: - HOWEVER seems they cared more about this:- 2 interesting fact about this Sheriff , :- 1) ISLAMIC TERRORIST RELATIONS AT THE BROWARD SHERIFF’S OFFICE Proof that Sheriff Scott Israel recommended CAIR’s Nezar Hamze for the job of Deputy Sheriff. August 24, 2015 Joe Kaufman 12 - 2) - -

Vindicator ago

Highly unlikely. Also, a logo alone is not enough to satisfy submission Rule 1. I will give this a 24 hour Reprieve flair so you can add additional support for the proposition that this is directly related to child sex abuse by the rich and powerful. Please reply to this message when you have edited your post.

Also, I'm not sure what's up with the sudden rash of posts about supposed pedo logos and codes:

I feel I need to point out that spurring researchers into witch-hunting companies and organizations based on logo shapes alone is a disinfo tactic we've seen used to delegitimize the pizzagate investigation before. Given the purges on YouTube and Twitter recently, this should be raising the hair on people's necks. Stay frosty, people.

SeeHear ago

Delete it if you want. I honestly just wanted people to see it. I don’t wanna go into the mk ultra aspect of it all. Why bother. Every one knows what’s up.

SeeHear ago


carmencita ago

Has anyone gotten a closeup of their badges? Do they have triangles on them? Idk, this would be the perfect force to find them.

TrishaUK ago

I know we all had to join voat sometime, but be v.wary when people are only 4 days old. Q warned about dis info and they are looking for any reason to boot researchers off the internet. Glad you gave it the 24hr warning @Vindicator.