aleeum ago

Stop posting swirls as pedo symbols. Triangular spirals.

tech-adm ago

The Keg franchise began in 1971 in British Columbia which is known for it's beautiful scenery including awesome sunshine on what is known as the "Sunshine Coast". I personally don't see it as something nefarious. They truly make awesome steaks (and NO I am not interested in their Pizza).

Blacksmith21 ago

[Mod Edit for Noob]

Relevance: Symbology is frequently used among the pedophile community. This organization displays characteristics which indicate that it could be part of a pedophile ring.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago


EyeOfHorus ago

Symbol has to be slightly triangular to be considered a pedo indicator. Otherwise it's just a swirl.

Gothamgirl ago

According to the flyer yes the symbol is more triangular. But the DHS video shows a rounded one. which some of us feel is a mindcontrol pedo symbol.

aleeum ago

The official FBI document shows a triangular spiral. Y'all really trying to bend the symbolism.

Gothamgirl ago

Like the FBI hasn't hidden alot from us reguarding this very subject. We are still waiting on an update, on the child porn found in the hard drive at Comet, 15 months ago. It was shot during a federal crime. I haven't heard a word about that either.

It's a fact the logo stands for mindcontrol, which is used in SRA to create split personalities. It by itself may not mean anything at all your right, but if there is other questionable content, its worth looking into.

What do they say in that DHS video and look at everything diplicted? It all has a purpose or they wouldn't have included it.

auralsects ago


jesus_is_lord ago

and the rising sun