Sackajahweeda ago

Is this a fact because I was told here and on R that that body language lady as well as another YTer lost their channel and they did not...We all know that DS will cry wolf and has many times...just sayin.

pizzaequalspedo ago

This is highly disturbing. The pedo-elite/globalists are in the middle of a full blown assault on both the 1st and 2nd amendments. I'm not going to lie down and take this. That much I can assure you.

elephantdoesntforget ago

There is a false argument going on. The question isn't whether the Florida shooting was "Real" or not. It obviously was real. The real question is, whether Cruz was programmed to carry out the shooting, and by whom. Knowing what I know, and I know ALOT, there are groups operating at a very high level which includes doctors who do carry out programming which can only be described as MK Ultra type programming, which includes drugging the victim and electro-shock 'therapy' to do certain things. How do I know this??????? They tried to do the same exact thing to me. It didn't work on me for a number of reasons, but I can easily see how a foster child like Cruz was ripe for their pickings. I think we need to start researching how many of the mass shooters at schools were victims of similar programming.

That said, it's obvious the perpetrators agenda is gun control and taking away American's constitutional rights. They will continue to take advantage of their media stranglehold to push the pro gun control narrative every time this happens, and obviously this will not be the last if they are allowed to continue to take advantage of vulnerable kids and program them.

Yes, it's very troubling the censorship Americans face at the hands of American companies like YouTube and google, but honestly, what did you all expect when over 70% of the internet traffic is controlled by a few corporations? Just like the television media.

cutelobster ago

There is nothing obvious about the Florida event being a real shooting. I haven't seen a single piece of convincing evidence (e.g. imagery from CCTV) that this was anything other than a hoax. It is also not obvious that the purpose of the hoax (or false flag for the sake of argument) was gun control. Every time there is an event of this sort, gun sales increase. If you were a gun manufacturer you might be quite happy to see events of this occurring on a semi-regular basis. It may be that the real purpose was to make ordinary people feel unsafe, to get them (even more) used to a regulated world of barbed wire, metal detectors and armed guards. It's a bit of a fantasy that the American citizenry is ever going to be disarmed. For the elites to exert greater control disarmament hardly needs to happen. Owning an assault rifle doesn't mean you are not a slave.

elephantdoesntforget ago

Sorry, saying this event was faked is just ridiculous. It's a real event, not a fake event.

lamplight ago

I thought the FCC decided what could be banned.

lamplight ago

This is so wrong.

srayzie ago

Censorship is getting bad. I hear people are moving to D-Tube.

Gammi ago

Join Operation Justice March on DC April 7th


As scummy as I think David Seaman is, I wouldn't call for him or anyone's banning on YouTube. This is crazy. I guess Alex Jones wasn't exaggerating about him about to be banned by YouTube.

Mad_As_Hell ago

r/conspiracy has been completely taken over too, the comments are almost unreadable now, like being on r/politics

elephantdoesntforget ago

Anything on Reddit is a total censorship, left leaning liberal orgy. They are not the Reddit they used to be years ago.

noone222 ago

Soviet style censorship is taking place right now in America. Differing views from that of the "establishment" are either being eliminated or shadow-banned. Truth seekers and those wishing to have a conversation regarding the activities of government / corporate controllers are being shut down and shut TF Up.

EvaEverywhere ago

Do you know anything about Soviet-style censorship? Try to describe things as they are (and function) rather than adopt asinine comparisons.

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's what leftists do. They want to take away freedoms.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

I thought rightists were in control over there in your country?

pizzaequalspedo ago

This is all coming from the left and the big tech companies which are extreme left (relative to this country at least).

It’s conservatives being censored by lefties at tech companies.

EricKaliberhall ago

@pizzagate007 you need a link to your post. Giving you a 24hr flair to edit one in. Thanks.

pizzagate007 ago

Alright I added a link

EricKaliberhall ago

Great @pizzagate007, I'll remove the flair.

I just listen to this interview with Ron Johnson, wanted to share!

EricKaliberhall ago

Read Hillary Clinton's latest excuse on Twitter... Unbelievable!

Baichu ago

Out of everything that is happening with youtube and florida, hitlery should be in jail, along with her husband and podesta. Youtube has created another distraction from what is going on behind the scenes with these sick depraved satanic mofos. They should be hung from the highest rafter. I imagine a world where all people, including libtards actually get and understand what the clinton's and podesta have been doing for decades. They would be tar and feathered and dragged through the streets and then......well, you finish the fantasy.

ESOTERICshade ago

Read Hillary Clinton's latest excuse on Twitter... Unbelievable!

Do I sense little urgency her quote? Maybe Dragon Bitch is tired of being on the sharp end of the stick.

We should all care about how social media platforms play a part in our democratic process. Because unless it’s addressed it will happen again. The midterms are in 8 months. We owe it to our democracy to get this right, and fast.

noone222 ago

I completely agree with you. Social media has such a large and participatory audience that it has put a definite crimp even at the U.S. Postal Service level. E-mails far outnumber snail mail. We have a God given right to free speech anywhere in America and in cyber-space ! We've been led down the primrose path and are headed towards Soviet Style persecution if we don't get the monolithic companies like google and facebook in line with what most Americans believe to be critical to freedom and that is free speech.

EricKaliberhall ago

I hope the Dragon Bitch is feeling the pressure... That's when mistakes are made.

darkknight111 ago

Use this against youtube.

A nice meme war implication that censorship makes youtube a willing accomplice. Censorship = proof that it actually WAS a false flag. #Guilty

carmencita ago

Here Is The FOSTA Bill explained in a Nut Shell. Everyone please take a look And please Read the Comments. They are Hot. Really. This Spells Out The Bill.

GreenDell144 ago

BOOM. Real stuff gets sussed out eventually, logic and truth win out in an open discussion. If they hadn’t censored pizzagate, I would still be in with the masses waiting for my redpil.

ESOTERICshade ago

There has been a little youtube massacre going on. Titus Frost has a couple of videos about it. So does Nathan at Lift The Veil channel.

Just checked and Titus Frost is now terminated too. He did a lot of pizzagate videos too. This is his backup channel that is still up. It has different content which is why it is not banned, yet. His videos about the mass bannings are not on this channel though. Titus Frost is also on Steemit.

Nathan is still up at Lift The Veil and here is a vid he made on the youtube purge.

YouTube Purge Continues - Creators Call In Lift the Veil

And by the way you didn't even try on the title of your post. Come on dude......

septimasexta ago

I was permanently banned from you tube for COMMENTING on vaccine safety and especially for commenting on and documenting that Trump's wall needed to be UNDERGROUND to stop drug and human trafficking through tunnels under the border.

pizzaequalspedo ago

Can anyone recommend a good VPN to use? I'm not taking anything to chance with these disgusting commies.

Shizy ago

That's insanity! How much longer are they going to be able to get away with this crap???

srayzie ago

Just commenting? My gosh!


I was permanently banned from YouTube for spamming David Seaman's Channel. I don't blame them, I got carried away. Luckily, YouTube accounts are easy to make. Makes me sad David Seaman is banned, now I can't spam his channel anymore :(

DieselBustersYes ago