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gamepwn ago

I believe the CIA to be a rogue government agency. The FBI and NSA are compromised, but do have many good people in them. I believe we do have whitehats from them and many of them are trying to fight Pizzagate. Not the CIA. The CIA should be disbanded and declared a hostile rouge agency.

lamplight ago

I agree. The CIA is evil.

gamepwn ago

Do you have a link to the Q post? I want to do some research on this I might create a topic. This especially interests me

""The battle between the CIA and the NSA became public again when the CIA set up a sting that uncovered that Cisco Systems, a DARPA company, has built-in back doors on all their routers so that the NSA can spy undetected. The main stream media was even given videos of Cisco employees installing the backdoors in routers. The CIA found out about the back doors and made the information public to stop the NSA’s hacking of the CIA systems.”

What the guy said in my link also corresponds to that

"The NSA has the global surveillance capabilities to intercept all the DNC and Podesta emails. CIA is college grads only and has the traditions of the urban yankee northeastern and east coast ivy leaguers, “Blue State”, liberals. CIA hacks and has a cyber capability too according to VP Joe Biden. What if the NSA leaked the emails to Wikileaks to help Trump? What if the CIA discovered NSA was leakin emails? What would they go and do about it? Go to the FBI? Go public? What if they ain’t able to go public because they themselves are in violation of some domestic law? Enter the shadow brokers. I rekon the shadow brokers is CIA.What if the shadow brokers incident is CIA tit-for-tat retribution against NSA email leaks? Hack or steal NSA tools? Embarrass them? Get them broken up, fired? Sounds far fetched? Clapper and Carter tried to get Rogers fired. They also called for the breakup of NSA."

lamplight ago

▶Anonymous 02/24/18 (Sat) 03:59:04 9f75d3 No.481492>>481504 >>481512

Snowden is CIA. I don't think he really defected.

See >>481314

▶Anonymous 02/23/18 (Fri) 05:06:12 06cb69

No.471015>>471029 >>471120

"In retaliation against the NSA, the CIA chose Edward Snowden, who was working for the CIA through Booz Allen Hamilton, to release stolen NSA documents that proved the NSA was illegally spying on Americans through computers, phones, and many other electronic devices. Snowden didn’t work for the NSA and did not have access to NSA files though he released a huge amount of data that confirmed the NSA’s surveillance. Michael Alperovitch’s CIA handlers ordered Snowden to turn over the NSA’s PKI encryption codes so that the CIA could enter the NSA’s system and steal the files needed to prove the NSA’s illegal surveillance. Snowden did not personally have access to those codes nor the information in the NSA system as part of his job."

https:// www.

This happened in 2013, the same year that the Red October malware was discovered by Kapersky Labs.