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ESOTERICshade ago

The NSA is the granddaddy of intel over the CIA. Of course they know the CIA is trafficking kids and the CIA knows they know. Everybody that is anybody in D.C. knows about it and always has. At least a third of the D.C. politicians, or more, send there kids to prep schools to get sodomized and learn their place in the Freemasonic pecking order.

If the NSA ever had any intention of out the CIA they simply would have done it. Trump has never spoken a word about a pedophile ring that a third of D.C. is involved in and that he is taking it down. Until he does Qs war on the deep state is a fable because that that pedo ring runs the deep state. Tired of hearing about white that 64 Gorrillion D chess too.

We are the one we have been waiting for and it is up to us. They just renewed their enhanced spying powers ON ME AND YOU. Trump just gave his blessing for more gun control over ME AND YOU for a damn false flag which makes him complicit.

Trump just added another TRILLION dollars worth of debt for our kids to pay off forever for his Zionist wars. The Feds announced they are back in the civil asset forfeiture business taking money from innocent motorists on the road without charging them for a crime.

The FDA just announced further sanctions on Kratom which is a harmless plant people use to break opiate addiction and Trump has said NOTHING about them hooking our children on big pharma drugs.

Trump is feeding Christianity to the Zionist political party and and ZIONISM IS THE DEEP STATE. Israel is a Talmudist Rothschild satellite and Trump is their salesman. And Q has people cheering for this madness. Wake the fuck up please.

truthdemon ago

Thank u from the bottom of my heart.. The civil war is between con agents and cohn agents..

ESOTERICshade ago

The civil war is between con agents and cohn agents..

Good one! It takes good eyes to see pizzagate because a person needs to somewhat understand the occult. For this reason pizzagaters should have better eyes than run of the mill conspiracy buffs. And then, wham, from somewhere out of the blue a few pizzagaters have some form of terminal blindness to the two party system. It puzzles me immensely. It also infuriates half of the voting American public who would otherwise be receptive to our message.

If you gave a seminar on child abuse would you spend half your time beating them over the head with a political soapbox? Half of that audience would not like Trump but would also despise child abuse enough to spread the message of child abuse. This political soapbox mixed in our message instantly drives away half of our available audience and turns them into our enemy as well. I have tried every way I can think of to explain this simple concept to @vindicator, but so far, to no avail. Vindicator refuses to leave the political soap box in the trunk of the car when moderating here and it drives away non Trumpers that also hate child abuse.

@Vindicator seems to feel that Vin has a right to use this forum as a political soap box and I flatly am against it. I want the other half of that audience that @Vindicator is driving away to come here and feel comfortable. @Vindicator you do a good job but this thread should be flaired because it made no attempt to explain it's relevance and it would not pass the smell test unless it had Q in the title. A lof of us are fed up with your beating people over the head with your politics in this forum and you need to save that shit for Twitter because this forum is not your soap box.

ESOTERICshade ago

^^Heads up @think- @ben_matlock @Blacksmith21 @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Behold the new campaign.

Also relevant:

Nice. Instead of addressing the following you smear me. I'm on solid ground and you are throwing insults. Nice job. I just don't think we should be selling Rothschild in this sub for obvious reasons. Instead of discussing the following you start pinging up a shit storm.

Trump is seriously pro Israel:

Israeli Supreme Court Building with Illumaniti Rothschild pyramid built right into the center of it.

Israeli Supreme Court Building pyramid close up you can see the eye

Rothschild Blvd. In Israel

Rothschild Blvd. sign in Israel

Palestine land map before Rothschild's Balfour Declaration. And now after the Palestenians got bombed off their land and out of their homes.

Banking families control intel agencies and government. Zionism/Jesuits run banking. Trump supports Israel. Trump is a puppet and Israel salesman.

Israel is Rothschild's personal creation. Trump sends billions to Israel while Americans go homeless and live one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

Trump wearing Kippa while praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

VIDEO: How The Rosthschilds Stole Israel & Control The ...

Trump's Son In Law preying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Trump's daughter Ivanka praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Trump is a deceptive plague to the truth movement that tells us things we love to hear and does nothing to create long term beneficial changes in our daily lives.

Vindicator ago

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Nope. You're pushing Fake News, Esoteric. Here are all of Q's 12/5/2017 posts:

You can verify them here:

Now why would you be making up Fake Q Leaks, Esoteric?

ESOTERICshade ago

I found that link you said triggered your virus program and I deleted it. it didn't trigger my Kaspersky Anti Virus but I deleted it for you anyway.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now why would you be making up Fake Q Leaks, Esoteric?

If you say its fake I will take your word for it. I may be wrong but I thought I got that from @srayzie because she shows me Q stuff sometimes. Srayzie did you give me this or did I find this on my own somehow because I don't know for sure.

srayzie ago

No I didn’t give that to you. I gave you this.

ESOTERICshade ago

No I didn’t give that to you. I gave you this.

Ok thanx. Lets just let all this crazy shit die now.