Vindicator ago

CAUTION: Serious fuckery underway in this thread!

@ESOTERICshade not only tried to get this post removed and cried mod corruption and tried to quote me out of context when we refused to censor it the way he wanted, he also has abused the Comment section by shitting up gamepwn's hard work by spamming his 300+ word laundry list of links over and over again:

Furthermore, the last link is outright Disinformation. It's a Fake Q leak, which when I opened it, gave me this virus warning after a minute or two:

How do we want to handle this? @Crensch @kevdude @think- @Blacksmith21

Spamming his Zionist crap all over this thread also effectively ruins it for sharing outside of Voat, and fits right in with the rest of the disinfo campaign that's been going on all week, as I documented here:

Crensch ago

Called that pedo yid out long ago.

As far as it ruining sharing outside of Voat, do you really think the PG people don't know PG gets attacked and spammed and COINTEL played all over the place?

If he was a low scp/ccp account I'd say don't ban him, but some time and effort was put into that one. Not making a recommendation, just saying I wouldn't recommend against it.

At this point, isn't he a divisive character like M_F, but the only status he has is as a user?

I'm not familiar with the new paradigm yet, so I'll leave it to y'all.


ESOTERICshade ago

Spamming his Zionist crap

I'm against Zionism. Its what we fight against, you know, the globalist assholes that rape kids.

Vindicator ago

Wierdly, you keep bringing it up everywhere and projecting your obsession on everyone else.

ESOTERICshade ago

Wierdly, you keep bringing it up everywhere and projecting your obsession on everyone else.

I'm against the globalist Zionists that bomb innocent children out of their homes, that deep state everybody keeps talking about. The people responsible for what we fight against every day. I don't want a war with you, I just don't like the Rothschilds and I think I have good reasons.

WhatevsFloatsYerGoat ago

ESOTERIC is one of the more intelligent and level-headed commenters on here. (He reminds me of one H.S., with whom I once worked on the Vince Foster murder.) I have always enjoyed his input. He's never been abusive. And neither has Vindicator. This is a storm in a teacup. Chill, guys. Moving on...

ESOTERICshade ago

Furthermore, the last link is outright Disinformation. It's a Fake Q leak, which when I opened it, gave me this virus warning after a minute or two:

How do we want to handle this? @Crensch @kevdude @think- @Blacksmith21

Spamming his Zionist crap all over this thread also effectively ruins it for sharing outside of Voat, and fits right in with the rest of the disinfo campaign that's been going on all week, as I documented here:

Its a link there is not virus in that link. That is not true.

Vindicator ago

My device says otherwise, which I shared a screenshot of.

ESOTERICshade ago

My device says otherwise, which I shared a screenshot of.

I have full service Kaspersky Anti Virus with a year paid subscription. It didn't set mine off.

ESOTERICshade ago

Stating an opinion about Trump's affiliation to Rothschild is just not even worth it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Show me which one it is and I will remove it.

Vindicator ago

Oh, I'm sure you will. Which is why I took screenshots of the whole thread. When you start deleting, I will happily post them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh, I'm sure you will. Which is why I took screenshots of the whole thread. When you start deleting, I will happily post them.

Ok I won't delete it if you don't want me to. Have it your way.

ESOTERICshade ago

Furthermore, the last link is outright Disinformation. It's a Fake Q leak, which when I opened it, gave me this virus warning after a minute or two:

How do we want to handle this? @Crensch @kevdude @think @Blacksmith21

I think I may have gotten that from @srayzie but i'm not sure. I didn't get a virus warning on it. I will ask @srayzie if I got it from her because i'm not sure.

think- ago

.....noted. ;-)

ESOTERICshade ago

So far the only one stirring shit over this issue is you.

More than me.

I have not distinguished this comment so this is me speaking my mind not as a mod or any position of authority but as a user just like you..

That is all I am doing is pointing out Qs and Trump's affiliation with Rothschild. I'm not trying to stir up shit. I think its a valid point. You know I appreciate what you have done. I just got through praising the flair experiment in the sticky at the top of the page and praising all the mods for a job well done. The Trump/Rothschild cozy affiliation is one that is hard for me to ignore. I pointed it out. That is all I really wanted to do. I'm done for the moment :)

human_2000 ago

Another thought of mine goes like this.. ALL of the 3-letter agencies are bad and they are ALWAYS at war with eachother. 'Q' Anon on 4-chan was maybe real but eventually the NSA figured him out. They couldn't get his password for 4-chan but they DID manage to create some credentials on 8-chan that were reminiscent of the 4-chan stuff. Not exact but surprisingly close (your tax dollars at work). Q Anon on 8-chan has been wrong about too many things to be legit. He denfends the NSA. Therefore my assumption is that he IS NSA.

I hope this theory is wrong.

kazza64 ago

cia is evil but what does the fbi get up to

exposethecriminals ago

I came across this video on the FBI today

Video: Steve Pieczenik OPUS 42 "Institution":


Since its inception, the FBI has been perfidious and immoral. Check out their real history. When you know the truth about this "institution" you are NOT shocked by the lies, crimes, treason and cover-up by such a diseased institution.

kazza64 ago


Vindicator ago

Pieczenik is the one who came out in November 2016 and said there was a war within the government basically just as gamepwn describes in his first paragraph. He called it a "silent coup".

Blacksmith21 ago

The Intercept is a CIA publication designed to expose the NSA's secrets. Just like Snowden, the CIA contractor assigned to NSA duties. The CIA has built their own SIGINT collection capabilities, though nothing like the NSAs. They did this as they though Snowden's leaks would bring the NSA down and they would inherit the collections infrastructure. Flynn shit on the CIAs plans. Hence the all out assault on him.

Israel is not involved in our collections. Our SIGINT capabilities are based inside of the Five Eyes or UKUSA as it is sometimes called. US, CAN, CAN, UK, AUS.

There is a lot of dis/misinfo on this post.

Vindicator ago

I've had an eye on the Intercept since October of 2016, and I tend to agree with your assessment, blacksmith.

Blacksmith21 ago

DoD sent us warnings constantly not to visit the website, as well as WL stuff. It created quite the problem when TS/SCI was all over the www, friends were .commailing daily with info. Then it came time for the periodic renewals (PR) of CI polygraphs...boy did that create a mess.

Here's where it gets more interesting. It was/is funde dby Pierre Omidyar. Check out his WP page...Wonder if he comes up in WL?

independenceday ago

I heard a rumor recently that 1 white hat has leaked thousands of government/institutional documents to the FBI that implicates the CIA in their MKULTRA programs. If this is true, then the CIA is fucked and exposed for the evil nazis that they are! Ha ha mother fuckers!

avgwhtguy1 ago


Theytookoutgodslaw ago

The NSA' s wiretap is housed in Israel. The company that helps NSA wiretap is located in Israel. Q is a propaganda machine. Cia, fbi, fema, fcc, you can even link the dots to other countries. They worship Satan.

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

The NSA' s wiretap is housed in Israel. The company that helps NSA wiretap is located in Israel. Q is a propaganda machine. Cia, fbi, fema, fcc, you can even link the dots to other countries. They worship Satan.

ESOTERICshade ago

I also noted that this Q post does not have a flair, and this post is about two departments of the government squabbling about a hacker named Snowden, and that this post made no attempt to connect itself to pizzagate. Because "Q claims that....."

djklbd ago

I don't know. Did I miss the memo, or why are we all of a sudden taking some unverifiable online Anon's coded ramblings as something worth dedicating a bunch of time and effort to?

ESOTERICshade ago

The guy literally said, "Trust Sessions".

The guy that announced the Fed is back into civil asset forfeiture. They guy who will not arrest the opiate traffickers in this country. And the guy that will never do jack shit, yep that is the same one.

djklbd ago

This guy gets it ^. This stuff all seems like not only a distraction but a way to get us to trust the current administration. "sucking us into" the conservative side of the left right paradigm.

Then, they can conveniently call us terms like "alt right" or "the trump base". This is literally online warfare, a mass scale psyop. We need to be aware of shit like this.

gamepwn ago

A few different people on the YouTube comments link believe this story is connected to it. It happened on the day of the attack in Lower Manhattan.

ESOTERICshade ago

The NSA is the granddaddy of intel over the CIA. Of course they know the CIA is trafficking kids and the CIA knows they know. Everybody that is anybody in D.C. knows about it and always has. At least a third of the D.C. politicians, or more, send there kids to prep schools to get sodomized and learn their place in the Freemasonic pecking order.

If the NSA ever had any intention of out the CIA they simply would have done it. Trump has never spoken a word about a pedophile ring that a third of D.C. is involved in and that he is taking it down. Until he does Qs war on the deep state is a fable because that that pedo ring runs the deep state. Tired of hearing about white that 64 Gorrillion D chess too.

We are the one we have been waiting for and it is up to us. They just renewed their enhanced spying powers ON ME AND YOU. Trump just gave his blessing for more gun control over ME AND YOU for a damn false flag which makes him complicit.

Trump just added another TRILLION dollars worth of debt for our kids to pay off forever for his Zionist wars. The Feds announced they are back in the civil asset forfeiture business taking money from innocent motorists on the road without charging them for a crime.

The FDA just announced further sanctions on Kratom which is a harmless plant people use to break opiate addiction and Trump has said NOTHING about them hooking our children on big pharma drugs.

Trump is feeding Christianity to the Zionist political party and and ZIONISM IS THE DEEP STATE. Israel is a Talmudist Rothschild satellite and Trump is their salesman. And Q has people cheering for this madness. Wake the fuck up please.

mralexson ago

What is Zionism?

ESOTERICshade ago

What is Zionism?

A criminal political philosophy invented by some people pretending to be Jews. Their philosophy is world domination, subjugation of anybody that is not in their clique.

Vindicator ago

This "Q claims that........" post made no attempt to connect itself to pizzagate and is mostly about a hacker named Snowden. It has no 24 hour flair, "because Q."

Your agenda is showing, Esoteric. @gamepwn clearly states his Pizzagate premise in the second sentence:

"This was in retaliation of the N.S.A. discovering that the C.I.A. has been behind pedophile rings around the world supplying children and using it as mass blackmail and brownstone operations in order to film politicians and other people of interest to rape children."

A far more interesting question is why you are bitching about this particular post so vociferously.

ESOTERICshade ago

A far more interesting question is why you are bitching about this particular post so vociferously.

Because you are a good moderator but you keep using this sub as your political soap box by doing anything you can think of to drag Q and Trump into a discussion about saving children. Half of the American population do not like Trump and do not want to hear about your Trump and Q worship and would help us if you didn't pound them with your Trump soap box. Today i'm a little more irritated about it than usual for some reason.

Trump is seriously pro Israel:

Israeli Supreme Court Building with Illumaniti Rothschild pyramid built right into the center of it.

Israeli Supreme Court Building pyramid close up you can see the eye

Rothschild Blvd. In Israel

Rothschild Blvd. sign in Israel

Palestine land map before Rothschild's Balfour Declaration. And now after the Palestenians got bombed off their land and out of their homes.

Banking families control intel agencies and government. Zionism/Jesuits run banking. Trump supports Israel. Trump is a puppet and Israel salesman.

Israel is Rothschild's personal creation. Trump sends billions to Israel while Americans go homeless and live one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

Trump wearing Kippa while praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

VIDEO: How The Rosthschilds Stole Israel & Control The ...

Trump's Son In Law preying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Trump's daughter Ivanka praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Trump is a deceptive plague to the truth movement that tells us things we love to hear and does nothing to create long term beneficial changes in our daily lives.

Vindicator ago

Blatant Disinfo being spammed into the comments of this thread:

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

djklbd ago

You nailed it. Vindicator = Trump cheerleader, we don't need that in this sub.

spoonman ago

YES! it is like same game even with "jobs" "wages" "go back to sleep" "spraying is new type of clouds"

Same shit for 20 years

gamepwn ago

Thank you Vindicator. I just got to reading all of this and am like what the hell, so for mentioning Q suddenly im disinfo? Thats called not allowing another user their free speech to talk about something becauze suddenly its the no no word. I have 48 posts and the one I mention with Q gets attacked by multiple people when Gothamgirl and many others have had a similar thought as well? Thinking to myself wow. I mentioned multiple times how it's connected to Pizzagate just because im not talking about evil jews does not make me disinfo.

srayzie ago

Welcome to my world 🤣 I’m attacked here more because of Q than anything else lol.

Vindicator ago

You've outted the shills, gamepwn. Well done!

ESOTERICshade ago

I mentioned multiple times how it's connected to Pizzagate just because im not talking about evil jews does not make me disinfo.

Zionism is a criminal political movement and it is not Judiasm. You mislead people when you say that.

gamepwn ago

What are you talking about? Look you can hate the government as much as you want and all the alphebet agencies and Trump and everyone in politics. However I usually never talk about Q or comment on threads talking about him. I found all this information through multiple sources, Q just being one along with my two links I posted and lamplights post. I mentioned multiple CIA operations and three different agents who admit to traffiking children. You can hate the government but I mentioned multiple times how its related, how and who in the CIA admit to doing what, and my link talks about how the NSA intercepted the Podesta emails and possibly gave them to Wikileaks. Don't tell me im posting something nonrelated to PG because I have dozens of topics where I never mentioned Q. This is the first Q post I took interest in through Lamplights research.

srayzie ago

You did nothing wrong.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hated to make that comment gamepwn because you usually don't drag the Q garbage in the door. You usually do better. I had to do it. Sorry :)

Vindicator ago

I hated to make that comment gamepwn because you usually don't drag the Q garbage in the door. You usually do better. I had to do it. Sorry :)

You sound like an abusive father, Esoteric. Get over yourself.

ESOTERICshade ago

You sound like an abusive father, Esoteric. Get over yourself.

Everything will still be ok tomorrow.

truthdemon ago

Thank u from the bottom of my heart.. The civil war is between con agents and cohn agents..

ESOTERICshade ago

The civil war is between con agents and cohn agents..

Good one! It takes good eyes to see pizzagate because a person needs to somewhat understand the occult. For this reason pizzagaters should have better eyes than run of the mill conspiracy buffs. And then, wham, from somewhere out of the blue a few pizzagaters have some form of terminal blindness to the two party system. It puzzles me immensely. It also infuriates half of the voting American public who would otherwise be receptive to our message.

If you gave a seminar on child abuse would you spend half your time beating them over the head with a political soapbox? Half of that audience would not like Trump but would also despise child abuse enough to spread the message of child abuse. This political soapbox mixed in our message instantly drives away half of our available audience and turns them into our enemy as well. I have tried every way I can think of to explain this simple concept to @vindicator, but so far, to no avail. Vindicator refuses to leave the political soap box in the trunk of the car when moderating here and it drives away non Trumpers that also hate child abuse.

@Vindicator seems to feel that Vin has a right to use this forum as a political soap box and I flatly am against it. I want the other half of that audience that @Vindicator is driving away to come here and feel comfortable. @Vindicator you do a good job but this thread should be flaired because it made no attempt to explain it's relevance and it would not pass the smell test unless it had Q in the title. A lof of us are fed up with your beating people over the head with your politics in this forum and you need to save that shit for Twitter because this forum is not your soap box.

srayzie ago

I’m stressed out today so I’m not going to argue. But think of this for a moment. The ones we’re fighting for abusing these kids many times involve the elite. Royal families, politicians, celebrities, etc...

Using your scenario, if there was a seminar on child abuse, if you want someone to see the whole picture and understand it, then yes you do have to dig deeper. You do have to bring up the ones behind it all and the ones that we have to fight to fix it. We can’t do it on our own.

This is like war. Good verses evil. If we want change, it involves the people that run the world. Bringing up military, CIA, politicians, celebrities, etc should all be on the table. Sorry if that’s irritating to some. I get irritated by Trump and Q bashers. Nobody holds back on me. People attack me all the time. People can bring up valid points and people only focus on the fact that someone said Q or Trump.

@ESOTERICshade Pizzagate is like one branch of a tree. To get the whole tree, we have to get over other branches. Sorry. I’m retarted trying to explain myself 🙄 I’m sure you get it.

Just to be fair, you also post about politics and anti-Trump articles. So that should go both ways. I’m so proud of me. I’m CALM 😚 Peace out my homies. I got things to do. Like take a nap. I woke up at 2!

That’s just my 2 cents. @think- @Vindicator @Kevdude @gamepwn

ESOTERICshade ago

If I host a seminar about child abuse I don't plan to alienate a large portion of the audience by throwing a one sided political argument at them knowing that roughly half of them will feel like I tricked them into a political rally instead of a seminar about child abuse. If I do plan to pound my audience with a one sided political party seminar I will make sure to tell the people that don't support Trump not to bother to show up and be pissed off. We are not here to alienate half of the public that does not want to hear about Trump. Just my two cents.

srayzie ago

Look what you made me do 🙄

srayzie ago

But Trump is just one person. There are bad republicans too. That’s not what it’s about. My point is that people bring up Trump allll the time. Good and bad. It’s not fair for one group but not the other. I’m always attacked for my beliefs. But at least here we have more freedom and aren’t banned like Twitter.

ESOTERICshade ago

But Trump is just one person. There are bad republicans too. That’s not what it’s about. My point is that people bring up Trump allll the time. Good and bad. It’s not fair for one group but not the other. I’m always attacked for my beliefs. But at least here we have more freedom and aren’t banned like Twitter.

We can agree to disagree, i'm cool with that :)

think- ago

this thread should be flaired because it made no attempt to explain it's relevance and it would not pass the smell test unless it had Q in the title

I read the post, too, and I too, decided to let it stay, so the reason definitely is not that Q is in the headline.

As you know, I have said from the beginning that IMO Q is very likely a psy-op by team Trump. And I haven't changed this view since I became a mod.

I don't agree with OP, as I can't see why the NSA would be an organization which employs many white hats.

But it is not my job to decide this, my job is to decide whether the post meets the rules, and it does.

Please note the question marks in the headline OP uses. He wrote this as a discussion post, and invited the community to chime in.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

I read the post, too, and I too, decided to let it stay, so the reason definitely is not that Q is in the headline.

As you know, I have said from the beginning that IMO Q is very likely a psy-op by team Trump. And I haven't changed this view since I became a mod.

I really don't care as much about the flair as I do the constant selling of Trump and the attempts to push it into this sub. This is a child abuse sub instead of place to sell Rothschild's buddies like Trump. Half of the American public hates Trump and we alienate them when our mod pushes it in this sub.

think- ago

I really don't care as much about the flair as I do the constant selling of Trump and the attempts to push it into this sub.

Then please elaborate what @Vindicator did in regard to this post - in his function as a mod - that could be seen as 'constant selling of Trump'.

As you know, I am non-partisan, so I don't necessarily agree with the Trump supporters on this board.

But your attack here is pointless. @Vindicator did nothing wrong regarding the rules.

And as your average fellow user I would like to point out that those who are Trump supporters and are into Q - people like @Vindicator, @srayzie, @bopper, @EricKaliberhall or @migratorypatterns - are legitimate members of this community. They have the right to voice their opinion, as do the Bernie Sanders supporters or the non-partisans.

srayzie ago

No not Bernie Sanders 🙄 lol

think- ago

Haha! I had to write this to be fair, although I'm not a Sanders supporter.

srayzie ago

I dare a Hillary supporter to come! 😂

think- ago

Shshsh....don't give them ideas! LOL

srayzie ago

This is what you comment with if you find a Hillary supporter!

ESOTERICshade ago

They have the right to voice their opinion, as do the Bernie Sanders supporters or the non-partisans.

I'm simply voicing mine with details like this. I said my piece by pointing out the following. Trump is affiliated with the Rothschilds up to his neck. I'm done and don't see any need to drag this on today. If I want to point out Trump's cozy relationship again in the future I may do it but for today I did what I wanted to do with the following.

Then please elaborate what @Vindicator did in regard to this post - in his function as a mod - that could be seen as 'constant selling of Trump'.

As you know, I am non-partisan, so I don't necessarily agree with the Trump supporters on this board.

But your attack here is pointless. @Vindicator did nothing wrong regarding the rules.

And as your average fellow user I would like to point out that those who are Trump supporters and are into Q - people like @Vindicator, @srayzie, @bopper, @EricKaliberhall or @migratorypatterns - are legitimate members of this community. They have the right to voice their opinion, as do the Bernie Sanders supporters or the non-partisans.

Trump is seriously pro Israel:

Israeli Supreme Court Building with Illumaniti Rothschild pyramid built right into the center of it.

Israeli Supreme Court Building pyramid close up you can see the eye

Rothschild Blvd. In Israel

Rothschild Blvd. sign in Israel

Palestine land map before Rothschild's Balfour Declaration. And now after the Palestenians got bombed off their land and out of their homes.

Banking families control intel agencies and government. Zionism/Jesuits run banking. Trump supports Israel. Trump is a puppet and Israel salesman.

Israel is Rothschild's personal creation. Trump sends billions to Israel while Americans go homeless and live one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

Trump wearing Kippa while praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

VIDEO: How The Rosthschilds Stole Israel & Control The ...

Trump's Son In Law preying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Trump's daughter Ivanka praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Trump is a deceptive plague to the truth movement that tells us things we love to hear and does nothing to create long term beneficial changes in our daily lives.

srayzie ago

But see how you say that a lot? You post things like this a lot. It’s only fair that others post how they feel as well. I’m tired of censorship. Everywhere we turn we have to shut up.

think- ago

Ok, I notice you are not going to reply to my question:

Then please elaborate what @Vindicator did in regard to this post - in his function as a mod - that could be seen as 'constant selling of Trump'.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

Ok, I notice you are not going to reply to my question:

Then please elaborate what @Vindicator did in regard to this post - in his function as a mod - that could be seen as 'constant selling of Trump'.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

I notice you are not going to stop stirring the pot. I posted the information I wanted to post. If Vindicator wants to be invisible from critique because he is a mod then I don't think that will happen. Vindicator is both a user and a mod and what Vin says is fair game to be examined like all other comments. I already posted the information I wanted to post but if you want to continue to poke at it be my guest.

think- ago

I already posted the information I wanted to post but if you want to continue to poke at it be my guest.

You accused him of doing something wrong as a mod on this thread, and you were not able to prove it.

If we can agree on that, I will stop 'stirring the pot'.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

You accused him of doing something wrong as a mod on this thread, and you were not able to prove it.

If we can agree on that, I will stop 'stirring the pot'.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

I expressed an opinion which I regularly do to all posters in this forum about what they type, and I don't have to say shit else to you so knock yourself out talking to yourself about it.

think- ago

I don't have to say shit else to you


Summary: You accused @Vindicator of wrongdoing as a mod, but were not able to prove it.

Have a nice evening.

@Vindicator @kevdude @Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall

ESOTERICshade ago

I have now heard, accepted, and appreciated your opinion about my opinion four times now. Please go find something else to do.

think- ago

think- ago

@Blacksmith21: please see parent.

ESOTERICshade ago

^^Heads up @think- @ben_matlock @Blacksmith21 @EricKaliberhall @Crensch

Behold the new campaign.

Also relevant:

Nice. Instead of addressing the following you smear me. I'm on solid ground and you are throwing insults. Nice job. I just don't think we should be selling Rothschild in this sub for obvious reasons. Instead of discussing the following you start pinging up a shit storm.

Trump is seriously pro Israel:

Israeli Supreme Court Building with Illumaniti Rothschild pyramid built right into the center of it.

Israeli Supreme Court Building pyramid close up you can see the eye

Rothschild Blvd. In Israel

Rothschild Blvd. sign in Israel

Palestine land map before Rothschild's Balfour Declaration. And now after the Palestenians got bombed off their land and out of their homes.

Banking families control intel agencies and government. Zionism/Jesuits run banking. Trump supports Israel. Trump is a puppet and Israel salesman.

Israel is Rothschild's personal creation. Trump sends billions to Israel while Americans go homeless and live one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

Trump wearing Kippa while praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

VIDEO: How The Rosthschilds Stole Israel & Control The ...

Trump's Son In Law preying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Trump's daughter Ivanka praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Trump is a deceptive plague to the truth movement that tells us things we love to hear and does nothing to create long term beneficial changes in our daily lives.

Vindicator ago

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Nope. You're pushing Fake News, Esoteric. Here are all of Q's 12/5/2017 posts:

You can verify them here:

Now why would you be making up Fake Q Leaks, Esoteric?

ESOTERICshade ago

I found that link you said triggered your virus program and I deleted it. it didn't trigger my Kaspersky Anti Virus but I deleted it for you anyway.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now why would you be making up Fake Q Leaks, Esoteric?

If you say its fake I will take your word for it. I may be wrong but I thought I got that from @srayzie because she shows me Q stuff sometimes. Srayzie did you give me this or did I find this on my own somehow because I don't know for sure.

srayzie ago

No I didn’t give that to you. I gave you this.

ESOTERICshade ago

No I didn’t give that to you. I gave you this.

Ok thanx. Lets just let all this crazy shit die now.

Vindicator ago

@kevdude see parent

Narcissism ago

Trump hasn't the balls to do shit. All he's interested in is being "Americas Greatest President". Sessions was deliberately picked so that he would do nothing and give trump cover for doing nothing. Q is a time wasting LARP designed to make you believe that things are happening. Reality check the swap is carrying on with their Global Agenda regardless of Trump temporarily in the White House. I doubt its 5 years till they deploy the military robots then its game over. A 100 patriots won't be able to take down one of those suckers. Then the Elite will F$ck ALL your kids if they want.

djklbd ago

Trump has never spoken a word about a pedophile ring that a third of D.C. is involved in and that he is taking it down. Until he does Qs war on the deep state is a fable because that pedo ring runs the deep state, and the deep state is a Zionist Deep State.

You make some great points.

However, I will say it seems there is a recent hysteria on pinning the entire "New World Order" elite plan on solely Jewish influence.

They are a powerful faction within this global crime syndicate, yes. But they do not control everything. On reddit, we're noticing the shills are purposely planting anti-jewish and ant-semetic themed posts and racist rants, to make us look bad. It's safe to say the shills are making us look anti semetic and racist/sexist by nature. Further evidence of them merging us with the "alt right" and tainting our overall image to the public.

Vindicator ago

I believe some of this is being influenced by paid shills, to help demonize us in the media and soil our image. Its a matter of time before you start seeing, "Anti semetic alt-right conspiacy theorists" in the news headlines. Mark my words. Anything to demonize us to the public.


gamepwn ago

I feel the same way. If were not talking ahout how Jews are behind everything or Comet Ping Pong suddenly were disinfo? Its like no others things are allowed to be brought up. Pssh

pimpinainteasy ago

Most Zionist supporters in the US are actually RIGHT-WING CHRISTIANS (aka "evangelicals/fundamentalists).

When Trump decided to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, a poll that only 16% of American Jews supported this; over HALF of EVILgelicals supported it!

Evangeliturds have a lot to answer for!!!

ESOTERICshade ago

Most Zionist supporters in the US are actually RIGHT-WING CHRISTIANS (aka "evangelicals/fundamentalists).

When Trump decided to move the US embassy to Jerusalem, a poll that only 16% of American Jews supported this; over HALF of EVILgelicals supported it!

Evangeliturds have a lot to answer for!!!

Add our moderator @Vindicator to the list. Pretends "not to understand Zionism well enough to make a decision" about this issue. That is almost a direct quote too. I can probably find it and screen shot it if i have to. Wants to defend Trump so bad that Vind posts articles attempting to prove that Eastern European Armenians pretending to be Jews were in Palestine first. I'm getting touchy about this support for Rothschild's Israel and i'm sort of in a mood about it today.

Jewish author Benjamin Freedman and many other Jews have blown the whistle on that fallacy long ago. Arthur Koestler too. Take your pick, that cat jumped out of the bag long ago.


Benjamin Freedman Speaks on Zionism

Vindicator ago

@Vindicator selling Rothschild's Israel in this forum. This is Trump blindness to a degree that defies description.

You're quite the spin doctor, Esoteric. Smear me all you like. When I see commentors ganging up on pizzagate investigators like you and Death were doing to @Hortence and calling them liars when what they are saying is supported with evidence, I will continue to call it out. And frankly, I will do so whether I agree OR disagree with their position on religion, politics, race, or whatever because I believe in Voat's commitment to free speech. You can shove your attempt at intimidation. I stand by my full comment history.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're quite the spin doctor, Esoteric. Smear me all you like. When I see commentors ganging up on pizzagate investigators like you and Death were doing to @Hortence and calling them liars when what they are saying is supported with evidence, I will continue to call it out. And frankly, I will do so whether I agree OR disagree with their position on religion, politics, race, or whatever because I believe in Voat's commitment to free speech. You can shove your attempt at intimidation. I stand by my full comment history.

You keep pushing Rothschild's Luciferianism in this sub, by selling Trump/Q, and I will keep pointing it out because its the right thing to do. You should have known I can back myself up before I open my mouth. See the following, and thanx for the opportunity to shine the light.

Trump is seriously pro Israel:

Israeli Supreme Court Building with Illumaniti Rothschild pyramid built right into the center of it.

Israeli Supreme Court Building pyramid close up you can see the eye

Rothschild Blvd. In Israel

Rothschild Blvd. sign in Israel

Palestine land map before Rothschild's Balfour Declaration. And now after the Palestenians got bombed off their land and out of their homes.

Banking families control intel agencies and government. Zionism/Jesuits run banking. Trump supports Israel. Trump is a puppet and Israel salesman.

Israel is Rothschild's personal creation. Trump sends billions to Israel while Americans go homeless and live one paycheck away from bankruptcy.

Trump wearing Kippa while praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

VIDEO: How The Rosthschilds Stole Israel & Control The ...

Trump's Son In Law preying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Trump's daughter Ivanka praying at the wall in Rothschild's Israel

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Trump is a deceptive plague to the truth movement that tells us things we love to hear and does nothing to create long term beneficial changes in our daily lives.

Vindicator ago

Q references the evil Protocols Of The Elders of Zion and not once points at Trump to affiliate Trump with Israel. This is called deflection, ignorance, or a lie, because Trump is in bed with Israel and the criminal political movement known as Zionism.

Q Post is fake. Blatant Disinfo. Proven here:

sunajAeon ago

Well said

Y8goKTH959VCLKty8xIz ago

Saying I believe this how to make a change w/o being called a bro Nazi?

group_one ago

This being the location:

That is a Verizon owned property. Couldn't understand the Yahoo purchase or the lawsuits from NYC about failed contracts for the city of new york. So you have NSA / VERIZON overlooking Brooklyn, while Manhattan's meat packing district on 15th is home to Google/NSA/FBI/NYPD/Twitter.

—silicon alley?

Arrvee ago

A few things are going on.

CIA was OSS. It used to be known as "Oh, So Social!" because they cared more about being friends with their college buddies than doing their damn jobs. Apparently that has not changed.

Multinational spy orgs. You see a company made up of an American, a Brit, an Israeli, an Arab, and a Russian. All of them are spies. They all know they all are spies. All of them claim that that they are spying on one another and they all rip up their respective countries' laws to make a few bucks.

Private contractors. Also known as mercenaries. George W. Bush encouraged funding private spy agencies under the theory that they are more efficient and effective than the government. He forgot that mercs will work for other countries too. The private CIA takes jobs from our enemies and hires enough of the real CIA to corrupt it into blindness.

Legally mandated funding. Convince a judge to declare Bradley Manning's hormone treatments a civil right and whoever makes the stuff has a guaranteed profit channel from your tax dollars. The same goes for AIDS treatments, car insurance, health insurance, education, etc. A business sticks itself onto the profit channel and they will do everything that they can to keep that funding coming in, kick competitors out, and bill the taxpayer for as much of it as they can. They become the "deep state."

The PLO. It is really the center of everything going wrong in Western society. Modern Fake News started in the 1970s with the New York Times lying about Israel to support the PLO. Communist college professors were recruited into the PLO back when they were a Soviet front. They are now recruiting today's college students directly into organizations that support the PLO that also happen to be fronts for Hamas, Hezbollah, etc. These college students join the CIA and will need to be deprogrammed or else they will blindly support America's enemies.

"Social Justice" is the situation with the PLO all over again, except even worse. School administrators and employers insist upon loyalty to these organizations that are fronts for Hamas, Hezbollah, etc, and their useful idiots. Kids are told that these beliefs are mandatory throughout their K-12 and university and on all of the popular websites. They are taught to aggressively suppress any disagreement. These kids are the next generation of soldiers and CIA.

spoonman ago

Listen though, China and Russia are using the internet the best. and the american government is actually letting them test how radicalized they can make people.

this shit smells like a fat war game with physical assets to worry about. just egos.

EDIT: and real crime hidden behind it all...

auralsects ago

Funniest satire ever posted here, bravo sir

pizzaequalspedo ago

It's time for the so-called "white hats" in the Deep State (are there any?), use the same dirty tactics that the evil black hats use. Arkancide, FF's, blackmail. Take out their opponent by any means necessary before there is a kinetic civil war.

Gothamgirl ago

I had that feeling about that, since this:

I feel we wouldn't have got this far if they didn't speak up, thanks to the cover up created by mockingbird/bot fake news.

derram ago :

Whistleblower: Hawaii ICBM Alert Was Real, US Shot Down Missile - YouTube :

Hawaii Missile Real Intercepted & Exploded-Witnesses Saw It - YouTube :

CIA Agent Blows the Whistle: 'We Supply Elite Pedophiles with Children' - YouTube :

Former CIA Operative: Trump Is Battling Pedophile Network - YouTube :

Former CIA Kevin Shipp...Satanic Pedophilia Exposed...WARNING - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

pizzaequalspedo ago

I fully expect a real shooting war to break out. It may be the only thing that saves our country.

gamepwn ago

If we really do have whitehats and people within our government helping us it really might be the only thing. I hope there are people planning on going in a full blown war with these sadistic elite fucks and the people who follow them.

djklbd ago

I do as well. But we can't rely on "Q" for this.

Keep waking the mases, thats the tickets. Diverting our attention to presenting a logical and professional argument to the public. Might have to make some noise to get their attention. There was a protest last march, why not have another?

gamepwn ago

Hmmm, good find! I added it

Vindicator ago

I'm not sure how reliable that particular site is. I seem to recall they've pushed questionable stuff in the past.