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ESOTERICshade ago

This video has truth in it, and Q is also a damn PSYOP and you Q people need to keep your bullshit out of this forum. You will destroy this sub if some of us don't keep you out. Its that simple. Let this sub be a place to save children and keep your Q shit out of this sub.

Vindicator ago

you Q people need to keep your bullshit out of this forum

Yet another example of you trying to censor speech that complies with submission rules here, @ESOTERICshade. Capped and archived. Since the votes on the comments in this thread and thread itself are clear evidence of the usual 6 to 8-vote brigading that surrounds these attacks of yours ES, and you succeeded in sliding it, I am going to sticky this thread for visibility. And since it is an outstanding video summary of criminal cabal we have been investigating since the Podesta emails, I am going to give it the "Share!" flair.

I suggest if you have something of substance to say about some problem this video contains, you contribute that instead of threats and brigading.

@Crensch @kevdude @think- @ben_matlock @Honebee_ Correct me if I'm wrong. ES clearly states here that he is trying to "keep people out" of v/pizzagate. The votes speak for themselves.

twistedmac11 ago

Why the fuck do you sticky something just to make a point to someone else? The video is a shit video, and Q is a psyop. THAT'S WHY IT'S BEEN DOWNVOTED. Not because there's some bridgade of shills waiting for @ESOTERICshade's command. All it takes is one look through the comments to see that this post has largely been rejected. So I ask again - WHY is this stickied? You can't sticky something just for the emotional appeal, or because you get off on poking at another user.

Vindicator ago

This video presents everything we've been investigating on this subverse for the last year and a half, from criminal human traffickers taking over every major government and media institution to the use of the Federal Reserve and debt in the globalist destruction of Middle America. You are going to have to be specific about what exactly in it is "shit".

You said it yourself, the votes speak for themselves. You've been largely downvoted, as has OP and this video. The irony.

The same handful of downvotes that appears whenever someone makes a Pizzagate thread mentioning Q, which correspond to the number of upvotes of accounts howling about discussing the topic, in a subverse with over 16,000 subscribers and many more lurkers does not constitute "largely downvoted".

Why the fuck do you sticky something just to make a point to someone else?

I stickied it because three rounds of downvoting by seven accounts coming back every several hours using VPNs to downvote it would slide it otherwise.

This pattern of votes definitely speaks -- and it's saying this is an orchestrated attempt to prevent discussion and sharing of this video. The main reason this subverse has a mod team is to prevent forum sliding. I would do the same for any legit thread that satisfies the submission rules so obviously being brigaded.

TrishaUK ago

The fact this post has 30 down-votes is good enough for me to know its a good post haha, they give themselves up when they try too hard to put it down! Great idea to give it a sticky too! To steal a quote from 'Q'..... 'these people are stupid' 💥👍😂😂😂