Kekmet-Peperoni ago

I think the recent "earthquake" is important. This is very good to reason to perform some construction work on the island/hide tunnels. Maybe this is coming "Oops you cant go down there to investigate, we closed the tunnels after a terribly inconvenient earthquake". We know the tech has been around since Tesla.

Snailracer ago

The security cameras pictures are very likely of a brothel in asia somewhere, the pink neon is a tell-tale sign that they are promoting the brothel. It was posted in the Q thread, probably not by Q? I saw these pics last year, they're not new in any way. IMHO the rest of the RC stuff seems legit, she has a lot of creepy friends.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I know this “enhancement” is from (a crop of) a real photo that has been on Ms. Chandler’s IG feed for years. The red colouring is most likely reflected ambient light from the dimly lit room within which Chandler took the photo (it’s smeared across the channels above as well). But I was wondering how we know this was taken on Epstein’s island. Was the photo geotagged “US Virgin Islands”, or were the photos before and/or after related to that region? I can’t access her IG to verify.

sore_ass_losers ago

Having the security camera snapshot come from Rachel Chandler gives it some credibility.

The construction with pillars in the middle of the stairs and the odd stairs themselves (not the conventional 10 or so steps then a landing, also no railing) shows this is an unusual place. The wall on the left in Ch 11 seems bumpy, and the patterns on the walls in many pictures seem consistent with hewn coral, which could be the rumored underground construction at Little St. James. The last two channels appear to show people having sex.

It's not enough for a court of law, or even the court of public opinion. Trump supporters and pizzagate researchers are more likely to buy it.

I do hope no one is running around telling normies we found pictures of HRC at Little St. James, with cannibalism and orgies, they will laugh.

septimasexta ago

Physicists Debate Gravity at St. Thomas Symposium By Source staff - March 17, 2006

"March 17, 2006 – The Ritz-Carlton hummed like the inside of an atom Thursday night as 20 of the world's top physicists – including three Nobel Prize winners – opened an informal symposium to debate the makeup and origins of the universe. The private meetings, dubbed "Confronting Gravity: A workshop to explore fundamental questions in physics and cosmology," bring some of physics' top minds to St. Thomas to discuss some of the science's most puzzling questions, such as the existence of black holes and alternate dimensions. Nobel prize winners Gerardus't Hooft, David Gross and Frank Wilczek, and experimental and theoretical physics pioneer Stephen Hawking, attended an informal reception at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel on Thursday night."

"The driving force behind the conference, New York and Virgin Islands money manager Jeffrey Epstein, said he pooled the group on St. Thomas with hopes that the relaxed setting would free the physicists' minds to explore one of the 20th century's last unanswered physics questions: What is gravity."

"There is no agenda except fun and physics, and that's fun with a capital 'F,'" Epstein said."

Stephen Hawking pictured on Jeffrey Epstein's 'Island of Sin' Cambridge professor photographed on convicted paedophile's private Caribbean island British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking attends a barbecue on Jeffrey Epstein's Caribbean island Little St James while attending a conference on neighbouring island St Thomas in March 2006 Photo: TIM STEWART NEWS LIMITED By Agency 3:25PM GMT 12 Jan 2015 "New pictures show Stephen Hawking enjoying the hospitality of Jeffrey Epstein on the private Caribbean island where Prince Andrew is alleged to have slept with an underage "sex slave". The celebrated physicist can be seen at a barbecue on Little St James as well as taking a boat cruise and submarine tour of the sea bed off the island. Epstein, 61, is said to have paid for the submarine to be modified for Professor Hawking, who had never been underwater before. The Cambridge professor visited Epstein's "Island of Sin" in March 2006 shortly before the paedophile billionaire was charged by police in Palm Beach with unlawful sexual activity with a minor. Hawking was one of 21 internationally-renowned scientists attending a conference, funded by Epstein, on gravity at the Ritz-Carlton hotel on neighbouring island St Thomas."

septimasexta ago

DO THE "ELITE" HAVE CONTROL OF THE TOP SCIENTISTS? Who really controlled Hawking's robot voice?

Tallest_Skil ago

No one cares about Q-LARP, faggot. Kill yourself.

Iam7777777 ago

How do we know that rachel Chandler pic isn't real? Who cares if Q, W, or a x said it- it was on rc instagram. Why was it? Any constructive thoughts on why or the content? Thanks. To q is fake because no arrests us odd. It isnt time.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

777 is Crowley bullshit. Get your ass out of here. And take Dahboo777, Truthunveiled777 and all the other trojan horse fake truther 777 acounts with you. Google Crowley 777 everybody.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Looks like the OP and the SHILLZ are working together on this one...

Nice fat softball, right over the plate for fake fucks like @ESOTERICshade - @Tallest_skil - @LarpExtraordinaire - @rarepeeks

With the subsequent brigade-fest.

lol you sad cunts talk about sending people back to Reddit when you're engaging in identical behavior

'Protect the integrity of Pizzagate !!! ' REEEEEE !!

Tallest_Skil ago

If you weren’t a mentally defective paid shill, you’d know that I’ve always supported pizzagate.

ESOTERICshade ago

this thread still is not deleted? or flaired? @vindicator

Vindicator ago

And what rule are you proposing this thread has broken?

ESOTERICshade ago

And what rule are you proposing this thread has broken?

I have nothing to say to you. I bypass you. You do whatever you wish.

Vindicator ago

Nice try. You need to stop raising a ruckus claiming threads should be deleted when you can't cite a rule they break, just because you don't like the subject matter.

ESOTERICshade ago

You mean nothing to me. Unless you can cite info you need to shut the fuck talking to me. Do not EVER talk to me unless you can bring ass to the conversation. nuff said.

twistedmac11 ago

Vindicator makes Q posts...I highly doubt they're going to do anything to this one. Same with Blacksmith. Seems like the only active mods are the ones who support Q. It's pretty fucking frustrating. We need neutral, objective modding. I would expect there to be at least a few mods who are logical enough to not fall prey to a psyop, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They are not biased, they are shills. There is a difference. It is a slight of hand to suggest otherwise. This sites symbol is a Goat.

twistedmac11 ago

A little irrational part of me holds onto hope that they're just stupid.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

I hold out the possibilty, but not for vindicator. Mods are here for control purposes. You don't controll all police, just the Chief and the hiring and training practices. You don't control every small town reporter, just own the media and hire people in your society as main "news" people. You don't need to fake every voice in here, but you gotta own the mods. That's the game.

ESOTERICshade ago

Vindicator makes Q posts...I highly doubt they're going to do anything to this one. Same with Blacksmith. Seems like the only active mods are the ones who support Q. It's pretty fucking frustrating. We need neutral, objective modding. I would expect there to be at least a few mods who are logical enough to not fall prey to a psyop, but sadly that doesn't seem to be the case here.

We still have one mod that is not a Q head, and that mod is @think- I put my bank behind think- when we had the big change and I still think it was a good choice.

twistedmac11 ago

Good to know, thanks! Glad to know there is one who hasn't fallen victim to irrationality yet.

Blacksmith21 ago

Ahh, the old divide and conquer. Pit the mods against each other. I'll ask this question once and I will not waste more time on it. Unlike ES, who "spends 12 hours a day driving that out of here, but I will, because, I have the time." (and no job):

Explain Red_Castle/Green_Castle Explain the WH pen Explain the view from AF1 Explain the WH senior team making Q signs Explain the Bangi bomber Explain why Q would direct us to search on Rachel Chandler and eveyrthing that flowed from that one tip.

Funny how not one of you shitheads a produced a shred of evidence which would disprove Q's posts. The burden of proof lies squarely on your shoulders.

ESOTERICshade ago

Ahh, the old divide and conquer. Pit the mods against each other. I'll ask this question once and I will not waste more time on it. Unlike ES, who "spends 12 hours a day driving that out of here, but I will, because, I have the time." (and no job):

Explain Red_Castle/Green_Castle Explain the WH pen Explain the view from AF1 Explain the WH senior team making Q signs Ex

Ahh, the old divide and conquer. Pit the mods against each other. I'll ask this question once and I will not waste more time on it. Unlike ES, who "spends 12 hours a day driving that out of here, but I will, because, I have the time." (and no job):

Explain Red_Castle/Green_Castle Explain the WH pen Explain the view from AF1 Explain the WH senior team making Q signs Explain the Bangi bomber Explain why Q would direct us to search on Rachel Chandler and eveyrthing that flowed from that one tip.

Funny how not one of you shitheads a produced a shred of evidence which would disprove Q's posts. The burden of proof lies squarely on your shoulders. plain the Bangi bomber Explain why Q would direct us to search on Rachel Chandler and eveyrthing that flowed from that one tip.

Funny how not one of you shitheads a produced a shred of evidence which would disprove Q's posts. The burden of proof lies squarely on your shoulders.

srayzie set up a whole sub for you Q people. go play in it. dont play here

ThePuppetShow ago

How is a pic of a child that seems to be locked in a dungeon not pizzagate? Especially since it came off the IG of a girl with known ties to Epstein..

ESOTERICshade ago

How is a pic of a child that seems to be locked in a dungeon not pizzagate? Especially since it came off the IG of a girl with known ties to Epstein..

Show me which incredibly blurry pic you are referring to. Also ask yourself a rational question >>>why would real pictures be this blurry? We do not live in 1940, cameras have better resolution than that. Somebody is fucking with our heads because nobody uses cameras with resolution that bad.

ThePuppetShow ago

The pic is that blurry because of lighting in the room and glare on the monitor. You haven't even looked at it and you're screaming that it's not pizzagate? That should say everything anyone needs to know.

ESOTERICshade ago

I will also say this...>>>after the hundreths of Q takedowns that don't happen, I burn my time in more productive directions. Time is life, I stopped wasting mine.

ESOTERICshade ago

The pic is that blurry because of lighting in the room and glare on the monitor. You haven't even looked at it and you're screaming that it's not pizzagate? That should say everything anyone needs to know.

Post me the link to the exact picture. Let me look at it again with fresh eyes and a new day. If I think it is legit I will admit it.

ThePuppetShow ago

Here it is with comments, in case you don't believe it came from her IG..

ESOTERICshade ago

Here it is with comments, in case you don't believe it came from her IG..

Thank you for the time you spent hunting down that link and sending it to me. I looked at those pictures. Maybe what has me confused is victim vs. perp. Isn't this girl a victim from a young age? Or am I missing something? I admit that I have largely ignored this because it linked to Q because I don't want to have anything to do with Q. Maybe I missed something?

ThePuppetShow ago

Do you believe in MKUltra? She could still be a victim who's purpose is to help recruit other victims.

ThePuppetShow ago

Actually.. here's the real original..

ThePuppetShow ago

Here's the original. I hosted it somewhere else.

ESOTERICshade ago

How is a pic of a child that seems to be locked in a dungeon not pizzagate? Especially since it came off the IG of a girl with known ties to Epstein..

The world has changed drastically in the last two months. Claims need to have better sources than "Q" or some sites will be shut down for "hate speech cyber bullying." It is happening right before our eyes. I am attempting to get ahead of the curve here and protect Voat because this site is ripe to get kicked. Just sayinn....

I don't want to lose Voat because I like Voat.

ThePuppetShow ago

It is you who tries to debunk things "because Q". This is a picture off of the instagram of what seems to be one of Epsteins main sex kittens. Hace you seen all the pics of her floating around with various people? Forget Q for a second and realize there's a pic of a kid that seems to be in a dungeon on the instagram of someone connected.

ESOTERICshade ago

Forget Q for a second and realize there's a pic of a kid that seems to be in a dungeon on the instagram of someone connected.

Tell me why all these pictures look like they were taken with a camera with 1940's technology. I can buy a 20 dollar camera that can do better than this. These pictures are blurry on purpose and I have no better explanation for it. Do you?

twistedmac11 ago

Ahh, the old divide and conquer. Pit the mods against each other.

Actually, no. No one is pitting mods against each other. I'm saying mods should be unbiased and objective, and clearly, they're not. You've just proven my point.

Secondly, do you know how a psyop operates? You've been here, how long now? Psyops don't create facts - they use facts and emotions to push their own agenda, and ignore ones that don't. Q uses facts to push an agenda, and that agenda is getting the masses on board with Trump. To think he's some kind of savior in the White House. Q and followers conveniently forget where Trump comes from, because it doesn't suit their agenda. He was born and bred from the same cloth as elites before him. It's not him vs. them - he IS them. They are creating false disputes where there are none, in order to create the image that Trump is draining the swamp when he's not (Goldman Sachs, anyone?). I'll say it once and I'll say it again: outsiders are not allowed to become president. He is not an outsider. He has been groomed for this from the start. He was mentored by Roy Cohn, for God's sake. Should we talk about how horrible he was? What about his "previous" friendships with both Clinton and Epstein, both of whom are equated to Satan himself in this sub? But somehow, Trump maintained his innocence while becoming a BILLIONAIRE? What kind of crack are you smoking?

Blacksmith21 ago

If Trump is one of "them" why is the Deep State and Left freaking out? Trump was a businessman developer in NYC - of course he has to run across paths with Clintons, Epstein, etc. Know thine enemy.

"Outsiders are not allowed to become President". Evidently, one just did (Trump).

ESOTERICshade ago

If Trump is one of "them" why is the Deep State and Left freaking out?

go tell the people in v/politics or v/greatawakening. they will love to hear it.

twistedmac11 ago

Again, a false battle to create the sense of hope. To play to people's emotions. Most people operate based on emotion, not logic. That's why psyops are so effective. Many people are completely irrational and respond emotionally when their beliefs are challenged, much like how you continue to do.

Trump was a bussinessman developer in NYC - of course he has to run across paths with Clinton's, Epstein, etc. Know thine enemy.

"Run across paths"? Really? Please read these articles OBJECTIVELY - not with your MAGA hat on.

Trump is clearly NOT an outsider.

Blacksmith21 ago

I'm still waiting for an explanation as to how all of these "coincidences" are just a LARP.

twistedmac11 ago

Clearly your comprehension skills need work.

Blacksmith21 ago

In other words, you cannot explain the coincidences. Got it.

twistedmac11 ago

Nice try, but the ad hominem attack won't work on me. Trump's relationships with Epstein, Clinton, Cohn etc are not secret. Go find other sources if you don't like the ones I've provided. There are plenty to be found.

Now, would you like to actually look at the facts I have provided, or are you going to continue forward with your emotions? I'm not interested in having an emotional conversation, I'm interested in having a logical one. You've demonstrated your lack of ability to do this in three different conversations now. You immediately get defensive, begin name calling, launch insults and deflections. I don't know why I even bother responding.

rarepeeks ago

Q already arrested everybody from Hillary to Soros about three times. So far, nada, nothing. I hope the pictures are real too, but, anybody putting their faith in this Q thing are just burning our wheels off.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

The Podestas are in shackles at Gitmo. These people cna't be this dumb. They have to be shills. Never know though, right?

banusaur ago

They're desperate. It's difficult to accept the horrors that continue to this day. It's painful. Q offers them relief. They can't verify it, but it gives them a euphoric feeling. Hopium.

sunajAeon ago

Oh that you could prove that-Podesta in chains, that would be cause for smoking a cigar

brbomglolwtfbbq ago

Uh no they are not, Podesta was on MSNBC a few nights ago.

ESOTERICshade ago

I hope the pictures are real too, but, anybody putting their faith in this Q thing are just burning our wheels off.

Have faith. There are still people like me that are willing to cut the legs off the ties between pizzagate and the Q psyop. I have friends on the Q psyop too, which makes it hard for me to be harsh, but, the cut has to be made. Pizzagate is not Q and the cut has to be made.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

I fully agree with ESOTERIC, as usual. (I, too, have friends on the Q bandwagon).

Digital-Patriot ago

You (and Esoteric) are stupid idiots as usual.

WalnutSauceGoat ago

Thanks. Fingers crossed we’ll be proven wrong.

Digital-Patriot ago

The first word of your name accurately describes the size of your brain.

WalnutSauceGoat ago


Digital-Patriot ago

Please do. I need the ccp.

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

I wish the pictures were real, I seriously do. At some point pizzagate has to cut itself off from Q stuff or pizzagate will sink with Q.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol Pizzagate had 1000+ viewing at any given time 8 months ago.. Down to 100 or so, now.

Q has TAKEN all the legitimate investigators into a much bigger event.

I suggest Pizzagate stays close, because QAnon is not forgetting about the Pedo's.

DoNotTouchThePizza ago

lol Pizzagate had 1000+ viewing at any given time 8 months ago.. Down to 100 or so, now.

True that. The research community, the real community that is, moved on. We do not appreciate all the fantasy. We prefer a few facts. Q people are some thing the other 900 of us don't want to associate with.

Blacksmith21 ago

Traffic dropped way down long before Q appeared last year.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

They were deleting the best threads and leaving snarky comments when they did so in your account mail. Vindicator did that to me. MF has done that as well.

Blacksmith21 ago

FWIW, I've never removed a single post and I've had multiple ones removed in the past.

Oh_Well_ian ago

Yep.. it did... you can thank Millennial Falcon for that.

I rarely if ever post in PG anymore, this is after spending sometimes hours on a single submission.

Qanon is about 10000x bigger than Pizzagate, even at its height.

Thesheeplfollowuhome ago

More people, but less substance. Q is just bringing up old info that I've seen for years.

LarpExtraordinaire ago

I support pizzagate. I support it big time I do not support disinfo about pizzagate. I am afraid these Q "leaks" never add up though. They never do. Please stop with the fake news. I can read fake news other places. Thank you.

ESOTERICshade ago

I support pizzagate. I support it big time I do not support disinfo about pizzagate. I am afraid these Q "leaks" never add up though. They never do. Please stop with the fake news. I can read fake news other places. Thank you.

Thank you too. I appreciate you speaking up. I don't mind the Q people doing their thing in their own sub but they don't need to bring it here, since, obviously, aint nobody been arrested....ahem.....

GeorgeT ago

And that is how we will know if it's real. Real arrests have to be made. I just do not see it. BTW - I am from Australia, and just two weeks ago Obama was here in Sydney, with heavy armed motorcade going to an art gallery! Not a care in the world.

YogSoggoth ago

Do a little digging on that art gallery please. That was probably no coincidence.

ESOTERICshade ago

And that is how we will know if it's real. Real arrests have to be made. I just do not see it. BTW - I am from Australia, and just two weeks ago Obama was here in Sydney, with heavy armed motorcade going to an art gallery! Not a care in the world.

This is a Google Earth kmz file that I personally made myself while listening to a video of the route of the new silk road trading route. I made this file myself so I promise you that it is not dangerous. This is what we are witnessing in the world. This is why Yemen is in deep shit with Saudia Arabia and why Yemen is so important to the globalists, that, ahem...Trump is what it is.

ESOTERICshade ago

And that is how we will know if it's real. Real arrests have to be made. I just do not see it. BTW - I am from Australia, and just two weeks ago Obama was here in Sydney, with heavy armed motorcade going to an art gallery! Not a care in the world.

From the very first week of Q Mania it was Marshal Law and everybody going to Gitmo. Then it was everybody under house arrest with ankle bracelets. All the perps are running free and Zionist Warlord Trump is giving Saudia Arabia 100 billion dollars to destroy Iran, Yemen, and whatever else in the world that needs to be torn up to build these oil pipelines. I have a Google Earth file of the new Silk Road trading route if you want to look at it. You are a better thinker than most, it might interest you.

Oh_Well_ian ago

You're not the least concerned about sleeper accounts, though.

As long as they're jacking off to your own personal larps.

ESOTERICshade ago

You're not the least concerned about sleeper accounts, though.

As long as they're jacking off to your own personal larps.

Go back to v/greatsleepening where you belong.

Digital-Patriot ago

Back to? We've never been there. Unlike you.

ThePuppetShow ago

I figured it was his alt.

Oh_Well_ian ago

notice how these brigading anti-Q submissions pop up during the graveyard shift

because that is what you do when you think Q is a larp...

you come to this sub at 4am to protect the integrity of Pizzagate

twistedmac11 ago

Because everyone is in the same time zone as you. Your reasoning needs a shit ton of work.

Oh_Well_ian ago

I know these shill accounts very well, you fucking faggot.

ThePuppetShow ago

Hahaha good point

ESOTERICshade ago

The truth community has standards to maintain. You fucking Q picture people are not maintaining rigorous standards. We have maintain our integrity. Get your bullshit in your own subs and reddits. We don't want you here.

Matt_Helm ago

Change your name to AssholeShill it will be much more accurate Loser.

ESOTERICshade ago

Change your name to AssholeShill it will be much more accurate Loser.

System wont let me have AssholeShill. Maybe I will try AccurateLoser?

Digital-Patriot ago

Both names accurately describe you.

ESOTERICshade ago

@kevdude @vindicator @think- @blacksmith21 get this shit out of here. I'm tired of shit fake picture Q bullshit get it out.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Thats my job. Sorry I was late.

Vindicator ago

Sorry to break the news to you, ES, but it's not fake. This is an enhancement of a pic on Rachel Chandler's Instagram, which QAnon said was from Epstein's CARibbean ISland little st. JAMES (#Caris James). You can read all about it here:

sunajAeon ago

Have to wonder if these SUB-HUMANS share the same DNA as us

ESOTERICshade ago

One more time Q boy. Take your shit to srayzies sub and don't bring here, otherwise, I will start spending 12 to 16 hours a day driving it out of here. Its up to you. You have a playground, go play in it........words to the wise..........................................................................................

Vindicator ago

Advocating censorship on Voat are you? Tsk tsk.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You censored my thread and deleted it when I connected Trump to Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Roy Cohn and pedo entrapment schemes, Clintons, Epstein and pedo island, Jeuits, his manager being arrested on child porn charges, young female at his estate being used by Epstein through Trump introducing them, Models at his angency accusing him of traficking etc. You also called Kevin Annett a liar without supporting evidence, and backed falcon removing the documentary of the Vatican and British crowns mass murder and molestation of Canadian aboriginal children. The actual victims speak about the crimes in the documentary and you told me to stop posting it. You are one of the pedo protecting mods and this sub is compromised.

Digital-Patriot ago

Yes it is compromised. By You.

ESOTERICshade ago

I will tell you something else too, mother fucker, I didn't work my ass off for v/pizzagate to have you ruin it with your Q fantasies. I put all my votes on you and @think- and @kevdude. So far @think- has made the grade and done the good job. @kevdude came through with his promise and he kept it.

But you, not so much. @vindicator, you have a whole internet for your Q fantasies but this ain't the one. This aint the forum for your fantasy.

Digital-Patriot ago

I'd make a great mod.

ESOTERICshade ago

Advocating censorship on Voat are you? Tsk tsk.

I was afraid this would happen. Consider me a tick in your ass, because, you just earned one.

Rgusraper ago

Sorry to break the news to you, ES, but it's not fake.

Evidence? Where is it?

Vindicator ago

There are about 40 links in the thread I linked in the comment that you just replied to.

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry to break the news to you, ES,

Do not over estimate yourself

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry to break the news to you, ES, but it's not fake. This is an enhancement of a pic on Rachel Chandler's Instagram, which QAnon said was from Epstein's CARibbean ISland little st. JAMES (#Caris James). You can read all about it here:

Nope, and me and you will go to the mat on this one. Q is not a credible source until you prove otherwise. I knew this would happen when you became lead mod. @kevdude and me have an understanding on this and I will fight you to the banning on this. Q is not not a valid source.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Its from Rachel Chandler's instagram.

ESOTERICshade ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Its from Rachel Chandler's instagram.

You dumb enough to think she would post blurry pictures, that nobody can figure out, of real ritual abuse?

  1. cameras do not suck that bad with today technology
  2. that means she would have to go to alllllll that trouble to blur them on purpose
  3. she blurred her incriminating prison inducing pictures, and posted them on purpose
  4. she did all this to bring attention to herself?
  5. a 20 camera can take pictures 100 times better than these

Then, like a miracle, the disinfo Q sniffs the trail, and lo and behold everybody piles on. Meanwhile Jerome Corsi (needs to be dead long ago) has his useless emails hacked and leaked. The truth community has been hacked and I want sanity back into the discussion.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They hide in plain site. Alefantis literally tied up little girls and called babies hotards and posted it on his instagram. Majestic Ape also talked about how certain people were into children at her concert and uploaded it to youtube. Podesta's password was p@ssword and he's busy talking about Spirit Cooking in emails. What makes you think that these people aren't arrogant idiots?

They aren't Jacob Rothschild. They aren't the Black Nobility. They are lackey idiots full of hubris. Stop assuming that these people aren't subject to human behaviours present throughout history.

ESOTERICshade ago

They aren't Jacob Rothschild. They aren't the Black Nobility. They are lackey idiots full of hubris.

I agree with you on that. They got too big for their britches and suddenly their ass fell out in plain sight for all to see. Now we see their whole ass and its ugly. Now they are ass covering, but its too late. We saw that ass, and we don't like it. We will not let let them exploit our children and we just have to keep working to make more people aware of what has been happening. I get it.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Don't know why you got downoated tbh.

I get your irritation with the Q thing. But outing Chandler is good work, irrespective of who does it. And before Q, people were researching her anyways. Its not like Q started all this CHandler stuff.

Vindicator ago

Esoteric, this sub outted Chandler loooong before Q was a twinkle in someone's eye. You are being totally disingenuous here saying

I agree with you on that. They got too big for their britches and suddenly their ass fell out in plain sight for all to see. Now we see their whole ass and its ugly. Now they are ass covering, but its too late. We saw that ass, and we don't like it. We will not let let them exploit our children and we just have to keep working to make more people aware of what has been happening. I get it.

And in the same breath squealing like an SJW that this post should be removed because "Q" invaded your safespace. It's just straight up dishonest.

ESOTERICshade ago

please continue. crawl out. a little further. i can see ya, just come on out

ESOTERICshade ago

You are being totally disingenuous here saying

Te jew is crying. Do I give fucks? Nope.

maggiethatcher ago

Oh dear @ESOTERICshade this is a disappointing read. There is no way the following would be possible outside POTUS inner circle:

-40,000ft view of NK

-Pen pic

-Description of false flag NY bomber (fireworks)

It does make one wonder why you are so against it. In any case, this was not from Q. This was Rachel Chandler's instagram. So, the eyes are on you now.

DrPenguin ago

Agreed. Distance from Q would be best. If he's ousted as a larper the credibility of the sub is damaged.

Not saying Q isn't worthy of investigating. Just that he can't be used as a source in this particular sub.

GreenDell144 ago

That seems very reasonable and prudent!

ESOTERICshade ago

Agreed. Distance from Q would be best. If he's ousted as a larper the credibility of the sub is damaged.

Not saying Q isn't worthy of investigating. Just that he can't be used as a source in this particular sub.

Thank you. I have been doing this for 20 years, maybe more, and our standards have to be higher than this or we are nothing better than tabloid news bullshit. I just fought a fierce battle to get better standards of "newsworthy" material back into this sub. Then, I stepped back to see what would happen. We got rid of Mil Falcon and that was a good thing. @kevdude has been a good addition so far. @vindicator, I don't give a fuck if you are a mod or not and it won't keep me from telling you to keep your Q bullshit in your own fantasy subs.

Cat_anon ago

does that look fake to you?

ESOTERICshade ago

does that look fake to you?

Take your ass to a Q Sub and get the fuck out of here. Yes it looks fake. Prove to me that its real or get the fuck out.

10000-20000 ago

What will prove it for you? Epstein himself have to tell you?

ESOTERICshade ago

What will prove it for you? Epstein himself have to tell you?

I just got through fighting my ass off for the standards of quality to improve here. Q is not a valid source. Test me on this and we will find out. We have to maintain high standards to maintain our credibility.


10000-20000 ago

Credibility? This sub has credibility ?

ESOTERICshade ago

Credibility? This sub has credibility ?

When Falcon was here this sub had a weird sort of censorship, but it had some credibility. The credibility is starting to slip away because the Q people will not keep their fantasies out of here. I don't want to spend 12 hours a day driving that out of here, but I will, because, I have the time. Falcon was bad, but vindicator wants his Q fame. I'm not sure which is worse. Right now, to be honest with you, I am depending on @kevdude to level this shit out because @kevdude has always done everything he said he would do.

10000-20000 ago

This sub is very strange. Everyone here is fighting for such a noble cause, yet you all are just chasing ghosts.

ESOTERICshade ago

This sub is very strange. Everyone here is fighting for such a noble cause, yet you all are just chasing ghosts.

I know, I know. I am trying to help stop that shit. This is a great sub with a lot of great people. The problem is that the Q Conspiracy people are blending in their politics with this sub. The Q people have a whole internet to do that and they need to take it to the internet and leave out of here.

10000-20000 ago

The Q guys arent your enemy. They have just as much evidence as anyone else. Look at the ((((((top)))))), currently everyone here is chasing lackies.

ESOTERICshade ago

The Q guys arent your enemy.

I agree. The Q guys just don't undersand the Hegelian Dialectic. They don't understand that they are getting played like a fiddle. I don't hate them for being stupid because they mean well. Its hard to educate goats, though...I used to post Hegelian Dialectic info in a regular basis. Maybe I should start doing it again. I'm old though...I was sort of hoping some younger guys would step up to the plate.

Look at the ((((((top)))))), currently everyone here is chasing lackies.

You are correct again. I cannot argue with on that.

10000-20000 ago

This is not the same /v/pizzagate i migrated to. This place has been significantly psyop'd and disinfo'd. Time to archive everything here, and start anew.

ESOTERICshade ago

This is not the same /v/pizzagate i migrated to. This place has been significantly psyop'd and disinfo'd. Time to archive everything here, and start anew.

eehhh...i'm not willing to go that far yet. We just need tighter management. This is still a valuable platform where people can speak their minds and that is valuable in this day and age. We have a good thing going here in this sub but the mods need to keep their politics out of here. I understand that this is incredibly difficult but I remain hopeful that it could be achieved.

10000-20000 ago

People cant speak their mind here. Everyone who isnt in agreement with the rest of PG gets shouted out. This post is a prime example .

ESOTERICshade ago

People cant speak their mind here. Everyone who isnt in agreement with the rest of PG gets shouted out. This post is a prime example .

Every forum is subject to being infiltrated. Its just a fact of internet living and life. So far Voat is still a forum that will not ban a person for speaking their mind and that is valuable for however long it lasts.

Dressage2 ago

These were taken at Epstein Island. They are off of TV cameras recording

ESOTERICshade ago

Prove it. I'm tired of all this fake bullshit. you mother fuckers need to get out.

Cat_anon ago

you are quite the potty mouth, aren't you?

ESOTERICshade ago

you are quite the potty mouth, aren't you?

Damn right. I have worked hard to keep this sub on the level. I read this sub every single day. I expect a little bit of integrity of the things posted here so let me put the following in all caps.

This BULLSHIT WITH THESE PICTURES WILL GO NO PLACE according to the rules of this sub. I have invested over twenty years on this cause. I will bitch until the cows come home when people drag horse shit like this in the door. Take it to another place where fantasy is big.

Cat_anon ago

It originated from here. It was from camera 14. Many of us saw it on Chandler's Instagram before she set it to private.

ESOTERICshade ago

It originated from here. It was from camera 14. Many of us saw it on Chandler's Instagram before she set it to private.

I promise you that I would love for this to be pictures from Epstein Island. I wish to God it was. But the truth is we have no damn idea what these pictures are. We have to maintain our dignity and this sort of bullshit discredits us. We have to step back from these pictures because we have no idea what they really are. We have to maintain credibility.

truthbeloathed ago

Just a reminder, it continues...