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ESOTERICshade ago

@kevdude @vindicator @think- @blacksmith21 get this shit out of here. I'm tired of shit fake picture Q bullshit get it out.

Vindicator ago

Sorry to break the news to you, ES, but it's not fake. This is an enhancement of a pic on Rachel Chandler's Instagram, which QAnon said was from Epstein's CARibbean ISland little st. JAMES (#Caris James). You can read all about it here:

ESOTERICshade ago

Sorry to break the news to you, ES, but it's not fake. This is an enhancement of a pic on Rachel Chandler's Instagram, which QAnon said was from Epstein's CARibbean ISland little st. JAMES (#Caris James). You can read all about it here:

Nope, and me and you will go to the mat on this one. Q is not a credible source until you prove otherwise. I knew this would happen when you became lead mod. @kevdude and me have an understanding on this and I will fight you to the banning on this. Q is not not a valid source.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Its from Rachel Chandler's instagram.

ESOTERICshade ago

What the fuck are you talking about? Its from Rachel Chandler's instagram.

You dumb enough to think she would post blurry pictures, that nobody can figure out, of real ritual abuse?

  1. cameras do not suck that bad with today technology
  2. that means she would have to go to alllllll that trouble to blur them on purpose
  3. she blurred her incriminating prison inducing pictures, and posted them on purpose
  4. she did all this to bring attention to herself?
  5. a 20 camera can take pictures 100 times better than these

Then, like a miracle, the disinfo Q sniffs the trail, and lo and behold everybody piles on. Meanwhile Jerome Corsi (needs to be dead long ago) has his useless emails hacked and leaked. The truth community has been hacked and I want sanity back into the discussion.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

They hide in plain site. Alefantis literally tied up little girls and called babies hotards and posted it on his instagram. Majestic Ape also talked about how certain people were into children at her concert and uploaded it to youtube. Podesta's password was p@ssword and he's busy talking about Spirit Cooking in emails. What makes you think that these people aren't arrogant idiots?

They aren't Jacob Rothschild. They aren't the Black Nobility. They are lackey idiots full of hubris. Stop assuming that these people aren't subject to human behaviours present throughout history.

ESOTERICshade ago

They aren't Jacob Rothschild. They aren't the Black Nobility. They are lackey idiots full of hubris.

I agree with you on that. They got too big for their britches and suddenly their ass fell out in plain sight for all to see. Now we see their whole ass and its ugly. Now they are ass covering, but its too late. We saw that ass, and we don't like it. We will not let let them exploit our children and we just have to keep working to make more people aware of what has been happening. I get it.

PrideOfOshtekk ago

Don't know why you got downoated tbh.

I get your irritation with the Q thing. But outing Chandler is good work, irrespective of who does it. And before Q, people were researching her anyways. Its not like Q started all this CHandler stuff.

Vindicator ago

Esoteric, this sub outted Chandler loooong before Q was a twinkle in someone's eye. You are being totally disingenuous here saying

I agree with you on that. They got too big for their britches and suddenly their ass fell out in plain sight for all to see. Now we see their whole ass and its ugly. Now they are ass covering, but its too late. We saw that ass, and we don't like it. We will not let let them exploit our children and we just have to keep working to make more people aware of what has been happening. I get it.

And in the same breath squealing like an SJW that this post should be removed because "Q" invaded your safespace. It's just straight up dishonest.

ESOTERICshade ago

please continue. crawl out. a little further. i can see ya, just come on out

ESOTERICshade ago

You are being totally disingenuous here saying

Te jew is crying. Do I give fucks? Nope.

maggiethatcher ago

Oh dear @ESOTERICshade this is a disappointing read. There is no way the following would be possible outside POTUS inner circle:

-40,000ft view of NK

-Pen pic

-Description of false flag NY bomber (fireworks)

It does make one wonder why you are so against it. In any case, this was not from Q. This was Rachel Chandler's instagram. So, the eyes are on you now.

DrPenguin ago

Agreed. Distance from Q would be best. If he's ousted as a larper the credibility of the sub is damaged.

Not saying Q isn't worthy of investigating. Just that he can't be used as a source in this particular sub.

GreenDell144 ago

That seems very reasonable and prudent!

ESOTERICshade ago

Agreed. Distance from Q would be best. If he's ousted as a larper the credibility of the sub is damaged.

Not saying Q isn't worthy of investigating. Just that he can't be used as a source in this particular sub.

Thank you. I have been doing this for 20 years, maybe more, and our standards have to be higher than this or we are nothing better than tabloid news bullshit. I just fought a fierce battle to get better standards of "newsworthy" material back into this sub. Then, I stepped back to see what would happen. We got rid of Mil Falcon and that was a good thing. @kevdude has been a good addition so far. @vindicator, I don't give a fuck if you are a mod or not and it won't keep me from telling you to keep your Q bullshit in your own fantasy subs.