WeirdlyEerie ago

Has there been any outcome to this? I searched a bit yesterday to see if there was any mainstream buzz or outcry about it. Nothing.

One weird thing: there is a dermatologist named Rachel Chandler who lives in Midland, TX. Midland, like the name of her model agency.

Vindicator ago

That is a bit of an odd coincidence, isn't it? Hmm.

As for outcomes, the disinfo attacks have certainly ratcheted into high gear. I stickied a thread debunking the Huma skin-mask pic that's been going around.

rod-research ago

Down the instgrm pedo rabit hole I have these screencaps, if you whant them you can download them here.







7 Very disturbing photos of main photo album






13 Walter in person











24 pic of walter

25 another pic of walter


27 Ray Chandler

28 baqseat

29 baqseat Hidden message from itsthatboyo

30 ezrewoodsofficial - friend of Ray Chandler

31 ezrawoodsofficial

32 loucifer_m

33 loucifer_m

34 loucifer_m

35 loucifer_m

36 loucifer_m

37 loucifer_m forever valentine :(

38 erinfalls

39 erinfalls

40 erinfalls and baqseat?

41 itsthatboyo secret codes

42 itsthatboyo

43 erinfalls child with 666

44 walterpearce

45 very yong

46 vex.ber wants to join walters agency

47 chloeblackshire looking for child in comments!!

48 chloeblackshire




52 walterpearce pedo/ocult tatoos






58 child eating mask

rod-research ago

Hi I just found this site, real impressive research from you people!! I also went down the instgr. rabbit hole and one of RC closest friend is Walter Pearce He has a lot of pictures of teenage (pre teens) "models" who are clearly in a bad place, he is clearly one of these pedoes, this midland-agency is shady af! One pic has a mask of a demon eating an infant!! Somehow does not archive instagram!! Please scrape these images and comments while his acount is still public.

rod-research ago

I have added a 7zip file with the screencaps if the links have stoped working:

Joe10jo ago

Hey guys! I want to share this because if you look at the print above the men, it sure does appear that it’s of a Orr-pubescent little girl that’s fingering herself. As you can see, it’s from the Ray Chandler IG collection.

MichaelClayton ago

If any of you watch MrE of Mag Truth you’ll know that transgenderism is the name of the game. And these two kids look like they are being forced hrt hormones. I believe this is what many stolen kids go through. Caris James was a boy dressed as a girl. The Comet shooter’s sibling was a tranny. And I think the boy interviewed in front of comet ended changing genders too. You guys need to wake up on this.

They also have panda eyes. That is from repeated trauma to the head.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Vindicator continues to push disinfo in this sub. We don't need the mods posting and material and we don't need them promoting material. Q has produced nothing month after month and is an obvious spook hangout. I suspect that is exactly why Vindicator religously post this material. No arrest. No charges. Media not forced to admit anything. Podestas not at Gitmo. No sealed indictments have been revealed to have anything to do with PG. No storm happened. Public did not become aware, they are still sheeple and would dismiss PG off hand without so much as a minutes research. Oh and the CIA is doing just fine, they were not taken down by the Marines. This stuff is an ambarressment ro those who are awoke.

urbanmoving ago

Breaking Reiko his group of traps are targeting young men, young teens, and children with trap porn and blackmailing them to take HRT to "transition" their discord group is FUNDED by a wealthy person who is unanmed, 4chan is censoring heavily this subject mods compromised....Help us please

exposethecriminals ago

Great post @Vindicator, thank you!

Marfa-Lights ago

This continual stacking of the Trump administration with Russophobes and Iran haters is by purposeful design. It’s also no accident of presidential fate that the Trump has allowed himself to be used to promote war for Israel. In fact, this particular date with Armageddon has been planned for centuries by the NWO globalist cabal.

The United States, United Kingdom and Israel have proven to the world community of nations that they will execute any false flag attack anywhere, anytime to advance their New World Order agenda. A big piece of that agenda is the Greater Israel project. Hence, the whole world has been witness to one false flag chemical attack after another.

The ZAAA leadership knows that photos of ‘apparently’ poisoned children — piled on top of each other — is guaranteed to trigger a knee-jerk reaction by the false accusers against the innocent accused. The British have established a whole network of fraudulent witnesses on the ground and throughout the UK who routinely provide false testimony about these staged chemical attacks. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights is one of those fake organizations; so are the utterly bogus White Helmets.

Given the Operation Gladio infrastructure that has been painstakingly put into place over years by NATO throughout the Levant, it’s very easy to conduct these false flag attacks without being caught in the act. Of course, they are never perpetrated without detection since the CIA, MI6 and MOSSAD have their fingerprints all over these purposefully shocking assaults.

Why does President Trump always go along with these false accusations? This crucial question must be answered and dealt with sooner than later.

MrrHandsome ago

Watching this all unravel day by day is absolutely unreal. Child sex trafficking? Cannibalism? Am i in the twilight zone or something?

Vindicator ago

"The truth would put 99% of people (the world) in the hospital" -Q

think- ago

Welcome in real life...

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Good post. One step at a time. It's fucking creepy, but we will win.

Mammy ago

Great recap, Vindicator! Ha! "Once again Voat/Pizzagaters have been way ahead on the research." And that's all I am going to say. ; )

Vindicator ago

I know...wasn't that great?

millennial_vulcan ago

Awesome read Vindi! x

Truthseeker3000 ago

Look at Instagram: bbiankaa She is close friends with Walter Pearce and Ray Chandler, works with Midlands Agency. This girl’s pics are extremely disturbing scroll down gets worse as u go.

Buttfuckmebigfoot ago

Random thought, but Rachel Chandler graduated from the same HS and was in the same grade as Dr. Phil’s son.

Dr. Phil has been one of the only public figures to give credence to our movement (subtly at least) by interviewing that woman who was born into sex slavery. That episode got his show banned in Belgium I believe.

I wonder if there’s a connection there. I know most people don’t trust any media figure but it’d be a solid start to have someone like Dr. Phil on our side to red pill normie house wives and such.

InnocentAngels ago

It would but, it would never happen. One thing I did think was interesting is that he has friends in NYPD. Was this where he got the info for that show? He is part of the elite, big friend of Oprah. That is how he got his start. He will only go as far on exposing as they allow him to.

Vindicator ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Also ask yourself a rational question >>>why would real pictures be this blurry? We do not live in 1940, cameras have better resolution than that. Somebody is fucking with our heads because nobody uses cameras with resolution that bad. A 20 dollar camera can do better than these pictures. Use your head, not your emotions.

TrishaUK ago

Who said they were recent pics?

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Have to disagree. This is obvs an older system, black and white, and low light conditions in the target areas. The red area is a reflection on the screen, they aren't in color. Plus someone just took a pic of this at an angle with a camera on their phone, there is slight blurriness and movement to the letters and numbers so it's not a true rendition of what's on the screen anyway. Look up outdated black and white CCTV system screens and this quality is exactly what you'll see.

awakenaware ago

Agree it's a cellphone camera of maybe ok screens

ESOTERICshade ago

Prediction>>> Q Tarded Mod gets site shut down for cyber bullying.

ThePuppetShow ago

Now you're fear mongering? You should get some sleep.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now you're fear mongering? You should get some sleep.

That is good advice. I never get enough of that :)

WalnutSauceGoat ago

This Q is encouraging mass cyber bullying of RC in order to get sites like this shut down. Don’t fall for it.

girlinashittycountry ago

Sorry for posting here Mod. as my account is new, voat doesnt allowed me to create a new discussion First of all, sorry for my poor english. I am doing my own research on pizzagate connections in Brazil. There is a sick fuck group of art called "Grupo Empreza" that's been around since 90's and is probably financied by our corrupt goverment and big companies and banks. They were together in marina abramovic's presentation. The website is suposed to be a kid's site, here is a brief on what happened in the day that one sick fuck mother took her kids to see marina's group performance: " Max e Leon definiram o espaço como o lugar em que se “podia fazer qualquer coisa com o corpo dele (Maurício), com o seu próprio corpo e com a sala, menos com as paredes!”. Foi ali que eles desenvolveram atividades relacionais intensas, desde papos com o artista e com os visitantes, a divertidas guerras de tinta." Resume: she left her kids alone with marina's group and the kids told her that the activities were intense, and the kids could do everything with the "artist" body..." Very weird. Recently there were almost a civil war between right and left party because of this "art" a naked man with one kid . As marina group, this group had also money from left party goverment. I really think its a big world ring.

exposethecriminals ago

Thank you for this post. Here are archives of the Na Toca children's design article:

Vindicator ago

Damn! People brought their kids to that? WTF? Please do keep participating so you can post this. Also, let's get someone to translate it or post a transcript. That woman is frightening.

Voopin__Voopin ago

you now have enough points to post a submission (thread).

welcome to voat!

think- ago

Thanks for sharing. Very interesting, and also disconcerting.

and the kids could do everything with the "artist" body..."

Big red flag here....

I first learned about Abramovic's connection to Brazil when reading this submission by @9217:

About the possible influence of shamanism in Brazil on 'Spirit Cooking'. A worthwhile read.

think- ago

Welcome to the board, @girlinashittycountry! :-)

I think you will soon have 10 CCP - please don't hesitate to make a post. If you should have any questions, please feel free to contact me or @Vindicator anytime.

P.S.: Your English is fine. :-)

ThePuppetShow ago

Certainly better than my Portuguese.

WalnutSauceGoat ago


GreenDell144 ago

Hang in there. Participate in the comments section. Get some points and POST THIS. I guarantee that it is relevant. I will look into this too. What is happening with the government in Brazil?

girlinashittycountry ago and after making shitty art, marina has taken money from our corrupt goverment, cancelled her project and not giving back money

angry_mob ago

God that marina woman is a fucking heinous scumbag! and a shitty wannabe artist to boot. thanks for posting and keep us posted on Brazil. i, for one, am interested in the welfare of our latin brothers and sisters in this fight!

GreenDell144 ago

Well, she is a satanic high priestess. Maybe it’s a stretch to expect an ethical transaction, lol.

Strangetimes ago

Amazing quilt work! Much appreciation for this. Organization is so therapeutic.

think- ago

Fifteen minutes later (bread #1151), an anon posts a very odd pic of a bank of security camera screens

So who might this anon be?

Pixel_loves_Polygon ago

Good connections being made and nice OP. Reading the threads however it's so frustrating seeing this. ( These newfag anons have to stop spilling their spaghetti all over the social media accounts of these people. "Q sent us and we're gonna git cha." Instagram full of clues and connections yet to be made shuts down. No more updates.

For fuck's sake.

flyingcuttlefish ago

summary - Q posts regarding Ray.Chandler, Rachel Chandler her connections to the World Wide Satanic Cabal...including connections to Jeffrey Epsteins Island

Blacksmith21 ago

Amazing work @Vindicator! Today is going to be one interesting Monday. I nominate for a Great Awakening silver star medal!

darkknight111 ago

On the subject of cross referencing, I think its time we all started to organize EVERYTHING we have and start creating mega threads based on certain themes. Maybe with some stickies for easy finding.

I've gotten started finding some of our materials. Will start some form of organization this afternoon.

think- ago

Yes, and never forget: archive, archive, archive!

Everbody here, please spend some time and archive threads that you think have been important for our research.

You might want to use, or

For pics: or

Please always archive on at least two sites.

You can find threads/topics that are of interest via

Or go to the user pages of researchers you respect, look at their submissions, and archive them.

The more of us will have archived as much info as possible, the better.

Please also don't forget to print important stuff and keep a print archive.

I know, this is a lot of work, but I feel it's adamant that we have backups.


Vindicator ago

Couldn't agree more. Right now the stickies are broken and we can only have one. 😣

Zinnsee ago

Awesome work, thanks @Vindicator

think- ago

Please read this post about 'The Temple of Psychick Youth' (TOPY), it was featured on Walter Pearce's Instagram. (Walter Pearce runs the model agency together with Rachel Chandler.)

They run a dark left-hand path, like Luciferians. Someone should go down and check this rabbit hole. Please dig.

Sum-of-Nun ago

I was doing some digging on Rachel Chandler and Walter Pearce (of the Midland "casting/modeling" agency [per 1054-1057 Q posts]) and I happened upon this photo of matching tattoos along with some interesting comments. The tattoos have meaning.

Thee Temple ov Psychick Youth

TOPY is dedicated to the manifestation of magical concepts lacking mysticism or the worship of gods. The group focuses on the psychic and magical aspects of the human brain linked with "guiltless sexuality". TOPY's research has covered both left hand and right hand ritual magic and elements of psychology, art and music.

Here is some more information from their own sacred texts:

Explore daily your deepest desires, fantasies and motives, gradually focusing on what you would like to happen in a perfect world, a perfect situation, taking away all restrictions and practical considerations, what you would really want.

What we suggest next is not instruction. It is method. A method which can be used by anyone, alone or with friends, regardless ov any material or social circumstances. A method to be used by thee individual to break through to their deeper consciousness, where fantasies ambitions and real wishes reside, thee place where all dreams meet. People can most readily identify and relate to dreams that are sexual, and that is thee primary reason for our choice ov sex as a vehicle for this method to begin with. Our interest is therefore practical.

We believe that it is essential, if we are to survive and progress, that we first recognise, accept and ultimately reach our true sexual desires. This not only satisfies thee body and consolidates thee spirit, but acts as an example for all our goals in every area ov life, and attacks at thee root ov control. Control begins with sexuality, so it seems crucial to begin at this universally applicable point and develop our awareness from there.

Bonus Vice Article:

angry_mob ago

sick fucks! i'm no prude but this is just obvious rationalization for perverts and pedos. man, could they BE any more obvious? wow this girl is in deep.

toutedesuite ago

While I highly applaud your post of such crucial info, reading this filled me with a terror I have not felt in all the ine I have been following CPP, pizza, orgy island, hrc, spirit cooking, etc. I am so afraid for young people. Honest, hard-working normies like me have NO idea what evil lurks in the hearts of the young adults our kids are meeting, dating, marrying. This is EVIL.

Vindicator ago

Good will prevail, toutedsuite. Evil makes people weak.

GreenDell144 ago

CRAZY. Also creepy. Good research!

Vindicator ago

Interesting. I wondered what those tats were about. That sounds like Esalen and Ecstatic Living shit.

Lobotomy ago

I don't believe everything this guy says, but at least it's nice to get a shoutout.

Theytookoutgodslaw ago

The book on the bed is chilly scenes of winter, they made a movie and it was rated pg....

Vindicator ago

Mother of horrors, I just realized this QLeak is also related:

@srayzie @EricKaliberhall @Sum-of-Nun @Shizy

Shizy ago

Holy crap there it is. Most of us have known or assumed this, but it's crazy to have Q put it out there!

Vindicator ago

Yeah, it gets worse. Q actually makes a number of references that could be to cannibalism. He uses the word "feed" or "feeder" 11 times. :-( :-( :-( Here are half of them:

In both of these drops, he uses the same phrase: "hard to swallow". The first one from November references Epstein Island and Satan. The second one about a month later in December says "Most of what they engage in is pure evil and simply unbelievable." Maybe I've become jaded, but it isn't hard for me to believe people rape and murder kids. Roasting them for Thanksgiving Dinner, though... Yeah, that qualifies as "unbelievable."

contrary_mma_hipster ago

"They consider you to be the fly (specifically, the feeder)"

I read this to mean that they eat us, and they feed us back to ourselves. Why else would the fly also be called a "feeder"? See recent thread on fetus parts in food - i think that is the big conspiracy ran by this cult. I believe that is an important part of their religion, feeding the prey back to the prey, soylent green style. represented by the specific type of spiral found in many food company logos (dunkin donuts, chick filet, etc). I think that is their way of signalling that their company products contain human components.

The "pedo spiral" represents more than pedophilia, it represents their religion. It is the snake. The snake that consumes its own tail.

A good way to test this hypothesis would be to run DNA analysis on samples of food served to us by companies with these spirals. I predict they contain higher than normal amounts of human DNA.

Vindicator ago

The "pedo spiral" represents more than pedophilia, it represents their religion. It is the snake. The snake that consumes its own tail.

This jives with what Q has said about "Y head" symbolism and the Eye of Ra, also.

Shizy ago

Oh wow! Thank you SO much for filling me in

srayzie ago

Wow. He even says MODELS.

Vindicator ago

Yep. Future proved past, eh?

I'm intrigued by RC's Guinness relatives. I wonder if that connects up to the Saville nastiness in the UK?

millennial_vulcan ago

from a fashion world UK friend of mine:

Pandora, Jasmine and Jessica Lennard are the British equivalents of Rachel Ray Chandler.

Pandora owns the UK equivalent of 'Midland' agency called 'Anti Agency'. Typical druggie London IT girl. Same artwork aesthetic and general attention seeking boring millennial bullshit as all of them. Sister Jessica the brains: Oxford grad, now a hot blonde politico babe working the Govt so has access to god know what. Oldest sister is UK reality star, epic cocaine addict hot mess yacht girl Jasmine who had long affair with Simon Cowell and is now a Sanela Diane Jenkins type pimp working out in Dubai...(Simon Cowell, btw, great friend of Epstein, Royals and Gaddafi etc as well as putting up bail money for various London media pedos....)

Parents made and lost a fortune from "shoe selling" (LMAO: I personally read shit like that and immediately think 'international money drug and kiddie laundering')

Whole Lennard family has connections to Royals, Rothschilds, Guinnesses etc etc and I will try to find direct links to US perps (Epstein etc)

Important to get these names out there. All these assholes have been flying under radar far too long.

Pandora Lennard:

Jessica and Jasmine:

All used to live in Beverly Hills until the dad "gambled away the fortune" (uh huh) then committed suicide and they moved back to London...Jasmine immediately became a hooker + heavy coke user, just like Rachel!

@think- @carmencita @migratorypatterns @srayzie @DerivaUK Any UK-ers I've missed?

carmencita ago

Thanks for the ping and the info! Seems like this is going on everywhere. Trash that is paraded out in mags and TV as glamorous and is nothing but Bottom of the Bottom Scum.

millennial_vulcan ago

trash is one way of putting it carm: disease ridden wh*res, is another...

carmencita ago

I think I know what turns them this way. At least most of them. The same as the abused child actors. No self esteem. They use drugs and liquor and its party party. So many that are abused. This evil comes from somewhere.

millennial_vulcan ago

of course you are so right. Hyper sexual folk were abused as kids. FACT. Its not their fault :(

carmencita ago

Its definitely a conundrum and makes you question yourself, but it is hard to fault someone that has been so violently abused but where will it stop if we do not stop them in any way we can. BUT you are right it is a FACT that it was not their fault in the first place. Very sad :(

carmencita ago

Did you read that link I sent you? About the Hart women and children? Also it includes info on Fort Bragg and Mendocino.

migratorypatterns ago

Thanks for this.

More leads, and I was always wondering about Cowell.

millennial_vulcan ago

hiding in plain sight!

Vindicator ago

Awesome addition MV. Can you make sure you archive each of the articles? When I was looking up Chandler as this research was going down Friday, a lot of our old links in our old threads were no longer functional. A few had been archived and so there was a copy. has a toolbar extension you can add to your browser. You just navigate to the article in question and click the button and it automatically saves an archive. Then all you have to do is paste it back in next to the link in your post or comment.

millennial_vulcan ago

thank you! Did not know about the archive tool. Will archive links if Derram does not, anymore.

think- ago has a toolbar extension you can add to your browser. You just navigate to the article in question and click the button and it automatically saves an archive. Then all you have to do is paste it back in next to the link in your post or comment.

Didn't know that, thanks.

srayzie ago

I love how the floodgates are opening. People are awake! Are you guys finally realizing that Q isn’t a LARP?!

think- ago

Very interesting, @millennial_vulcan! Thanks for the ping!

You might want to ping @UnicornAndSparkles, @TrishaUk, @letsdothis1 and @TheSavant as well. ;-)

UnicornAndSparkles ago

Yey thank you for the ping @think- and way to go on the awesome post @millennial_vulcan!! Team Q all the way xxx

think- ago

You're welcome, @UnicornAndSparkles.

TrishaUK ago

thx :)

think- ago

Welcome. :-)

millennial_vulcan ago

Thanks Think - Good to know those guys. Ill ping them on any UK related post going forward!

think- ago

Welcome, millennial. I made a mistake though: It's @The_Savant.

srayzie ago

I know. I remembered I made a post and looked it up. It was 1.2 years ago. The WalterPearce Instagram images used to be a lot worse. Of course those images were list when that image hosting site went down.

It’s funny... RC comes back into the limelight. Q is probably tripping out over how fast this flood of information about her has surfaced! He didn’t know we already looked into her to some degree! Now I’m curious about how deep this will end up taking us.

Vindicator ago

I saw your name all over the old Chandler threads when I was digging through our archive and dropping links on 8chan. :-)

EricKaliberhall ago

I salute you @vindicator. Excellent work.

Shizy ago

Well done!!! So much good information all laid outnperfectly! This is all so disturbing and overwhelming. I don't know how you did it!

Sum-of-Nun ago

Here is a list of people Rachel Chandler was following on Instagram.

Vindicator ago

Awesome, thanks for adding that. Each of these threads is like a time capsule. Everything relevant we can crosspost into them will make them all the more valuable to researchers or law enforcement who might come digging at a later date.

argosciv ago

Very well put together, Vindi!

Special thanks also, to everyone who contributed to bringing this info together!

Vindicator ago

I loved the goat tribute meme they posted.

argosciv ago

777 x 777


Love it! <3

Vindicator ago

Ha. Didn't even notice that. "Double trips"

srayzie ago

You should post this is GreatAwakening too! Or I can and direct it here?

Vindicator ago

I did! Just a Link post to here.

srayzie ago

That was a lot of work! Very nice. Anons on 8chan have been working on the video screen images trying to enhance them. This is what they have so far.

Fsumom ago

Is there a place to look at more of the enhanced images? I have heard there are a lot more dining rooms and I can see what the others see with these lines.

Shizy ago

What the hell is going on on screen 14? Is someone sitting on something or someone? Or something worse

srayzie ago

I think it looks like a kid crouching too 😢

Joe10jo ago

Yes it sure does. Seeing this just kills me. :-(

srayzie ago

Me too :(

Vindicator ago

Well, it looks like it was intentionally blurred out, but the enhanced outline looks like a kid crouching:

Vindicator ago

It was pretty gratifying seeing how useful our research archive was in this case. One thing I learned: cross-posting links to related threads in the comments of strong pieces is really, really important when people come back months later to revisit information. We've got to start doing that more meticulously.

FuckUredditFuckuSpez ago

Shut up the fuck You asshole

2impendingdoom ago

IS there any way to get @Pizzagatebot back? or is anyone else good at that kind of thing (coding) to recreate the bot? It was so useful.

Vindicator ago

He is not banned. He stopped posting after I deleted a comment he made. He used his archive to repost material that one of our users self-deleted due to self-doxxing. I removed it because the Voat User Agreement states that doxing fellow users is not okay, nor is preventing them from removing the content they created. He has not posted under that username since.

2impendingdoom ago

Oh right, I forgot about the doxing. the bot was useful though.

2impendingdoom ago

PS, great post, Vindicator!

Sum-of-Nun ago

The winners write history.

We are so confident in our victory that we will start now. :)

think- ago

:-) :-) :-)

Vindicator ago

That's the spirit!

srayzie ago

That’s awesome. Great idea. A lot of things Q is bringing up now go well with both pizzagate and Great Awakening.

Vindicator ago

Yeah I saw your post about that -- added it as a comment to my thread. Would have edited the main post but...upvote bug. :-(

srayzie ago

I don’t blame you lol. That bug is driving me crazy too

2impendingdoom ago

the numbers for "users here now" never changes either. ~113 for v/pizzagate ~38 for v/GreatAwakening

makes me wonder what the real numbers are.

Vindicator ago

I'm sure much, much higher. And it has crossed my mind that this bug may be a protective measure to make the work we are doing seem less threatening.

srayzie ago

It’s driving me nuts

Vindicator ago

We've now got a bug effecting stickies. It thinks two of the external stickies I put up that had an auto-detoggle expiration are still up.

Chempergrill ago

You guys are nuts.


sore_ass_losers ago

Very nice summary. Sometimes it's hard to see the forest for the trees here, and if you don't keep up you're left behind.


Vindicator ago

Someone did some image enhancement:

kazza64 ago

thank you vindicator

Vindicator ago

You're welcome, kazza. This damn post took me two straight days to put together and source. I think I read 24 straight hours of 8chan. Arrrrgh!