Whenever R.C. Instagram was still public I saw one of her friends with a hat that said NEW WAVE. So I looked it up and found NEW-WAVE RADIO. From there I found CHILLIN ISLAND. You have got to see this. They have videos called CHILLIN MINIS. They are very short videos referencing cannibalism. These people are sick. Sick as in I'll sic my dog on you, to give chase, to hunt.

findingthesepeople ago

we need to continue to look through these accounts. Q said to follow the white rabbit and the account listed above, jack_and_the_beanstalk___ 🐰Jackie Shit Pantz 🐰 , has those same rabbits next to his name and on his insta account there is a picture of a child with bags under its eyes. The account is private but keep in mind that butterflies and lighting bolts are also signs of pedophilia identification.

12439785? ago

Thank you, this is the grunt work we need

Vindicator ago

@Sum-of-Nun, will you comment in the summary thread I just made with a link to this thread of yours? You never know when we might want to come back to this information. Also, my thread has the links to the archived social media accounts in case you want to dig around in them. :-)

quacker ago

Your effort is very commendable. Good work.

Unfortunately, the RC (Ray.Chandler) mission was only a short one and has successfully ended. Q #1066 (

Connection made.
RC end.
We have grounds.
Thank you.