eagleshigh ago

Holy shit

SurfinMindWaves ago

Why would someone post this publicly online? And if R. Chandler is the one that posted them, why would she be the one arrested instead of Epstein?

srayzie ago

Epstein was arrested. He spent time in prison. He’s out again. She may have done that to warn others to not mess with her because she has things that could ruin their lives.

Vindicator ago

Just posted a blow by blow rundown of the leaks that led up to this image being posted: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/2490765

@srayzie @bopper

nzmc ago

buckets are for people who have been sodomized so badly that they cannot control their bodily functions

how fucked up is it.. they look like little boys, this should stop

srayzie ago

buckets are for people who have been sodomized so badly that they cannot control their bodily functions

Where did you read that?

nzmc ago

On image you posted

srayzie ago

Oh I didn’t see that part. That’s horrible. 😢

gazillions ago

It looks like a bunch of naked people sitting on buckets.

You don't need cannibalism to know they're all messed up.

srayzie ago

What do you mean?

gazillions ago

I mean we can only imagine what's really going on there. I think I see a bunch of people sitting around naked on buckets and I can imagine they're there willingly, as guests at a dinner and only brainless whackos with too much time and money would sit around naked on buckets in some sort of outré pseudo artistic dinner BS would do that and it's all messed up.

The other conjecture is that they aren't there of their own free will and that's even more messed up.

Either scenario, cannibalism not being part of doesn't mean the entire thing is any better.

It's just all messed up

srayzie ago

Yeah. Absolutely horrifying.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Came across this on "all", context please.

srayzie ago

It’s about this image which is supposedly video camera screens from Epstein Islands basement.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Any chance for an elevator speech on what Epstein Islands basement is. Sure, I could go to Jewggle or Jewpedia but I'm probably not going to get the same description.

srayzie ago

Me? Are you familiar with pizzagate? Do you know about a Jeffrey Epstein? About his plane Lolita Express? Or Epstein Island? Do you know who his friends were?

Knowing what you already know helps me determine how to explain this to you.

obvious-throwaway- ago

Pizzagate was some sort of child rape pizza center based on a weird video and the owner being affiliated with powerful people like Podesta. Outside of that, I know nothing.

srayzie ago

Lol. That’s not what it was. That’s how they twisted it. That’s why many of us prefer the term pedogate instead. Because it’s not limited to a pizza place. This is a long story. But I promise you, it’s true. If you’re interested in it learning the truth, then we can blow your mind because we have tons of evidence to back it up. So let me know.

Once you start learning about pizzagate/pedogate, you start learning about how sick and evil these people are. Many of them are the leaders of our world. Politicians, celebrities, Royal families, etc... There are secret societies. These sick people rape, torture, and sacrifice children. They do more than that even.

Jeffrey Epstein is a rich sick fuck that is friends with a lot of these bastards. He had his own plane and island. He got busted because he was always having child prostitutes. He ended up going to jail.

It looks like the CIA had that place wiretapped. They would use videos that they got of people doing sick things. Then they could blackmail them to do what they wanted. They use honey traps. There is a lot of evidence about that island and house that we’ve researched for over a year. It’s been suspected all along. But this is the first time we had images of it.

Look up Spirit cooking. That’s what it looks like they were doing. This all sounds crazy until you start seeing it all making sense. Let me know what you think. I keep falling asleep. I hope this made sense.

LongyyBearr ago


srayzie ago


LongyyBearr ago

There was a person named Rachel Chandler that posted video cam pics of the Epstein Island that showed about 9 video camera images from 2013, albeit very blurry. Someone in the comments of the voat thread asked for our autistic friends to make it clearer in their own way to further depict what is going on throughout each camera. Above is two of the few scenes we were given that was posted on her instagram before she privated her account. And it looks pretty accurate to a degree if you believe that the Epstein island was into human trafficking and cannibalism. This is some shiet.

srayzie ago

You explained that SO MUCH better than me. Thank you!

NextBestThing2Hitler ago

Before we fall into the trap of our own biases (some of us believe them to be cannibals), let's leave open the possibility of this being something closer to this with either of age or under age models, likely including an orgy after if this is at Epstein's.

Oh_Well_ian ago

did you forget Epstein is a child rapist?

but yeah.. benefit of the doubt is in order!!

NextBestThing2Hitler ago

Didn't forget, but it's quite a step from kiddie diddler to organizer of Hannibal Lecter's Meat of the Month Club.

I'm just saying that we need to avoid confirmation bias and target fixation while we all look into this stuff.

Oh_Well_ian ago

kiddie diddler << Pedophile apologists love this phrase. Investigating Pizzagate took me to Haiti and revealed kidnapping, human trafficking, child rape, organ harvesting. The symbolism proudly on display by the CULT indicates they do indeed perform human sacrifices.

Your dismissively hyperbolic rhetoric indicates you're not serious about this investigation.

'We don't need to avoid' anything. You need to sit in the corner and shut up.

Rawrination ago

The body language is all wrong for that. Also when have you ever seen someone doing the fancy sushi off naked woman thing grab her arm like that ?

NextBestThing2Hitler ago

Never seen someone so degenerate as to eat off someone like that. I'm just saying we should not leap to the conclusion of live human sacrifices of children by HRC prematurely.

It makes us look foolish when we are wrong or even when we are right but not based on facts present when we came to the conclusion. Let the image enhancing continue, let the investigation continue, and let the island be raided and if need be, excavated, to prove the extent of the criminality.

When you come to the conclusion early on in an investigation, you will often end up with target fixation, missing things that don't fit into your pre-established vision of what is and isn't.

Rawrination ago

Thanks for keeping up that due diligence. We are fighting the worst of humanity, and need to try and be the best of humanity to really win this war. I have seen people eat off a sexy woman before and it was very refined and hot, but to each their own.