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ESOTERICshade ago

Q posted wildly yesterday on 8chan and was asking for all the proofs.

Top level super secret intel agent groveling around begging for validation. Ok. :)

Must be dozens of cases of unsold T Shirts and other Q merchandise weighing down that super intel bank account :)

PizzaStreamerLive ago

What are you even saying with that? While you entirely ignore the essence in my post. Don't you think that we should gather all the evidence and make them easily presented to people? To those who are not used to look at the stuff in the formats presented here and on other similar boards?

Vindicator ago

What you don't know, PizzaStreamer, is that Esoteric is virulently allergic to Q and wants more than anything on earth for all discussion of Q -- ESPECIALLY PROOFS -- to be bullied out of existence. You got 8 downvotes within an hour of posting this. Be encouraged. :-) There is a small team that brigades all Q threads in v/pizzagate, because we have such a large readership. It's the same usernames that always show up and spew vitriol in every Q thread here.

I will give you our "QAnon Storm Watch" flair to help you mine some salt. ;-)

ESOTERICshade ago

There is a small team that brigades all Q threads in v/pizzagate, because we have such a large readership. It's the same usernames that always show up and spew vitriol in every Q thread here.

You just branded and told the LARGE number of people that don't want to turn pizzagate into a game of riddles that they are "brigaders" and have dismissed them. All that large group that disagree with you are only "brigaders" and obviously idiots huh?

I will give you our "QAnon Storm Watch" flair to help you mine some salt. ;-)

And with this you may as well have said, "express your opinion all you want, complain and I don't care, I will mine your salt. This is my forum now, I am the new Millennial Falcon, I do as I please."

Didn't take you long to become a dictator. One of the oldest Goats and Voat accounts I have ever seen predicted this would happen within 6 months of Falcon's departure. I won't dox him by giving his details.

He communicated with me while I was trying to help get rid of Falcon and get you installed as the new lead mod. I supported you, and he supported me. Might be the oldest Voat account I ever saw. Yes I was behind you all the way as new lead mod and you know it.

This incredibly old Voat account told me "it might be better for a little while, but in 6 months it will be headed back to a Falcon style dictatorship."

I don't know who that old Voat account was, but he was right. Read what you wrote. You just told a HUGE portion of our readers to go fuck themselves. Welcome to the throne, New Dictator. You wrote that shit yourself. Its your words.

think- ago

Didn't take you long to become a dictator.

Gosh Esoteric, now you're overdoing it, really. Why can't you just accept that a part of the community is interested in 'Q'.?

Is the Q story a psyop? Yes, imo it definitely is.

Do I sometimes roll my eyes because people believe in what 'Q' says? Yes, I do. Permanently, in fact.

Do I understand why people trust 'Q'? No, I don't. I don't understand it at all.

But as a mod I see that parts of the community here are interested in Q. And Vindicator happens to be one of them. So we have one 'M' mod who is non-partisan and thinks Q is a psy-op, and one 'M' mod who thinks Q is telling the truth, and supports Trump. So what?

That's actually great, because it mirrors the community. The majority of the community here is pro-Trump, in case you've missed it.

And I don't want to expell those who are into Q. As a mod I feel people from as many backgrounds as possible should feel comfortable here.

So if you don't like Q - ok, great. Leave comments, downvoat Q threads, or just ignore them. I usually ignore them.

But calling @Vindicator a 'dictator' is just pathetic. It really is. We often discuss via PM how we can manage to let posts stay up, and how we can help OPs.

Remember that I proposed to introduce the 24 hours thread? Shortly before MF got demodded? Actually I proposed to introduce a period of grace of 30 minutes. (LOL) It was @Vindicator who said we should try a 24 hours period of grace. That's hardly a thing a 'dictator' would do, would he?

Your attacks on @Vindicator unnerve me. Because I see how much time he invests here, and how much he tries to help people. I gladly accept his passion for Q in exchange.

Maybe you haven't noticed, but you are slowly turning from a sharp guy who contributed to the community discussion in a normal manner into a grumpy old guy who spends his time harrassing all people on the internet who don't happen to share his political views. That's actually very sad.

Spend some time with your fisherboat over the weekend, clear your head, and come back on Monday, with a more peaceful attitude. We need critical voices, but we don't need harrassers.

@Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Honeybee_

srayzie ago

Thank you @Think-

It’s supposed to be Free Speech here. We shouldn’t have to stay quiet about something we believe in because someone disagrees or because it might offend someone. If people don’t like that topic, then don’t read those threads. You’ve never lectured me or tried to make me change my mind. I appreciate that,

srayzie ago

Well I’m technically still a mod, so that makes 2 that believe in Q. 😁 That’s 2 against 1 so we win. 🙌🏻👏🏻

@Vindicator @Think-

think- ago

Srayz, we need to go to the backyard and talk.... 😁

srayzie ago

As Corsi would say, “Let’s go out back and duke it out!” Haha

Well, you must have screwed up. You have 2 downvotes! 😂

think- ago

Let’s go out back and duke it out!”

Exactly, honey. :-)

You have 2 downvotes! 😂

Bitch! Next time I'll have more upvoats than you have, I promise!! :-P

Admit that your hispanic maids downvoated me!


srayzie ago

Hahaha. @Bopper IS my Hispanic maid.

think- ago

Let’s go out back and duke it out!”

Exactly, honey. :-)

You have 2 downvotes! 😂

srayzie ago

You better not be rolling your eyes at me @Think- 🙄 🍌

think- ago

rolls eyes and gives 🍌 to srayzie's cat

:-P :-P


srayzie ago

I was hungry so I ate the banana.

think- ago

Haha! Have some more bananas then:

🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌 🍌


srayzie ago

I’m too full now!

think- ago

LOL. @bopper, wanna have a 🍌 ?

bopper ago

I actually smoke them, thanks tho...

Shillaxe ago

I love reading their arguments, like ladies hitting each other with handbags , pulling hair .... I imagine Alefantis & Brock going at it, just my $.2

ESOTERICshade ago

Pizzagate is already confusing. Give me a good reason to make it more confusing by turning Pizzagate into a never ending game of confusing Q riddles.


@Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Honeybee_

think- ago turning it into a never ending game of confusing and cryptic riddles.

So when did we have the last Q sticky before the current one?

Four weeks ago? Six weeks ago? Or maybe eight?

And we have only a couple of Q posts per week here on v/pizzagate. I don't have the time right now to go through the submissions, but I guess not more than half a dozen posts that mention Q in the headline.

And you get rage fits because of that?! Really?

What about some tolerance for people who have different opinions?

Do you reallly expect that you can push everyone to share your stance?

At the beginning, I was really glad that I saw that someone - you - shared my non-partisan view.

Now I'm horrified when I read some of your comments. You are terrorizing people, calling @Vindicator a 'dictator'.

You posted three submissions where you knew that they don't belong in this sub and even stated in your OP that 'the mods will pull it' - a total waste of our time - but then you complain that people post Q submissions that don't make sense? Really?

What the fuck happened with your mind?!

Calm down, @ESOTERICshade. I really meant it when I said take a break, go fishing, enjoy real life, and then calm back with a peaceful mind.

Most people who are doing Q posts have left, and post to v/GreatAwakening now. I'm not bothered by a few Q posts a week. If you can't even tolerate that much, I feel really sorry for you.

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

ESOTERICshade ago

And you get rage fits because of that?! Really?

Don't be so dramatic. i'm trying to preserve something important, this sub.

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock

Crensch ago

Keep acting like you're on the same team as anyone here. I'm pretty sure if we had to pick, we'd prefer you play for the other team since you're so good at friendly fire.

think- ago

No, Esoteric. You are the one who is doing a dramatic shit show, not me.

You won't succeed 'preserving this sub' with your aggressive attacks.

In fact, you are terrifying newbies and keep people from posting here (I don't mean Q posts, but people who'd like to post other PG stuff.)

You're definitely not preserving this sub this way, you contribute to destroying it. You are scaring people away. You have developed a tunnel vision.

Get some fresh air and calm down.

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Honeybee_

ESOTERICshade ago

Get some fresh air and calm down.

Since my last post I went walking. Believe it or not I walked two miles in 97 degree heat. I feel pretty good today. it only took me 17 minutes.

Shillaxe ago

8 min mile isn't walking.

ESOTERICshade ago

8 min mile isn't walking.

I ran some of the way, but not all the way.

Oh_Well_ian ago

lol even brigading his meaningless comments

what a sad cunt.. Hey cunt.. How about spending some of your time RESEARCHING ?

You never research shit here. Oh, and it's not a 'CHILD ABUSE SUB' you fucking cunt.

ESOTERICshade ago

Get some fresh air and calm down.

You have mistaken me for a person that is not calm. Its common sense not to mix something that attempts to do research on a narrow topic, child abuse, with something that throws darts in every possible direction and at thousands of topics, very seldom has answsers, and most of which the "answers" are only wild guesses. I call that common sense. You mix Q into this, and in a few months, this sub will be a dim memory of itself. When it happens you guys can thank yourselves for it.

@Crensch @srayzie @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Honeybee_

Honeybee_ ago

Qused and abused.

think- ago

You mix Q into this, and in a few months, this sub will be a dim memory of itself.

What part of 'we don't have many Q posts here anyway' didn't you understand?

You have mistaken me for a person that is not calm.

I am telling you that you act now like an aggressive, angry guy who scares people away.

I have tried to continue our dialogue nevertheless, but I am going to leave now.

I don't know how old you are, and you don't have to tell me. But you keep saying you've got lots of life experience, don't you?

I don't understand why someone who seems to be past middleage actually has never developed some tolerance for views that differ from his own.

Very sad.


@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Honeybee_

Crensch ago

What part of 'we don't have many Q posts here anyway' didn't you understand?

And Q has already been around a few months. If we're a dim memory, why is he here?

Oh_Well_ian ago

He's a dung beetle and he'll be rolling his shit until he dies.

ESOTERICshade ago

I made all the statements about this for now that I wanted to. I'm going outside and plant some grass seeds now think-

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Honeybee_

Crensch ago

@think- was being nice there. You're not right in the head.

Every mod already knows you're a shit-stirring discord peddler; you haven't been taken seriously since the first time I ripped you apart.

ESOTERICshade ago

@think- was being nice there.

I have not cussed think or called think names. I am just very matter fo fact in my speech most of the time.

Every mod already knows you're a shit-stirring discord peddler;

I don't even know how to use discord.

you haven't been taken seriously since the first time I ripped you apart.

Nice to see that your delusions of grandeur are still intact :)

Crensch ago

I have not cussed think or called think names. I am just very matter fo fact in my speech most of the time.

Nobody cares.

I don't even know how to use discord.

I bet you think you're cute, don't you?

Nice to see that your delusions of grandeur are still intact :)

I see that your grasp on reality is as tenuous as ever.

ESOTERICshade ago

My goodness. That mind is a vacant lot full of insults and the word "nigger."

Crensch ago

Yes, link me to what you cannot elucidate on your own, because that shows what a full mind you have in contrast to my supposed vacant one.

SoberSecondThought ago

Hey, @Crensch. (And hey again, @Vindicator.)

Here's a really mind-blowing alternative viewpoint for you. @ESOTERICshade and @think- are actually the same guy. I explained six months ago that @ESOTERICshade was just another of the many alts created by "Tory Smith"/HighLevelInsider/Senate Anon to spread disinfo. As I explained in my series of posts last fall, it started as a cover-up of the 2013 Glenn Beck whistleblower episode. When I exposed the cover-up, "Tory Smith" launched the Q psyop the very next day.

More recently, I outed @think- as another of his alts.

In my Q assessment six months ago, I challenged him/it by asking, "How will you dismount this tiger you are riding?" This, such as it is, is the plan he came up with. Writing as ESOTERICshade, he rants furiously that Q is an obvious psyop and that the people taken in by it are idiots. Writing as think-, he soothes everyone with an open-minded calm. But it's all a meaningless puppet show, much like all his previous puppet shows.

Now, to be clear: This elaborate drama is not meant to save the Bush-Clinton crime syndicate. There are 35,000 sealed indictments, Sessions is hiring hundreds of additional prosecutors. That ship has sailed. This ridiculous six-month LARP was not even meant to save "Tory Smith" and his helper Alexandra Meadors of the CIA front Galactic Connections from being prosecuted. (After all, while "Tory Smith" is a fake name, Alexandra Meadors used her real name in promoting him. So arrogant! But clearly that ship has sailed as well.)

In my judgment, the disinfo campaign fell victim to serious diminishing returns the moment that (a) I outed "Tory Smith" and Alexandra Meadors, and (b) the sealed indictments started piling up. If it won't stop Sessions and the DOJ, and it won't save anyone from prison, why keep doing it? I think the point is simply this: "Smith" & Meadors need to spread sufficient confusion, and keep the uproar going for long enough, that when the arrests start, they aren't among the first. They're relatively small fish, who carried out a poorly conceived disinfo plan like they were ordered to. They (and David Brock) desperately want to avoid being blamed for the syndicate going down. Because while they will presumably at some point go to prison for being part of a child sex trafficking ring (or flee, or plea bargain) the syndicate would kill them in a big hurry if their blunders brought added public attention.

I realize it's kind of arrogant of me to take credit for triggering the whole Q phenomenon, but if you reread my series and look at the dates, you'll see that I thoroughly exposed HighLevelInsider/Senate Anon/"Tory Smith", and you'll see that he disappeared the same day that Q appeared. Where did he go? What has he been spending his time on? And again, to be clear: The reason that I have been so quiet over the intervening months is that I don't think bringing these two degenerates down is the most important task now. Sure, it would feed my ego to go on 4chan and 8chan and reddit, and tear his stupid charade apart -- and you know I could have done it, you sorry weasel -- but frankly, launching the Q psyop was like a white flag. It was them admitting that the jig was up, that the only goal left was not getting suicided by the Clintons.

As I've said before, no worries if you're not persuaded. It's my job to get these ideas on the record, not to persuade everyone.

Vindicator ago

I would never have pushed for @think- to be made an M with no trial period as a J when Falcon was demodded if I had not seen numerous examples of fair-minded objectivity and good will toward fellow researchers. Folks at that time were VERY distrusting of the mod team. Because of her efforts making the 24 Hour Grace flair work, we've had numerous users who stopped posting come back and rejoin the community. The spirit of this board has completely changed. Most people now appreciate the ruleset instead of just being frustrated at it's difficulties. She is also a great researcher.

Compare that to @ESOTERICshade, who is constantly negative, frequently tries to stifle conversation, intimidate other researchers, lies about both users and mods to try to smear them, rarely posts evidence of his claims, spams his views over and over when he gets mad, and contributes very little research to the board.

Think- is a great mod, who was willing to join me on the mod team at a time when that meant becoming the lightning rod for people's anger, frustration, resentment and despair. It took great courage and fortitude, and continues to. I picked her; so you are pretty much saying that I am also a shill, SST.

SoberSecondThought ago

No, you shouldn't infer that I think you're a shill. It's not a personal criticism of you at all. I'm well aware of what @think- has written, and if you look back you'll see that I already discussed the huge contrast in styles between @think- and @ESOTERICshade.

Again, this cover-up is a large, well-funded joint operation with numerous websites of its own, as well as numerous YouTube channels. The part that I exposed has been operating since 2013, and there are elements of it that date back decades. The people that I identified do this full-time, and they have the very well-founded fear that if they don't succeed in smothering my voice, if my claims go viral, they will be killed. They are very highly motivated. The advantages of being made a mod are worth the effort of actually doing the mod job well. (Plus if you're going to monitor Voat 24/7, the incremental effort of providing mod services is pretty small.)

I won't keep on about this. I'll just leave you with this thought: Don't think of these people as mustache-twirling cartoon villains. Don't think of them as psycho cases, or even as criminals. Imagine some perfectly ordinary college graduate who has no social life and spends all his time on the Internet. Imagine that the one thing that matters in this man's life is to fool people, to keep a complicated LARP going no matter what. Now imagine that I posted his picture and made a long list of the lies he had told.

What lengths would he go to, to win?

Anyway, that's my last word on the matter.

ESOTERICshade ago

Blow me paid shill. @think- and I are not QAnon. I'm not reading your garbled diatribe.

ESOTERICshade ago

Think- is a great mod,

I agree and have said so many times, but nice try at pitting me at think- against one another. I also pushed for Think- to become a mod and so far I don't regret it because think- is a better mod than you are.

Compare that to @ESOTERICshade, who is constantly negative, frequently tries to stifle conversation, intimidate other researchers, lies about both users and mods to try to smear them, rarely posts evidence of his claims, spams his views over and over when he gets mad, and contributes very little research to the board.

You started this by calling me out by name because I said I didn't think a high level intel asset would be begging for validation. You called me out by name and started saying that I was allergic to Q and all your other BS. I don't like your "i will do as I please" attitude and I made it known.

You had the gall to say that "We have validated Q many times, psyop or not." So in your mind even its a psyop, simply because you like Trump and believe he is saving the world, its ok to drag a psyop into the forum. Don't say you didn't say it because you did and I can dig it up.

You don't drag a psyop into this forum just because YOU think Trump is great. Have you understood some of the things you say lately and do you understand that you are not only exceeding your mandate but saying stuff that sounds crazy like that? You need to check yourself because you are swirling off the path.

srayzie ago

This is coming from the same person that says Tory Smith (who died) was working with others in a big conspiracy against voat. I’m case you forgot, @Esotericshade thought you were full of shit too and he didn’t hold back letting you know that.

So, it’s funny that now you start this. You have a terrible record for identifying people. I think you’ve actually got a screw loose.

They are NOT the same person. I remember when it was going around that they were the same person. It’s very apparent now that they aren’t. That rumor was probably started by you!

You need to stop spreading your Tory Smith disinfo bullshit. I’ve always had eyes on you. There is something very wrong about you.

SoberSecondThought ago

Hey srayzie, it's been a while. Hope you're doing well.

You're entitled to your opinion, as always, but I do want to clarify one thing.

They are NOT the same person. I remember when it was going around that they were the same person. It’s very apparent now that they aren’t. That rumor was probably started by you!

I'm wondering why you say "it was going around" and that the rumor "was probably started by you". Don't you remember? You screamed bloody murder the first moment I made the claim, and then re-posted a long denunciation each and every time I brought up the subject. I've posted long responses in the past, like here and here and again here.

Do you not remember any of that? I'm not going to rehash it, but I'm finding it kind of strange that you are in any way unsure who you were arguing with about the "rumor".

ESOTERICshade ago

At first I thought SoberSecondThought was just a nut bag but maybe its a paid troll as much work as they put into their garbled narrative. Whatever they are they suck at it.

srayzie ago

Very much so. It’s pretty bad when one that you’re accusing passed away a couple of years earlier. They need a new job.

srayzie ago

See parent @Think- I forgot to ping you

think- ago

Thank you, srayz!

think- ago

More recently, I outed @think- as another of his alts.

You didn't 'out' me, asshole, you whined that your buddy Millennial_Falcon got demodded, attacked me going full ad hominem, but later had to fully backpaddle and concede that you didn't have any proof for any of your claims.

Fuck off to your handlers, and don't dare to harrass me again.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Honeybee_

ESOTERICshade ago

More recently, I outed @think- as another of his alts.

You are the dumbest troll I have ever encountered. Every time you come here you pick out known people and accuse them of being the same people. Your hero is Glenn Beck. You are either insane or a troll.

SterlingJB ago

This guy's theories are always weak, weak as in not much or nothing in the way of support or of no consequence even if true. (Personally I doubt your an alt acct kind of guy tho or a shill). Also, Glenn Beck played an important role in the establishment of O.U.R. btw. Something to think about, or not.

SoberSecondThought ago

Nah. As I explained, we're just climbing different mountains at this point. I don't think what you are doing as Q, or with any of your other sockpuppets, really matters. I don't think Alexandra Meadors and her CIA front matters either. I was actually working on a lengthy history of the Bush-Clinton syndicate and its 50 year relationship with the CIA. Mena, Barry Seal, all that stuff. It would put your cooperative relationship with Meadors into perspective. When he was governor of Arkansas, Bill sent one of his troopers over to be his eyes and ears in Seal's drug smuggling operation. He was a sort of ride-along. That's what Meadors is to you: She's your CIA ride-along. I was also going to do an in-depth analysis of Jimmy Comet's texted threats to Ryan O'Neal, because he practically bragged to Ryan that he is being protected by the CIA. It's really interesting stuff. But the evidence suggests we are now well past that point. I'm keeping all my drafts, just in case. But I think we're going to see big events quite soon.

It isn't just that there are 35,000 sealed indictments (or rather, 35,000 items, many of which are motions and maybe a third of which are actual indictments). What is just as telling is the eerie silence concerning them. Why hasn't the New York Times said anything about them? No matter what they contain, they are a gigantic, one-of-a-kind event, the biggest federal conspiracy case in history. Why hasn't CNN mentioned them? They have been throwing every kind of accusation at Trump, nonstop, for two years now. These are incredibly alarming numbers. They would scare even sane people who don't suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome. And they keep going up, another 5,000 every month since last November. We do get coverage of the ongoing confirmations of U.S. attorneys, and Sessions' plan to hire 311 new prosecutors. So why hasn't CNN asked the question: What the hell is the DOJ doing with all this sealed stuff?

They haven't asked because they all know. At the top level, anyway. Brian Stelter knows and he's not going to touch the subject. The only people who blurt out references to the sealed items are fringe outlets like the Daily Dot or the Epoch Times. It's one of those weird moments in history where nobody wants to say it, to draw attention to the terrifying shadow. The media still talk 24/7 about Mueller or Stormy Daniels or whatever, as if everything isn't going to be completely overturned once the unsealing starts. Ironically, it kind of is a "calm before the storm," even though CBTS is mostly crap.

So I'm not going to fight very hard on this. Our little contretemps will all blow over in another day, and you can get back to denouncing Freemasons and doing whatever else. But until the great unsealing actually occurs, I think it's prudent to remind you that I'm still out here. It's the job of Trump and Pence and Sessions to smash up your gang. My very small job is to keep making you look over your shoulder until they finally do.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't think what you are doing as Q

Hey @think- did you know that me and you are also QAnon according to this troll? According to this wackos list me and you are about 20 different people including Tory Smith...roflmao

It would put your cooperative relationship with Meadors into perspective.

I"m laughing out loud because I don't even know who the fuck that is.

I'm keeping all my drafts, just in case.

Trust me nobody in their right mind will read more than a couple of paragraphs of your long winded garble and the only reason I am right now is because its making me laugh out loud.

But I think we're going to see big events quite soon.

Same line of bullshit QAnon uses "its happening any day now!"

And they keep going up, another 5,000 every month since last November.

Probably sealed orders allowing law enforcement to spy on unwitting conspiracy buffs and patriots because we know both parties of the gov hate truth tellers.

I think it's prudent to remind you that I'm still out here.

You are "out there" allright and you need some meds or better training from your boss in trolling because you are not good at it.

It's the job of Trump and Pence and Sessions to smash up your gang.

Washington D.C. is one big political party pretending to be two using the Hegelian Dialectic to give us the illusion of choice.

My very small job is to keep making you look over your shoulder until they finally do.

I am positively terriFried too. OMG!

Vindicator ago

Thanks for sharing your thoughts, SSA. @think- is definitely not the same person as @ESOTERICshade, that I can assure you.

Regarding Tory Smith...didn't that person die of cancer or something?

srayzie ago

YES! I proved it in the comments of their lame post. I used pictures of his declining health as he withered away. It’s messed up that this person has no respect for the dead and had made so many accusations about him.

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, he announced that he was dying in this video, and then Alexandra Meadors claimed to have confirmed it. However, as I explained in my original post about him, he previously claimed to have been infected with anthrax by DARPA every day, as well as being abducted and raped in 14 different secret child-killing facilities (three times by Rand Paul). He claimed to have been healed by a variety of alien technologies, and to have the psychic ability to "read" someone's DNA at a distance. He claimed to know about thousands upon thousands of rapes and killings involving 70 Senators and most of the U.S. government, operating in collusion with Lucifer. He didn't offer any proof of any claim he made.

It's not really much of a feat to act out of breath, as he does in his last video. And you may want to consider the date of that last video: July 13, 2016. That's important because it was an big day for the man who he spent his whole career attacking as a child-raping, child-murdering monster, Mike Pence.

July 1st, Tory Smith made his next-to-last video, unshaven and acting tired, in which he once again attacked Pence, as well as Pence's wife, his attorney general, the head of the Indiana State Police, and numerous individual troopers of the ISP. He also referred to feeling ill, but then as I said, he had always talked about being ill, and being raped, a lot. It got him a lot of sympathy from his audience: Poor Tory, they make him suffer so!

Pence had met with Trump on several occasions earlier in the campaign. He came out to New Jersey and he and Trump went golfing together on the 3rd of July. Until then, Pence had not been considered a strong contender for VP because he had publicly disagreed with Trump on several issues. He was also running for re-election as governor, which involved a July filing deadline. But the media widely publicized the golf game and speculated he would be the VP pick.

Then on July 12, Trump flew out to Indiana and appeared onstage with Pence at a fundraiser, where he even more strongly implied Pence would be VP. That night, Trump had Paul Manafort (then running his campaign) alter the schedule so he could meet again with Pence at the governor's mansion the next day. Pence flew to New York on the evening of the 14th, and on the 15th (just in time for Pence not to file for governor) Trump tweeted that Pence was his choice.

Now, if you discount all the impossible and incoherent stuff that Tory said about magical "Blue Avians" and continually being infected with anthrax, you really only have two options here:

1) Tory Smith was a veteran with PTSD and other health issues, and he raved about galactic aliens intervening in child sex trafficking, and being raped by Rand Paul, because he was out of his mind. He knew nothing about actual sex trafficking, and his announcement of his impending death on the same day that Mike Pence met with Trump was just a coincidence. It was also pure coincidence that Senate Anon and HighLevelInsider also insisted, without offering any evidence, that Pence was a traitor. (This, by the way, was a major tipoff for me. So many people defying the Powers That Be to warn us that Pence is bad, and not one of them ever offering any evidence.)

2) Tory Smith's videos were a disinfo campaign designed to smear Mike Pence and discredit anything he might say about the Glenn Beck whistleblower episode, in which he had been a major player. Smith was an operative hired by David Brock, and funded by Herb Sandler, as I explain here. He faked his death at that point because the smear had failed; Pence had shared what he knew with Trump, and Trump was going to make him VP as life insurance and to help sweep the pedos out of government. He had taken a serious risk in showing his face, and it was clearly time to wind down that part of the project. He then continued to toss out occasional anti-Pence propaganda as Senate Anon and HighLevelInsider.

think- ago

Thanks for sharing his thoughts?!

Another troll is coming out of the woodwork.

IIRC, this is the guy who attacked me on my very first day as a mod, and is accusing everybody who doesn't agree with him of being alts of somebody else - in this case Esoteric's.

He can take his troll ass and fuck off.

@Crensch @ben_matlock @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @Honeybee_

srayzie ago

Yes, this person kept talking crap about Esotericshade after that. I’m not surprised that their still on this.

Honeybee_ ago

Upvoted, I like when you use swear words.

srayzie ago

Hahaha me too! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


ben_matlock ago


Wow, I didn't think @think- was capable of such profanity! 🙊

srayzie ago

Claws came out. Love it!

think- ago


srayzie ago


think- ago

Watch out - more profanities to come in a minute.

think- ago

Thanks, Bee! grin ;-)

Crensch ago

More recently, I outed @think- as another of his alts.

You link to where a few comments later you admit:

True, and I have not presented any evidence against think- here either. As I have said in the past, I am not looking for endless fights about who is a sockpuppet.

I see no reason to continue entertaining you until this changes; please present the evidence against @think-

think- ago

Thank you, Crensch.

Crensch ago

That's a very good point. Freudian slip?

think- ago

LOL Yes, I guess. :-)

SoberSecondThought ago

Fair enough. I will post it in pizzagatemods.

Crensch ago

Pizzagate is already confusing enough. Give me a good reason why it is a good idea to make Pizzagate, a child abuse research sub, even more confusing by turning it into a never ending game of confusing and cryptic riddles.

Looks like someone doesn't like the fact that his mind isn't capable of sorting through PG, and is very upset that more complicated things are being allowed.

@think- @Vindicator @srayzie

ESOTERICshade ago

Looks like someone doesn't like the fact that his mind isn't capable of sorting through PG, and is very upset that more complicated things are being allowed.

If you want to destroy what you helped build, go for it. You didn't answer the question but just hurled insults. This is a unique environment, and the definition of pizzagate does not say that pizzagate is a never ending game of confusing and cryptic riddles.

@kevdude @vindicator @Crensch

Pizzagate is already confusing enough. Give me a good reason why it is a good idea to make Pizzagate, a child abuse research sub, even more confusing by turning it into a never ending game of confusing and cryptic riddles.


The_Savant ago

You just branded and told the LARGE number of people that don't want to turn pizzagate into a game of riddles that they are "brigaders" and have dismissed them.

You moved to end all discussion of Q - as if you would make a better mod, (((donkey))).

Didn't take you long to become a dictator.

Allowing posts to stay up is hardly dictating, especially when they have as much evidence as the Q anon phenomenon. You're an anti-mod shill and an anti-Q shill. You're in favor of censorship. You'd be an uglier tumor than MF ever was.

Since when did you become anti free speech, anyway? Is it because of that nice money coming in, huh? I bet you're rolling in shekels right now.

SchlongKeyhote ago

too bad Donkey posted Q's biggest "lead" six months prior, lmao

VINDICATOR IS A KIKE-SHILL. <--theres otherwise no reason to try to distance Haim Saban from Mossad.

ESOTERICshade ago

You moved to end all discussion of Q - as if you would make a better mod, (((donkey))).

I'm not a mod. I am an observer and participant. And donkey hates me because "i don't name the jew enough" so get your rhetoric straight. Vindicator just slapped a perjorative label on all those that don't want pizzagte to be a game of riddles and gleefully announced that he is "mining their salt." That is a huge "fuck you" to everybody that disagrees with him. Its his own words. He wrote the shit.

Allowing posts to stay up is hardly dictating, especially when they have as much evidence as the Q anon phenomenon.

Take to subs that play games of endless riddles full of partisan politics, where it belongs. This sub is not named v/riddlemethisMAGA for a reason.

You're an anti-mod shill and an anti-Q shill.

I want objective mods, not mods that "mine salt" from people they disagree with. If you like endless games of riddles then go to play games in the never ending games of riddles sub. This sub was not designed for it.

Since when did you become anti free speech, anyway?

I"m pro free speech, but nice try.

Is it because of that nice money coming in, huh? I bet you're rolling in shekels right now.

I don't sell Q T Shirts, coffee mugs, updating apps, monetized youtube channels, etc....Business dropped off when the scam got outed and now the fakers are drumming up new recruits. High level intel asset groveling around in the internet desperate for validation? Give me a break.

If the fuckers pretending to be Q actually had any real intel they would simply give the intel instead of jerking people around.

The_Savant ago

I"m pro free speech, but nice try.

Oh yeah? You were trying to give kevdude a handy for months before you realised he wasn't going to censor Q for you. Q is hardly even mentioned on v/pizzagate, anyway - you must be getting confused because of how often you visit v/GreatAwakening on one of your alts despite the fact that Q is what you would do anything to avoid - including leaving voat. Go on, do it.

It is painfully obvious what you're doing here. This is a very disproportionate reaction to a flair - you're anti-mod shilling AGAIN. Nothing egregious has just happened - Vindicator just flared a post about Q anon with a Q anon watch flair. That's it, nothing more. But of course, this is the straw that broke the camel's back - you used to support this guy but now he's a dictator. Fucking pathetic. Your logic has gone out the window. Anyone who can't see through it is retarded. Period.

I don't sell Q T Shirts, coffee mugs, updating apps, monetized youtube channels,

Did you see Q criticise Jerome Corsi for taking donations off of his streams? Did you see the post Q made in which he condemned people making a profit off the truth?

I want objective mods, not mods that "mine salt" from people they disagree with.

You don't want objective mods. If there was a mod who didn't flair Q anon posts with a Q anon flair, they wouldn't be doing their job. You want anti-Q mods. You want totalitarianism. You want lies, deceit and as much money as you can get from advertising your agenda. You're a bullshit artist and nothing more.

ESOTERICshade ago

Did you see Q criticise Jerome Corsi for taking donations off of his streams? Did you see the post Q made in which he condemned people making a profit off the truth?

8Chan bakers, who pretend to be Q, were losing market share. Too many people going to sites they can't control. They blew Corsi and Alex Jones out so they could redirect the herd to sites they control, and make Shekels off of.

The_Savant ago

Hey, retard; Alex Jones is a shill. Jerome only stopped following Q when he realised he wouldn't be able to make profit any longer - another shill. Since these guys have clearly just been dancing for money and spreading disinfo, there is no employable logic that connects outing them to any kind of wrongdoing on our part. Oh, and make no mistake, when I say he condemned making profit off the truth, that involves your shitty t-shirt obsession as well.

I don't know why I respond... you never give any kind of argument, just make noise and I always respond... anyone who can't see what you're doing without me telling the is a lost cause. Go on, you can have those downies. We don't need them.

ESOTERICshade ago

Pizzagate is already confusing. Give me a good reason to make it more confusing by turning Pizzagate into a never ending game of Q riddles.


You were trying to give kevdude a handy for months before you realised he wasn't going to censor Q for you.

I still like @kevdude. I think he does a good job.

you must be getting confused because of how often you visit v/GreatAwakening on one of your alts despite the fact that Q is what you would do anything to avoid


The_Savant ago

Pizzagate is already confusing. Give me a good reason to make it more confusing by turning Pizzagate into a never ending game of Q riddles.

I don't know if you noticed, but every Q post on here also has the decoded Twitter thread along with it. If you don't understand the decoded version then I can't see how anyone could take you seriously.

ESOTERICshade ago

I don't know if you noticed, but every Q post on here also has the decoded Twitter thread along with it. If you don't understand the decoded version then I can't see how anyone could take you seriously.

An anonymous person's cryptic riddles decoded by another anonymous person on the internet. That is not pizzagate research.

Pizzagate is already confusing enough. Give me a good reason why it is a good idea to make Pizzagate, a child abuse research sub, even more confusing by turning it into a never ending game of confusing and cryptic riddles.


The_Savant ago

An anonymous person's cryptic riddles decoded by another anonymous person on the internet. That is not pizzagate research.

Oh, you mean like EVERY PizzaGate reasearcher did with the Podesta emails? They were in code and decoded by anonymous internet users. For fuck's sake YOU'RE an anonymous internet user (who goes by the alias donkeyhote lol) of course it's research you fucking spastic.

SchlongKeyhote ago

hey guy. I just browsed your submissions and theyre all maga, cernovich, muh muslims, and various fake news. maybe stop using the word 'research' faggot.

The_Savant ago

I have 2 posts about Muslims and they're on v/Whatever. I have used Maga in 1 post and it was in v/Whatever. Cernovich was tweeting out some good stuff about human trafficking by the UN so I posted in in PizzaGateWhatever. I'm not quite sure what you're complaining about, really - especially with the Muslims. Wherever Muslims go, pedophilia follows (eg. Sweden).

I know you always loved the Muslims though, donkey, just as your idol Hitler did.

SchlongKeyhote ago

ya I know you love trump because you both suck kosher dick FOR FUN

Shillaxe ago

I can't believe im upvoating you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Oh, you mean like EVERY PizzaGate reasearcher did with the Podesta emails? They were in code and decoded by anonymous internet users.

They were distributed into the community by Wikileaks who has a stunning history of accuracy. Are you comparing Q to Wikileaks? Because if you are no wonder you are so confused.

The_Savant ago

I'm saying that they are both investigations and that, since Q has been proven connected to the President on multiple occasions, this is related to the initial investigation that Wikileaks started. Info from an online user who is definitely connected to the President is worth investigating. Only a fool would censor the conversation.

ESOTERICshade ago

since Q has been proven connected to the President on multiple occasions

Says a few people, about an anonymous person they don't know.

this is related to the initial investigation that Wikileaks started.

No its not. Its a cryptic game of confusing riddles. In no way is it a true intel drop point like Wikileaks and to conflate the two is in gross error.

I stand by the following until someone can convince me otherwise:

Pizzagate is already confusing enough. Give me a good reason why it is a good idea to make Pizzagate, a child abuse research sub, even more confusing by turning it into a never ending game of confusing and cryptic riddles.


Shillaxe ago

They've been trying to answer your question for the last 20 comments.

The_Savant ago

since Q has been proven connected to the President on multiple occasions

Says a few people, about an anonymous person they don't know.

Well then take a look at this and also at this. Before you yell coincidence, remember that Q has said that typos are important in the past.

No its not. Its a cryptic game of confusing riddles.

The President is communicating directly with us about child trafficking and pedophilia. Q and PizzaGate are one and the same.

If you're confused, I'm truly sorry. Leave the investigation to the mentally competent until we win this thing, alright?

ESOTERICshade ago

The President is communicating directly with us about child trafficking and pedophilia.

mmmm...and those two little pictures confirm that, among the thousand things Q get wrong or than nobody understands? I don't think so.

Q and PizzaGate are one and the same.

Pizzagate is a research sub dedicated to researching child abuse by very powerful people. A specialty sub and one of very few of its kind that exists. Very specialized in focus.

Q is a never ending game of cryptic riddles from an anonymous group of people, or person, much of which is steeped in partisan politics, international affairs, and happenings in Washington D.C. Every once in a while there may be a cryptic smattering of child abuse related stuff but compared to the bulk of the material the child related stuff is few and far between.

So, no, the two are not even remotely alike.

If you're confused, I'm truly sorry. Leave the investigation to the mentally competent until we win this thing, alright?

The_Savant ago

mmmm...and those two little pictures confirm that, among the thousand things Q get wrong or than nobody understands?

It must hurt to not have any evidence to counter me with - especially since you spend all of your time on this website. Those two events are almost impossible to recreate. Try, I encourage you.

Q is a never ending game of cryptic riddles

I get it, you're disabled and can't follow the logic. Sucks to be you.

ESOTERICshade ago

I get it, you're disabled and can't follow the logic. Sucks to be you.

If that is the best you can do, is to say that Q and pizzagate are "one and the same", and then hurl insults, you have a good day. Later.

The_Savant ago

You aren't giving responses that I could possibly reply with evidence. When all you say is "riddle" and "I'm confused" and then a bunch of shill buzzwords, what am I supposed to say to that?

As if you've given any evidence this whole time either. When you made the claim that Trump and Q weren't connected, I replied with two jpegs. You replied to that with noise and bullshit. I have no response left but insults.


ESOTERICshade ago

When all you say is "riddle"

Q deals in riddles. Would you rather I be rude and say "utter gibberish and bullshit."?

The_Savant ago

Honestly? No different.

ESOTERICshade ago

It's the same usernames that always show up and spew vitriol in every Q thread here.

You can count on me to do my part in combating disinfo. Its about all I do these days because it has become as important as spreading good information.

I will give you our "QAnon Storm Watch" flair to help you mine some salt. ;-)

You are now a virus in the truth movement.

PizzaStreamerLive ago

Hahahhaha. I figured. It's beautiful how much negative traction it got without any comments. Yes please let me mine all the salt! Hopefully some great posts or at least making people aware of the weather. Thanks though.

Justin_TeroG8 ago

Attacking people for Q is like attacking them for Religious beliefs. It's pointless in a free society. It does nothing but bring division. Plus E-Shade you get personal in attacks, which is a negative vibe we don't need around here. It's like a fight in my hometown years ago. Half the Churches thought Halloween was demonic. Two said All Hallow's Eve was for praying for the dead, and worshiping the Lord. Other Churches joined in town wide Halloween celebrations and handed out candy. The only thing that arguing between the two groups accomplished was that it made all the adults bitter at each other. The prayer meetings turned into a bitching session about all the other churches and they were hindered from prayer. And the adults in the other churches were upset, it became the talk of the night, so it hindered them from having a truly good time with the kids.

Each group should have been focused on their beliefs in their own minds. Whatever you believe believe it unto God without worrying about everyone else's beliefs!

My advice, You need to quit being a pharisee- a "Grammer Nazi" except for beliefs. Aren't you a big enough person to ignore the faith based differences of opinion and join in focusing on the Mission. If you'd put as much effort into writing about pizzagate as you do correcting everyone about Q think of all the knowledge that could be revealed!

Q is interesting to me. I don't have to believe in Q to be intrigued by him. The whole movement has encouraged people to dig for answers themselves.

So you're gonna have to decide @ESOTERICshade- Are you going to correct everyone for their faith based beliefs? Might as well tell all the Jewish folks here not to celebrate Hanukkah, tell the people whether they can hand out candy or not Oct 31st, Tell the secular crowd not to have Holiday Legends, and tell us all what to think concerning our own faiths and traditions.

Pfft! Who the Hell gives that right to ANYONE to dictate personal beliefs or cultural traditions on this Forum???

You don't have that right to be a "QAnon-Nazi". So QUIT. Grow up and quit letting it get to you. Focus on what YOU PERSONALLY want to investigate about Pizzagate and share THAT. If you don't believe in a lead that someone else is following, state your case without being a DOUCHE, and focus on the leads that YOU believe.

ESOTERICshade ago

Are you going to correct everyone for their faith based beliefs? Might as well tell all the Jewish folks here not to celebrate Hanukkah, tell the people whether they can hand out candy or not Oct 31st, Tell the secular crowd not to have Holiday Legends, and tell us all what to think concerning our own faiths and traditions.

Thanx for that. Faith based beliefs? This is not a church for "believers" it is a research sub.

truthdemon ago

This forum was not set up to be a free speech was set up to investigate pizzagate.. ..which is centred in the machinations and logistic hub of connecticut avenue..

When did james alefantis and the establishment find the need to have him on mainstream media..when the focus was on connecticut avenue.. ...the reason u dont see him on media after that is becaause the focus was directed away from that logistics hub.. .. If this forum is called pizzagate ..the mods should make sure the majority of the topics is about connecticut avenue and legal solutions geared towards getting the authorities to inveetigate and imprison this pedoring.. The rest of the forum should be allowed to rate how the connections like qanon..or tucson..that come up every now and then ...and then moved to a separate sub forum..