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rarepeeks ago

This has literally become sad to watch. The first original Q actually had some useful information to teach.

The people larping as Q have taken both the credible people and the non-credible people in the truth world and lumped them all together and told you not to listen to any of them if they don't believe in the cult leader known as Q.

The larger and broader truth movement has called Q out as a fraud and now Q tells you "do not follow anybody that does not believeth in me, your savior, the Great Q" and you guys are falling for it.

The Q shit show went from supposedly being intel drops to a Republican party cheerleading team and you guys have not even noticed. Your awakening may be slow and painful but hopefully you guys wake up some day.

The government is not your friend and unfortunately the Republican party is part of it.

THE ROTHSCHILDS BAILED TRUMP OUT OF DEBT TWICE YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT? Wilbur Ross is a Rothschild agent and he bailed Trump out of debt. Now Wilbur Ross is Secretary Of Commerce, Trump appointed him too.

betadynamique_ ago

The leader of the Republican party is the President right now, and has designs to eliminate corruption from the government. Why would you be against that?

srayzie ago

I’m not going to go back and forth if you have your mind made up. But you can tell from things you’ve said that you aren’t familiar enough with Q to make assumptions. Q doesn’t support republicans and not democrats. He’s called out several Republicans. It’s not about party.

Also, Q doesn’t tell us who to follow. This meme is something I found in Twitter. I still like some. I just think some are misinformed. Q called out Corsi. With good reason! That’s it.

srayzie ago

That’s lame. Q has proven himself multiple times in the last couple of months. Definitely since Jan 5th. I did a lot of research on that bogus claim. There is no way Q would know everything he does AHEAD of time if he wasn’t legit. Trump has gave us many things to legitimize Q. You went with the wrong crowd when you started believing that this is a different Q. Besides, Q is a small group. Not one person!

Do you think so many would be fighting the Q movement if it was a LARP. That alone should make you wonder.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is no way Q would know everything he does AHEAD of time if he wasn’t legit.

All Q is doing is reading the news and making vague guesses. When Q gets it right every now and then you guys give him God status. Most of us could do the same thing.

This is a news article from all the way back in 1992 . its never been a secret that Rothschild owns Trump.

The Pru and other Trump-haters relented after a plea from their financial adviser, Wilbur L. Ross Jr., a senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. "The Trump name added value to the casino," says Ross.

srayzie ago

No. He’s named false flags with DETAILS ahead of time. I don’t expect people to believe it unless they follow this every single day. It’s not that simple.