Aaronkin ago

Saryzie in case you have not seen it yet. Heads up, incoming!

srayzie ago

Omg 🤣😂🤣🤣🤣
I must really be doing something right for Corsi to think I’m Satanic! I’m laughing out loud!

Plan1988 ago

I think it would be helpful if you eventually disclose the names,

in addition to the pictures.🇺🇸

srayzie ago

Sorry, I know all but one. I put the names


Plan1988 ago

Do not be sorry! You are diligent.

I appreciate you:-)

srayzie ago


srayzie ago

The names of the ones on the image I posted?

I know all except 2. I’m waiting for an answer on them.

Plan1988 ago

Yes. Those names. And their platforms if you can.

For example, Alex Jones platform is Infowars.

Issac Green's platform is Anti-School.

srayzie ago

Most just go by their names. The only one I can add to is the one that is LiftTheVeil... his name is Nathan.

I actually like Nathan. He just interviews people and believes the wrong crowd. Like Defango, Unirock, etc... He’s respectful. He just doesn’t know both sides.

Plan1988 ago

Yes you're so right. Most go by their names. TU for your work. 🇺🇸 ( With Issac Green he seems to use both identities.)

Plan1988 ago

Thank You @srayzie. I have been doing my own investigations. Many who I avoid are on your list.

I am not a professional investigator. These are my personal thoughts.

For years people have questioned Webb and Seaman. It surprised me they were able to pop up again.

I asked Anti School who funds him but got no response.

Never followed Corsi. Always been skeptical of Cernovich. Absolutely

avoid anyone who hooks himself up with Alex Jones including

Craig Sawyer. I avoid Royston Potter and Montique.

srayzie ago

Roy Potter was awesome and then did a 180.what do you mean George Webb popped up again? I thought this was his first time.

I don’t like Milo either. Not at all.

Plan1988 ago

Here is a voat post. George Webb was discredited in my mind by this time.


srayzie ago

I had conversations with Wendy mentioned there. She said I could share it. She just wrote me like a week ago saying she is doing much better and asked if I would delete the conversation and I did.

George Webb admitted once to being Mossad. The woman that is with him now, was a daily regular here. She’s been with him daily now for several months. Long story, but that’s when I really started not trusting him.

srayzie ago

Yes! Gwen is the one I used to talk to.

Plan1988 ago

Agree with your statement on Potter 100%.

About Webb..I will try to find some old voat posts.

This is what happened to me. Around 11 monts ago I got snickered by

Thomas and Betsy at American Intelligence Media(AIM) They supported Webb.

Then they had DeFango on their program saying he knows Q crowd and originated Qanon idea.

AIM started talking about SES. They seemed to like Abel Danger.

I forsook AIM soon after DeFango was on their show and they

said Q was fake. They hated Sessions also. Since I follow Q that

did not set well with me.

srayzie ago

That’s when they lost all credibility to me. When they got tricked by Defango and made that videomsaying Q was a fake. Then, he threatened Jason Goodman over the phone.

Plan1988 ago

Thank You!

OMG. I should have known when I heard Thomas say this:

"I don't use a computer because I don't know how."

And I severely disliked the pictures of those yellow kittens they posted.

srayzie ago

Yay! I found the video! At the end he gets even more threatening! https://youtu.be/wvWCR_Z6wWk

srayzie ago

I wish you could have heard how evil he sounded to Jason Goodman!

Plan1988 ago

Will check it out. TU❕

The_Savant ago

Is Cernovich here for being part of the Alex Jones crowd? I've never seen him talk about Q or anything really related so feel free to fill me in.

srayzie ago

I’m not really sure about him. I haven’t followed him lately. His arrogance was irritating and he started talking crap against Trump. I don’t know his thoughts about Q.

The_Savant ago

I started paying attention to him after this rant about the UN sex trafficking on Twitter. I lost a little focus since. I have come across people who don't like Mike but I wasn't given much reason to agree with them (their key argument had something to do with Judaism but I'll leave it to your imagination lol)

The rest seem to be adding up my suspicions so I guess I'll take everything with a grain of salt from now on. Also it seems I wasn't the only one wary of ES. I guess they're just panicking and letting their guises slip a little.

srayzie ago

Have you ever listened to how arrogant Cernovich is? OMG! It drove me nuts.

That’s what I mean about them giving some truth with the lies. A lot of what Alex Jones says is truth. But it’s mixed with lies. He didn’t used to be like this. He was awesome after 9/11

The_Savant ago

I see what you're getting at. A liar may tell the truth one second, but their word still can't be trusted.

I can't be sure how annoying he is, but given your conviction I wouldn't bother checking.

srayzie ago

It’s almost entertaining to watch. If I were a teacher and wanted to show students an example of a narcissist, it would be Corsi and Cernovich.

The_Savant ago

cough donkeyhote cough

srayzie ago

😂 He has no soul!

bopper ago

Not me?

srayzie ago

Bopper, when I talk crap about you, I do so privately using DM. 🙄

rarepeeks ago

This has literally become sad to watch. The first original Q actually had some useful information to teach.

The people larping as Q have taken both the credible people and the non-credible people in the truth world and lumped them all together and told you not to listen to any of them if they don't believe in the cult leader known as Q.

The larger and broader truth movement has called Q out as a fraud and now Q tells you "do not follow anybody that does not believeth in me, your savior, the Great Q" and you guys are falling for it.

The Q shit show went from supposedly being intel drops to a Republican party cheerleading team and you guys have not even noticed. Your awakening may be slow and painful but hopefully you guys wake up some day.

The government is not your friend and unfortunately the Republican party is part of it.

THE ROTHSCHILDS BAILED TRUMP OUT OF DEBT TWICE YOU KNOW THAT RIGHT? Wilbur Ross is a Rothschild agent and he bailed Trump out of debt. Now Wilbur Ross is Secretary Of Commerce, Trump appointed him too.

betadynamique_ ago

The leader of the Republican party is the President right now, and has designs to eliminate corruption from the government. Why would you be against that?

srayzie ago

I’m not going to go back and forth if you have your mind made up. But you can tell from things you’ve said that you aren’t familiar enough with Q to make assumptions. Q doesn’t support republicans and not democrats. He’s called out several Republicans. It’s not about party.

Also, Q doesn’t tell us who to follow. This meme is something I found in Twitter. I still like some. I just think some are misinformed. Q called out Corsi. With good reason! That’s it.

srayzie ago

That’s lame. Q has proven himself multiple times in the last couple of months. Definitely since Jan 5th. I did a lot of research on that bogus claim. There is no way Q would know everything he does AHEAD of time if he wasn’t legit. Trump has gave us many things to legitimize Q. You went with the wrong crowd when you started believing that this is a different Q. Besides, Q is a small group. Not one person!

Do you think so many would be fighting the Q movement if it was a LARP. That alone should make you wonder.

ESOTERICshade ago

There is no way Q would know everything he does AHEAD of time if he wasn’t legit.

All Q is doing is reading the news and making vague guesses. When Q gets it right every now and then you guys give him God status. Most of us could do the same thing.

This is a news article from all the way back in 1992 . its never been a secret that Rothschild owns Trump.

The Pru and other Trump-haters relented after a plea from their financial adviser, Wilbur L. Ross Jr., a senior managing director of Rothschild Inc. "The Trump name added value to the casino," says Ross. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/1992-03-22/the-donalds-trump-card

srayzie ago

No. He’s named false flags with DETAILS ahead of time. I don’t expect people to believe it unless they follow this every single day. It’s not that simple.

YoikesandAway ago

Good job on this meme. These guys all seemed pretty sketchy to me from the get go. I like the calm and rational, fact-based Praying Medic and the humor and deep dives of Neon Revolt. They scan the chans, do the research, provide the links, explain the difficult parts of Q, and have a great commentary and perspective.

White_pride_cis ago

I really like Neonrevolt as well. I like the sense of humor, but the writer also has a "fucking you, bring" mentality. I can respect that.

srayzie ago

Me too. Thanks. I didn’t make it tho. It was a reply to my Twitter thread I made about Corsi this morning.

srayzie ago

I’m not opening an attachment from YOU.

Besides, you have not answered my questionnaire.

Are_we_sure ago

I didn't send you an attachment.

srayzie ago

It asks me what I want to use to open it

Are_we_sure ago

It's a new compressed image type. It opens natively for me, I don't need to install anything.

https://developers.google.com/speed/webp/ A new image format for the Web WebP is a modern image format that provides superior lossless and lossy compression for images on the web. Using WebP, webmasters and web developers can create smaller, richer images that make the web faster.

I found a jpeg version

Be careful who you follow https://pbs.twimg.com/media/DbVzGppU8AAD4QG.jpg

srayzie ago

Well I’m using an iPad.

Blacksmith21 ago

Titus Frost? Seaman? Methinks this meme took a couple of the known controlled opposition and lumped in the credible ones in an effort to discredit all of them.

srayzie ago

Titus Frost is going along with Defango and saying Q isn’t the real Q and that Q began as Cicada. Seaman surrendered his account on the same day that Corsi was called out. His Fulcrum News one.

Plan1988 ago

I followed Titus Frost to some degree until he questioned Q's authenticity.

I forsook David Seaman long ago. Probably in March 2017.

Forsook George Webb about the same time frame.

srayzie ago

A lot of people have stopped following them too

WhiteSurvivalist ago

Q is a distraction of non-sense. trump is a zionist jew. the owners of the federal reserve control the US government and enslave us all.

Ever heard people argue wrestling was fake or real? Same thing different scale. This applies to the media, as well as the government. https://i.imgur.com/4b3DjZt.jpg

Blacksmith21 ago

Meh...I don't pay attention to any of the talking asshats.

srayzie ago

Well then it’s good I warned you 🙄

Blacksmith21 ago


srayzie ago

Blacksmith21 ago

Wow. Wonder what happened there? Was there any explanation.

srayzie ago

I don’t know. My friend on Twitter told me.

srayzie ago

Oh gosh. I’ll have to find it

youllrememberme ago

Seaman called my buddy a cult member yesterday for asking why he was bashing Q.

srayzie ago

Lol. He’s a little nutty.

youllrememberme ago

Here's the video

srayzie ago

See? That basketcase goes back and forth. He can’t make up his mind.

youllrememberme ago

Next week will be another champagne party in a bar with a bunch of people he doesn't know.

srayzie ago

Also, a new group of people to curse at and tell off like the big man he is.

Arrvee ago

During Gamergate we caught one or two frauds trying to beg for money from us. After that, Thidran's IRC crew and GGRevolt began a campaign against "e-celebs" that turned into a witch hunt against anybody who was not fully anonymous. They went after everyone on Twitter who was an effective messenger and they tried to troll and destroy KotakuInAction and /gamergatehq/. It destroyed us, and they still insist that they were in the right and that we "cucked" for refusing to help them destroy our own leaders, allies, and communities.

My advice on e-celebs is to use them to reach a broader audience, be aware that others are using them, and be aware that they will use you back to push their message and that of any sponsors they have. They are self-promoters. That's the game. Use it to your advantage. Don't cut them off unless they, personally, have proven to be hostile to you or to be allied with hostile parties.

srayzie ago

What are e-celebs?

Arrvee ago

People called moderately famous Youtubers and podcasters like Internet Aristocrat "e-celebs" because they had a following on the Internet and nowhere else. The term was neutral until the divide-and-conquer trolls from ggrevolt started using it as an insult and told us to stop sending news tips to them, then they started using the term "e-celeb" against any Twitter user who was on our side. Originally, an e-celeb is an Internet personality and that's all it meant.

srayzie ago

Oh ok. I heard about Gamergate. Sounds like it was a really big deal.

Arrvee ago

Would you like to know more? Some of it ties right into many of the things we're discussing.

srayzie ago


zyklon_b ago

All controlled opposition and Zionist scum.

bopper ago

I can give up Roy Potter, but George Webb??

srayzie ago

You know who is with him. Someone that used to be here. Miss Task Force. There’s a reason that YouTube hasn’t deleted his channel and why he’s still alive. Think about it. He admitted once he was Mossad. I only like him because he makes Donkey lose his mind!

Uh oh. Trigger Warning!

bopper ago

Who wouldn't swoon?

srayzie ago