rwb ago

I have news. Jones saying it's an act is not a true statement. He passionately believes in what he reports. Look, Jones has gone from one guy strolling into the DMV and laying down an unforgettable civics lesson - unparalleled by anyone else to this day - to having built Infowars into one of the biggest alternative news sources, and he did this by resonating with the masses. Here he is at his absolute finest: Jones at the DMV Further, plenty of his supporters are exceptionally normal, like this writer, and Nancy Schaefer, Ron Paul, Dr. Andrew Wakefield, and John De Camp to name just a very few. What's abnormal is dismissing the content of his message because of how he might say it, which brings me to my next point.

People communicate and receive information in different ways. It's the product of being human instead of being a robot. If everyone delivered the crucial message in monotone grey, we'd be in an even sorrier state than we are. There are multitudes of personalities in the alternative news business, and they all present virtually the same ideas, yet in different manners. Luke Rudkowski of We Are Change is dynamite. No one has captured more titans on camera in guerilla ambush interviews than he. Henry Kissinger, Anderson Cooper, Newt Gingrich, and Jacob Rothschild are just a few who've been seared with Rudowski's super laid back style. But he cannot remotely rally the troops the way Jones can. Jim Marrs can rattle off six straight hours of dense information about the foundations of the Trilateral Commission, Council on Foreign Relations, Secret Societies, etc., but his strong Texas drawl and happy-go-lucky style might mistakenly give the inattentive listener the idea he's not in complete command of his subject matter. Dave Hodges shakes the bushes to find all kinds of news that never hits the mainstream media, but he prefers the cool collected presentation style. I could go right on down the list of alternative media truth dispensers, but the point is, each of them mainly agree on subject matter but present this information in completely different ways, and it resonates with different people. It's absolutely vital to have variety of presentation methods to ensure the message finds its target. Listen, Jones is a master of his wheelhouse. When I hear him seething with rage about the AMA because they know they're destroying countless lives with heavy early un-staggered vaccine schedules, I realize time and again no one else could make this point as decisively as Jones. End of story.

The world needs one Alex Jones to jump out of the chair, grab the listener by the lapel, and bullhorn the message that the system largely wants to destroy you and your children, and guess what, the world has one. His name is Alex Jones.

srayzie ago

Thank you!

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Musta been after I stopped following it...dont know anything about that.

rwb ago

I'll read your comment again and respond, but just to clarify, I take it your answer to all the above is yes?

rwb ago

I wonder if you could do me a favor. Jones has a very specific worldview which he has endeavored to impart to the masses. I wonder if you could tell me which categories he has been duping the masses with. Let's begin:

Jones believes the very highest echelons of societal control are rife with satanic child sex trafficking demons. Do you share this viewpoint, yes or no?

Jones believes vaccine manufacturers have been covering up skyrocketing autism rates from the administration of very heavy early un-staggered childhood vaccination schedules. Do you share this viewpoint, yes or no?

Jones believes the food and medical industries are playing with the future of humanity with uncontrolled manipulation of the human genome through gene splicing, genetically modified foods, etc. Do you share this viewpoint, yes or no?

Jones believes the scientific community in conjunction with the PTB/Deep State are continually expanding a technological grid meant to track everything that people say or do, with the intent to use that information to affect even greater control over the masses. Do you share this viewpoint, yes or no?

Jones believes Sodium Fluoride has the capability of reducing cognitive function and altering emotions, and is introduced into the water system not because the government is worried about your dental care but because it can on average elicit a certain behavioral effect on the masses. Do you share this viewpoint, yes or no?

Jones believes the Deep State/military industrial complex has manipulated and continues to manipulate the U.S. into global conflicts for profit and to effect domination, at the cost of men and women who join the forces under false pretenses. Do you share this viewpoint?

If you disagree with any of those points, kindly indicate which ones.

DRKStar00 ago

He is off base, in his narrative of Homan Square. That article by The Guardian is giving him the wrong impression of what happens there. People are "disappearing" because its not set up like a traditional police station. You cant fingerprint there, so if anyone gets taken there, you have to them take them over to a neighboring district station, where the guy may call his lawyer, but CPD doesnt have to inform the lawyer that they were taken back to Homan. Homan is a big building that has offices, a gym, stolen property storage, evidence lock up, vehicle storage and they set up the undercover work there. Criminals higher up on the food chain are taken there as well. His belief that people may be having their organs removed there is highly unlikely. There isnt any logistical way they could pull this off.

The Guardian (and other local local defense attorneys) love running with this "Black Ops narrative" and that its being investigated. Well, those imaginary "investigations" have been rumored for years and years. There is no investigation. If anyone should be investigating that place, its OSHA. Have them look into some of the crap that is dripping from the ceilings in parts of that old building.

(relative has been inside that place probably 50 times in the past 20 years).

AngryMimi ago

Vindicator is the real deal and greatly appreciated!

ImmortalCommunity ago

hahahaha is equineluvr the same as dressage2 and horse_with_a_name.


FE_Rebekah ago

I thought he was legit, but I couldn't take it when he started having "Killing is Good Business" in the titles of all his videos. It felt like CIA type subliminal programming and desensitizing to read that multiple times a day.

I also started seeing Masonic hand signs, and his MK Ultra bleached portion of hair is highly suspicious to me. If he wasn't disinformation from the beginning, I think he's been compromised.

ImmortalCommunity ago

That's not bleach, it's a symptom of Waardenburg syndrome, the condition the children on Alefnatis' instagram have.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Done. Sorry. Updated original post with vid link.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Here is the vid, Mod.

paulf ago

Wait, you unsubbed and now you can tell George has 'suddenly' changed his tack? He has done no such thing. He's following leads wherever they take him including going and seeing things for himself.

I suggest people see for themselves if this complaint has any merit at all.

GeorgeT ago

I had doubts about the guy from day one. Go with the gut instinct! For instance, take Honeybee - 100% genuine, real. Neil Wolfe - 100% genuine. You can see it. Webb came acoss as someone who has dubious motives, very subtle.

AngryMimi ago

HoneyBee is awesome; can always trust her to report the truth no matter how hard it is.

awakenaware ago

I don't believe the "something is about to happen" thing either.. ive become very cynical and for very frigging good reasons.. AJ/Hicks is 100% controlled opposition.. George Webb certainly could be but I don't know enough yet.. I do give the benefit of the doubt when I can.. Steel seems controlled spook.. plenty of controlled so called ex-spooks around still been spooks.. I mean seriously who lets a spook walk free and blab? No one does that! Certainly not the CIA.. Low and semi-mid level arrests could go on for years and barely make a dent on the satanic power base structure.. it is HUGE, there are literally a few million of them world wide and they are organised and embedded. Humans on this plane(t) are waaay too trusting and ever hopeful.. and yes im still hopeful.. it will take a miracle to really change things.. a lot of us want the change.. but fear and threats and careers and murder are happening just as much as low level arrests are happening. If you were a journalist/reporter/politician/cop and your family were threatened with death/blackmail etc what would you do? Its easy for us keyboard warriors to say hey you gutless so and so's, do something, arrest these fuckers already.. but it ain't that simple or that black and white.. I think if the whole pedo satanic underground culture could be somehow completely dismantled and taken down it would take some kind of superhuman feat.. a second coming or event horizon type situation where everyone suddenly wakes up en mass and can see all the lies for what they are.. that would be nice.. the collective frequency of humanity is rising, either from some energetic scientific reason or from some kind of change in the collective awareness...

UnicornsAndSparkles ago

AJ is literally calling out a satanic peadophile ring run by people in high places. He made a very insencere apology to JA on advice of a lawyer. What's your problem with calling AJ out every time you possibly can? He's still fighting the cause!!

DeathTooMasons ago

You embarass yourself with that post.

rwb ago

It's very intellectually lazy to dole out six trifling words and vanish. What the poster said was not embarrassing in the slightest, but rather stands as a heartfelt statement on behalf of someone who has made Herculean effort to tell the truth about child sex slavery for over two decades.

awakenaware ago

Ok yes I get it.. im just one guy with an opinion.. lots of opinions.. doesn't mean i'm right.. im entitled to my opinion.. as ive said before none of this is black and white or simple.. he could be a guy with a good heart, but still put there as controlled opposition.. but i look at him closely, look into his eyes, and into Hicks eyes when he was doing his comedy thing.. and its not clear what his motives are too me.. i feel over the years he has grown to love his character and want whats best for us one way or another.. but he cant do any more than talk.. and he doesn't help our cause by ranting and losing his marbles on prime time for no good reason.. But he probably wouldn't even be alive if he wasn't playing the game well enough. you watch him closely.. he waits for the right moment.. and then he switches suddenly and its like in his mind hes saying "ok, now I gotta do that ranting loon thing or im out of a job or worse, here goes..." And just because im calling him out.. doesn't mean I hate him or anything.. hes part of my history and what I did back in 2003 onwards.. he kind of gave me hope back then in a way.. but that doesn't mean i hold him on a pedestal when later I learn more.. everything is up for grabs, there are no sacred cows in my world view.. and I press the reset button and question all my beliefs on a regular basis because its healthy for me to do that. Ive dealt with media people in the past and all kinds of folk in my previous jobs and come to be a pretty good judge of character.. its never black and white.. although psychopaths are pretty much 100% lying pricks.. and he ain't one of those :)

Delorean77 ago

After reading the comments here, and so many others over these last few months, the only thing I know for sure is that I have no friggin idea who the good guys are anymore...and when I see such certainty from posters who have the same resource material as the rest of us; the ones who pronounce someone to be completely discredited, OR completely credible... I don't even finish reading the comments... I keep on a scrollin' until I find another poster who is just as confused as I am... Which brings me to the crux of my point. This is confusing by design..... Take what you need, and leave the rest..... Because we are not actually getting the full truth from anybody... Nobody knows the full truth. It's all compartmentalized, and each faction is informed of their parts on a "need to know" basis. It is a colossal shit show, in a tangled web, in a freaking food processor....... we're lucky anybody is saying anything at all..... and I have often found that the "bad guys" reveal a lot more because of what they are NOT saying.....

DeathTooMasons ago

There are no good guys. Hope I helped.

Narcissism ago

I definitely think he is working for someone. But he has exposed a lot as well. If you can get X% from one source, and get the rest elsewhere why not?

YingYangMom ago

This is the oldest trick in the book. Disinformation agents use that tactic all the time. Remember the Dutchman video and what he says about how TPTB are manipulating the sheeple? They groom candidates to be psychopaths to fool the masses. That's the way it's done. You catch their attention, lead them in one direction and then, you lead them in another, ALWAYS away from the truth. Always eyes down.

To counter that, we all have to learn to listen to that little voice in us that says "oops, something is not right here. How come this, how come that..?". But then, we start reasoning with ourselves and THAT's our mistake. We drown that little voice by using arguments and end up discrediting our own instincts. Nobody's really fooling us. We're fooling ourselves. That voice was, is and always will be there. We have to learn to respect it and use it.

equineluvr ago

Webb is disinfo and likely Mossad.

He sure has a lot of folks here drinking the Kool-Aid. Good for you, OP, for not falling for it.

Vindicator ago

@Bluebirdsolitude: This is an unsourced discussion post which belongs in v/pizzagatewhatever, our speculative sub. Please immediately add the links to the videos you're talking about or repost there.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

Done. Updated original post with source vid.

DeathTooMasons ago

Go away?

Vindicator ago

No :-)

dickface8 ago

Was always fishy on Webb but I checked out when he started doing vlogs out in the street and shit. Why is he constantly on the move now it seems?

DonKeyhote ago

The reality: if you depend on another individual for leads, gtfo anyway

quantokitty ago

Good for you for not going into denial. See so many followers become apologists. Yeah, sure, everybody's entitled to a couple of screw-ups, but when start telling us to look under every shell except the one in Washington, yup! Time to get off that train!

Well, that staffer that was alleged to be "set up" (doubtful) hasn't been made public yet. Remember, Cernovich and someone else talking about that? That might be it. Maybe Dubai is the Russian hacking thing. Just a distraction for who's running things ... pssstttt ... THE CANNIBAL QUEEN!!!

micha_ ago

Cernovich just broke a huge story how Trump's WH is about to make another 180:

Why is Cernovich attacked here, but not Bill Mitchell, who really has been embarassing himself as a braindead Trump fanboi.

joey4track ago

Bill Mitchell is awesome. In an entertaining kind of way. You can literally see the brown on his nose from Trump's asshole.

micha_ ago


Celticgirlonamission ago

I concur

quantokitty ago


RweSure ago

You're a world champion dot connector aren't you.

ArthurEdens ago

If he's disinfo, I doubt it, since I privately found some of the same things before he did. I can see where you might be put off but if he's seeming illegitimate, definitely follow your gut

Celticgirlonamission ago

I did too..and he took it and ran with it...

4_InquiringMinds ago

He never ties in Mossad~

ArthurEdens ago

Yeah, there are things he circles around like mossad for sure. He could be mossad for all we know

seekingpeace ago

Arthur, I doubt he's a agent but it's likely he's a sayan. True American patriots don't want their kids to serve in the IDF, do they?

4_InquiringMinds ago

I don't keep up with his vids any more/missing out on being a zillionaire is dampening snort...but in recollections don't recall him talking about Saudia Arabia which works in conjunction with Mossad. He connects some dots/controlled opposition/but leaves out obvious other connections in the plot.

sanegoatIAmNot ago

Well we are not allowed to mention SAUDI on voat either, you go ahead and talk about Saudi owning the 'pizza-blocks' and see how quit they ban you and delete your post.

Voat is owned by Palantir, a CIA feed, and DYNCORP is the muscle for shipping children to MENA, from USA.

Voat's job is to make sure that SAUDI is never mentioned along with Israel.

Think about this, why is George even on YOUTUBE which is owned by google, and that is controlled by Israel.

Nobody can mention the real PEDO's

4_InquiringMinds ago

Ah, thanks for the heads up. Shit this is crazy.
Are they still using Mena...and for children you say?

WORD on geo for sure. The early days he kept saying his life was in danger/ppl praying for him all the time. Then you can be a zillionaire (well, okay, I exaggerate, millionaire (multiple even)) but ol'geo was not going to take a penny of the reward for himself/whata guy whata guy. So many other totally off the wall stupid things/then he cleaned things up a bit when there was too much ruckus in comments. I cked once in the last 2 weeks and it was some stupid shit so it's nice to see consistency lol.

Oh, I loved the one where geo says he took one for the team and went to a brownstone not once but 3 times in 3 different cities that he found via craigslist. He absolutely would not do the deed with children (like I said whata guy) so he opted for dominatrix stuff. I didn't realize brownstones advertised on craigslist...geo is a wealth of information lol.

seekingpeace ago

LOL! I don't remember the "Craigslist Brownstone" comment. Thanks for the laugh.

ArthurEdens ago

aren't the Awan brothers and Muslim Brotherhood from Saudi Arabia?

4_InquiringMinds ago

Awan...Pakistan/or so the story goes anyway.

MB supposedly started in Egypt with lots of interested parties, govts funding them. It's all to keep chaos alive and festering. Lord of War was one of the best movies bc you see how important never ending wars are to perhaps the largest commercial enterprise on the planet. Nick Cage was excellent...when he's good he's really good and when he flops he flops royally.

PizzagateBot ago

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seekingpeace ago

George should have stuck to what he knows - Mossad pedophile entrapment schemes and tech. He doesn't have enough knowledge of Geo-politics. Pakistani ISI is dominated by Mi6 agents.

He just looks like a Walter Mitty now..

FriesischShipping ago

Don Quixote

unbiased_researcher ago

He goes in many directions on many leads. He isn't doing 180s though, he will admit if he is wrong about something. He is jumping from lead to lead and then connecting them all. He is following his sources and also current affairs.

And what about Wendy Doster made you unsubscribe? She seemed incoherent to me.

Bluebirdsolitude ago

I think she was a test to check the loyalty of his followers. To see how much crap they would be willing to accept and still follow him. Wendy was screaming about Webb but still tweeting him. Plus, in the screenshots she posted, they would discuss the comments section on his YT vids and how SHE should comment to other people. Once he gave her verbatim comment to copy and paste. I think they are both paid social engineers.

srayzie ago

Wow. Something is about to happen. Things are weird in all directions right now. Add Operation Gotham Shield to the list. I also think some pedo busts are about to happen after that article that was posted the other day saying that they found the Russian guy that got ahold of the dossier that BuzzFeed was ridiculed over. It said something about their hacking and could plant child porn in someone's computer. They are setting up a defense. We live in a crazy fricken world.

DeathTooMasons ago

Please don't delude yourself with the "something is about to happen" shtick. Nothing is about to happen. The Cabal controls the FBI and CIA. James Comey covers up their crimes, he doesn't expose them. Again, nothing is ever about to happen unless you can explain why they would be on the verge of charging themselves, trying themselves, and jailing themselves, because the people in charge of justice are part of the criminal network.

FriesischShipping ago

Amusing that you even waste your time here Mr. DeathTo33s. At a very basic fundamental level they don't see that it's all acting and scripted just like a WCW event. It's takes years to reach rigged reality consciousness and most people will never "get it" and die living their entire life in deception 👌.

GeorgeT ago

Only a massive public awakening will bring pedo gate into the light. Our government(s) are a total farce, a show. We supposedly have Jeff Sessions as AG - where are the arrests? Indictements? What is Trump doing?

carmencita ago

Listen, it is working already. I tried to clue my friend from Canada in on pizzagate, and since he is a viewer of CNN, he was more than happy to inform me that the Russians are responsible for planting the Porn. Did not take long.

srayzie ago

Oh wow. So frustrating. He should stay away from the Clinton News Network.

carmencita ago

After reading Vault 7 I feel like throwing out my whole TV. I wish I had my old TV back. I gave it to the delivery man for his basement. Nobody is watching him.

srayzie ago

Did you hear on the news that most flashlight apps on the iphone is another way to spy on you?

carmencita ago

People already forgot about the Vault 7 info release from Wikleaks. They now think it is the Russians that tampered with the elections, are guilty of the CP, and now they will say that the Russians are doing this as well. Are the public dazed and confused? They are on automatic pilot and can't see the forest through the trees. I cannot believe they are sitting idly by after the release about the TV spying and now the Apps. There are Kids Apps as well where they are spying. I saw something on the news about a sleep app. It plays special music and has one with Stories for Kids. I wonder what that is like. We are really getting to be a bunch of lazy sheep.

srayzie ago

I know. It's crazy. This generation of tolerant snowflakes is exactly what they wanted. People who are too blind to see how bad they are being distracted by Trump, Russia, Syria, fake news, riots, etc., that they don't pay attention to how our rights are being taken away and how they are being spied on by their own government.

srayzie ago

Nobody can get their story straight lol. This is the article that I'm talking about.

Imprisoned Russian pedophile appears to be linked to hack of DNC computers

HollandDrive ago

Ah yes, I saw that a few days ago, forgot about it, thanks. Very interesting.

srayzie ago

Which one do we believe? Haha

micha_ ago

Good question!

Voicemails Reveal Donald Trump’s Cozy Relationship With the Liberal Media

Probably the truth is not so secret at all, but it's hard to accept, that everything runs very smootly for TPTB: Read Donald Trump's Speech to AIPAC

It's frustrating, I know.

srayzie ago

I really supported Trump. I'm still holding out hope. But now I'm afraid that so many people were duped 😒

HollandDrive ago

Lol, right? (They're all blending together right now.) I blame it on the interwebs.

DeathTooMasons ago

George is a spook porotecting spooks. You are gullible if you think George is a good guy. His videos lately look rediculous, where he goes to peoples doors that he is investigating and of course they are never home. What does he intend to do, have a conversation with them? He also has three minute videos where he cuts the video short when he is in mid sentence, and doesn't even finish it in the next video. No explanation is given. Is he trying to look off balance? There are no ex spooks, George is working and is selling an angle. Think Robert David Steele. "Everybody gets the truth, nobody goes to jail."

horse-with-a-name ago

He essentially never cites his sources either, and the format of his videos is difficult to watch, aesthetically.

GeorgeT ago

Robert Steele lost me right there! Nobody goes to jail, let's move forward. In comparison check out Victurus Liberta interiew with Neile Wolfe - 180 - our way. He calls fr grand jury, by the end of 2016 or else.... civil war. He actually said that he is prepared to die for a cause. Steele & Webb look planted shills on a certain level. About Craig Sawyer (Navy Seal) I am not too sure - but anybody who is legit will not go anywhere near Alex Jonea whose Lawyer outed hia client as a performance artist!

birthdaysuit11 ago

George seems like a gate keeper, I do not trust him; but in the beginning his videos were markedly interesting. The most obvious of gatekeepers include 60mins 666 Zionist Mike Cernovich, Alex Jones who is invited on CNN Piers Morgan and the BBC to make truth seekers look bad as well as David Seamen and Mark Dice.

I'm very concerned why people can not see right through these people.

ThePedoHunter ago

Plz just stop already....AJ was talking about satanic elites while you were still suckling on your mums teet.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Nope, AJ was talking about satanic elites in a way that made truth seekers look crazy. His entire goal is to promote this agenda and red pill people, that's what a controlled opposition does. The difference with him and real investigational truth seekers is he disillusions and leads people astray, never allowing them to open the door. One of the most obvious of gatekeepers.

ThePedoHunter ago

They can open the door whenever they like. He's not closing my fcking door nor did I feel like he ever did. The JA backdown was painful to watch but the subsequent Sawyer backing and pedo expose was very powerful and direct.

YingYangMom ago

You're basically discrediting all "major" Alt-Right Media channel hosts. You sure you haven't missed anyone? There are a couple more, you know. I bet you think "The Young Turks" are awesome and truthful.

birthdaysuit11 ago

The Young Turks are disgusting and vile leftist propaganda disinfo agents. CNN, MSNBC, TYT, ABC, NBC, FOX, Alex Jones, Russel Brand, the small player gatekeepers such as Cernovich; are all pushing propaganda. They are all bought and paid for. The greatest thing about controlled oppositions is that they are so hard to see. Their tactics are subtle.

SwampAintDrained ago

I bet you think "The Young Turks" are awesome

I bet he doesn't. AJ is almost certainly controlled opposition, he does too much blatant damage to the truth movement for it to be coincidental or merely a result of him being a reckless profiteer. I don't know the others well enough to speak for those.

EDIT: When you consider the effectiveness of controlled opposition and how easy it is for them to prop up these icons, it is the obvious move on their part.

DeathTooMasons ago

I saw the phony AJ intervie on Piers Morgan. Pathetic, he was intentionally ranting like a lunatic in an attempt to make truthers seem guilty by asociation. That is why the MSM covers him. They are promoting him as the face of the truth community, then he acts unstable on cue.

Piers Morgan seemed to have his show for the specific reason of railing daily for gun control/. He legitimized all the fake school shooting psyops every show day after day. In my oppinion, he was fired because it wasn't working, and had the reverse effect of uniting people against their agenda. He became a liability instead of a useful propagandist. So he was canned.

GeorgeT ago

And remember how Alex played this renegade Rambo who was followed by spooks (or man in black) as he made way to CNN room.

birthdaysuit11 ago

A post should be made about this to cover the fact that these Controlled Oppositions are on;y meant to muddy the waters when it comes to pizzagate.

GeorgeT ago

Like Mike Cernovic.

DonKeyhote ago

Mark dice who wrote books years ago on illuminati and now redpills thousands? Get real.

birthdaysuit11 ago

Nope, he's a controlled opposition and on;y looking for money. Watch some of this older videos on Zionism.

micha_ ago

If someone calls the very few being successful in redpilling people controlled opposition, I am very interesting to hear, who is not called controlled opposition by these people. If there is silence, I smell a rat...

birthdaysuit11 ago

That's how they are able to make it to the top and get recent interviews on the BBC and CNN. They are only meant to make truth seekers look crazy. Case in point, search for Alex Jones on Joe Rogan and you'll begin to see how Jones works to discredit any legitimate discussion.

srayzie ago

Mark Dice is awesome.

samhara ago

"Mark [the] Dice" is a deathened "River [Bottom] Phoenix"

Lately he's been saying some good things, but that doesn't change it.

srayzie ago

Well I think he's great and he makes me laugh.

ArthurEdens ago

He's admitted that he's trying to bid for government contracts, so you know, go away

fancypussy ago

Since when is an investigator not allowed to change leads? Sounds like your controlled opposition. George does good work, what have YOU done?

DUBAI is central PEDO-GATE, DUBAI is where CLINTON-FOUNDATION keeps their $ 5 Billion USD CASH HOARD, and remember CLINTON got the cash for supplying children as sex-slaves all over the world 20+ years.

So why would DUBAI & QATAR not be the new target of George, and finally he'll probably talk about DYNCORP & PALANTIR and how they're on contract to SAUDI/ISRAEL/DUBAI&Qatar; Funniest of all is the PALANTIR is owned by the same guy who owns Voat, and now that is funny.

Womb_Raider ago

Show me a source motherfucker

samhara ago

Reality is: A good investigator always revises as learning more.

Anyone who is a Propagandists , rather than in Investigator, pretends they never are wrong. Will [pretend to] never make a mistake. And will never apologize.

Why? Because what they are doing is so flimsy they have to put up a stiff front so it doesn't all collapse.

Womb_Raider ago

Source on Palantir/Voat connection?

sanegoatIAmNot ago

WHY does george never mention ISRAEL, MOSSAD?? Maybe George wants to stay alive, and stay on Youtube(google).




Saudi Pizza Blocks

Qatar/Dubai #1 Dyncorp clients

Follow the money. ( Hint Clinton has $5 Billion USD in name of Clinton Foundation in Qatar/Dubai Israel owned banks )

Well we are not allowed to mention SAUDI on voat either, you go ahead and talk about Saudi owning the 'pizza-blocks' and see how quick they ban you and delete your post.

Voat is owned by Palantir, a CIA feed, and DYNCORP is the muscle for shipping children to MENA, from USA.

Voat's job is to make sure that SAUDI is never mentioned along with Israel.

Think about this, why is George even on YOUTUBE which is owned by google, and that is controlled by Israel.

Nobody can mention the real PEDO's

Womb_Raider ago

Can you source anything? It's hard to tell disinformation from real information anymore.

micha_ ago

In such a case do what real journalists do: 1. Ask/demand/check sources. 2. Do look what HAPPENS, not what is being told.

lawfag123 ago

fuck off

PizzagateBot ago

LOL you dont even bother to make a better variation of your username after you got banned for your tantrums earlier?

DeathTooMasons ago

Why would I? I am not hiding and I am always getting banned for calling the mods compromised and reposting legitimate threads that they delete for false reasons they give. One of these Mods made a thread denouncing Titus Frost because he believed in what the mod called, nut job conspiracy theoris like 9/11 being an inside job and Sandy Hook was fake. That says it all. Voat is about as legit as reddit, and it is because of the compromised mods. Don't worry about getting banned, You can still up and down vote with older accounts and comment with your new one. It is not an issue.

GeorgeT ago

It's funny they would use a word such as 'nutjob' with regards to 9-11 when in fact 2 seniour members of 9-11 commission panel called the official story a debacle and FBI director, upon learning the stolen identitis of alleged hijackers is on record saying that '...identities of the hijackers are in doubt' while the recent video of Donald Trump is where Donald is shines light on the 1993 WTC bombing where the structural engineer took him down the basement where POTUS saw how half the columns were blown out, yet the tower was standing intact. Fast forward to 2001, 110 stories collapsed in 10 seconds because of fire ( not to mention Building 7). Of course there is a testimony from a flight instructor who gave lessons to an alleged pilot of Flight 77 (not found in database) Hani Hanjior who apparently was so bad that he was refued to rent 2 seat cessna a month before 9-11. Somehow that clown transformed into Top Gun in a month - official story is a nutjob!

seekingpeace ago

Yes..."The revelation of the Method"

TrumpsSmellyDick ago

Since when is an investigator not allowed to change leads? Sounds like your controlled opposition. George does good work, what have u done?

DUBAI is central PEDO-GATE, DUBAI is where CLINTON-FOUNDATION keeps their $ 5 Billion USD CASH HOARD, and remember CLINTON got the cash for supplying children as sex-slaves all over the world 20+ years.

So why would DUBAI & QATAR not be the new target of George, and finally he'll probably talk about DYNCORP & PALANTIR and how they're on contract to SAUDI/ISRAEL/DUBAI&Qatar; Funniest of all is the PALANTIR is owned by the same guy who owns Voat, and now that is funny.

samhara ago

" Funniest of all is the PALANTIR is owned by the same guy who owns Voat, and now that is funny."


Do you have a citation for that?

Rhino7682 ago


Dressage2 ago

I agree and I think he has had some great leads. Dubai is a cess pool. you know with help of CGI it was built with human traffickers bringing in slave labor and yanking the passports so they cannot leave. They don't get paid, live in horrible conditions, but are expected to build those beautiful high rises. Slave labor is rampant over there besides organ and child trafficking.