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SoberSecondThought ago

No, Mike Pence is not involved in Pedogate. This video is a rehash of the bogus "Tory Smith" story. @Vindicator please flag this again.

As I said in the last thread on this subject, I went through the evidence on this in a 12-part series. You can see them in order on my submission history. Some of the parts were widely read, with thousands of views, but unfortunately the part specifically explaining Tory Smith and Mike Pence only got a few hundred views. I'll summarize that part here:

A whistleblower approached Paul Ryan in June 2013, offering information about pedophile rings operating in Washington. Ryan got the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, to agree to have the whistleblower testify live before Congress. Ryan also got Mike Pence to agree to supply protection for the whistleblower during the 10 days or so that it would take to arrange this. Ryan then passed this information to Glenn Beck, who talked about it in this well-known video clip.

(In my initial analysis I deliberately left out Boehner and said Ryan was Speaker. Later I explained why I did that.)

The plan fell apart, most likely because of Boehner selling them out or otherwise folding under pressure. The whistleblower was probably killed, and the other participants were silenced by threats. I discuss Beck's weird subsequent behavior here. A cover-up was organized by David Brock, approved by John Podesta, and funded by Herb Sandler through an illegal slush fund that was part of Media Matters for America. I discuss Brock's role here, and the emails showing the funding trail here.

The cover-up focused on discrediting and smearing Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. "Tory Smith" was a character created specifically as a means to attack Pence. As I explain here, "Tory Smith" accused almost everyone in the U.S. government, and many foreigners, of raping and murdering children. However, he continually came back to Mike Pence, his wife, his Attorney General, and senior Indiana State Troopers (that is, the people who would have protected the whistleblower). He accused them of not only raping and murdering hundreds of children, but of raping him. "Tory Smith" could get away with this because he posed as someone having spiritual contact with a huge variety of "Blue Avians" and "Galactics". To fellow believers he was a kind of prophet, who somehow survived being infected with anthrax hundreds of times, and raped dozens of times. To everyone else he was a mentally ill man who maybe suffered from PTSD. But he was actually working for David Brock, and still is. He posts on Voat using a variety of sockpuppet accounts.

The other smear campaign was directed at Paul Ryan by Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, as I explain here and here.

I used the clues from the cover-up operation to expose this guy, who also posted as @HighLevelInsider, and whom I call HLI for short. The explanation of my project actually starts here, and the most widely read bit, which involves James Alefantis, is here.

If you go through the comments as well, it's a lot of reading, about as much as a medium-sized novel at this point. But the bottom line is so simple and clear that I continue to hope people will see it. There's one guy who's responsible for the majority of the "insider" crap that has been spread around since Pizzagate began. He's responsible for Senate Anon, HighLevelInsider, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, Tory Smith, ShareBlue Anon, and Q Anon (see my argument for Q Anon here). He reports directly to David Brock, and talks regularly with James Alefantis.

srayzie ago

As I’ve said to you before, every time I see you post, I will paste my reply and expose your lies...

I am going to repeat this one more time. What I am about to say PROVES this person is lying.

For those of you who do not know Tory Smith, he was a YouTuber that started posting in 2015. I think some of his earliest videos got deleted. Supposedly he was abused as a child and it continued into adulthood.

If you were to watch his videos, you would clearly see that he was mentally ill. Possibly from past mind control or something of that nature. I will explain why. He made videos regularly exposing child trafficking.

He would name names, agencies, politicians, military officials, bases, Milabs, everything and everyone he knew to be involved in child trafficking. The White House, Congress, Pentagon, Military, Air Force, SOCOM, AFRICOM, NORTHCOM, FBI, CIA, NSA, DARPA, Obama's, Bush's, Clinton's, and the Pence's...

He focused a lot on Mike Pence because Mike Pence was the governor of Indiana and Tory Smith lived in Indiana.

The reason I say I think he was mentally ill, is because he would also make other claims. SoberSecondThought posted this himself so knows this.

He uses these gifts to make a mind-boggling number of accusations. His core claim is that there are 41 secret trafficking centers around the world, created by the Bush family and run jointly by the CIA, FBI, DARPA, NSA, and various alien reptilians, insectoids, 'tall whites,' non-physical spirits, dark entities, Nazi war criminals, and so on. In these centers, high-ranking people can pay to rape and murder children (he cites a price of $41,000 per child). These are abducted in the tens of thousands from all over the world, by the Chinese, Queen Elizabeth, the Air Force, NATO, the Rand Corporation, the Vatican, the Los Angeles city council, and countless others. Tory has named hundreds of people as guilty of child rape and murder, including the Bushes, the Clintons, Obama, Rahm Emanuel, James Comey, Dick Cheney, 70 U.S. Senators, and so on.

John Brennan (former head of the CIA) is a shape-shifting alien who has personally assassinated Michael Jackson, Whitney Houston, Whitney Houston's daughter, Paul Walker, Antonin Scalia, and Robin Williams, using a stun gun. He had to shoot Michael Jackson 42 times with the stun gun to give him a fatal heart attack.

Tory is also a martyr of the first order. First, there is the torment of him psychically viewing and relaying the details of countless thousands of child murders, often including the names, ages, and favorite foods of the kids. He is "injected with weapons-grade anthrax daily" by DARPA. He has been raped in 14 of the 41 centers, including three times by Rand Paul(!), but has somehow managed to survive. The government also continually interferes with his computer, supposedly making it hard to upload his videos on a regular schedule (although 202 videos in eight months seems pretty regular).

This is pretty exhausting and loopy stuff to watch, and I have not by any means viewed all 202 of his videos.

I used to watch some of his videos because he tripped me out. I felt bad for him. I watched the poor man slowly deteriorating physically. He thought he was being poisoned for exposing everything. I think it was probably cancer or something.

SoberSecondThought said...

It's very much like when people are taken in by Hillary ClintonYouTube. It's an act, but lots of perfectly nice, sane people fall for such an act.

Wow. Whatever. These aren't even comparable. So I gathered some pictures to prove that Tory Smith was seriously dying and that it wasn't an act. His health declined very rapidly the last 3 months of his life. Here are 3 images.

I could NOT BELIEVE his response.

So then all those zombies on The Walking Dead, they're real too? I'm well aware that his appearance changes. But (a) the video isn't HD, and (b) if you're going to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to pay a guy to say crazy slanderous things year after year, you can probably splash out for a makeup artist to help him look hollow-cheeked when it's time to end his run. I know people who do more elaborate looks just for Hallowe'en.

WTF? You can read our comments back and forth starting here.

Here are a couple of videos showing you Tory Smith's health declining rapidly.

December 2015

July 2016

This person continues to tarnish the name of a man that died. The poster even says he has no proof that Tory Smith didn't die. So he is basing his claims (this ridiculous series that he investigated for a year) on something he can't prove. On something he ADMITS HE CANNOT PROVE! On something that anyone with a brain can look at and see that the man was clearly dying. It wasn't an act. It wasn't makeup. He clearly lost a lot of weight and was getting weaker and weaker every week.

I have stated over and over that I don't have an opinion on rather or not HLI, WIC, and everyone else is the same person. I am not defending them. What I do know is that what this poster bases his claims on is a LIE. He's working very hard to discredit posters from here, reddit and 4 Chan I believe. This is DISINFO and a limited hangout. This person has lost all credibility. He continues to write me trying to prove he's right and tries to use his manipulation tactics taught to him like I'm stupid. Analyzing me and my thought process. It didn't work. It won't work.

I'm tired of wasting my time having to repeat myself because this PAID SHILL won't accept defeat. He fucked this project up. His gig is up. He isn't getting his October bonus check. He needs to put in some applications somewhere else because he SUCKS. He didn't expect someone to know all about Tory Smith. Well, he FAILED.

I encourage anyone believing this "series" to not base your opinion off of anything to do with Tory Smith because he may have talked about some of the same topics as HLI and the others. Tory talked about MANY things like that.

I find it sick that he continues to slander the name of someone who died and cannot defend himself. Tory Smith had loved ones. The shill poster is so disrespectful and heartless.

If he doesn't have solid proof, like he admits, he should STFU and not post this crap here. Go back to the drawing board. I think this person needs to be banned from the Pizzagate sub. I can't believe that this has gone on now for what? 11 days?!

So that I don't have to waste all my time continuing to repeat myself every time this shill pings me, I am just going to save this and paste it every time. I have better things to do. The only reason I'm commenting right now is that I don't want you guys fooled by a deceptive shill that disrespects the dead and cannot accept defeat.

SoberSecondThought Save your manipulative comment tactics for someone else. I'm schooled in psychology. I am onto you.

TrishaUK ago

Thanks srayzie, this is so helpful and saves me a lot of time as I was going to go through SoberSecondThought!

SoberSecondThought ago

Well, that's a shame. I'll just mention one of the points that I made to srayzie, which she labels as "manipulation" but which really just qualifies as due diligence.

She has gone absolutely "all in" on the idea that Tory Smith can't have been lying, that he must have died. But then she ignores all of the research I did on the organizing of the cover-up, the financing, the other phony insiders (@HighLevelInsider, Senate Anon, and @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt), and so on. All of that research was solidly sourced, in detail. I humiliated @HighLevelInsider and exposed @ababcb as his sockpuppet; both have stopped posting. I similarly hammered on @Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, and he has stopped posting. I've accomplished a lot.

There's a really simple intermediate position that srayzie could take here: She could decide that while I have done lots of solid research, I'm mistaken about Tory Smith. I took down three insiders, but was wrong about the fourth. I documented the money trail leading from Herb Sandler to David Brock to HLI, I did tons of good work, but I blew it on Tory Smith.

I don't admit to blowing it on Tory Smith, by the way. I'm still convinced I'm right about that. But that is a position that is open to srayzie, and she won't even consider it. Any attack on Tory Smith is proof to her that I'm a paid shill. Nothing else that I have said even interests her. See here for her response.

I don't mind people being skeptical, or being held to account for mistakes. But what srayzie is doing here is unreasonable and a disservice to her fellow Voaters. It's also weirdly out of character for her.