SoberSecondThought ago

No, "Tory Smith" was not murdered. I went through the evidence on this in a 12-part series. You can see them in order on my submission history. Some of the parts were widely read, with thousands of views, but unfortunately the part specifically explaining Tory Smith only got a few hundred views. I'll summarize that part here:

A whistleblower approached Paul Ryan in June 2013, offering information about pedophile rings operating in Washington. Ryan got the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, to agree to have the whistleblower testify live before Congress. Ryan also got Mike Pence to agree to supply protection for the whistleblower during the 10 days or so that it would take to arrange this. Ryan then passed this information to Glenn Beck, who talked about it in this well-known video clip.

(In my initial analysis I deliberately left out Boehner and said Ryan was Speaker. Later I explained why I did that.)

The plan fell apart, most likely because of Boehner selling them out or otherwise folding under pressure. The whistleblower was probably killed, and the other participants were silenced by threats. I discuss Beck's weird subsequent behavior here. A cover-up was organized by David Brock, approved by John Podesta, and funded by Herb Sandler through an illegal slush fund that was part of Media Matters for America. I discuss Brock's role here, and the emails showing the funding trail here.

The cover-up focused on discrediting and smearing Paul Ryan and Mike Pence. "Tory Smith" was a character created specifically as a means to attack Pence. As I explain here, "Tory Smith" accused almost everyone in the U.S. government, and many foreigners, of raping and murdering children. However, he continually came back to Mike Pence, his wife, his Attorney General, and senior Indiana State Troopers (that is, the people who would have protected the whistleblower). He accused them of not only raping and murdering hundreds of children, but of raping him. "Tory Smith" could get away with this because he posed as someone having spiritual contact with a huge variety of "Blue Avians" and "Galactics". To fellow believers he was a kind of prophet, who somehow survived being infected with anthrax hundreds of times, and raped dozens of times. To everyone else he was a mentally ill man who maybe suffered from PTSD. But he was actually working for David Brock, and still is. He posts on Voat using a variety of sockpuppet accounts.

The other smear campaign was directed at Paul Ryan by Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, as I explain here and here.

I used the clues from the cover-up operation to expose this guy, who also posted as @HighLevelInsider, and whom I call HLI for short. The explanation of my project actually starts here, and the most widely read bit, which involves James Alefantis, is here.

If you go through the comments as well, it's a lot of reading, about as much as a medium-sized novel at this point. But the bottom line is so simple and clear that I continue to hope people will see it. There's one guy who's responsible for the majority of the "insider" crap that has been spread around since Pizzagate began. He's responsible for Senate Anon, HighLevelInsider, Wisconsin_Is_Corrupt, Tory Smith, ShareBlue Anon, and Q Anon (see my argument for Q Anon here). He reports directly to David Brock, and talks regularly with James Alefantis. He only has one helper, a woman named Alexandra Meadors who helped him set up the Tory Smith character. (More about her very soon.)

Vindicator ago

@Stosh21, I don't mean to imply anything about you at all by this, but I need to flair this "Possible Disinfo". I haven't seen this narrative in months, and it is popping up again today with a bunch of other Shareblue talking points that I used to see almost daily but had also died down. There is literally zero evidence that this is true. It's part of a "theme" that materialized right after the election that pushed ideas like Trump's too stupid to hire a big enough staff, Trump's leadership team is in disarray, Trump was too stupid to properly vet his appointees, his appointees are attacking each other... It's all MSM hype. Do we really think someone with General Flynn's track record would allow a child trafficker to be next-in-line for the most powerful job in the world? Or that if evidence existed for this, the MSM wouldn't have found it and used it to bring down Trump and Pence? It defies common sense.

Eggs-Vs-Bacon ago

Julian Assange always says that the goal of the globalists is to oust Trump and install Pence. It's interesting to tie this into it because it shows he's just part of the cabal, hiding behing his uber-religious front. Maybe Pence was the insurance policy? I don't want to believe this about Pence but... yeah.

carmencita ago

I have suspected this from other things I have read on here, but as soon as I even mention it, I get slammed down. This is Hot Stuff. Did I remember reading something about Pence and Flake? Was that the person that Flynn was told about and the NSA listened in somehow? Were Pence and Flake on the list that I had heard of, or did this never exist.

kazza64 ago

my research exposed pence as super gay

argosciv ago


Antonius ago

If Pence is involved in this would be great that they film President Trump putting the handcuffs on Pence!

Stosh21 ago

Yes, it's only conjecture at this point but I always got a creepy vibe from Pence...I'm sure when it all shakes out and hopefully soon, truth will be known.

derram ago :

Was Tory Smith Murdered for Exposing Mike Pence in Child Trafficking?? - YouTube

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MyUSA2017 ago

I wish I could answer 'no' with conviction. I can't. This question weighs heavily in my mind... daily... due to Tory Smith's videos and statements before we knew what we knew. That said, Tory never supplied proof to his claims. Up in the air on this one.