SearchVoatBot ago

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Blacksmith21 ago

How the heck did I miss this whole thread?

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't think like that. I was mainly stating that they probably had sex because I heard that both of them are in CIA families and she was part of a compromise op. I don't know if she was raped or by him, but at some point she was probably exploited at the very least. I also don't believe people who wait that long but there is a small chance that they might be telling the truth. Most people don't believe her particular allegations, simply because they are uncorroborated and there are too many political issues at place.

Just as there are all kinds of reasons why someone might lie there are all kinds of reasons why victims stay silent. This is especially true for people who are brainwashed or exploited over a long period of time or who are told to stay silent or they'll suffer worse retaliation. In my case I actually didn't want to report it at first and I only did so later on knowing that nobody would believe me but feeling like I had to stand up to my rapist. I have a friend who was able to get her rapist in prison years later.

I am saying that even if you had sex with the person it's very easy to claim it was actually consensual, so a rape kit isn't going to be conclusive. Rape cases are always he said she said and without a confession or some type of video footage, witnesses, etc. every case in my mind is going to be without the type of proof necessary under the beyond a reasonable doubt standard.

Children get more credibility than adults who are raped because they're underage and can't consent. But adult women do get violently assaulted all the time and they are almost never believed.

I never said guilty until proven innocent. I have a background in criminal defense work and I tend to think prosecutors are overzealous and tend towards lying.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hi @kevdude, of course I do not think that there are never any false accusations. MeToo at least in my mind was about women being afraid to speak out being given courage from other survivors to do so.

The exact reason why most people do not report is because they know nobody will believe them. Even if you report the same day you're not believed. Out of every 1000 rape reports only 6 people see a day in prison or jail.

The Christine Blasey Ford incident was a huge slap in the face to rape victims and although I have no doubt in my mind that Kavanaugh and she probably did sleep together at some point I have no reason to want to believe her. She was allegedly used in compromise by her CIA dad but for all I know that might be disinformation.

I just don't go around loosely mocking rape victims and making fun of them so if I overreacted to his comment then I apologize but it is a sensitive topic for me and it brings back some traumatic memories and feelings of being abused, stalked, lied about and harassed, as well as subjected to false reports, legal coercion and humiliation for the past 7 years by my ex, as well as being humiliated and coerced for a long time while we were married.

I would greatly appreciate it if people didn't come on here and accuse me of lying about being raped just because I reply to someone you do not like.

I'm not talking about just this one comment. The mods have been attacking me since Jenny Moore died and I sympathized with her. But it all started when I replied to ES and Eric didn't like it.

That's ok, I'm trying to focus on what matters and to me that is trying my best to be a contributing member of society which includes speaking out if I know something.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I wasn't the one who pinged you. I've been raped and molested and sexually coerced and it wasn't funny. Thanks for the comment.

Crensch ago

I've been raped and molested and sexually coerced and it wasn't funny. Thanks for the comment.

Nobody believes you.

EDIT: Hey, and thanks for continuing to harass me on a thread about the guy sending me child snuff films to harass me. Classy.

... because of claims like this.

Nothing in OP suggests that a guy was SENDING YOU CHILD SNUFF FILMS, and a claim by the known liar ESOTERIC isn't enough to make anyone that pays attention think you might not bey lying.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Actually many of the shills may be pedo's and were molested. Who knows. I mean, you probably want pedos to do damage control for pedos on a site that attempts to shine light on the Systematic kidnap, rape torture murder of children by our government, agencies, and entire state apparatus.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hey Crensch, you don't have to believe me. I don't give a crap. And yes, he was, you can read more about it in my other threads about the Richard Dickeson account. I never clicked on any of his videos. But the people here on Voat like Honeybee and @gamepwn did click on them.

Crensch ago

Hey Crensch, you don't have to believe me. I don't give a crap. And yes, he was, you can read more about it in my other threads about the Richard Dickeson account.

But you won't link them?

I never clicked on any of his videos. But the people here on Voat like @Honeybee_ and @gamepwn did click on them and watch them.

Who cares about this one way or the other?

Richard Dickeson sent me a video of a red haired woman taped up wearing a sign that said for sale.

I don't believe you, and so? Sounds like something you could find on any domination website.

I didn't click on that one either.

Nobody cares what you clicked on, and the more you claim you didn't, the more I wonder why you have a problem. "I didn't read the book, but it's full of smut!"

That is obviously not his real name.

No shit?

Someone would lie about that on the internet?

His profile cover photo had a dead body

Did you confirm it was a dead body?

and his profile picture was a bloody mask that looked like a ripped off face,

Why are you explaining this to me? You can Jewgle "ripped off face halloween mask" and find video tutorials on how to make such a thing.

copies of my blog links onto Voat and Steemit, with the comment "you know what to do shills" comments on my actual Facebook profile page on public posts I made that said "I ejaculate to dead children" and posts to links of videos that were titled "Kid poops twice on ride."

No links, no screenshots, no nothing.

On his profile it said he works at "Satan."


Unless you click on her video and watch it or you read and click on her links or you read her comments and you read where she actually tags me as the person that was being harassed by the person in the video named "Richard Dickeson" you might be staring at some other window that has nothing on it about a person sending me child snuff films.

Oh really? Which video? So what you're telling me is that this post by @Honeybee_ violates rule 3 since each link doesn't include a description of what we should find there?

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall

But if you read the OP or clicked on her link or you watch her video it has it in the first couple of minutes. Unclick from your tab that you have open to Urban Dictionary and you'll see.

Every single one of you low-quality shill fucks that is only here to subvert this place tries to make some kind of snarky comment to make yourself seem human. It doesn't work, and you just look stupid - every time.

It's right here in her video and post: Album

I don't see your username at all.

ESOTERICshade ago

You should do some research crensch before you shoot your mouth off. Me, @vindicator, and a couple of other members responded when she got threatened. @vindicator responded very well and told everybody basically, "this could be a dangerous situation. We all have to watch each other's backs because these people can be dangerous." It happened. We all responded to it. You are talking out of your fucking ass as usual crensch.

Crensch ago

You should do some research crensch before you shoot your mouth off. Me, @vindicator, and a couple of other members responded when she got threatened.

You should shove your opinions up your ass, and I don't give a shit who responded how previously.

ESOTERICshade ago

and I don't give a shit who responded how previously.


Crensch ago

Which is why you don't belong here.

Conflating caring about PG and the investigation with giving a shit who responded? Kek. You're really desperate.

@EffYouJohnPodesta - this is the kind of thing that happens when he gets upset.


I don't give a fuck about you. I don't give a fuck about irrelevant datapoints in a discussion. I don't give a fuck about your attempts to shame or manipulate me into doing what you want.

You had a choice, and you decided to start manipulating votes.

ESOTERICshade ago

You should shove your opinions up your ass, and I don't give a shit who responded how previously.

Not an opinion. A fact. @vindicator has always been responsive to people's safety on this site because he realizes this shit is dangerous. He and I both responded. Since YOU NEVER OUTED A PEDO you wouldn't understand that tho, would you? @vindicator and her don't quite see eye to eye these days but he DID RESPOND to the threat in an admirable manner. More than your ass ever did. Not an opinon, its a fact, jack....

Crensch ago

Not an opinion. A fact.

I see that you are unfamiliar with the definitions - either that or you're wishing I were unfamiliar with them. Probably the latter is more likely.

@vindicator has always been responsive to people's safety on this site because he realizes this shit is dangerous. He and I both responded.

And his responses are irrelevant. Yours even more-so.

Since YOU NEVER OUTED A PEDO you wouldn't understand that tho, would you?

TIL - If you don't out a PEDO, you can't be responsive to people's safety or realize shit is dangerous. Got it. @EffYouJohnPodesta, do you see this?

@vindicator and her don't quite see eye to eye these days but he DID RESPOND to the threat in an admirable manner.

Good for him.

More than your ass ever did. Not an opinon, its a fact, jack....

Her OpSec is not my responsibility, and you just changed what you were referencing on the opinion-fact subject. Seriously, EYJP, do you see how he argues? This is the guy you're defending.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

look again

Crensch ago

look again @Cc1914 look at this guy pretending my name is not on this post or the Richard Dickeson posts

You haven't shown me shit so far. A video that doesn't show your name, and claims. LOTS of claims.

Edit: @Crensch, I have more screenshots than what you see in the Honeybee video. I linked some of them on other posts. I have some on my laptop under a file with his name on it. I also showed them to my parents, cops, and my husband and printed them out. I didn't provide links to every single screenshot but I do have them. The reason is because I didn't watch his snuff film and don't intend to but I do have the FB screenshots of what he tried to send me, that I didn't click on. Upload them and explain them. Stop being a stupid cunt about this.

If you require proof then I'll have to get them all together in one post for you later. Or you can just go to the links that gamepwn provided and honeybee provided and look through my steemit blog. Some of them are on there. I have to go get my stuff done and take care of my kids now. Have a great night.

I'm not going to do your work for you. Everyone wants me to do their work for them here, and I refuse. It's your job to prove your claims.

Even if all of this is true, and it might be:

1) You didn't prove it right off the bat

2) You defended vote manipulation

Want to know why #2 is such a bad thing? The second half of this comment will explain it.

Esoteric is KNOWN to be nothing but a lying shitstirrer that pretends to be your friend as long as you agree with him. He holds his approval hostage based on your actions.

Try it - try disagreeing with Esoteric on something and see how he acts.

Everyone associated with him is suspect, IMO; if you're just a victim, then it's on you to make better choices moving forward.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you look through the screenshots in my comment above it has a screenshot of her tagging my username on Voat. There is also a screenshot of her on her video showing a link to my Steemit blog, the same one I link to on here at the top of my profile. I'll send you the other screenshots when I find them. My computer is kind of disorganized. I didn't put up a Richard Dickeson only post because I don't like looking at his page as it is kind of traumatizing for me to look at. But I'll do it soon. Have a good night.

SearchVoatBot ago

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ESOTERICshade ago

I just pinged him in this comment.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah but not to the one here... What does he mean by you're going to have a bad week? That's a pretty creepy thing to say.

ESOTERICshade ago

What does he mean by you're going to have a bad week? That's a pretty creepy thing to say.

I don't know. I also don't care. I have a real life too. I will mostly be on the river all this week drowning crickets on a fish hook. There ain't a whole lot he can do to ruin my day. I don't take this internet shit personally. If he wants to ban me for speaking my opinion i'm cool with that too. I honestly don't give a fuck a fuck. This is the place I currently try to expose pedophiles. If he bans me for having an opinion I will just move somewhere else or maybe start a blog.

I have been doing this shit for almost 23 years. This forum is a blip on the radar compared to what I have been through in real with fighting these damn pedo monsters. I have a pretty intense real life history with this crazy shit, crazier than most would believe. I'm not worried about it.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yeah, agreed. Same here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Shut up stupid.

Piscina ago

Sarah Paulson got her own blind on CDAN about her extramarital activities. Everyone is talking about her very creepy vibes.

Cc1914 ago

What in the actual world ?? Did that kid say “ let’s just stay at your house and f***?? “

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

yeah he did. That's why I was asking on her video if this is a mainstream movie or what...

Cc1914 ago

Wow that was a shocker when I heard those words come out of that boys mouth ! I never delve into Sara Paulson. She needs to be questioned IMO . This is no joke

Nosferatutu ago

I was just wondering if she recently joined the Cabal, what with her being featured in giant blockbuster movies now... After just being an actress on cable TV.

Cc1914 ago

Obviously she did . I really think it’s a requirement, if they want to be “ big “ they have to be dirty . That’s been my observation anyways .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There is another movie with open pedophilia and it's a Disney film. I can't remember the name of it but my husband did a video for a class project and he has it somewhere. It stars Jennifer Garner. I'll have to look it up.

Cc1914 ago

Wow smh !

Cc1914 ago

Wow disgusting! I never saw that . The last movie I saw was Jurassic Park .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I try not to watch most of what comes out from Hollywood these days. For years I missed some of these major films that my husband actually saw because he was really into movies as a kid before we met. My ex never "allowed" me to go to movies that he didn't also want to see because he only wanted to see them if they were given 5 stars on some movie review website he saw. I should have ditched him in the beginning when he offered me a date at Taco Bell.

Cc1914 ago

Exactly ! This poor poor generation ! But looking back at videos I use to watch with my kids and thought they were so innocent and today we’re finding out there was always subliminal messaging in Disney movies . This just infuriates me . There always has to be a murder in even the most seemingly innocent Disney movies . Smh

Cc1914 ago

This is so awesome that you’ve been following up on this case ! I even feel better for @Effyoujohnpodesta knowing this isn’t being ignored . Thank you

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

me too. =)

Cc1914 ago

I’m so happy HB made this post . With all the recent backlash towards you , it’s nice to see she is on top of it .

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Well the Richard Dickeson fake profile is creepy as hell. I was afraid to click on any of his links. She is much braver than I am.

And I agree.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the post. I will give it a look. This is the same sicko that harassed a member of our sub.

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you, and yes, I included a link to @EffYouJohnPodesta's post above under "harasses #pedogate and #pizzagate researchers", it was the first thing Mike sent to me ♡

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Do you still have those FBI criminal complaint forms? We really need to get evidence to the FBI so they can make some arrest.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

It looked like she already turned them in... thanks for this comment though

Are_we_sure ago

Also featured in my video, linked above, you can see more proof of Cheese Pizza being used as a code word for Child Pornography in many Dark Web forums pre-dating the Wikileaks release of the Podesta emails.

Podesta never used Cheese Pizza

Why are you worried about "Cheese Pizza" being used before the Podesta email leak? It was in use on 4chan since 2004. We know this. We also know something else "Cheese Pizza" was never used a single time by anyone in John Podesta's emails. Zero use of "cheese pizza." In fact, no code was used Podesta's emails.

We know that there was a fake code list posted by an anonymous internet user. However the list is a complete fraud BECAUSE THAT LIST is the one for which there's no evidence before the Podesta leak.

Cheese Pizza is from POST CP requests on 4chan

We know that Cheese Pizza comes from the term CP widely used on places like 4chan for Child Pornography. In fact, it was so widely used POST CP was a meme

Post CP is an acronym in which CP can have a variety of meanings. Initially used as an acronym for 4chan posters to indirectly mention or request a child pornography thread, in later years the acronym became commonly associated with the posting of other subjects with the same first letters (C & P, most notably "Cheese Pizza") to parody prohibited request threads or to troll those who hope to find child pornography.

Cheese Pizza started as a joke

To parody the people actually requesting CP, aka child pornography, people would post other forms of CP like

Captain Picard

Chocolate Pudding

Cheese Pizza not only has nothing to do with Podesta it doesn't even match the fake podesta code list.

Cheese Pizza is a 4chan joke for CP aka Child Porn. Cheese Pizza is never mentioned by Podesta in his emails or anyone else in his emails. Search wikileaks. It appears zero times.

Now let's look at the fake code list. This is completely a HOAX list of words that was created AFTER the PODESTA leak. Software to analyze datasets for commonly used words are really easy to use. Can you tell what this word cloud is about?

Here's the fake code list.

According this HOAX, pizza is girl and cheese is little girl. So cheese pizza is Little Girl Girl which makes no sense. This is to be expected because this is completely fake list of code that has nothing to do with Podesta. You still see people claim that this list came from the FBI. It Didn't. Or that it came from Wikileaks. It didn't.

It's a hoax.

It's pretty funny to think John Podesta would use 4chan memes, but people really got invested in this to the point where Honeybee is still confusing this two years later.

mrohm ago

You sure love to defend Podesta, David.

auralsects ago

dude your game is off lately

the absence of 'cheese' before pizza in the emails means nothing

no one took that anon's list seriously or claimed it had any significance

and if chocolate pudding joke was devised its not surprising cheese pizza was also. its a coincidence.

go to Instagram and search the hashtag "pizzabutt" or some such thing and youll see tons of pedos, BDSM camwhores with pentagram pizza tattoos and pics of IRL satan worship. this example im describing took less than one minute to find.v

Are_we_sure ago

the absence of 'cheese' before pizza in the emails means nothing no one took that anon's list seriously or claimed it had any significance

Means nothing? Then why Honeybee trying to find citations for cheese pizza?

No one took it seriously? It's one of the tenet's of pizzagate that Podesta emails contained code and they did not.

The whole investigation rests on a foundation of tissue paper.

mrohm ago

"Pizza related map." "Pizza for an hour" "Dominoes on cheese or pasta"

Extremely expensive "pizza" and "hot dogs."

Are_we_sure ago

"Pizza related map."

Absolutely not code. Food maps, particularly of Italy are pretty common graphics. You can find them with regional wines or regional pastas and you can certainly find them with pizza.

"Pizza for an hour"

This is pretty clearly is Tony asking if John has time for a quick bite. Getting pizza over a fancier dinner means you know you can get in an out quickly, because pizza cooks fast. It actually make far less sense if you are thinking about it in terms of child abuse.

"Dominoes on cheese or pasta"

This simply means playing dominoes with a belly full of cheese or pasta. It's like saying on coffee or on drugs. The context of the email makes this clear, Podesta used to give out pasta as Christmas gifts and changed to giving out cheese.

Extremely expensive "pizza" and "hot dogs."

This was gossip from a guy in Texas who had no inside information about the Obama White House. In fact, he hated Obama and was repeating a fake right wing story about a real pizza party Obama had. The expense was not supposed be the Pizza and hot dogs itself....and hot dogs were not even involved....but the cost to taxpayers to fly them in. It was a fake story about Obama wasting money. From a prevous comment.

The $65,000 hot dog party guy? Not a White House insider. A guy who worked in Texas with no first hand knowledge of the White House and certainly not an Obama insider, he hated Obama. AND he just repeating a fake story that was going around on the right wing blogs and talk shows. After Obama had the pizza chef of a St Louis Pizzeria come to the White House to make pizza, right wing blogs started saying he wasted a bunch of taxpayer money just to eat pizza. (Actually the pizza chef bought the ingredients himself.)

(Also note how nobody lost their mind and started claiming pizza = pedophilia. That had to wait for the psyops on social media to mature. In fact, read this article about the St Louis pizza guy all the way to end to blow your mind.

mrohm ago

Even if you are right, that doesn't mean that they're "obviously" about food. You would have to know about Italian food maps, and suss out the weird language as no one says, "I did X on pasta/cheese." You do things "on" drugs or possibly people, not food. "I watched that movie on acid," "I was high on pot," etc.

Stratfor employees talked about the pizza/dogs party. Hardly right wing bloggers.

Are_we_sure ago

I never said obviously and you are turning this whole thing around. Great claims require great evidence. The burden of proof is on the people making this wild claim. Since they are making such a great claim, their arguments should be viewed with the highest skeptcism and they never came close to meeting this burden. The ones claiming its code is used had any real evidence at all for that claim.

And Let's remember they were not conducting an investigation in good faith. They were perpetrating a deliberate fraud with the intent of making their political enemies look guilty.

However, if you were conducting an investigation in good faith, you don't have to know about Italian food maps or suss out weird language to know that just because you are confused by what strangers are talking about you can't simply make a a giant leap of speculation and assume their guilty. That's not good faith, that's not intellectually honest. That's determining someone is guilty before you look at the evidence, that's manufacturing the proof of guilt by manipulating evidence.

I don't think it's obvious or expect most Americans to know about pasta with walnut sauce, but it's a real Italian dish and I know that because I looked into and this is why my explanations to you are CORRECT. Yes, there linens with maps and pizza do exist and in fact are common. You can't simply assume pasta with walnut sauce is code simply because it sounds strange to you. That's not a good investigation. Your suspicion is not evidence You can't manufacture evidence from your own ignorance. The entire evidence that pasta with walnut sauce is code is it sounds weird to most people because they never heard of it. However, if someone spent 15 seconds investigating the claim about walnut sauce you would know it's not. You can get all these recipes and many more within 15 seconds via a google search.

Pasta With Walnut Sauce and Broccoli Raab Recipe - NYT Cooking Pasta with Walnut Sauce Recipe | Nigella Lawson | Food Network The real Italian Riviera walnut sauce - asmallkitcheningenoa Pasta with Herbed Walnut Sauce - Ciao Chow Bambina Walnut sauce - Caroline's Cooking A Simple Walnut Sauce Recipe for Pasta and Gnocchi - The Spruce Eats

You can buy it pre-made

If you spent a little more time investigating you find it's from Ligurian in Northern Italy, same place pesto (basil and pinenuts) sauce is from AND where Podesta's family is from.

Spend a lot more time investigating and you would find John Podesta is a serious foodie (as an Italian it never struck me as odd to be spending so much time talking about food, especially pizza) and a gourmet cook and you can find his walnut sauce recipe online

and even see a video of him making it

Just a starting point for a good faith investigation, it's just highly unlikely for any code to be used in private emails between friends. It's also pretty improbable for outsiders to exactly crack that code. It would be odd for a small group of people who are knew each other to use a pre-existing code known to others. A honest investigation involves humility and being aware of what you know for a fact and what you don't.

Stratfor employees talked about the pizza/dogs party. Hardly right wing bloggers.

The main Statfor guy was repeating a righ wing rumor and had no inside information. In fact, he hated Obama.

mrohm ago

True enough. The real evidence is Tony's child porn "art." Nobody normal collects such things, no matter how much you write in defence, same as someone decorating their den with Holocaust photos or photos of crime victims.

Are_we_sure ago

more deciding guilt first then looking for reasons, more non-evidence. more argument from incredulity. more terrible art criticism

Nobody normal collects such things

Same massive leap of someone doesn't share my tastes therefore child trafficking cannibals.

mrohm ago

People into Beyonce don't share my tastes, but I don't call them anything. It's child porn. I have dealt with paedos in the past who appealed to "art" as justification for hentai of eight year olds and tentacles, or compared CP to Renaissance cherubs.

It's nonsense.

I like Aubrey Beardsley. Beardsley was accused of being a homosexual because he hung out with people like Oscar Wilde. I'm not homosexual, but I know that it carries that connotation and don't whinge about "muh art" if people remark on my Beardsley bric a brac.

auralsects ago

false, an extensive code is not a 'tenet.' just references to pizza and other everyday foods that have been identified like donuts and possibly hot dogs.

I have no idea what you are talking about but dozens of jokes devised, copy paper, club penguin, captain picard, even this one

that's the point is there were dozens, making cheese pizza an inevitability wholly independent of the decades-old 'pizza = pedophilia' theme which presumably started from the way in which sauce is spread

ESOTERICshade ago

Not sure I believe in hell Are_We _Sure but if there were one your ass would be in it.

mrohm ago

He's obviously a Brock/Media Matters/CTR/ShareBlue shill.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

He regularly comes to troll all posts claiming he knows better than the rest of the world what John Podesta meant when he wrote every thing in every email. It almost seems as if he works for him. Very invested.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for the downvote to my above comment @EricKaliberhall. You don't miss many of my comments with your down vote do you?

dandelion2319 ago

I upvoted you to make up for it.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

This should surprise nobody.

ESOTERICshade ago

Teenage drama. I'm getting burned out on it. I miss the days when the good researchers were here at the sub.

Fall is here and winter is coming. I have other shit to do anyway. I need to winterize the motorhome. I need to plant Rye grass in the yard on the side of my house. This is Rye grass planting season but i'm gonna wait one week when the cool snap rolls in. I need to put another heater in the houseboat because i'm not gonna winterize it, i'm gonna stay in it some more until shit freezes over.

I just put siding on a house. I have one more house to put siding on. I have plenty of shit to do. This sub was sort of an escape from my real life but now I think I should escape from this sub because the gubmint here is into controlling mindthink.

I'm bored as hell. I might get a Mavic Pro drone and fly it around and look for wild pigs. I dunno....

Shizy ago

Blah, blah, blah, no one cares

think- ago

I think I should escape from this sub because the gubmint here is into controlling mindthink.

The sooner, the better.

@EricKaliberhall @Vindicator @ben_matlock @Crensch

EricKaliberhall ago

This is a dark and sad day indeed. Based on the information we have at this moment, it would appear that @ESOTERICshade has been victimized. He is the victim of a downvote. I can tell that you are honest about your horrible experience and that your feelings are genuinely hurt. You are a brave man for speaking out. I will examine any and all evidence put forward and I will do so meticulous.

First, thank you for allowing me to make my statement. I wrote it myself, no one has seen a draft, or it. This is my statement.

@ESOTERICshade has publicly accused me of an unprovoked downvoate on his comment above. I deny this allegation categorically and unequivocally. I am innocent.

I demand an bipartisan investigation to clear my good Swedish name. I will not let my reputation be drag thru the mud because of some baseless allegations. I am being MeToo'd @EffYouJohnPodesta is also a victim of a downvote that I am being blamed for. This aggression against me will not stand. I am innocent.

I believe you both when you say you've been victimized and I think both of you are brave for speaking out, even though you may appear weak and pathetic in the eyes of others. As a community I honestly believe we will overcome this serial assault and that we together can prevent this from ever happening again. WWG1WGA

@Vindicator @think-

Shizy ago

There are a group of posters who make the same allegations as esoteric and continuously whine that people follow them areoind and downvoat every comment they make. I'm beginning to think all these people are either the same person or a group working together.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Just another mod having adversarial relationships with the members, trolling them and downvoating them instead of being impartial moderators. My stalkers delete my threads and send me pm's saying "Deal with it!". Pedo pedo pedo mods roam our halls.

zyklon_b ago

laughing muh ass off

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You know what is more pathetic than this? The day that you first accused me of being a shill for responding to him. Also, the time that you called me a cunt, oh wait, that was like 100 times. I read through your other comments and see how nice you are to other people. It seems that you can't handle it when other people talk to people you don't like. That's kind of controlling.

ESOTERICshade ago

Go fuck yourself immature little boy.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

There are some things I wouldn't have the guts to mock and MeToo is one of them. Especially on a post about the man sending me retaliatory child snuff films. I think Erik forgot why he came to this board in the first place.

ESOTERICshade ago

The rest of our mods are pretty cool. I disagree with @vindicator about the Q thing but i'm not hostile about it. When he and I spar about it we don't even down vote each other. We may even joke about it later. But Eric, he is a toxic and doesn't belong here.

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

Vindy is worst mod in this sub. Deletes and labels any threads exposing Trump, promotes Q, deletes threads about the Canadian holocaust of children.

Crensch ago

We may even joke about it later. But Eric, he is a toxic and doesn't belong here.

@EricKaliberhall, it seems ESOTERIC has decided to shower you in compiments here! I don't personally know much about you, but given this comment, I'm quite happy you found yourself on the mod team.

@Vindicator, you did a good job modding this one. @think- do we have a pizzagate repository for compliments where we could store this one?

ESOTERICshade ago

I think he was @kevdude pick when Falcon left but i'm not sure. I could be wrong. He is still an insufferable prick. That is all.

think- ago

I think he was @kevdude pick when Falcon left but i'm not sure. I could be wrong.

Yes, you're totally wrong, @EsotericShade. @EricKaliberhall was my and @Vindicator's pick.

Love it, take it, or leave it.


Vindicator ago

For the record, @EricKaliberhall was one of a few people who responded to my call for mods (at a time when that meant standing in front of the firing squad everyday) in a sticky I put up six months before Falcon was demodded. So was @ben_matlock. I carefully vetted every single person who responded to that thread, and watched them for months to make sure they were mod material before inviting folks to come take the heat.


ESOTERICshade ago

Yall need to find something to do and stop spending so much time on Voat. I think its affecting your mind.

think- ago

Yall need to find something to do and stop spending so much time on Voat.

You know why I spend time here on Voat on my day off?

Because you were caught upvoat and downvoat brigading.

I'm not amused.

I think its affecting your mind.

Project much?

Eric got caught being a prick.

I don't give a shit what you think about Eric or any of the other mods.

Yall act like the fucking mafia.

Take your whining somewhere else.

Yall need to chill.

Take your advice and plug it into your ass.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

think- ago

Yall need to find something to do and stop spending so much time on Voat.

You now why I spend time here on Voat ON MY DAY OFF?

Because you were caught upvoat and downvoat brigading.

I'm not amused. Not at all.

I think its affecting your mind.

Project much?

Eric got caught being a prick.

I don't give a shit what you think about Eric or any of the other mods.

Yall act like the fucking mafia.

Take your whining somewhere else.

Yall need to chill.

Take your advice and plug it into your ass.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I did not realize that the prick posting had stopped. Seems more like there's a tag team revolving door of being a prick going on.

ESOTERICshade ago

I'm not gonna deal with this shit anymore. Its been cathartic, but fuck em.

think- ago

I'm not gonna deal with this shit anymore.

That's great news.

Don't forget to delete your accounts before you leave.


@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

Shizy ago

Please let this be true!!!! He just needs to go and take his hostility and shit attitude with him!

Crensch ago

I'm not wrong, and I'm glad you think so. Gives me confidence that he is probably a decent mod.

ESOTERICshade ago

Too immature. Never seen the retard say anything beyond a one broken short phrase that sounded like it was written by a 14 year old.

Crensch ago

Do you read what you write before you hit "submit"?

ESOTERICshade ago

I"m not even interested in talking about that brat. I have better things to do.

Crensch ago

You're going to have a really bad week.

Crensch ago

@think- @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

I'm a goddamn prophet.

Vindicator ago

Indeed :-)

DeathToMasonsASAP ago

You sound like a stalker. I picture Montagraph. Obsessed with somebody else's week.

Vindicator ago

How did you find your way this far down the comment tree in a four-day-old post, Death? You weren't even pinged. Are you an EsotericShade alt as well?


ESOTERICshade ago

You're going to have a really bad week.

In order for you to make that happen you need to send some goons to the river where I will be fishing and have them "accidentally boat accident me" because other than that you can't ruin my week. I don't take this internet shit as seriously as you do, obviously............

Crensch ago

In order for you to make that happen you need to send some goons to the river where I will be fishing and have them "accidentally boat accident me" because other than that you can't ruin my week. I don't take this internet shit as seriously as you do, obviously............

Nobody believes you.

ESOTERICshade ago

Nobody believes you.

Tell it to my my houseboat, bassboat, big screen TV/ with wifi, and these damn ducks that shit all over the back deck on my houseboat. I need to stop feeding them Cheerios because now they sit on the back deck of the boat and wait for Cheerios, while they shit. Now THAT sort of pisses me off, but you don't piss me off. My life is wayyyyy too good to let you get under my skin.

SearchVoatBot ago

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Shizy ago

Again, too much blah blah that no one cares about!

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

What an authentic mod.

Crensch ago

What a stupid comment.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

You never know who you're really talking to on the internet. Voat is the only place I've ever hung out on for long periods of time where everyone except me is using anonymous alts. I have a bad memory for usernames and passwords and too many things going on with all my children so I always end up re-identifying myself to my friends on here when I lose my account.

ESOTERICshade ago

You could always become anonymous again if you want to.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

might be a good plan

144truth ago

Thanks for your hard work and great research honey bee 🐝

YogSoggoth ago

Man rescued from shed in UK after 40 years a 'modern day slave'

derram ago :

Memorial For A Murdered Child - After School "Pizza" Movie Exposed - YouTube :

mjvictims (@waderobsonallys) | Twitter :

Supporters of Wade Robson and other victims of MJ - Home | Facebook :

Craig Unger House of Trump, House of Putin / Mike Parziale : Child Snuff Film Victim - YouTube :

Richard Dickeson | Facebook :

Sarah Paulson, Wes Bentley "After-School Special" (2011) - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

Honeybee_ ago

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

I believe she's using @EffYouJohnPodesta now

Honeybee_ ago

Thank you!

shewhomustbeobeyed ago

You're welcome.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Yep. I tried reporting him months ago and nothing happened. Every time I make a report to the FBI or try to report to the police, nothing happens. I did try to file a report in person at my house and the officer saw Richard Dickeson's photos on my computer on the FB profile and he actually started to cringe and said to report it to the FBI. But surprise surprise, the FBI does not care. Whoever that person is, there was other stuff on his profile in the past that's gone now. He had linked directly to my steemit blog or voat post in the past. I'm positive he's CIA and I'll never get any action on him. If only we lived in a country that didn't encourage this stuff secretly behind closed doors instead of harassing the people that report it.

ESOTERICshade ago

That is @EricKaliberhall down voting all your comments. I upvote all your comments to counteract it.

SearchVoatBot ago

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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

this time it happened in under 8 minutes... and he leaves me alone on pizzagate1A

ESOTERICshade ago

Yep, he is quick. I know how he gets there that quick. I'm pretty resourceful :) Something needs to be done about him. I'm surprised @vindicator lets him go rogue like he does.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago


ESOTERICshade ago

Not a bot.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

ok, so... a google alert?

ESOTERICshade ago

No. I didn't say what it is for a reason.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

ok, well, I have enough points to post on here, but the more comments I make, the lower I go. I haven't posted a submission since the ban warning and it sucks, since I found something recently that was actually decent info for others to see.

Piscina ago

I always upvote you precisely because I see someone is following you around downvoting you.

SearchVoatBot ago

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3141592653 ago

Me too

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thanks =)

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx. :) Now you know who it is. He does it to more people than me.

ESOTERICshade ago

I won't let him take your point total down far enough to hurt you. I will counteract his down votes for you.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/ProtectVoat submission by @Crensch.

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Cc1914 ago

I do the same thing for all of you ..I counteract the downvotes.

ESOTERICshade ago

roflmao....Our toxic mod Eric is gaining everybody he hates a lot of up votes with his toxic behavior. Karma is a bitch aint' it :)

Cc1914 ago

Lol and another upvoat for you to counteract the downvoats .. Oh and I’m not a sock puppet .

ESOTERICshade ago

You're my sock puppet. Admit it!!!

Cc1914 ago

Ha! Well since you put it that way ..

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

well if you're anyone's sock puppet it's a female sock puppet... what a joke

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

thank you <3