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Crensch ago

It's amazing how these "users" can keep claiming shit over and over and think somehow that it'll fly here.

jangles ago

Ok - This is fair i shouldn't think a bunch of NPCs matter. I am not as in this as you and will take your advice. Thanks.

jangles ago

hordes is not easily presentable I did provide evidence of hundreds of people on Reddit presenting the same arguments there. Fuck you for not considering "redditfags" opinions, how else am I going to present info about people leaving voat. Your logic is flawed here, i did provide evidence. GTFO pig.

think- ago

Err....@jangles, I agree with @kevdude - what are you trying to say with this archive link? That's @Vindicator talking to Esoteric's alt 'rarepeeks'.

@kevdude @Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

The attacks against Jenny caused me to become corybantic. I probably didn't need to attack @crensch in the manner I did yet stand by the constructs of my argument about his race baiting and the way he groups people into categories and attacks all of them does a disservice to this effort. Hence the bazooka meme and light humor I attempted to use to address this in my original comments. Thanks for the information. I hope we can all get to the bottom of this.

DON'T forget a well meaning and active GOAT died while investigating this sick shit!

Crensch ago

I probably didn't need to attack @crensch in the manner I did yet stand by the constructs of my argument about his race baiting and the way he groups people into categories and attacks all of them does a disservice to this effort.

Attack me all you like. The only thing I give a shit about is whether or not you can show my tactics to be a disservice to anything - from what I've seen, you've not presented even a single good researcher that left because of me. Shills? Faggots that won't defend their claims? Sure. Those have left because of me - I boast the highest kill-shot count on Voat where deleted usernames are concerned.

But the depopulation of PG? You may want to lay that gaze upon ESOTERIC and his ilk that were operating under my nose this whole time.

DON'T forget a well meaning and active GOAT died while investigating this sick shit!

I've seen your claims here. I don't know where anyone else stands, but I think you're full of shit. I've seen zero evidence of this, no reports of deaths or murders in the area mentioned around the time mentioned.

Vindicator ago

DON'T forget a well meaning and active GOAT died while investigating this sick shit!

Jangles, do you know this for a fact?

Because @think- and I tried very hard to figure out what was happening there. None of it made sense (which is a telltale sign of disinfo). Even the FBI lady interviewed by OAN admitted she didn't know what info Jem had, had never seen any of her research, and did not know her last name.

One of the narratives pushed by shills on here constantly is that people are being shot or killed or tortured for investigating. For example, ES claims he was tortured with microwave technology and was targeted by a coven. Jem claimed the California wildfires were direct energy weapon attacks, and she claimed that I -- me! -- sent thugs to her house to beat her up. Faking a death falls right into that psyop model.

One reason @Crensch made that inflammatory post about Jem to beat the bushes for information to try to get to the bottom of what was going on, because the people who took Voat offline for three days when we were helping 8chan expose Rachel Chandler cannot be allowed to run their infowar on our boards!

Right now, it looks like you are trying to turn our exposure of EsotericShade and his ring of disinfo manipulators into evidence Crensch is bad for v/pizzagate. That is a very bad idea; you are fighting Esoteric's battle for him.

think- ago

Jem claimed the California wildfires were direct energy weapon attacks, and she claimed that I -- me! -- sent thugs to her house to beat her up.


....evidence Crensch is bad for v/pizzagate. That is a very bad idea.

I would like to point out that when I replied to @jangles, and said that I accept that he doesn't like @Crensch, I meant that I can't force @jangles to like him, I just have to accept it.

I wish @jangles could take my position, and see what @Crensch has actually been doing for the sub, and that he also should weigh in that @Crensch has always treated the mod fairly, has shown sensitivity and graciousness when dealing with us, so that even I, who had rows with the Os before I became a mod, really started to appreciate him once I got to know him better after I began modding.

I apologize if my wording hasn't made this clear enough in my previous comments.

@Crensch @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

Vindicator ago

...and she claimed that I -- me! -- sent thugs to her house to beat her up.


Yeah...that's what I said. :-/

I apologize if my wording hasn't made this clear enough in my previous comments.

I thought your wording was clear and a calm assessment.

think- ago

Yeah...that's what I said. :-/

Gosh, somehow I missed that. That's awful. How could she claim this?

think- ago

I thought your wording was clear and a calm assessment.

Thank you, Vin. Appreciated.

@Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

Jem was Jenn

jangles ago

I do know for sure

jangles ago

Jem claimed the California wildfires were direct energy weapon attacks

I called her out directly for this BS. She was corybantic and not highly intelligent, well meaning for sure.

jangles ago

he attacked me first with allegations. I am defending my honor. Fuck off

jangles ago

Here is an example @Wolftrail7272 . The number of active users and intelligent non hateful contributors have decreased. In the coming days, as I find time I will put together a clear post regarding what I am saying. I am not here to attack, just presenting something worth assessing.


jangles ago

Bullshit dude. I am me. I don't have any alts. Jenny Moore was mislead by people here on voat. You will eventually come to realize my assessment on the situation. But you are stuck in your mind for now.

think- ago

I don't think @jangles is an Esoteric alt, @kevdude.

IIRC, he took sides with the RIPJem guy (please correct me if I'm wrong, @jangles, might not remember this correctly), but later said @srayzie's stance had some merit.

@Crensch @Vindicator

jangles ago

With Regards to Jenny Moore, her inability to differentiate BS from well presented information lead her to make bold claims without any merit. This was used to discredit her in anyway possible as she use to work as a police officer in CA and was involved in whistle-blowing against her supervisors. Fucking absurd mods attack her as they did, no the bad information she was re posting.

Crensch ago

It is fucking absurd how the mods attacked her as they did, not the bad information she was re posting.

With Regards to Jenny Moore, her inability to differentiate BS from well presented information lead her to make bold claims without any merit.

What the everloving fuck were mods supposed to do? When a user continually posts bad shit, the user shows itself to be a bad user. Mods have to deal with bad users, do they not? We have user-decided rules here that mods are empowered to enforce - by the users. If they don't deal with problem users, what good are they?

@Vindicator @think- @srayzie

jangles ago

What the everloving fuck were mods supposed to do?

This shows a lot of heart. Not sure I was barking up the correct tree.

srayzie ago

You acted like you understood what I was trying to say. Now you’re back to thinking I was attacking her? I documented dishonesty and changing stories when confronted. I documented her lying about how her trip to Comey Ping Pong went, and her changing story as things unfolded. To then sympathizing and defending Alefantis.

I admit that the time of posting was bad. I felt pressured by others, who knew what I knew, feeling like I need to say something. That people could decide for themselves. I didn’t know her death was being questioned until that night.

If people want to paint me as someone who just wanted to paint her in a bad light, then that’s bullshit.

think- ago

It is fucking absurd how the mods attacked her as they did

I signed up one month before Jem777 was banned. But I read most of her stuff since I was a longtime lurker before.

She always mixed valid info with info that wasn't accurate imo.

I am not sure to which mods you are referring to, @jangles. I am not aware how MF interacted with her. But I do know that @Vindicator really tried to help her with her posts, since she really posted stuff that wouldn't adhere to the rules.

During the recent discussion about Jem777, I looked at the old threads, and saw what @Vindicator did to help her.

I'm afraid she was rightly banned. It was highly unfair to attack @Vindicator for having banned her the way some users did one or two months ago. (Not implying you did, I don't remember your comments in these threads.)

Whatever else you might think about her, she clearly provoked getting banned. And she even came back with an alt. She could have continued using this alt, but she choose not to.

@kevdude @Crensch @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

A real whistle blower. Contributor to v/pizzagate . Dead in her DE hotel while investigating Bill Clinton. All are FACTS.

@Jem777 @mej777 was mislead and made bad claims and reposed bad info sometimes. I do appreciate the assistance from @vindicator . There have been great mods here before @crensch

Crensch ago

There have been great mods here before @crensch First PG submission Introducing me as a mod

Less than a month, and I think I was a mod well before that. Who were these great mods?

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie - I found something you all might like

Vindicator ago

That was a in interesting link, Crensch. Thanks for sharing that.

jangles ago

my favorite was @l4l1lul3l0 followed by @Vindicator - The metal heads kevdude - putitout and you are good people. Maybe a bit frank and fedup with the bs.

think- ago

Less than a month, and I think I was a mod well before that. Who were these great mods?


Vindicator ago

@Jem777 @mej777 was mislead and made bad claims and reposed bad info sometimes.

Jangles, I don't necessarily disagree with you about Jem. She was either a deliberate party to a psyop, or a well-manipulated tool. It's very hard to tell which.

But that is exactly why this thread, and the research @Crensch, @think-, @Eric_Kaliberhall and I have done into Esoteric since the report of her death is so important. If you look back into old threads, you will see Esoteric and his alts seriously gaslighting Jem. He is all over her threads. God only knows what he was saying to her in private. He has groomed multiple users privately (including me and think-).

Coincidentally, here he claims to have been tortured with direct energy weapons. And here he claims to have been sodomized as a kid. But here, he viciously attacks another user and then two months later tries to use my response as evidence I'm a bad mod -- using deceitful tactics and quoting me out of context. He also posted fake Q and attempted to blame srayzie for it.

This thread clearly shows he uses sock puppets to manufacture consensus and upvote himself and his alts.

Does all that sound like the behavior of someone of good will who is here because he wants to stop elite child rapists? Or someone who is here to manipulate people like Jem, Gothamgirl and others?

Weigh the evidence. Don't leap to the conclusion that Crensch is wrong or has ill intent because he uses bad language.


Crensch ago

the research @Crensch, @think-, @Eric_Kaliberhall and I have done

I don't think I've credited you all enough so far; I'm not sure I mentioned who else did the work at all. Apologies for that. Each of you have really shown your strengths throughout this, and I'm proud as fuck of you all.

jangles ago

Thank you for chiming in. She likely victim and easily-manipulated tool due to manic approach to her situation. I appreciate your insight into Esoteric and believe that there is a direct relationship to the interests here in gaslighting and Jenny's efforts to bring down Andrew McCabe an Bill Clinton.

WE REALLY need to WATCH for these things. I do believe @Crensch has good intentions here and helps a lot, I am beginning to understand what has been going on with regards to this matter.

A well meaning goat, @jem777 , is dead. It is suspect and I am trying to help understand why my friend is dead. Essoteric is no friend of mine and I didn't realize how much gaslighting and subversive shit they have been up to. Crensch's approach to this is demeaning and does not highlight the gas-lighting and manipulations, really just the alts and brigades.

@ESOTERICshade - Defend your position or lose whatever respect you may have remaining from any of the goats here.

ESOTERICshade ago

Defend your position or lose whatever respect you may have remaining from any of the goats here.

My submission history speaks for itself. I won't be pulled into crensh's caustic world. I'm not interested enough in crensch's world to do it.

jangles ago

What about Jenny?

ESOTERICshade ago

What about Jenny?

I am still not sure what to think about all that. I don't know anything for sure. I saw everything that you saw I suppose.

jangles ago

did you know jem777 was jenny before her death?

ESOTERICshade ago

did you know jem777 was jenny before her death?

No I did not.

jangles ago

I am really beginning to believe her demise had nothing to do with her time here on voat. Yet she still was part of this community. I just want people to understand who she was and what she was doing.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

From what I know about her she was on opiate painkillers and she really relied on them due to plates in her spine. Those can cause bad withdrawal which can cause seizures and that can cause death if severe enough. According to what I heard she withdrew from those a month prior to her death or so, and it MAY have been from a protracted withdrawal. A lot of people do not understand what that is. But if you've been on any mind altering drug or pain killer for a long period of time, protracted withdrawal can cause death.

jangles ago

I suspect this also. Intelligent insight I appreciate your input. Thanks

ESOTERICshade ago

I am really beginning to believe her demise had nothing to do with her time here on voat. Yet she still was part of this community. I just want people to understand who she was and what she was doing.

I spoke to her several times by PM a long time ago. She was really interested in trying to understand world history. I taught her about the Caananites, some Middle East history, and she was fascinated by it all. She seemed very driven, and like the rest of us, struggling to understand this crazy world.

jangles ago

regardless of it all, if people are as transparent as possible here on voat, we will likely realize the insignificant role that we have until we present ourselves as publicly as possible.

think- ago

My submission history speaks for itself.

Yes, it does. You made 8 submissions in the last 8 months.

In one of your first posts, you cautioned us not to talk about SRA, although you later claimed you are a SRA survivor - well, that's just part of your 'story'.

'I also suggest reserachers stay away from terminology such as "Satanic Ritual Abuse", and "Ritual Abuse", and "Conspiracy" because it does not fit the normie perception of reality.'

'I also suggest that people stop harping on Jews, Rothschilds, Satanism, and these nebulous monolithic entities that we know exists but does not exist for the normies'

Now the Rothschilds and Satanism are essential for our research. Why would someone want to suppress talking about them? Oh, wait a minute..... /s

I never came across a SRA survivor here that demanded that people should stop speaking about SRA and satanism. Never. Quite to the contrary: They can't wait to get the story out that there is ritual abuse, and satanic ritual abuse, and would like to spread the word about it.

Also, you said in the same post that Pizzagaters shouldn't invest companies that used suspicious symbols like spirals, or had suspicious Instagrams.

'I think the Pizzagate community, while well meaning, is making a mistake by hanging on the flashy bells and whistles of Pizzagate such as Instagram accounts with crazy pictures, pointing out every business they find with swirls and triangles in their logos, jewelry and trinkets associated with these networks, etc...'

We would have never had looked into Alefantis' CCP or Voodoo Doughnut if we had followed your advice.

And would have never looked into Rachel Chandler's model agency, incidentally the most shillish time on v/pizzagate ever. Shills seemed desperate to bury the topic at the time.

TL;DR: If I were you, I would be embarassed to refer to your submission history.

Shame on you for what you did, EsotericShade. Shame on you.

@Vindicator @Crensch @EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude.

ESOTERICshade ago

Now the Rothschilds and Satanism are essential for our research. Why would someone want to suppress talking about them?

Yes it is a major part of the research. Normies glaze over when it is mentioned. Normies need to be approaced with a softer method.

Crensch ago

Crensch's approach to this is demeaning and does not highlight the gas-lighting and manipulations, really just the alts and brigades.

I have every intention of continuing on as I have. I had no reason to highlight gaslighting and manipulations since anyone taking even a cursory glance at the proven alt usernames could have come to the conclusion that those things were absolutely happening.

Defend your position or lose whatever respect you may have remaining from any of the goats here.

He won't. And he'll seem to conveniently forget about it, too. Guess what kind of people do that, jangles?

jangles ago

Thanks. My intention here is not to discredit or demean. People getting called out for being alts with crensch style, provides a disservice for this community. Unfortunately that nazi thug is intelligent and has clear intentions for Jews. This is not someone you want as a FRONT MAN.

Vindicator ago

that nazi thug is intelligent and has clear intentions for Jews. This is not someone you want as a FRONT MAN

Esoteric has just as much scorn for Jews as Crensch, only he uses doesn't say "Kike". He goes on and on about "Zionists", "Talmudic priests", "Israel" and "Mossad". He does it on his main account, as well as his alts.

That's not even counting the spew that comes out of his Donkey/auralsects alts.

ESOTERICshade ago

That's not even counting the spew that comes out of his Donkey/auralsects alts.

I decided to read through this thread. That is just silly. You have insinuated that I am a child pornographer, the Donkey, a shill, and a lot of things.

jangles ago

and thank you for not letting Esoteric be a MOD.

think- ago

Oh, he never wanted to become a mod as far as I know, he said publicly he wanted to became an O.

@Vindicator @Crensch @kevdude @srayzie @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

just subvert.... sick

think- ago


think- ago

My intention here is not to discredit or demean.

I think it would be good if we would split this discussion into two halves:

1) Discussing whether your claim that @Crensch's claims are 'unsubstantiated' has merit,

2) whether you personally like @Crensch or not.

Re 1) please see my comment above. He was right in calling the users out. I looked into Esoteric's comment history, and I also saw that the users in question here upvoat brigaded, which is not allowed. They even admitted it in the end.

2) @Crensch has, together with @kevdude, saved the v/pizzagate sub when it got attacked by old Goats. This is why he is an O. He is here to protect the sub against shill attacks, and Esoteric definitely is some kind of shill, very likely a paid deepstate shill. Otherwise he wouldn't have invested this much time and energy.

If you don't like @Crensch and/or don't like his wording when he calls out people, that's fine - you also don't have to like me, or like me being a mod, I would accept that too.

I know that we should be aware that using aggressive language should be only used when necessary. In this case (Esoteric), even I called him out in an aggressive way, since I have an overview of what he did to people (like EYJP or Cc1914), and what he has done is not acceptable.

I try to limit the use of aggressive language to a minimum, since I am aware that there always is 'colleteral damage' - users who are not familiar with the background story might turn away from the sub. Maybe this is what you tried to say.

TL;DR: I would like to ask you to please not mix 1) and 2) when you discuss @Crensch's actions. Thank you.

@kevdude @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

jangles ago

Here is Esoteric - What is the attack on them for? Why? This is not clear to me. Is it just they have a few alts and upvoted thier stuff/ was it ill-mannered or with ill-intention? Serious question

think- ago

Have you read @Crensch's post that has been stickied, and the comments on the thread? I'd recommend reading it, it will answer your question.

jangles ago

I don't disagree that that goat has been creating alts and promoting their opinions. This should be made more clear to be A NO NO! THE INTENTION MATTERS. What is Esoteric doing that creates problems? They wanted to strengthen their voice and did it in a way that undermined their integrity bud does not appear to be doing this with mall intent. Present how Esoteric is spreading lies or intentionally manipulating content relevant to the interests of the community.

think- ago

Present how Esoteric is spreading lies or intentionally manipulating content relevant to the interests of the community.

@jangles - creating alts is allowed. Brigading is not allowed. Esoteric upvoat and downvoat brigaded with his alts, thus he manipulated the CCP and SCP on the sub. This, taken for itself, damages the sub. (And please note, I am non-partisan, and not into Q, so this is not a 'muh, he pushed against Q'-reply).

Also, he groomed users like EYJP and Cc1914, and used his 'friendship' to influence them, and they also brigaded. He groomed and hurt them.

Did you read Crensch's thread in the meantime?

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

yes, and rallying for support around your opinions is how people validate their position. Idk how he hurt them?

The minimal ammount 3-4 ccp and scp points you are talking about is a joke to me. Taking anything here at face value is absurd and we should all encourage others to assess our opinions. The challenges I present about the antics of crensch are more damning to the voat goats and the links to the reddit pages with 100's of scps and strong ccps regarding the distaste for his position are substantial. I am not alone in my opinion here and you can stand by and watch the integrity built here slide under your watch. I am not saying that crensch should not be allowed to be a mod. What I am doing is pointing out an issue that can become a problem without addressing it. Godspeed and thanks for the commitment to this prerogative, civil discourse is best. Thanks for your candor.

think- ago

Idk how he hurt them?

He pretended to be their friend when he wasn't, so they feel betrayed now. They realized he only used them

yes, and rallying for support around your opinions is how people validate their position.

Having others that might want to support your stance when they happen to read your comments is fine; manipulating others, inventing multiple alts that talk to each other creating whole comment threads, and constantly upvoat and downvoat brigading isn't. Apart from intentionally grooming 'friends', and then only using them as pawns.

The minimal ammount 3-4 ccp and scp points you are talking about is a joke to me.

I was talking about 6-7 alts at least he used at the same time in order to brigade.

Taking anything here at face value is absurd and we should all encourage others to assess our opinions.

I agree. This should not prevent us from calling out those cases when someone is obviously acting in a malicious way.

You have read this thread, you have read my replies to Cc1914 and 3141......, and saw that I accepted their apologies, and let them get away with it. Esoteric is a whole different story.

I am not alone in my opinion here and you can stand by and watch the integrity built here slide under your watch.

I heard you; in the end it will be up to @Crensch to assess this criticism and decide whether and how he might want to change or not. Please note that I chose to use the same aggressive language @Crensch often uses when I dealt with Esoteric this time; there have been reasons for doing so.

Godspeed and thanks for the commitment to this prerogative, civil discourse is best. Thanks for your candor.

Welcome, jangles.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @srayzie @kevdude

jangles ago

Esoteric is a whole different story.

Thanks for helping me come to understand this @think-

@crensch thanks for helping shine light on this esoteric wound. I hope you can understand my distaste for some of your over-generalizations and grouping tactics that at times demeans my integrity and honor. As far as the unrepresented hate and despise you have for many of the Jews, it doesn't help using any race to name call or demean. Plus they have had it pretty bad in the 20th century and they don't have much longer anyway, give the Jew name calling a break for a bit. Don't hold back the language, or vilified assessments of BS here that would be rampant without your assistance.

Crensch ago

I hope you can understand my distaste for some of your over-generalizations and grouping tactics that at times demeans my integrity and honor.

I don't do what I do to be popular with people. I get it; I just don't care. All of that is a necessary part of me being effective at doing my self-imposed job here.

As far as the unrepresented hate and despise you have for many of the Jews, it doesn't help using any race to name call or demean.

I challenge you to support your assertion that it doesn't help.

I have some suggested reading for you:

Plus they have had it pretty bad in the 20th century and they don't have much longer anywayYouTube, give the Jew name calling a break for a bit.

The links above will show they richly deserve all the hate they've gotten throughout their existence.

Don't hold back the language, or vilified assessments of BS here that would be rampant without your assistance.

Given the previous sentences, this one seems without proper context. Explain?

think- ago

Going to take a break now, and will look at your link when I'll be back in an hour or so. See you then.

jangles ago

Crensch's race baiting antics and inability to not cause 'collateral damage' cause scars in the integrity for this entire community.

I have an overview of what he did to people (like EYJP or Cc1914), and what he has done is not acceptable

It is disgusting to have him as a mod and makes us all look bad.

Crensch ago

Crensch's race baiting antics and inability to not cause 'collateral damage'JPEG cause scars in the integrity for this entire community.

Researching child-sacrificing pedos, but can't handle some harsh language.

Colour me suspicious of anyone that has those two qualities; either way, I'm not going to change.

I'm not the face of this community - I'm usually an absentee [O] that is here to deal with bad mods when evidence of wrongdoing is brought to my attention. Every mod here knows that pinging me is asking for everyone involved getting carpet-bombed. @srayzie might be able to illustrate that with a meme she made of it.

If ESOTERIC and his faggot alts/friends hadn't caused so much bullshit since PG started, almost none of you would even know who I am.

It is disgusting to have him as a mod and makes us all look bad.

It's disgusting to have so many ungrateful snowflakes that don't know or care why this place even exists, and why it took someone like me to cause this entire shitshow to be brought into the light like it has been.

Yet I suffer these slings and arrows happily because what I do is necessary, it helps weaklings have a place to post their (hopefully worthwhile) findings; more than anything, though, I enjoy my work.

@Vindicator @think- @kevdude

jangles ago

I suffer these slings and arrows happily because what I do is necessary, ... I enjoy my work.

This presents your integrity in a way I haven't seen. I again apologize, I believe think- was able to get me to understand the gravity of the situation.

ESOTERIC and his faggot alts/friends

You have put both Jem and I in this category. I am defending our integrity. EsotericShade is using sick methods to 'strengthen' their 'fake' community, Who else has esoteric been handling? Your frank approach may be necessary, to scare out the scarabs.

srayzie ago

Yet I suffer these slings and arrows happily

I got it 🇺🇸

srayzie ago

Meme You’re welcome 😁

think- ago

srayzie ago


Shizy ago

That's my favorite!

think- ago

...and inability to not cause 'collateral damage'JPEG cause scars in the integrity for this entire community.

I am pinging @Crensch into this comment, so that he will be able to read what you said above. He might want to reply. Voat is free speech, he is an adult, and I am neither his nanny nor his boss. It is up to him to decide how he would like to choose his wording.

I appreciate him as an O, but obviously not all people like everyone I appreciate.

As I said, I am not peeved when people don't like me, so evidently I also accept it when people don't like other people in the mod team. As long as they make it clear that they don't like them for personal reasons, and don't mix it with attacking their mod / O actions, because that's an entirely different discussion.

I have an overview of what he did to people (like EYJP or Cc1914), and what he has done is not acceptable

I meant EsotericShade, @jangles, not @Crensch.

@Vindicator @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

I haven't spent the time to collect the information you are requesting. It takes time, I have a real life, and will continue to provide as much info as I can to bolster my claim.

Crensch ago

I haven't spent the time to collect the information you are requesting.

That's what it takes to support your claims, though. Without it, you're just pushing for the kind of environment where claims are believed. #poundmetoo

It takes time, I have a real life

Every person responding to you, to my knowledge, has a real life. We just take accusations and claims seriously, and happen to require evidence instead of just believing them.

and will continue to provide as much info as I can to bolster my claim.

Currently at 0.

jangles ago

Some old insights on the matter presented here on voat

jangles ago

it was intended to be a metaphor, you are the fag who visualized it

jangles ago

no, disappointed in you for not being able to comprehend the effects of having a mod continuously attack people with baseless claims. I had once thought u were intelligent, now you wear the horns with your crew.

jangles ago

go fucking blow a goat, heathen. your hell party will falter like your family's relationships have.

jangles ago

respectfully, you are promoting crensch's baseless attacks against users here, I am fucking sick of his unsubstantiated claims, maybe logic bested ya and you better enjoy his egotistical presumptions as users leave you will have to listen to his bs more

Vindicator ago

Jangles, when has @Crensch ever made "baseless attacks" or "unsubstantiated claims" against users? Please cite me examples!

Yes, he has kicked people's asses from time to time, but I have never seen him do so without evidence. We had a lot of disgruntled users unhappy with MF who complained about deletions without fully understanding either the reasons for deletions, or Voat site-wide rules and expectations. Some were shills, some were users, some had legit complaints but couldn't or wouldn't make them citing evidence. Many of these got Crensched because they looked like shills making baseless attacks on the mods. Crensch's job is to mod the mods. His style is generally caustic, but he doesn't nail people for no reason or without evidence.

The fact that you would claim this densely researched and documented thread that exposes serious malicious behavior on the part of ES and his sock puppets is a "baseless unsubstantiated attack" is very, very odd. Did you actually examine the evidence presented? Are you not concerned about the gaslighting and astroturfing that has been going on, the messages being pushed, or topics these accounts have tried to steer people away from?


think- ago

@Crensch proved that EsotericShade runs the 'rarepeeks', he also has other alts like 'IPointOutTrolls' and 'DontTouchThePizza', and he obviously uses them for upvoat and downvoat brigading, which is not allowed on Voat.

@Cc1914 said they upvoated systematically, although they were not aware that this is not allowed (and I believe them). The same applies to user 3141......... .

So what exactly are @Crensch's 'baseless attacks'?

@Vindicator @kevdude @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

has he called you a jew yet?

Crensch ago

There is a very specific set of behaviours that causes me to call someone by that label. People are free to disagree with me, and I'll be polite and respectful of them holding their position. What I won't do is allow fallacies and unsupported claims go without addressing them in whatever way I choose to address them.

jangles ago

Honestly your responses here are respectful and I was wrong in saying hordes have left voat because of you. sorry

think- ago

No, he hasn't. He never insulted me, even when I was still a normal user and had rows with the Os (lol).

He has always been a gentleman when interacting with me since I've become a mod, and has had my back. He always has been kind and emphatic and fair towards us mods, although I don't even share all or even many of his political views.

@kevdude @Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall

jangles ago

fuck you for being blind to this . obviously you dont understand the point, the many baseless allegations by crensch are fucking gay. You supporting it puts jizz on your face too.

jangles ago


jangles ago


Here, about a month ago on Reddit you can see the top comment shares the essence of my claim.

Dam_Kids 14 points 20 days ago

Crensch is a huge piece of nazi shit. I remember that name from Voat. Him and all his little Nazi friends have pretty much infiltrated every sub on Voat so the site is basically Daily Stormer-lite.

Further seen here in this post also on reddit from September titled, Total chaos reigns at VOAT! The GA "mods" are banning like crazy, the VOAT faithful are angry at the new guys GA! Racists and Jew hating Q'ers are all over the place!

srayzie ago

Is @Jangles an alt for @Oh_Well_Ian? 🤔

Total chaos reigns at VOAT! The GA "mods" are banning like crazy, the VOAT faithful are angry at the new guys GA! Racists and Jew hating Q'ers are all over the place! Archive

Commenter snallygaster

How did SRS user srayzie know to ban oh_well_ian, the top poster to /v/GreatAwakening (who knew srayzie was SRS), the day before Reddit banned /v/GreatAwakening, unless "she" is SRS and knew it was going to happen? "She" is literally a mod of SRS on Voat and co-mods it (along with /v/ProtectVoat) with SRS users kevdude and Crensch, who have also co-opted the /v/Pizzagate investigation and made sure it goes nowhere. If not, why was this person banned? Why is srayzie insistent that only her own SRS alts be added to the mod team?

Hey @Kevdude and @Crensch... I think my “SRS mod” @Shizy found a Reddit sock puppet account for oh_Well_ian. He’s the ONLY ONE butt hurt that he was banned from GreatAwakening, and the ONLY one who thought he was “TOP POSTER”. 😂

jangles ago

I am who I am. I have no alts or alternative motives here. Good luck on this goon yet don't allege me to be others.



jangles ago

for real, There is more there than I once thought.

letsdothis3 ago

Thanks for reminding me about this. I'm currently looking into something else in Florida and now I have a hunch there may be connections here.

Shizy ago

Hahahaha! He always gives himself away with his pats on his own back!

srayzie ago

@Vindicator @Think- @MolochHunter

@Bopper @Blacksmith21 👈🏻 No need to say anything. Just drawing your attention to it.

ESOTERICshade ago

Its a weekend. Maybe @crensch is drunk, I dunno. crensch don't have to be drunk to start shit tho. Its just what censch does. Go outside in the sunshine crensch, get some Sun and fresh air. It will do you good.

Crensch, I firmly believe that you have Voat's best interest at heart. You are a true Goat. I don't doubt that, but, sometimes too much is too much big dog.....ease up.

Everything will be ok. We all want a free speech platform. That is why we are all here. I am willing to cut @puttitiout a thousand dollar check TODAY to keep this place running. Can you do the same? Think i'm joking? We can set it up so that @puttitout can verify delivery. I can have it to Switzerland in a week.

Can you?

Piscina ago

Isn't it hilarious the way he has 'MOD' written in big green letters next to his name. Lets us all know how impotant he is!!

Cc1914 ago

Oh wow this really takes the cake . I feel the people being downvoated for having an opinion differing from yours is unfair , so I give them an upvoat ! What’s wrong with that ? Oh I know , you really don’t care about what I have to say because you will make sure to put a twist on things . You don’t have to continue to push me out of here with your twisted accusations. People who have been here and read my submissions and comments know that I only have opinions and not an agenda . I’m pretty much done responding to your blown up accusations . Go ahead smear my name , make a post about me and do what you do . If you want to ban me I won’t fight it .. honestly don’t have the energy for this anymore .

zyklon_b ago

it be ok


Cc1914 ago

Accusing me of murdering and raping an infant? You disgusting slimeball ! Then you delete it ? Who are you and what are you trying to start here? @think-

zyklon_b ago

I seen you drinking diarrhea out the infants ass

@gabara @expertshitposter we have a diisenter

Cc1914 ago

No, what you really have is a huge problem. You see jokes about rape and specifically infant rape aren’t and never will be funny .

zyklon_b ago

where exactly were you in 1990?

think- ago

People who have been here and read my submissions and comments know that I only have opinions and not an agenda . If you want to ban me I won’t fight it .. honestly don’t have the energy for this anymore .

@Cc1914: You know I appreciate you and your posts.

The problem here is that voat brigading isn't allowed on Voat. Votes should be given when appreciating comments and submissions, not used for systematically upvoating certain users. Maybe you didn't realize.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @Crensch @ben_matlock

Cc1914 ago

Thanks think- and your right I didn’t realize . I would never give an upvoat if I didn’t agree with the content . Sure I make a special effort to upvoat people I like, but only if I agree with the content . Im not here all day everyday anymore , sometimes I’m gone for days before I check in here . Im not on a brigade I promise . I will admit that I get protective over ones who I think are legit and don’t deserve the harsh treatment they get. I also admit that I’ve been very wrong about people who I thought were legit and ended up really bad .. lots of tricksters out there and I really do ride solo here .

think- ago

@Crensch @Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock: please see parent. Thank you.

I appreciate @Cc1914's clarification.

Vindicator ago

Thanks for the ping to that. I think it is possible that @Cc1914 is a legit PG user who has be groomed and gaslit by EsotericShade, and got fooled into joining his brigading. I do not see this user as an alt of ES.

Cc1914, we have been keeping a close eye on EsotericShade for a long time, because both think- and I received many PMs from him during the past year attempting to curry favor with us and influence our thoughts about various users, mods and topics. He has a history of not only doing this, but attempting to get other users involved in private conversations off this board.

think- ago

I do not see this user as an alt of ES.

No, they certainly aren't.

@EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

ESOTERICshade ago

Fuck these teenagers. I'm laughing at them. I will up vote who I want, when I want, why I want. @crensch is acting like a butthurt teenager....oh wait....he IS A BUTTHURT TEENAGER. Don't let these clowns mess with your mind.

think- ago


No he isn't. He is sensible adult, and he is doing his job, calling out shills.

You are the one that got butthurt here, and you are the clown.

Lame 101 Alinsky tactics.

@Crensch @Vindicator @kevdude @EricKaliberhall @srayzie

Vindicator ago

Grandpa Truther the Weasel King prays @Crensch is a teenager.

Completely fucking hilarious that he doesn't get the irony if that were true...EsotericShade and his sophisticated psyop got assblasted by a teenager.

We should print this shit out and send it to Langley so his cube mates at work can haze him.

think- ago

Grandpa Truther the Weasel King

We should print this shit out and send it to Langley so his cube mates at work can haze him.

Hahaha. I'm rolling on the floor.

Yeah, he really kind of knocked himself on the head when he accused @Crensch of being a teenager. grin

@EricKaliberhall @srayzie @kevdude

think- ago


No he isn't. He is sensible adult, and he is doing his job, calling out shills.

You are the one that got butthurt here, and you are the clown.

Lame 101 Alinsky tactics.

think- ago

I will up vote who I want, when I want, why I want.

I'd recommend reading the Voat User Agreement. Brigading is not allowed here.

You know what? @Cc1914 has an independent mind, luckily. They were able to draw there own conclusions.

@Vindicator @EricKaliberhall @ben_matlock @Crensch

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

LOL... Crensch is mad that people upvote and he just deliberately lies all the time claiming I'm the liar and attacking users left and right.

How is it that he's even allowed to internet? Is he posting from prison? My comment:

Unless you click on her video and watch it or you read and click on her links or you read her comments and you read where she actually tags me as the person that was being harassed by the person in the video named "Richard Dickeson" you might be staring at some other window that has nothing on it about a person sending me child snuff films. But if you read the OP or clicked on her link or you watch her video it has it in the first couple of minutes. Unclick from your tab that you have open to Urban Dictionary and you'll see.


It's right here in her video and post: Album

There you go

His comments:

So I'm expected to go click on every single link a Satanic account sends me and then watch snuff films now? Is that what he's getting at? I guess he's calling @gamepwn, @mjvictims, and @Honeybee_ liars as well.

Crensch ago

you really don’t care about what I have to say because you will make sure to put a twist on things .

What did I twist? Go ahead, tell me what I twisted in my other response to you.

Crensch ago

I feel the people being downvoated for having an opinion differing from yours is unfair , so I give them an upvoat !

How about lying constantly and making claims without backing them up. Esoteric does this constantly, yet you respond to him and claim you upvote him to counteract downvotes.

You are part of the problem. I don't give two fucks if someone agrees with me, I care if they pull shit like he does where instead of supporting his claims, he just makes more of them.

Watch what happens when he makes claims - then upvote him anyway because you're an overemotional cunt and think downvotes are mean.

If you want to ban me I won’t fight it .. honestly don’t have the energy for this anymore .

Time to fuck off, then. Depending on how big this gets, the lot of you might be for vote manipulation - if the users want that. Do you not even see what you're doing here? You're manufacturing consent as a cabal here to push your narrative that maybe ESOTERIC isn't actually full of shit because he gets upvotes - and the same with the rest of you.

If I were a regular PG user i'd be PISSED and want the lot of you gone for very obviously subverting the subverse.

ESOTERICshade ago

All I did was upvote somebodys comments that I felt like was being unfairly down voted by a mod. If you want to call that an upvote brigade be my guest. I have nothing else to say about it.

Crensch ago

@kevdude @Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall @Trigglypuff

"I am justified in brigading/manipulating votes because feelings"

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

The name of the website is Voat, for people who "vote" one way or another. You're just mad that we got upvotes and people who aren't even on this list like us. Pretty lame.

SearchVoatBot ago

This comment was linked from this v/pizzagate comment by @Crensch.

Posted automatically (#3031) by the Cross-Link Bot. You can suppress these notifications by appending a forward-slash(/) to your Voat link. More information here.

Crensch ago

The name of the website is Voat, for people who "vote" one way or another. You're just mad that we got upvotes and people who aren't even on this list like us. Pretty lame.

Users on your list are known to have alt accounts that they can use to upvote you. Nice try, though.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I don't know what their alt accounts are.

Crensch ago

Every time there's a shitstorm, usernames that have very low activity seem to come out of the woodwork to say something nice about him. He almost never winds up in the negatives on his older comments despite being one of the most well known shitstirrers on here.

Check this one out. -13 for mocking Esoteric. Remember what I said about trying to go against his wishes? Try it for yourself; he shows all the signs of a narcissist.

Oh, and in that link, he knows the downvote is from EK? AND ES whines about downvotes but manages to have a positive comment score?

Every time something serious happens in the world, or more specifically in the US, ESOTERIC starts in on the division rhetoric against the PG mods. Look at his last sentence there.

Every. Time. Clock it yourself, don't take my word for it.

Crensch ago

You will. You'll have tons to say about it.

Crensch ago

Oh, and @3141592653 is in on it, too.

3141592653 ago

No clue what you're talking about

Crensch ago

The upvote Brigade linked above, you mathematically illiterate faggot.

3141592653 ago

I know nothing about this conflict. You have a great day too, thanks

think- ago


In the archive @Crensch posted above ( you say in a comment that you would systematically upvoat all comments by EffYouJohnPodesta. This counts as 'upvoat brigading', and isn't allowed on Voat - users are meant to upvoat comments and submissions they actually like due to their content, not because they want to give the user in question more CCP / SCP.

Since EsotericShade was called out for running several alts and systematically upvoat and downvoat brigading with them, @Crensch took the liberty to point out that your behaviour also does not comply with the Voat rules.

Crensch ago

Do you not know how archives work? I see that you deleted your comment. But my Archive of that link which is also posted above shows exactly that you shows that you know exactly what's going on and that you absolutely do have comments on the subject.

@vindicator @think-

3141592653 ago

I know nothing about this conflict. I am supportive of my colleagues here

Crensch ago

Looks like esoteric trying for some damage control

think- ago

She certainly isn't Esoteric, @Crensch. I guess she wasn't aware that constantly upvoating someone systematically isn't allowed here. I'm guessing further that she was pi**ed off that EYJP (= a female user) was called 'cunt' and that that was the reason she upvoated her.

(Trying to translate between you guys.)


3141592653 ago

Thanks Think. I'm not a she but you are right about the verbal abuse thing. I don't systematically upvote but I try to support my peers here. That being said, I know nothing about this issue here. Appreciate you thx

think- ago

I'm not a she

Sorry, thought you were a woman when you recently complained about women being called 'whores' and 'cunts'.

I don't systematically upvote but I try to support my peers here.

It's fine when you upvoat a bunch of comments a buddy wrote, and you do it because you liked the comments. But as I said, systematically upvoating someone in order to give them more CCP is not allowed. So don't make it a habit. Ok? ;-)


think- ago

@Vindicator: please see parent above.

3141592653 ago

  1. I am one of those (sadly rare) guys who does not support abuse of kids OR women. Or anyone for that matter .
  2. Its not a habit of mine at all. I understand. Thx and best to you

think- ago

Ok, that's great. Much appreciated (both 1 and 2).

All the best to you too, @3141592653. Please keep up the good work.

@Crensch: Please see parent.

3141592653 ago

Thank you much. FTR, I have always appreciated you and Vindicator

think- ago

Welcome, @3141592653, and thank you. :-)

Looking forward to new contributions to v/pizzagate by you. :-)


Crensch ago


Vindicator ago

I think she means "for the record".

Crensch ago

That's a new one on me. Entirely plausible explanation. Accepted.

think- ago

That's how I read it as well. ;-)

Crensch ago

I'll go to Splash my face with some cold water For now. My issue with this user has gone from admitting to being part of a brigade to lying about admitting it and lying about knowing what's going on.

think- ago

I'll go to Splash my face with some cold water For now.

Thank you, @Crensch. Much appreciated. User is a longtime Pizzagater, a good researcher, and never struck me as being shillish before.

think- ago

@Vindicator: Please see parent.

Crensch ago

Explain this.

3141592653 ago

Just did. I'm busy saving kids and burying loved ones. I support my peers. No clue what this whole debate is about . I'm not part of it

Crensch ago

Lying about not knowing what's going on here. Not a good look.

Vindicator ago

I agree that deleting the comment and then saying they made no comments is sketchy. I'd like to hear the true explanation for that.

However, I tend to agree with @think- in this case, Crensch. @3141592653 has always been a pretty decent contributor and doesn't generally do anything harmful that I've seen. They post a lot on v/pizzagatewhatever when stuff isn't about "elite" pedos, even though it gets fewer eyeballs. I don't recall ever seeing them join in mod bashing.

A lot of the folks here don't have an old goat understanding of the problem with brigading and vote manipulation. Many came from Reddit, where it was practically essential to do that shit to get any visibility at all for posts, because of all the nefarious suppression that goes on over there. They came here, but many of them never assimilated to the Voat culture, and hardly go outside of v/pizzagate because it's the only thing they are here for (and they got hazed pretty badly when they first arrived).

I also think that we should be careful about nuking legit users who got caught up in Esoteric's puppet brigade. The whole point of his operation was to frame himself as a v/pizzagate defender. He groomed a lot of people individually in private and in public to establish that image. If we assume they are all his alts, we will simply fulfill his goal of destroying trust in the community and all our efforts to document his malicious work will be for nothing.

Crensch ago

I'll trust my mods and back off of this user for now.

Crensch ago

jangles ago

@kevdude @putitout @Atko @srayzie

Crensch encouraging open forum

Kind Regards --- Jangles

p.s. my intention here is to help enable the open platform here. I understand crensch has contributed and done hard work, has good intentions, yet crensch causes hoards of goats to disengage from voat all together.

srayzie ago

What do you mean? People leaving pizzagate because of @Crensch?

I think he’s very well liked. Maybe not on this subverse. That’s because you would not believe the bullshit he has to deal with.

Crensch ago

You Jews are so low IQ it's hilarious. There's no chance of any of you blending in here.

Way to out yourself as NOT one of us.

jangles ago

NOT one of us

Obviously I am not advocating to be like you. Your link is dead, kindly repost your allegations. I will state my position and defend my honor.

Crensch ago

Obviously I am not advocating to be like you.

You're trying to act like you belong here.

Your link is dead, kindly repost your allegations.

My link is just fine.

I will state my position and defend my honor.

Jews have no honor.

jangles ago

You're trying to act like you belong here.

Stupid prick. This is a place where opinions can be shared even if authoritarian cucks think you don't belong.

My link is just fine.

You are correct, apparently wasn't available in my region, changed locations and POW- I was proven wrong. You are so brilliant....

Jews have no honor.

None of my family is Jewish or was Jewish. You are a race baiting divisive cuck. I think your a Democrat.

Crensch ago

Stupid prick. This is a place where opinions can be shared even if authoritarian cucks think you don't belong.

Notice how you're active just as ESOTERICshade gets destroyed. You don't belong, because you're either of his group, or you are him. Either way, nobody believes your narrative anymore.

You are correct, apparently wasn't available in my region, changed locations and POW- I was proven wrong. You are so brilliant....

Eat a dick.

None of my family is Jewish or was Jewish. You are a race baiting divisive cuck. I think your a Democrat.


And you act like your family has Jew in it, so maybe if you're really not, you should do some soul searching and try to act like a human.

jangles ago

nobody believes your narrative anymore.

Was this your intention, you fucking shill forum manipulator? sounds like you have an agenda. I will stand my ground, and attempt to shine l light on this festering wound here in voat known as Crensch.

jangles ago

Beep bop er op

;get request (act like a human)


No need to be full of hate.

Crensch ago

think- ago

Thank you.


Vindicator ago

Thanks, Crensch

3141592653 ago

Please see my explanation just posted. Thx

Vindicator ago

Thanks. Didn't intend to hand out left-handed insults, LOL. Crensch, think-, Eric and I have been in serious watchdog mode since it became clear EsotericShade was running a malicious operation using a bunch of alts to astroturf v/pizzagate and keep users from discussing certain topics. You can lurk my recent comment history for a few comments giving a brief rundown, if you care.

Sorry to hear about the deaths in your family. :-( Been through really sucks.

3141592653 ago

Much appreciated

think- ago

Thank you, Vin.

think- ago

Lying about not knowing what's going on here. Not a good look.

Ok, I can see where you are coming from. Please see his comment below, he says that he indeed deleted the comment.

I think I have made it clear to him that he can't systematically upvoat buddies (like EYJP).


3141592653 ago

When I went to that first link, I did not see any comment from me. Thus my statement. Now with more explanation and going to the archive link, I remember my original comment. Which was pretty harmless and certainly not part of some organised brigade.

think- ago

It's ok, @ 3141592653, I believe you. Stray strong.

3141592653 ago

You're The best

think- ago


3141592653 ago

Now I see. Yes I did delete that comment a few days ago once I realised there is some bigger issue/argument going on here. That being said, I am dealing with two sudden close deaths in the family and have no knowledge of and honestly no interest in whatever this whole deal is about

think- ago

Sorry about that, @3141592653. My sympathies.

You think you could confirm that you got what I said about systematically giving people CCP is not allowed on Voat? That would be terrific. :-) Thanks.


3141592653 ago

Yes, I understand and will not do that. And thank you. Its been extremely difficult

think- ago

Yes, I can imagine. To loose two people at the same time must be terrible.