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EffYouJohnPodesta ago

I wasn't the one who pinged you. I've been raped and molested and sexually coerced and it wasn't funny. Thanks for the comment.

Crensch ago

I've been raped and molested and sexually coerced and it wasn't funny. Thanks for the comment.

Nobody believes you.

EDIT: Hey, and thanks for continuing to harass me on a thread about the guy sending me child snuff films to harass me. Classy.

... because of claims like this.

Nothing in OP suggests that a guy was SENDING YOU CHILD SNUFF FILMS, and a claim by the known liar ESOTERIC isn't enough to make anyone that pays attention think you might not bey lying.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

Hey Crensch, you don't have to believe me. I don't give a crap. And yes, he was, you can read more about it in my other threads about the Richard Dickeson account. I never clicked on any of his videos. But the people here on Voat like Honeybee and @gamepwn did click on them.

Crensch ago

Hey Crensch, you don't have to believe me. I don't give a crap. And yes, he was, you can read more about it in my other threads about the Richard Dickeson account.

But you won't link them?

I never clicked on any of his videos. But the people here on Voat like @Honeybee_ and @gamepwn did click on them and watch them.

Who cares about this one way or the other?

Richard Dickeson sent me a video of a red haired woman taped up wearing a sign that said for sale.

I don't believe you, and so? Sounds like something you could find on any domination website.

I didn't click on that one either.

Nobody cares what you clicked on, and the more you claim you didn't, the more I wonder why you have a problem. "I didn't read the book, but it's full of smut!"

That is obviously not his real name.

No shit?

Someone would lie about that on the internet?

His profile cover photo had a dead body

Did you confirm it was a dead body?

and his profile picture was a bloody mask that looked like a ripped off face,

Why are you explaining this to me? You can Jewgle "ripped off face halloween mask" and find video tutorials on how to make such a thing.

copies of my blog links onto Voat and Steemit, with the comment "you know what to do shills" comments on my actual Facebook profile page on public posts I made that said "I ejaculate to dead children" and posts to links of videos that were titled "Kid poops twice on ride."

No links, no screenshots, no nothing.

On his profile it said he works at "Satan."


Unless you click on her video and watch it or you read and click on her links or you read her comments and you read where she actually tags me as the person that was being harassed by the person in the video named "Richard Dickeson" you might be staring at some other window that has nothing on it about a person sending me child snuff films.

Oh really? Which video? So what you're telling me is that this post by @Honeybee_ violates rule 3 since each link doesn't include a description of what we should find there?

@Vindicator @think- @EricKaliberhall

But if you read the OP or clicked on her link or you watch her video it has it in the first couple of minutes. Unclick from your tab that you have open to Urban Dictionary and you'll see.

Every single one of you low-quality shill fucks that is only here to subvert this place tries to make some kind of snarky comment to make yourself seem human. It doesn't work, and you just look stupid - every time.

It's right here in her video and post: Album

I don't see your username at all.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

look again

Crensch ago

look again @Cc1914 look at this guy pretending my name is not on this post or the Richard Dickeson posts

You haven't shown me shit so far. A video that doesn't show your name, and claims. LOTS of claims.

Edit: @Crensch, I have more screenshots than what you see in the Honeybee video. I linked some of them on other posts. I have some on my laptop under a file with his name on it. I also showed them to my parents, cops, and my husband and printed them out. I didn't provide links to every single screenshot but I do have them. The reason is because I didn't watch his snuff film and don't intend to but I do have the FB screenshots of what he tried to send me, that I didn't click on. Upload them and explain them. Stop being a stupid cunt about this.

If you require proof then I'll have to get them all together in one post for you later. Or you can just go to the links that gamepwn provided and honeybee provided and look through my steemit blog. Some of them are on there. I have to go get my stuff done and take care of my kids now. Have a great night.

I'm not going to do your work for you. Everyone wants me to do their work for them here, and I refuse. It's your job to prove your claims.

Even if all of this is true, and it might be:

1) You didn't prove it right off the bat

2) You defended vote manipulation

Want to know why #2 is such a bad thing? The second half of this comment will explain it.

Esoteric is KNOWN to be nothing but a lying shitstirrer that pretends to be your friend as long as you agree with him. He holds his approval hostage based on your actions.

Try it - try disagreeing with Esoteric on something and see how he acts.

Everyone associated with him is suspect, IMO; if you're just a victim, then it's on you to make better choices moving forward.

EffYouJohnPodesta ago

If you look through the screenshots in my comment above it has a screenshot of her tagging my username on Voat. There is also a screenshot of her on her video showing a link to my Steemit blog, the same one I link to on here at the top of my profile. I'll send you the other screenshots when I find them. My computer is kind of disorganized. I didn't put up a Richard Dickeson only post because I don't like looking at his page as it is kind of traumatizing for me to look at. But I'll do it soon. Have a good night.