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Cc1914 ago

Oh wow this really takes the cake . I feel the people being downvoated for having an opinion differing from yours is unfair , so I give them an upvoat ! What’s wrong with that ? Oh I know , you really don’t care about what I have to say because you will make sure to put a twist on things . You don’t have to continue to push me out of here with your twisted accusations. People who have been here and read my submissions and comments know that I only have opinions and not an agenda . I’m pretty much done responding to your blown up accusations . Go ahead smear my name , make a post about me and do what you do . If you want to ban me I won’t fight it .. honestly don’t have the energy for this anymore .

Crensch ago

I feel the people being downvoated for having an opinion differing from yours is unfair , so I give them an upvoat !

How about lying constantly and making claims without backing them up. Esoteric does this constantly, yet you respond to him and claim you upvote him to counteract downvotes.

You are part of the problem. I don't give two fucks if someone agrees with me, I care if they pull shit like he does where instead of supporting his claims, he just makes more of them.

Watch what happens when he makes claims - then upvote him anyway because you're an overemotional cunt and think downvotes are mean.

If you want to ban me I won’t fight it .. honestly don’t have the energy for this anymore .

Time to fuck off, then. Depending on how big this gets, the lot of you might be for vote manipulation - if the users want that. Do you not even see what you're doing here? You're manufacturing consent as a cabal here to push your narrative that maybe ESOTERIC isn't actually full of shit because he gets upvotes - and the same with the rest of you.

If I were a regular PG user i'd be PISSED and want the lot of you gone for very obviously subverting the subverse.