freshmeat ago

It's crazy how these internet platforms are allowing this while censoring other stuff. I'd also wager some of those trolls are from this very website.

R34p_Th3_Wh0r1w1nd ago

CWP my friend. Move to a stand your ground state.

freshmeat ago

She lives here in Texas

Vindicator ago

@freshmeat, we don't need to encourage the harassment by giving out personal information, even if it's not very specific. You mind removing this comment? If I remove it, it just goes to the Removed Comments area, which makes it stand out even more. Sharing personal info about a member is a violation of Voat's User Agreement.

freshmeat ago

She put it at the top of her article dumbass.

Vindicator ago

Her article is not on Voat. Your comment is.

If her article were, I would ask her to edit it, as well.

freshmeat ago

You need to chill the fuck out. Texas is pretty big.

darkknight111 ago

Keep fighting the good fight.

Also, me thinks this info needs to get published in retaliation for earlier threats, especially that last link.

GregChism ago

Thank you so much.

dassaer ago

You are a great example to others, a truly pro-active investigative journalist following the evidence no matter what or where it leads to. Reality is what we make it. Peace and blessings.

GregChism ago

Thank you!

srayzie ago

You've been so brave ❤️

SoldierofLight ago

You're an inspiration.

carmencita ago

Wow Thank You Amy, that was some strong message. Prayers to you and your family.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for listing a po box at the link.

ESOTERICshade ago

Thanx for your tenacity. You have accomplished a lot.

Piscina ago

Thanks Amy. Good luck. You are a warrior.