GregChism ago

Ha... well assuming Joel sees this, at least there is one good thing to come out of the thread. We all know he lives next door to an FBI agent so he should be relatively safe as should my children. So "thanks" for posting his address to Voat, whoever did that - maybe you can leave him alone and if anything happens to him or my kids, this will be the first place that we come to look and see who these fake profiles belong to. I don't believe suedfordefamation is a real profile... nobody gets sued for defamation for investigating Joel Philo. He's a virtual nobody and he only wants to harass me because I am his ex wife. Most likely he's been played by someone sending him information and he's too damn stupid to figure that out. But thank you for revealing to me that he makes between 200 and 250k per year. That explains how he got the assets he did since our divorce because that was making no sense before.

Vindicator ago

@darkknight111: I'm going to have to remove this post, due to the fact you've made numerous claims without providing linked evidence to support them. Rule 2.

SecondAmendment ago

Well, pardon me for playing Devil's Advocate here, but if the Pizzagater whom this guy (Joel Philo) allegedly is stalking is Joel's ex- or estranged wife, then there may just be more to this story. I would be very hesitant to dox the guy or harass him, in any way, because if this originated with the ex then it could be part of a larger scheme, on the part of the ex, to gain the upper hand in a custody and/or spousal support action. This could be retaliatory, in other words. Seems to me that this guy's ex is on a rampage to bring him down, because she's tweeting things that could be defamatory if untrue. See her Twitter account:, on which she posted real nasty tweets about the guy today.

While you're at it, Google her videos. I seriously question her stability, in general, based on what I've seen.

Normally I'm all in for researching bad guys, but obviously there's a domestic situation unfolding which may be behind the claims.

Therefore, in light of these unstated (i.e., omitted) complications, I'm sitting this out and I'd advise all y'all to do the same. . . .

GregChism ago

Joel is harassing and stalking me for sure, but I am not sure it's for Pizzagate. I don't know. I want whoever it is to stop. Most likely the pedos are trying to hack into his stuff and use him to frame him for their own stalking. Most of it is more likely to be Doyle Mills from Scientology or perhaps Greg Chism and his pedo ring. Yes Joel raped me in 2011 and during our marriage did other sexually deviant things to me, but there are other people harassing me besides just him. And as to your comment that I am unstable, hopefully you will retract that but I honestly do not care what you do since you're obviously either his wife or his attorney or someone working for the pedos to discredit my investigations. I am not the first investigative journalist to have been abused domestically by far.

darkknight111 ago

The person's legit. I won't discuss her identity because she's received death threats regarding her other investigations into elsagate.

argosciv ago

Oh I'm not going on any witch hunt myself, my take away from this is what I quoted in my other reply.

People who make threats and harass us need to have an example made of them.

There are ways of doing this which don't require inappropriate behavior on our part. Indeed, one of the goals of threats of harm and etc, is to push us into doing something senseless such as go on a witch hunt.

Do no harm, but, take no shit.

darkknight111 ago

Found more on him. Time to teach him a lesson.

GregChism ago

how about you guys focus on Greg Chism and let me handle Joel myself. As far as I know if he is doing any of this it's as a joke and to do what the person above tried to imply that I am somehow unstable for suffering from his abuses.

mooteensy ago

Upvoat for you, OP!

carmencita ago

What is this? It was on his Twitter . What does it mean..... Ancestry DNA $69 What in the World?

derram ago :

Joel Philo (@joelphilo) on Twitter :

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argosciv ago

People who make threats and harass us need to have an example made of them.

Fucking oath they do.

suedfordefamation ago

I have been harrased in the past for investigating this... Don't wish to specify any details. Since the incidents began to happen, I decided to go rouge. That is awfully scary since my newborn was born in Collin County... I'm even nervous just posting this comment

Are_we_sure ago

Did you defame someone? Was being sued for it the harrassment?

ESOTERICshade ago

Fuck you, Are_we_sure, you satanic piece of shit.

suedfordefamation ago

No, and the harrasment were threats, scared me enough to move my family to a new city.

Are_we_sure ago


carmencita ago

Yes, please do not reveal any personal info about your family, and yourself. Don't say you went to the Polish restaurant on the corner, or the where a particular movie is playing. This all ads up. Stay Safe and Delete.

Womb_Raider ago

Make sure you use a VPN.

Delete the bit about the birth, just to be safe. No need to tell us this hits close to home.

Keep digging. Citizen investigators make more progress than professionals these days.